alpha amplitude

α 振幅
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Neurofeedback training (NFT) has emerged as a promising approach for enhancing cognitive functions and reducing anxiety, yet its specific impact on university student populations requires further investigation. This study aims to examine the effects of NFT on working memory improvement and anxiety reduction within this demographic. (2) Methods: A total of forty healthy university student volunteers were randomized into two groups: an experimental group that received NFT and a control group. The NFT protocol was administered using a 14-channel Emotiv Epoc X headset (EMOTIV, Inc., San Francisco, CA 94102, USA) and BrainViz software version Brain Visualizer 1.1 (EMOTIV, Inc., San Francisco, CA 94102, USA), focusing on the alpha frequency band to target improvements in working memory and reductions in anxiety. Assessment tools, including the Corsi Block and Memory Span tests for working memory and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-2 (STAI-2) for anxiety, were applied pre- and post-intervention. (3) Results: The findings indicated an increase in alpha wave amplitude in the experimental group from the second day of NFT, with statistically significant differences observed on days 2 (p < 0.05) and 8 (p < 0.01). Contrary to expectations based on the previous literature, the study did not observe a concurrent positive impact on working memory. Nonetheless, a significant reduction in state anxiety levels was recorded in the experimental group (p < 0.001), corroborating NFT\'s potential for anxiety management. (4) Conclusions: While these results suggest some potential of the technique in enhancing neural efficiency, the variability across different days highlights the need for further investigation to fully ascertain its effectiveness. The study confirms the beneficial impact of NFT on reducing state anxiety among university students, underscoring its value in psychological and cognitive performance enhancement. Despite the lack of observed improvements in working memory, these results highlight the need for continued exploration of NFT applications across different populations and settings, emphasizing its potential utility in educational and therapeutic contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human brain can utilize various information to form temporal expectations and optimize perceptual performance. Here we show dissociated amplitude and phase effects of prestimulus alpha oscillation in a nested structure of rhythm- and sequence-based expectation. A visual stream of rhythmic stimuli was presented in a fixed sequence such that their temporal positions could be predicted by either the low-frequency rhythm, the sequence, or the combination. The behavioral modeling indicated that rhythmic and sequence information additively led to increased accumulation speed of sensory evidence and alleviated threshold for the perceptual discrimination of the expected stimulus. The electroencephalographical results showed that the alpha amplitude was modulated mainly by rhythmic information, with the amplitude fluctuating with the phase of the low-frequency rhythm (i.e. phase-amplitude coupling). The alpha phase, however, was affected by both rhythmic and sequence information. Importantly, rhythm-based expectation improved the perceptual performance by decreasing the alpha amplitude, whereas sequence-based expectation did not further decrease the amplitude on top of rhythm-based expectation. Moreover, rhythm-based and sequence-based expectations collaboratively improved the perceptual performance by biasing the alpha oscillation toward the optimal phase. Our findings suggested flexible coordination of multiscale brain oscillations in dealing with a complex environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioral consequences and neural underpinnings of visuospatial attention have long been investigated. Classical studies using the Posner paradigm have found that visual perception systematically benefits from the use of a spatially informative cue pointing to the to-be-attended spatial location, compared with a noninformative cue. Lateralized α amplitude modulation during visuospatial attention shifts has been suggested to account for such perceptual gain. However, recent studies on spontaneous fluctuations of prestimulus α amplitude have challenged this notion. These studies showed that spontaneous fluctuations of prestimulus α amplitude were associated with the subjective appreciation of stimulus occurrence, while objective accuracy was instead best predicted by the frequency of α oscillations, with faster prestimulus α frequency accounting for better perceptual performance. Here, in male and female humans, by using an informative cue in anticipation of lateralized stimulus presentation, we found that the predictive cue not only modulates preparatory α amplitude but also α frequency in a retinotopic manner. Behaviorally, the cue significantly impacted subjective performance measures (metacognitive abilities [meta-d\']) and objective performance gain (d\'). Importantly, α amplitude directly accounted for confidence levels, with ipsilateral synchronization and contralateral desynchronization coding for high-confidence responses. Crucially, the contralateral α amplitude selectively predicted interindividual differences in metacognitive abilities (meta-d\'), thus anticipating decision strategy and not perceptual sensitivity, probably via excitability modulations. Instead, higher perceptual accuracy both within and across participants (d\') was associated with faster contralateral α frequency, likely by implementing higher sampling at the attended location. These findings provide critical new insights into the neural mechanisms of attention control and its perceptual consequences.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Prior knowledge serves the anticipation of sensory input to reduce sensory ambiguity. The growing interest in the neural mechanisms governing the integration of sensory input into our internal representations has highlighted a pivotal role of brain oscillations. Here we show that distinct but interacting oscillatory mechanisms are engaged during attentional deployment: one relying on α amplitude modulations and reflecting internal decision processes, associated with subjective perceptual experience and metacognitive abilities; the other relying on α frequency modulations and enabling mechanistic sampling of the sensory input at the attended location to influence objective performance. These insights are crucial for understanding how we reduce sensory ambiguity to maximize the efficiency of our conscious experience, but also in interpreting the mechanisms of atypical perceptual experiences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alpha oscillations (7-13 Hz) are the dominant rhythm in both the resting and active brain. Accordingly, translational research has provided evidence for the involvement of aberrant alpha activity in the onset of symptomatological features underlying syndromes such as autism, schizophrenia, major depression, and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, findings on the matter are difficult to reconcile due to the variety of paradigms, analyses, and clinical phenotypes at play, not to mention recent technical and methodological advances in this domain. Herein, we seek to address this issue by reviewing the literature gathered on this topic over the last ten years. For each neuropsychiatric disorder, a dedicated section will be provided, containing a concise account of the current models proposing characteristic alterations of alpha rhythms as a core mechanism to trigger the associated symptomatology, as well as a summary of the most relevant studies and scientific contributions issued throughout the last decade. We conclude with some advice and recommendations that might improve future inquiries within this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-invasive electrical stimulation methods, such as transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), are increasingly used in human neuroscience research and offer potential new avenues to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders. However, their often variable effects have also raised concerns in the scientific and clinical communities. This study aims to investigate the influence of subject-specific factors on the alpha tACS-induced aftereffect on the alpha amplitude (measured with electroencephalography, EEG) as well as on the connectivity strength between nodes of the default mode network (DMN) [measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)]. As subject-specific factors we considered the individual electrical field (EFIELD) strength at target regions in the brain, the frequency mismatch between applied stimulation and individual alpha frequency (IAF) and as a covariate, subject\'s changes in mental state, i.e., sleepiness. Eighteen subjects participated in a tACS and a sham session conducted on different days. Each session consisted of three runs (pre/stimulation/). tACS was applied during the second run at each subject\'s individual alpha frequency (IAF), applying 1 mA peak-to-peak intensity for 7 min, using an occipital bihemispheric montage. In every run, subjects watched a video designed to increase in-scanner compliance. To investigate the aftereffect of tACS on EEG alpha amplitude and on DMN connectivity strength, EEG data were recorded simultaneously with fMRI data. Self-rated sleepiness was documented using a questionnaire. Conventional statistics (ANOVA) did not show a significant aftereffect of tACS on the alpha amplitude compared to sham stimulation. Including individual EFIELD strengths and self-rated sleepiness scores in a multiple linear regression model, significant tACS-induced aftereffects were observed. However, the subject-wise mismatch between tACS frequency and IAF had no contribution to our model. Neither standard nor extended statistical methods confirmed a tACS-induced aftereffect on DMN functional connectivity. Our results show that it is possible and necessary to disentangle alpha amplitude changes due to intrinsic mechanisms and to external manipulation using tACS on the alpha amplitude that might otherwise be overlooked. Our results suggest that EFIELD is really the most significant factor that explains the alpha amplitude modulation during a tACS session. This knowledge helps to understand the variability of the tACS-induced aftereffects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alpha-band oscillatory activity over occipito-parietal areas is involved in shaping perceptual and cognitive processes, with a growing body of electroencephalographic (EEG) evidence indicating that pre-stimulus alpha-band amplitude relates to the subjective perceptual experience, but not to objective measures of visual task performance (discrimination accuracy). The primary aim of the present transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study was to investigate whether causality can be established for this relationship, using rhythmic (alpha-band) TMS entrainment protocols. It was anticipated that pre-stimulus 10 Hz-TMS would induce changes in subjective awareness ratings but not accuracy, in the visual hemifield contralateral to TMS. To test this, we administered 10 Hz-TMS over the right intraparietal sulcus prior to visual stimulus presentation in 17 participants, while measuring their objective performance and subjective awareness in a visual discrimination task. Arrhythmic and 10 Hz sham-TMS served as control conditions (within-participant design). Resting EEG was used to record individual alpha frequency (IAF). A study conducted in parallel to ours with a similar design but reported after we completed data collection informed further, secondary analyses for a causal relationship between pre-stimulus alpha-frequency and discrimination accuracy. This was explored through a regression analysis between rhythmic-TMS alpha-pace relative to IAF and performance measures. Our results revealed that contrary to our primary expectation, pre-stimulus 10 Hz-TMS did not affect subjective measures of performance, nor accuracy, relative to control-TMS. This null result is in accord with a recent finding showing that for influencing subjective measures of performance, alpha-TMS needs to be applied post-stimulus. In addition, our secondary analysis showed that IAF was positively correlated with task accuracy across participants, and that 10 Hz-TMS effects on accuracy-but not awareness ratings-depended on IAF: The slower (or faster) the IAF, relative to the fixed 10 Hz TMS frequency, the stronger the TMS-induced performance improvement (or worsening), indicating that 10 Hz-TMS produced a gain (or a loss) in individual performance, directly depending on TMS-pace relative to IAF. In support of recent reports, this is evidence for alpha-frequency playing a causal role in perceptual sensitivity likely through regulating the speed of sensory sampling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is commonly held that what we see and what we believe we see are overlapping phenomena. However, dissociations between sensory events and their subjective interpretation occur in the general population and in clinical disorders, raising the question as to whether perceptual accuracy and its subjective interpretation represent mechanistically dissociable events. Here, we uncover the role that alpha oscillations play in shaping these two indices of human conscious experience. We used electroencephalography (EEG) to measure occipital alpha oscillations during a visual detection task, which were then entrained using rhythmic-TMS. We found that controlling prestimulus alpha frequency by rhythmic-TMS modulated perceptual accuracy, but not subjective confidence in it, whereas controlling poststimulus (but not prestimulus) alpha amplitude modulated how well subjective confidence judgments can distinguish between correct and incorrect decision, but not accuracy. These findings provide the first causal evidence of a double dissociation between alpha speed and alpha amplitude, linking alpha frequency to spatiotemporal sampling resources and alpha amplitude to the internal, subjective representation and interpretation of sensory events.





