age determination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Counting growth layers in dentine and/or secondary cementum is widely used for age determination in wild mammals but the underlying seasonal changes in the structure and degree of mineralisation of dental tissue have not been well characterised. We embedded first (m1) and second (m2) mandibular permanent molar teeth from a 12-year-old female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) in PolyMethylMethAcrylate (PMMA), prepared cut and polished surfaces coated with evaporated carbon and used 20 kV back-scattered electron imaging in a scanning electron microscope (BSE-SEM) to study aspects of dental tissue structure which depend on the degree of mineralisation at the micron and sub-micron scale. BSE-SEM revealed differences between the mineral content of growth layers (annulations) in the secondary cementum and the primary and secondary dentine, the latter, incidentally, still forming at death in m1. Wide bands of less well mineralised tissue formed in the cementum during active appositional phases. Thin, denser bands formed by maturation-mineralisation of existing tissue when growth slowed in winter. This maturation mimics the processes seen in lamellar bone and articular cartilage. Counter to previous suggestions, there was evidence of substantial resorption and repair of the secondary cementum and of formation of dentine throughout life. Secondary dentine is layered by mineral content like cementum. In the crown, this was mainly tubular dentine with well-marked interglobular dentine layers. In the lower pulp chamber and root, it was largely without tubules. Substantial non-mineralised spaces found at the cement-dentine junction in the root apical regions in m2 represent inclusions of the Hertwig\'s Epithelial Root Sheath (HERS) or the Epithelial Rests of Malassez (ERM) between the two tissues, a phenomenon which has previously only been identified in Muridae. The anatomical changes which result in the formation of the incremental lines (annulations) in dental tissues of reindeer, identified here for the first time at the micrometre level, are likely to be common across most if not all long-lived species of mammals living in seasonal environments.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To study the sternum ossification processes that take place over time as well as the possibilities of sternum X-rays application to evaluate the age on the modern Russian population in forensic terms.
    METHODS: Sternum X-rays with fragments of ribs\' chondral parts were obtained from 369 male and female corpses aged 12-96 years without pathological and traumatic changes. The X-rays were done in frontal projection. The set of examined parameters included: complete and partial synostosis of manubrium and body, induration along the synostosis (or on the articulated edges of manubrium and body), complete and partial synostosis of body segments, traces of body segments union, complete and partial synostosis of body and xiphoid process, induration along the synostosis (or on the articulated edges of manubrium and body), form of costal notches, induration of articular edges of body, presence of calcification foci in sternal edge of II-VII ribs\' cartilages, depth of sternum notches, overgrowths on articular edges of body, presence of union between body\'s costal notches and calcification centers of ribs\' cartilages. Mean values, standard deviation and correlation coefficient were determined.
    RESULTS: The maximal correlation with age was found in such parameters such: overgrowths on articular edges of body (r=0.6), presence of calcification foci in sternal edge of II-VII ribs (r=0.6), induration of body\'s articular edges (r=0.5), presence of union between costal notches and calcification centers of ribs cartilages (r=0.5), synostosis of body and xiphoid process (r=0.4).
    CONCLUSIONS: A subsequent construction of linear model for age diagnosis has its details when comparing the predicted age with the real.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение процессов оссификации грудины, протекающих с течением времени, а также возможности использования рентгенографических изображений грудины для оценки возраста на современной российской популяции в судебно-медицинском отношении.
    UNASSIGNED: Рентгенографические снимки грудины с фрагментами хрящевых частей ребер были получены от 369 трупов лиц мужского и женского пола в возрасте 12—96 лет без патологических и травматических изменений. Рентгенографическое исследование проводили в прямой проекции. Набор исследуемых параметров включал: полный и частичный синостоз рукоятки и тела, уплотнение по ходу синостоза (или на сочленяющихся краях рукоятки и тела), полный и частичный синостоз сегментов тела, следы сращения сегментов тела, полный и частичный синостоз тела и мечевидного отростка, уплотнение по ходу синостоза (или на сочленяющихся краях рукоятки и тела), форму реберных вырезок, уплотнение суставных краев тела, наличие очагов обызвествления в грудинном конце хрящей II—VII ребер, глубину вырезок тела грудины, наросты на суставных краях тела, наличие сращения реберных вырезок тела с ядрами обызвествления хрящей ребер. Были определены средние значения, стандартное отклонение, коэффициент корреляции.
    UNASSIGNED: Максимальная корреляционная связь с возрастом была отмечена в таких параметрах, как наросты на суставных краях тела (r=0,6), наличие очагов обызвествления в грудинном конце II—VII ребер (r=0,6), уплотнение суставных краев тела (r=0,5), наличие сращения реберных вырезок тела с ядрами обызвествления хрящей ребер (r=0,5), синостоз тела и мечевидного отростка (r=0,4).
    UNASSIGNED: Последующее построение линейной модели диагностики возраста имеет свои нюансы при сравнительном анализе прогнозируемого возраста с реальным.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The assessment of majority age is important for determining legal responsibility. The definition of the 3rd molar maturity index (Im3) have proven to be a simple and effective method of majority age establishment, the accuracy of which has been tested in different populations. There is a clear lack of studies in this scientific area in Russia.
    OBJECTIVE: To test diagnostic accuracy of majority age assessment method by 3rd molar (Cameriere index) in the Ufa sample.
    METHODS: The number of orthopantomograms equal 120 from males and females aged from 14 to 23 years without apparent pathological changes of the pulp of teeth 38 and 48 was examined. The measures were conducted using the standard R. Cameriere method. The method of logistic regression, determination of predictive values of sensitivity and specificity were used.
    RESULTS: The Im3 cut-off point, that was equal 0.08, had a sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 95% in the male sample, accuracy of age group determination was 93%. In the female sample the method sensitivity was 93%, specificity - 97%, accuracy - 97%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study results confirmed the absence of population variability of the Cameriere index value, that makes it possible to use the majority age determination method by 3rd molar for practical application in the examination of a living person at the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Оценка возраста совершеннолетия имеет важное значение для определения юридической ответственности. Определения индекса зрелости 3-го моляра (Im3) зарекомендовало себя как простой и эффективный метод установления возраста совершеннолетия, точность которого проверена на разных популяциях. В России отмечается явный недостаток исследований в этом научном направлении.
    UNASSIGNED: Проверка диагностической точности метода оценки возраста совершеннолетия по 3-му моляру (индекс Cameriere) на выборке Уфы.
    UNASSIGNED: Были исследованы 120 ортопантомограмм от лиц мужского и женского пола в возрасте от 14 до 23 лет без явных патологических изменений пульпы 38-го и 48-го зубов. Измерения проведены по стандартной методике R. Cameriere. Использован метод логистической регрессии, определение прогностических значений чувствительности и специфичности.
    UNASSIGNED: Точка отсечения Im3 равна 0,08, имела чувствительность 89% и специфичность 95% в мужской выборке, точность определения возрастной группы составила 93%. В женской выборке чувствительность метода составила 93%, специфичность — 97%, точность — 97%.
    UNASSIGNED: Результаты исследования подтвердили отсутствие популяционной изменчивости значения индекса Cameriere, что дает возможность использовать метод определения возраста совершеннолетия по 3-му моляру для практического использования при экспертизе живого лица на территории Российской Федерации.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age estimation is crucial in legal and humanitarian contexts. Forensic professionals may use various procedures to estimate age, including dental analysis, bone density tests, evaluation of physical characteristics including facial bone structure and development, and image-based methods. Although images are often the only material available, visual observation of photographic material is an imprecise method in age estimation, which can compromise judicial decision-making. Analyzing 4000 photographs from the Brazilian Federal Police database, representing four age groups (6, 10, 14, and 18 years), the study employed automated analysis by marking 28 photogrammetric points. Data were used to establish facial patterns by age and sex using the facial geometric morphometrics method. Performance was assessed through a Multinomial Logistic Regression model, evaluating accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity across the categorical age groups. Analyses were conducted using R software, with a 5 % significance level. The study found that facial geometric morphometrics achieved an overall accuracy of 69.3 % in age discrimination, with higher accuracy in males (74.7 %) compared to females (65.8 %) (p < 0.001). The method excelled at predicting the age of 6-year-olds with 87.3 % sensitivity and 95.6 % specificity but had lower performance at 14 years. It showed greater accuracy in distinguishing age groups with larger age gaps, achieving up to 99.5 % accuracy between certain groups, and was particularly effective in differentiating ages of 6 and 10 years in females and 10, 14, and 18 years in males. The facial geometric morphometrics emerges as a promising approach for age estimation among children and adolescents in forensic settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identification of a person by general group characteristics does not lose its relevance over a long period. An analysis of publications (2000-2023) devoted to the possibilities of using the sternum to determine gender and age showed a fairly large amount of work on this topic, with very promising results. The trend in the development of this area is the use of modern methods of medical imaging. This becomes the starting point for conducting such studies on the territory of the Russian Federation and developing a methodology that includes the Russian population, taking into account their population characteristics.
    Отождествление личности по общегрупповым признакам не теряет актуальности на протяжении длительного периода. Анализ публикаций (2000—2023), посвященных возможностям использования грудины для установления пола и возраста, показал достаточно большой объем наработок по данной тематике с перспективными итогами. Тренд развития этого направления — использование современных методов медицинской визуализации — становится отправной точкой для проведения подобных исследований на территории Российской Федерации с целью разработки методики опознания неустановленного лица с учетом популяционных особенностей российского населения.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The occurrence of enhanced concentration of the radium triplet 226Ra, 228Ra and 224Ra is a frequently observed property of highly saline anoxic deep water as used e.g. in geothermal plants. In the present study we develop a model to explain the observed activity levels in the brines. The model considers processes at the rock-fluid interface of the aquifer like alpha recoil, sorption and surface precipitation and is implemented by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. The outcomes of the simulations indicate the dominating role of fine-grained constituents of the reservoir rock, e.g. claystone with enhanced specific activities of the natural decay chains. Mass fractions of such material in the order of a few percent are sufficient to result in radium fluid concentrations >1 Bq l-1. Also a generally valid relation between the Th/U ratio in the aquifer rock and the 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio in the fluid was found. This link improves the agreement between radium fluid data and the mean Th/U ratio of the Earth\'s crust. The 224Ra/228Ra fluid ratios reflect the transport time from the location of last radium release to the sampling point. The model findings were applied to a well investigated aquifer used in a geothermal plant in the North German Basin. An eight component system of the aquifer rock was established as the basis for the simulation of the radium concentrations in the deep fluid. The comparison between simulation and fluid analyses revealed a degree of radium sorption of about 50 %, which is necessary to match the model\'s results with the measurements. On the other hand, the 228Ra/226Ra fluid ratio of the brine was well reproduced by the simulation, showing the suitability of the model even in complex heterogeneous reservoirs. From the 224Ra/228Ra fluid ratios a transition from pore-to fracture-guided transport < 10 m distance from the production well is suggested. Precipitates from such deep fluids occurring after changes of the thermodynamic conditions are able to accumulate radium isotopes in Ba/Sr-sulphate phases. The time dependence of the radioactive disequilibrium between 226Ra, 228Ra and its child 228Th in such scales is described by a mathematical model and is applied to two different uptake models. Based on this approach, age determinations on precipitates found in different components of a geothermal plant are conducted. They reveal the triggering of scale formation due to modifications in the plant. The results are suitable for drawing conclusions about the operation of the system, which result in a reduction in the amount of scale and a reduction in downtimes.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Age estimation for sporting activities, legal age determination and migration purpose is oftentimes essential, which makes the need for a scientifically proven method of age estimation an important aspect of medical practice. Forensic odontology is an essential aspect of forensic practice and may be a veritable tool in age estimation.
    UNASSIGNED: The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of orthopantomograms (OPG) in age estimation among selected Nigerians.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective assessment of 202 OPGs was done to review the visibility of the periodontal ligament of third molars with completed root formation according to the methods described by Olze et al (2010). Individual ages were then calculated by deducting date of exposure from the date of birth recorded in years. Mean age with standard deviation were calculated for each group.
    UNASSIGNED: Assessing the minimum and maximum age at which each of the stages of the radiographic visibility of the periodontal ligament as seen on the OPGs revealed that there was a gradual increase in the age at which the stage increment occurred, with a few exceptions. Comparison of the radiographic visibility of the periodontal ligament revealed that males tend to achieve early periodontal visibility stages compared to females, but the reverse was observed in later stages. Age 17 is more than likely attained in any person found within stages 1 to 3 as the minimum age found in these stages were above 17 years.
    UNASSIGNED: With a few exceptions, the assessment of periodontal ligament visibility on OPGs can adequately predict the age of individuals. Thus, the use of this method may need to be combined with other methods in accurate determination of dental age in instances of forensic age estimation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Age estimation plays a critical role in personal identification, especially when determining compliance with the age of consent for adolescents. The age of consent refers to the minimum age at which an individual is legally considered capable of providing informed consent for sexual activities. The purpose of this study is to determine whether adolescents meet the age of 14 or 18 by using dental development combined with machine learning.
    METHODS: This study combines dental assessment and machine learning techniques to predict whether adolescents have reached the consent age of 14 or 18. Factors such as the staging of the third molar, the third molar index, and the visibility of the periodontal ligament of the second molar are evaluated.
    RESULTS: Differences in performance metrics indicate that the posterior probabilities achieved by machine learning exceed 93% for the age of 14 and slightly lower for the age of 18.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable insights for forensic identification for adolescents in personal identification, emphasizing the potential to improve the accuracy of age determination within this population by combining traditional methods with machine learning. It underscores the importance of protecting and respecting the dignity of all individuals involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This retrospective study was conducted to evaluate different methods for dental age estimation in children and to examine the feasibility of using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) data for age estimation. A total of 200 radiographic records (both digital panoramic radiographs and CBCTs) were acquired from 100 children aged 9 to 16 years, all taken on the same dates. Radiographic data was acquired from archived records and included both panoramic radiography and CBCT data belonging to the same individual. CBCT was used when panoramic radiographic data was insufficient. The pulp volume and pulp/tooth volume ratio of the left first molar teeth in the mandible were calculated from the CBCT data using MIMICS software. In addition, age was estimated by the Demirjian and Willems methods from data obtained from panoramic radiography images. Statistical analyses and linear regression analysis were performed as necessary. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean difference between the Demirjian method and chronological age, and between the Willems method and chronological age (p < 0.001). Statistically significance was achieved in a linear regression model created from pulp volume (R2 = 0.098) and pulp/tooth volume ratio (R2 = 0.395) data for the estimated dental age analysis (p < 0.001) and a negative correlation was observed with chronological age. When compared estimated dental age from CBCT data with chronological age, the pulp/tooth volume ratio method yielded results closer to chronological age than using only pulp volume data. When considering both panoramic radiographic age estimation methods and age estimation methods using CBCT data, we found that the results obtained with the Willems method, a panoramic radiographic age estimation technique, provided the closest results to the chronological age. More contributions should be made to the literature regarding the feasibility of age estimation using pulp and tooth volume as an alternative method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this systematic review is to analyze the literature to determine whether the methods of artificial intelligence are effective in determining age in panoramic radiographs. Searches without language and year limits were conducted in PubMed/Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. Hand searches were also performed, and unpublished manuscripts were searched in specialized journals. Thirty-six articles were included in the analysis. Significant differences in terms of root mean square error and mean absolute error were found between manual methods and artificial intelligence techniques, favoring the use of artificial intelligence (p < 0.00001). Few articles compared deep learning methods with machine learning models or manual models. Although there are advantages of machine learning in data processing and deep learning in data collection and analysis, non-comparable data was a limitation of this study. More information is needed on the comparison of these techniques, with particular emphasis on time as a variable.





