aerial robotics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioinspired flapping-wing micro aerial vehicles (FWMAVs) have emerged over the last two decades as a promising new type of robot. Their high thrust-to-weight ratio, versatility, safety, and maneuverability, especially at small scales, could make them more suitable than fixed-wing and multi-rotor vehicles for various applications, especially in cluttered, confined environments and in close proximity to humans, flora, and fauna. Unlike natural flyers, however, most FWMAVs currently have limited take-off and landing capabilities. Natural flyers are able to take off and land effortlessly from a wide variety of surfaces and in complex environments. Mimicking such capabilities on flapping-wing robots would considerably enhance their practical usage. This review presents an overview of take-off and landing techniques for FWMAVs, covering different approaches and mechanism designs, as well as dynamics and control aspects. The special case of perching is also included. As well as discussing solutions investigated for FWMAVs specifically, we also present solutions that have been developed for different types of robots but may be applicable to flapping-wing ones. Different approaches are compared and their suitability for different applications and types of robots is assessed. Moreover, research and technology gaps are identified, and promising future work directions are identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The flapping-wing technology has emerged recently in the application of unmanned aerial robotics for autonomous flight, control, inspection, monitoring, and manipulation. Despite the advances in applications and outdoor manual flights (open-loop control), closed-loop control is yet to be investigated. This work presents a nonlinear optimal closed-loop control design via the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) for a flapping-wing flying robot (FWFR). Considering that the dynamic modeling of the flapping-wing robot is complex, a proper model for the implementation of nonlinear control methods is demanded. This work proposes an alternative approach to deliver an equivalent dynamic for the translation of the system and a simplified model for orientation, to find equivalent dynamics for the whole system. The objective is to see the effect of flapping (periodic oscillation) on behavior through a simple model in simulation. Then the SDRE controller is applied to the derived model and implemented in simulations and experiments. The robot bird is a 1.6 m wingspan flapping-wing system (six-degree-of-freedom robot) with four actuators, three in the tail, and one as the flapping input. The underactuated system has been controlled successfully in position and orientation. The control loop is closed by the motion capture system in the indoor test bed where the experiments of flight have been successfully done.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based deep learning methods are widely used in detecting and classifying fruits from faults, color and size characteristics. In this study, two different neural network model estimators are employed to detect apples using the Single-Shot Multibox Detection (SSD) Mobilenet and Faster Region-CNN (Faster R-CNN) model architectures, with the custom dataset generated from the red apple species. Each neural network model is trained with created dataset using 4000 apple images. With the trained model, apples are detected and counted autonomously using the developed Flying Robotic System (FRS) in a commercially produced apple orchard. In this way, it is aimed that producers make accurate yield forecasts before commercial agreements. In this paper, SSD-Mobilenet and Faster R-CNN architecture models trained with COCO datasets referenced in many studies, and SSD-Mobilenet and Faster R-CNN models trained with a learning rate ranging from 0.015-0.04 using the custom dataset are compared experimentally in terms of performance. In the experiments implemented, it is observed that the accuracy rates of the proposed models increased to the level of 93%. Consequently, it has been observed that the Faster R-CNN model, which is developed, makes extremely successful determinations by lowering the loss value below 0.1.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2022.1011793.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Collecting temporal and spatial high-resolution environmental data can guide studies in environmental sciences to gain insights in ecological processes. The utilization of automated robotic systems to collect these types of data can maximize accuracy, resilience, and deployment rate. Furthermore, it reduces the risk to researchers deploying sensors in inaccessible environments and can significantly increase the cost-effectiveness of such studies. The introduction of transient robotic systems featuring embodied environmental sensors pushes towards building a digital ecology, while introducing only minimal disturbance to the environment. Transient robots made from fully biodegradable and non-fossil based materials, do not develop into hazardous e-waste at the end of their lifetime and can thus enable a broader adoption for environmental sensing in the real world. In this work, our approach towards the design of transient robots includes the integration of humidity-responsive materials in a glider, which is inspired by the Alsomitra macrocarpa seed. The design space of these gliders is explored and their behavior studied numerically, which allows us to make predictions on their flight characteristics. Results are validated against experiments, which show two different gliding behaviors, that can help improve the spread of the sensors. By tailoring the Cellulose-Gelatin composition of the humidity actuator, self-folding systems for selective rainwater exposure can be designed. The pH sensing layer, protected by the actuator, provides visual feedback on the pH of the rainwater. The presented methods can guide further concepts developing transient aerial robotic systems for sustainable, environmental monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many aerial robotic applications require the ability to land on moving platforms, such as delivery trucks and marine research boats. We present a method to autonomously land an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a moving vehicle. A visual servoing controller approaches the ground vehicle using velocity commands calculated directly in image space. The control laws generate velocity commands in all three dimensions, eliminating the need for a separate height controller. The method has shown the ability to approach and land on the moving deck in simulation, indoor and outdoor environments, and compared to the other available methods, it has provided the fastest landing approach. Unlike many existing methods for landing on fast-moving platforms, this method does not rely on additional external setups, such as RTK, motion capture system, ground station, offboard processing, or communication with the vehicle, and it requires only the minimal set of hardware and localization sensors. The videos and source codes are also provided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper introduces a procedure for autonomous landing of a quadrotor on an unmanned surface vehicle in a marine environment. The relative pose and velocity of the vehicle with respect to the quadrotor are estimated using a combination of data coming from a vision system, which recognizes a set of AprilTags located on the vehicle itself, and an ultrasonic sensor, to achieve further robustness during the final landing phase. The considered software and hardware architecture is provided, and the details about the landing procedure are presented. Software-in-the-loop tests were performed as a validation step for the proposed algorithms; to recreate realistic conditions, the movements of the landing platform have been replicated from data of a test in a real marine environment. In order to provide further proof of the reliability of the vision system, a video sequence from a manual landing of a quadrotor on the surface vehicle in a real marine environment has been processed, and the results are presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flying animals resort to fast, large-degree-of-freedom motion of flapping wings, a key feature that distinguishes them from rotary or fixed-winged robotic fliers with limited motion of aerodynamic surfaces. However, flapping-wing aerodynamics are characterized by highly unsteady and three-dimensional flows difficult to model or control, and accurate aerodynamic force predictions often rely on expensive computational or experimental methods. Here, we developed a computationally efficient and data-driven state-space model to dynamically map wing kinematics to aerodynamic forces/moments. This model was trained and tested with a total of 548 different flapping-wing motions and surpassed the accuracy and generality of the existing quasi-steady models. This model used 12 states to capture the unsteady and nonlinear fluid effects pertinent to force generation without explicit information of fluid flows. We also provided a comprehensive assessment of the control authority of key wing kinematic variables and found that instantaneous aerodynamic forces/moments were largely predictable by the wing motion history within a half-stroke cycle. Furthermore, the angle of attack, normal acceleration and pitching motion had the strongest effects on the aerodynamic force/moment generation. Our results show that flapping flight inherently offers high force control authority and predictability, which can be key to developing agile and stable aerial fliers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over time, the field of robotics has provided solutions to automate routine tasks in different scenarios. In particular, libraries are awakening great interest in automated tasks since they are semi-structured environments where machines coexist with humans and several repetitive operations could be automatically performed. In addition, multirotor aerial vehicles have become very popular in many applications over the past decade, however autonomous flight in confined spaces still presents a number of challenges and the use of small drones has not been reported as an automated inventory device within libraries. This paper presents the UJI aerial librarian robot that leverages computer vision techniques to autonomously self-localize and navigate in a library for automated inventory and book localization. A control strategy to navigate along the library bookcases is presented by using visual markers for self-localization during a visual inspection of bookshelves. An image-based book recognition technique is described that combines computer vision techniques to detect the tags on the book spines, followed by an optical character recognizer (OCR) to convert the book code on the tags into text. These data can be used for library inventory. Misplaced books can be automatically detected, and a particular book can be located within the library. Our quadrotor robot was tested in a real library with promising results. The problems encountered and limitation of the system are discussed, along with its relation to similar applications, such as automated inventory in warehouses.






