air pollution control

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Air pollution poses a significant threat to global public health. While broad mitigation policies exist, an understanding of the economic consequences, both in terms of health benefits and mitigation costs, remains lacking. This study systematically reviewed the existing economic implications of air pollution control strategies worldwide.
    METHODS: A predefined search strategy, without limitations on region or study design, was employed to search the PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Embase, Web of Science, and CEA registry databases for studies from their inception to November 2023 using keywords such as \"cost-benefit analyses\", \"air pollution\", and \"particulate matter\". Focus was placed on studies that specifically considered the health benefits of air pollution control strategies. The evidence was summarized by pollution control strategy and reported using principle economic evaluation measurements such as net benefits and benefit-cost ratios.
    RESULTS: The search yielded 104 studies that met the inclusion criteria. A total of 75, 21, and 8 studies assessed the costs and benefits of outdoor, indoor, and mixed control strategies, respectively, of which 54, 15, and 3 reported that the benefits of the control strategy exceeded the mitigation costs. Source reduction (n = 42) and end-of-pipe treatments (n = 15) were the most commonly employed pollution control methodologies. The association between particulate matter (PM) and mortality was the most widely assessed exposure-effect relationship and had the largest health gains (n = 42). A total of 32 studies employed a broader benefits framework, examining the impacts of air pollution control strategies on the environment, ecology, and society. Of these, 31 studies reported partially or entirely positive economic evidence. However, despite overwhelming evidence in support of these strategies, the studies also highlighted some policy flaws concerning equity, optimization, and uncertainty characterization.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nearly 70% of the reviewed studies reported that the economic benefits of implementing air pollution control strategies outweighed the relative costs. This was primarily due to the improved mortality and morbidity rates associated with lowering PM levels. In addition to health benefits, air pollution control strategies were also associated with other environmental and social benefits, strengthening the economic case for implementation. However, future air pollution control strategy designs will need to address some of the existing policy limitations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human health risks from particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) highlight the role of urban trees as bio-filters in air pollution control. However, whether the size and composition of particles captured by various tree species differ or not remain unclear. This study investigates how leaf attributes affect the capture of PM2.5, which can penetrate deep into the lungs and pose significant health risks. Using a self-developed particulate matter (PM) resuspension chamber and single-particle aerosol mass spectrometer, we measured the size distribution and mass spectra of particles captured by ten tree species. Notably, Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl and Osmanthus fragrans Lour. are more effective at capturing particles under 1 µm, which are most harmful because they can reach the alveoli, whereas Ginkgo biloba L. and Platanus × acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. tend to capture larger particles, up to 1.6 µm, which are prone to being trapped in the upper respiratory tract. Leaf physiological traits such as stomatal conductance and water potential significantly enhance the capture of larger particles. The Adaptive Resonance Theory neural network (ART-2a) algorithm classified a large number of single particles to determine their composition. Results indicate distinct inter-species variations in chemical composition of particles captured by leaves. Moreover, we identified how specific leaf wax compositions-beyond the known sticky nature of hydrophobic waxes-contribute to particle adhesion, particularly highlighting the roles of fatty acids and alkanes in adhering particles rich in organic carbon and heavy metals, respectively. This research advances our understanding by linking leaf physiological and wax characteristics to the selective capture of PM2.5, providing actionable insights for urban forestry management. The detailed exploration of particle size and composition, tied to specific tree species, enriches the current literature by quantifying how and why different species contribute variably to air quality improvement. This adds a crucial layer of specificity to the general knowledge that trees serve as bio-filters, offering a refined strategy for planting urban trees based on their particulate capture profiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    China is confronting the dual challenges of air pollution and climate change, mandating the co-control of air pollutants and CO2 emissions from their shared sources. Here we identify key sources for co-control that prioritize the mitigation of PM2.5-related health burdens, given the homogeneous impacts of CO2 emissions from various sources. By applying an integrated analysis framework that consists of a detailed emission inventory, a chemical transport model, a multisource fused dataset, and epidemiological concentration-response functions, we systematically evaluate the contribution of emissions from 390 sources (30 provinces and 13 socioeconomic sectors) to PM2.5-related health impacts and CO2 emissions, as well as the marginal health benefits of CO2 abatement across China. The estimated source-specific contributions exhibit substantial disparities, with the marginal benefits varying by 3 orders of magnitude. The rural residential, transportation, metal, and power and heating sectors emerge as pivotal sources for co-control, with regard to their relatively large marginal benefits or the sectoral total benefits. In addition, populous and heavily industrialized provinces such as Shandong and Henan are identified as the key regions for co-control. Our study highlights the significance of incorporating health benefits into formulating air pollution and carbon co-control strategies for improving the overall social welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the pursuit of carbon neutrality, China\'s 2060 targets have been largely anchored in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with less emphasis on the consequential benefits for air quality and public health. This study pivots to this critical nexus, exploring how China\'s carbon neutrality aligns with the World Health Organization\'s air quality guidelines (WHO AQG) regarding fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure. Coupling a technology-rich integrated assessment model, an emission-concentration response surface model, and exposure and health assessment, we find that decarbonization reduces sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and PM2.5 emissions by more than 90%; reduces nonmethane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) by more than 50%; and simultaneously reduces the disparities across regions. Critically, our analysis reveals that further targeted reductions in air pollutants, notably NH3 and non-energy-related NMVOCs, could bring most Chinese cities into attainment of WHO AQG for PM2.5 5 to 10 years earlier than the pathway focused solely on carbon neutrality. Thus, the integration of air pollution control measures into carbon neutrality strategies will present a significant opportunity for China to attain health and environmental equality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in consumer products, waste treatment processes, and treated ashes poses a significant environmental threat. Due to the lack of research on the removal of PBDEs during waste incineration, this study investigated the effectiveness of a Hazardous Waste Thermal Treatment System (HAWTTS) utilizing reburning of sludge and fly ash (SFA) with gasification-moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution (GASMILD) combustion for PBDE removal. The closed-loop treatment of sludge and ash within the HAWTTS provides a potential pathway for near-zero PBDE emissions. The GASMILD combustion addresses potential combustion issues associated with fly ash recirculation. The system achieved an impressive overall removal efficiency of 98.4% for PBDEs, with minimal stack emissions (2.45 ng/Nm³) and a negative net discharge rate (-1.02 μg/h). GASMILD combustion played a crucial role (92.7%-97.6% destruction) in addressing challenges associated with high-moisture feedstocks and SFA residues. Debromination of highly brominated PBDEs occurred within the incinerator, resulting in an increased proportion of lower brominated PBDEs in the bottom slag compared to the feedstock. Air Pollution Control Devices (APCDs) achieved a total PBDE removal efficiency of 74.4%. However, the hydrophobic nature of PBDEs limited removal efficiency in scrubbers (36.0%) and cyclonic demisters (37.86%). This study demonstrates that reintroducing SFA into the GASMILD combustion process offers an effective and environmentally sustainable strategy for reducing net PBDE levels in hazardous waste. This approach also provides additional benefits such as energy conservation, reduced carbon emissions, and lower operating costs associated with secondary treatment of thermally treated byproducts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to the dual challenges of air pollution control and carbon mitigation, China has strategically shifted its focus towards the synergistic reduction of air pollutants and CO2 emissions. This study identifies the potential areas and specific air pollutant species (including CO, NOx, and SO2) for co-reduction with carbon mitigation. We also reveal the driving forces behind the emissions of each air pollutant at both the national and regional scales. Our findings are as follows: (1) The potential for synergistic reduction of CO and SO2 with CO2 emissions has diminished in economically developed areas. There is a significant opportunity for co-reduction of SO2 and CO2 in the western and northern regions of China, particularly within Heilongjiang Province. (2) NOx is the key species for synergistic reduction with CO2 emissions across China, especially in the Chengyu Plain. (3) Cleaner production and the synergistic reduction effect are the primary contributors to national air pollutant reduction in China from 2008 to 2017. Conversely, efforts in economic development and energy efficiency have led to emission increases. Energy and industrial structures have only made limited contributions to emission reductions, and carbon mitigation shows an inhibition effect on emission reductions. These results offer valuable insights for developing targeted regional strategies for deeper air pollution control, considering the specific characteristics and needs of each region. Additionally, our findings highlight the importance of addressing policy misalignments and strengthening mutual-influence mechanisms between air pollution control and carbon mitigation, ensuring that policies for carbon reduction also effectively contribute to air quality improvements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    China\'s advancements in addressing air pollution and reducing CO2 emissions offer valuable lessons for collaborative strategies to achieve diverse environmental objectives. Previous studies have assessed the mutual benefits of climate policies and air pollution control measures on one another, lacking an integrated assessment of the benefits of synergistic control attributed to refined measures. Here, we comprehensively used coupled emission inventory and response models to evaluate the integrated benefits and synergy degrees of various measures in reducing air pollutants and CO2 in China during 2013-2021. Results indicated that the implemented measures yielded integrated benefits value at 6.7 (2.4-12.6) trillion Chinese Yuan. The top five contributors, accounting for 55%, included promoting non-thermal power, implementing end-of-pipe control technologies in power plants and iron and steel industry, replacing residential scattered coal, and saving building energy. Measures demonstrating high synergies and integrated benefits per unit of reduction (e.g., green traffic promotion) yielded low benefits mainly due to their low application, which are expected to gain greater implementation and prioritization in the future. Our findings provide insights into the effectiveness and limitations of strategies aimed at joint control. By ranking these measures based on their benefits and synergy, we offer valuable guidance for policy development in China and other nations with similar needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, China has adopted numerous policies and regulations to control NOx emissions to further alleviate the adverse impacts of NO3--N deposition. However, the variation in wet NO3--N deposition under such policies is not clear. In this study, the southeastern area, with highly developed industries and traditional agriculture, was selected to explore the variation in NO3--N deposition and its sources changes after such air pollution control through field observation and isotope tracing. Results showed that the annual mean concentrations of NO3--N in precipitation were 0.67 mg L-1 and 0.54 mg L-1 in 2014-2015 and 2021-2022, respectively. The average wet NO3--N depositions in 2014-2015 and 2021-2022 was 7.76 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and 5.03 kg N ha-1 yr-1, respectively, indicating a 35% decrease. The δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3- values were lower in warm seasons and higher in cold seasons, and both showed a lower trend in 2021-2022 compared with 2014-2015. The Bayesian model results showed that the NOx emitted from coal-powered plants contributed 53.6% to wet NO3--N deposition, followed by vehicle exhaust (22.9%), other sources (17.1%), and soil emissions (6.4%) during 2014-2015. However, the contribution of vehicle exhaust (33.3%) overpassed the coal combustion (32.3%) and followed by other sources (25.4%) and soil emissions (9.0%) in 2021-2022. Apart from the control of air pollution, meteorological factors such as temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation are closely related to the changes in atmospheric N transformation and deposition. The results suggest phased achievements in air pollution control and that more attention should be paid to the control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution in the future, at the same time maintaining current actions and supervision of coal-powered plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synergistic control of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and nitrogen-containing volatile organic compounds (NVOCs) from industrial furnaces is necessary. Generally, the elimination of n-butylamine (n-B), a typical pollutant of NVOCs, requires a catalyst with sufficient redox ability. This process induces the production of nitrogen-containing byproducts (NO, NO2, N2O), leading to lower N2 selectivity of NH3 selective catalytic reduction of NOx (NH3-SCR). Here, synergistic catalytic removal of NOx and n-B via spatially separated cooperative sites was originally demonstrated. Specifically, titania nanotubes supported CuOx-CeO2 (CuCe-TiO2 NTs) catalysts with spatially separated cooperative sites were creatively developed, which showed a broader active temperature window from 180 to 340 °C, with over 90% NOx conversion, 85% n-B conversion, and 90% N2 selectivity. A synergistic effect of the Cu and Ce sites was found. The catalytic oxidation of n-B mainly occurred at the Cu sites inside the tube, which ensured the regular occurrence of the NH3-SCR reaction on the outer Ce sites under the matching temperature window. In addition, the n-B oxidation would produce abundant intermediate NH2*, which could act as an extra reductant to promote NH3-SCR. Meanwhile, NH3-SCR could simultaneously remove the possible NOx byproducts of n-B decomposition. This novel strategy of constructing cooperative sites provides a distinct pathway for promoting the synergistic removal of n-B and NOx.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study uses bibliometric techniques and social network analysis to evaluate 318 publications on air quality management in cities worldwide. The relevant data were retrieved from the Scopus database and analyzed using the VOSviewer 1.6.7 tools. The analysis included the number of publications, citation analyses, research study area analyses, and the most common keywords from 1975 to November 6, 2022. In addition, based on the results of the cluster analysis, we developed co-occurrence networks that enable a more specific keyword classification. The visualization showed the existing relationships between key terms, research study areas, and publications dealing with air quality management in cities. China, the United States, and the United Kingdom led in terms of the number of scientific publications and overall strength of connections during the study period. The most productive journal was Science of the Total Environment, followed by Atmospheric Environment, and the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Several limitations of the study are described and recommendations are made for future studies to increase the scope of studies and facilitate urban air quality management.





