age effects

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies and theories show that healthy lifestyles are affected by life chances and subjective perceptions. However, it remains unclear how older adults change between different lifestyle profiles as they age. We proposed the healthy lifestyle duality framework and tested it among older Chinese adults using a longitudinal design.
    METHODS: Data were obtained from 4 Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Surveys conducted between 2008 and 2018 (N = 31,445). Latent transition analysis and hierarchical multinomial growth curve models were performed to investigate healthy lifestyle profiles and their associations with life chances and subjective perceptions over time.
    RESULTS: Four distinct healthy lifestyle profiles were identified: healthy, risky, low-standard, and mixed groups, and their changes show path dependency. Across 10 years, the proportion of the healthy group ranged from 11.16% to 16.97%. Both life chances and subjective perceptions were longitudinally associated with healthy lifestyles, with age and cohort effects observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the healthy lifestyle duality framework and reveal that life chances and subjective perceptions influence lifestyle changes over time. Public health policies and health intervention programs should adapt to the specific needs of different age groups and generations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite growing concerns in the UK about social isolation, there remains a lack of data on the extent and time trends of social isolation from longitudinal, population-based studies. There is also little research that assesses the multiple domains of social isolation across the lifecourse and between generations in a holistic way accounting for different contexts. By applying a multi-context, multi-domain framework of social isolation to 5 successive British birth cohorts, we provide conceptual and empirical understanding of social isolation trajectories across the lifecourse and identify potential generational and sex differences in trends. Where data were available, comparable social isolation indicators were generated to enable lifecourse trajectories and cross-generational trends to be explored. Information on isolation was available across the following relational contexts: household i.e., living alone; partnership, family and friends outside the household; education and employment networks; and community engagement. Trajectories were modelled stratified by sex using a multilevel growth curve framework. Data were analysed from 73,847 individuals (48.5% female), in 5 successive cohorts born in 1946 (N = 5,362), 1958 (N = 16,742), 1970 (N = 16,950), 1989-90 (N = 15,562), and 2000-01 (N = 19,231). Exploring a range of social isolation indicators across several contexts provided a nuanced picture of social isolation across the lifecourse and between generations in the UK, with no consistent pattern of increased or decreased isolation over time. For example, more people are living alone, less women are out of education and employment in midlife, more people are volunteering, but fewer people regularly engage in religious activity. It therefore highlights the need to focus on a range of social isolation indicators across contexts to understand how people compensate for specific types of isolation, and to understand structural differences in social configurations in the UK, which may not only define the timing and sequencing of life transitions but also social isolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Psychological treatments for young people with sub-threshold or full-syndrome borderline personality disorder (BPD) are found to be effective. However, little is known about the age at which adolescents benefit from early intervention. This study investigated whether age affects the effectiveness of early intervention for BPD.
    METHODS: N = 626 participants (M age = 15 years, 82.7% female) were consecutively recruited from a specialized outpatient service for early intervention in BPD in adolescents aged 12- to 17-years old. DSM-IV BPD criteria were assessed at baseline, one-year (n = 339) and two-year (n = 279) follow-up.
    RESULTS: Older adolescents presented with more BPD criteria (χ2(1) = 58.23, p < 0.001) and showed a steeper decline of BPD criteria over the 2-year follow-up period compared with younger adolescents (χ2(2) = 13.53, p = 0.001). In an attempt to disentangle effects of early intervention from the natural course of BPD, a parametrized regression model was used. An exponential decrease (b = 0.10, p < 0.001) in BPD criteria was found when starting therapy over the 2-year follow-up. This deviation from the natural course was impacted by age at therapy commencement (b = 0.06, p < 0.001), although significant across all ages: older adolescents showed a clear decrease in BPD criteria, and young adolescents a smaller decrease.
    CONCLUSIONS: Early intervention appears effective across adolescence, but manifests differently: preventing the normative increase of BPD pathology expected in younger adolescents, and significantly decreasing BPD pathology in older adolescents. The question as to whether developmentally adapted therapeutic interventions could lead to an even increased benefit for younger adolescents, should be explored in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emergentism provides a framework for understanding how language learning processes vary across developmental age and linguistic levels, as shaped by core mechanisms and constraints from cognition, entrenchment, input, transfer, social support, motivation, and neurology. As our commentators all agree, this landscape is marked by intense variability arising from the complexity. These mechanisms interact in collaborative and competitive ways during actual moments of language use. To better understand these interactions and their effects, we need much richer longitudinal data regarding both input and output during actual contexts of usage. We believe that modern technology can eventually provide this data (Flege & Bohn, 2021) in ways that will allow us to more fully populate an emergent landscape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Accelerometry has become increasingly prevalent to monitor physical activity due to its low participant burden, quantitative metrics, and ease of deployment. Physical activity metrics are ideal for extracting intuitive, continuous measures of participants\' health from multiple days or weeks of high frequency data due to their fairly straightforward computation. Previously, we released an open-source digital health python processing package, SciKit Digital Health (SKDH), with the goal of providing a unifying device-agnostic framework for multiple digital health algorithms, such as activity, gait, and sleep.
    UNASSIGNED: In this paper, we present the open-source SKDH implementation for the derivation of activity endpoints from accelerometer data. In this implementation, we include some non-typical features that have shown promise in providing additional context to activity patterns, and provide comparisons to existing algorithms, namely GGIR and the GENEActiv macros. Following this reference comparison, we investigate the association between age and derived physical activity metrics in a healthy adult cohort collected in the Pfizer Innovation Research Lab, comprising 7-14 days of at-home data collected from younger (18-40 years) and older (65-85 years) healthy volunteers.
    UNASSIGNED: Results showed that activity metrics derived with SKDH had moderate to excellent ICC values (0.550 to 1.0 compared to GGIR, 0.469 to 0.697 compared to the GENEActiv macros), with high correlations for almost all compared metrics (>0.733 except vs GGIR sedentary time, 0.547). Several features show age-group differences, with Cohen\'s d effect sizes >1.0 and p-values < 0.001. These features included non-threshold methods such as intensity gradient, and activity fragmentation features such as between-states transition probabilities.
    UNASSIGNED: These results demonstrate the validity of the implemented SKDH physical activity algorithm, and the potential of the implemented PA metrics in assessing activity changes in free-living conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and objective Facial fractures represent a growing concern among an aging population prone to falls. In light of this, this study aimed to investigate differential facial fracture patterns and outcomes based on age effects. Determining the differences between the severity and type of facial fractures in populations of different ages will help guide clinical decision-making when managing patients with facial fractures. Methods This was a single-center study involving trauma registry data, from July 1, 2016, to January 31, 2022. The inclusion criteria were based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnosis of facial fracture. A linear regression was performed to ascertain the effects of predictor variables on the likelihood that a facial fracture trauma patient would experience various age effects on injury location, mortality, and morbidity. Results A total of 1575 patients were included in the analysis. A significant regression equation was found (F(47,1476)=42.46, p<0.01), with an R2 of 0.57. Older facial fracture trauma patients were more likely to be female (β=3.13, p<0.01) with fractures to their zygoma (β=2.57, p=0.02). Higher Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) facial region scores (β=2.21, p=0.03), longer hospital length of stay (β=0.07, p=0.02), and in-hospital mortality (β=10.47, p<0.01) were also associated with older age. Older age was additionally associated with a higher level of several morbidity markers. Younger facial fracture trauma patients were more likely to be African American (β=-5.46, p<0.01) or other, non-Caucasian race (β=-8.66, p<0.01) and to have mandible fracture patterns (β=-3.63, p<0.01). The younger patients were more likely to be fully activated (β=-3.10, p<0.01) with a higher shock index ratio (SIR) (β=-7.36, p<0.01). Injury mechanisms in younger facial fracture patients were more likely to be assault (β=-12.43, p<0.01), four-wheeler/ATV accident (β=-24.80, p<0.01), gunshot (β=-15.18, p<0.01), moped accident (β=-13.50, p<0.01), motorcycle accident (β=-12.31, p<0.01), motor vehicle accident (β=-16.52, p<.01), or pedestrian being struck by a motor vehicle (β=-10.69, p=0.02). Conclusions Based on our findings, age effects impact facial fracture patterns and outcomes. Younger patients are more likely to experience multisystem injuries via non-fall trauma. On the other hand, older patients are more likely to experience more severe primary facial injuries. Older patients are also at a higher risk of fall-related trauma. Disparities also exist between genders and races, with male and non-Caucasian patients being at a higher risk of injury from facial fractures at a younger age. With an aging population, the prevalence of falls is likely to increase. Thus, facial fractures represent a growing healthcare burden and warrant future investments related to care and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent outbreaks of various infectious diseases have highlighted the ever-present need to understand the drivers of the outbreak and spread of disease. Although much of the research investigating diseases focuses on single infections, natural systems are dominated by multiple infections. These infections may occur simultaneously, but are often acquired sequentially, which may alter the outcome of infection. Using waterfleas (Daphnia magna) as a model organism, we examined the outcome of sequential and simultaneous multiple infections with 2 microsporidian parasites (Ordospora colligata and Hamiltosporidium tvaerminnensis) in a fully factorial design with 9 treatments and 30 replicates. We found no differences between simultaneous and sequential infections. However, H. tvaerminnensis fitness was impeded by multiple infection due to increased host mortality, which gave H. tvaerminnensis less time to grow. Host fecundity was also reduced across all treatments, but animals infected with O. colligata at a younger age produced the fewest offspring. As H. tvaerminnensis is both horizontally and vertically transmitted, this reduction in offspring may have further reduced H. tvaerminnensis fitness in co-infected treatments. Our findings suggest that in natural populations where both species co-occur, H. tvaerminnensis may evolve to higher levels of virulence following frequent co-infection by O. colligata.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We evaluated age effects in the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence-Second Edition (WASI-II) standardization sample. This extends work completed using previous editions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales. Of the four subtests, Vocabulary (VC) and Similarities (SI) were most resistant to aging. VC showed minimal variation regardless of age; SI peaked at 30 to 54 years followed by a decline. Block Design (BD) and Matrix Reasoning (MR) showed substantial drops from the younger to older groups. BD peaked at 17 to 44 years and then declined; MR peaked at 20 to 29 years and then consistently deteriorated. The WASI-II Verbal Comprehension Index peak at 30 to 44 years was followed by a maximum drop at 85 to 90 years. The Perceptual Reasoning Index peaked at 20 to 29 years, with a marked decline by 65 to 69 years. The Full Scale IQ was average until age 65 years followed by a decline. Minor changes in points of peak performance and subsequent decline were seen as a function of Full Scale IQ level. Results were consistent with crystallized and fluid intelligence theory.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    The current study is the first meta-analysis to examine grey matter volume (GMV) changes in adolescents and across the lifespan in major depressive disorder (MDD). Seed-based d mapping-with permutation of subject images (SDM-PSI) has advantages over previous coordinate-based meta-analytical methods (CBMA), such as reducing bias (via the MetaNSUE algorithm) and including non-statistically significant unreported effects. SDM-PSI was used to analyze 105 whole-brain GMV voxel-based morphometry (VBM) studies comparing 6,530 individuals with MDD versus 6,821 age-matched healthy controls (HC). A laterality effect was observed in which adults with MDD showed lower GMV than adult HC in left fronto-temporo-parietal structures (superior temporal gyrus, insula, Rolandic operculum, and inferior frontal gyrus). However, these abnormalities were not statistically significant for adolescent MDD versus adolescent HC. Instead, adolescent MDD showed lower GMV than adult MDD in right temporo-parietal structures (angular gyrus and middle temporal gyrus). These regional differences may be used as potential biomarkers to predict and monitor treatment outcomes as well as to choose the most effective treatments in adolescents versus adults. Finally, due to the paucity of youth, older adult, and longitudinal studies, future studies should attempt to replicate these GMV findings and examine whether they correlate with treatment response and illness severity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined age effects in the standardization samples of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS-IV) and compared these, where appropriate, to the norms of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition (WMS-III). On the Adult (16-69 years) and Older Adult (65-90 years) batteries of the WMS-IV, the most pronounced declines were on the Visual Memory Indexes starting in the 35-44 years cohort. The Auditory Memory Indexes showed the least deterioration, which did not commence until the 85-90 years age range. Subtest scores for the Adult Battery indicated that Logical Memory I was unchanged from 16 to 69 years. Likewise, only one scaled score point decline was evidenced on Logical Memory II. Conversely, WMS-III Logical Memory I performance showed a one scaled score point decline in the 18-19 years age band and progressed to moderate (i.e., 4 scaled score points) and large (i.e., ≥6 scaled score points) reductions by the 65-69 and ≥80 years cohorts. Logical Memory II showed even greater age-related deterioration. Age decline data at each age cohort are provided for all subtests and indexes from the Adult and Older Adult batteries as well as for the WMS-III subtests in common with the WMS-IV.





