
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To acclimate to hypoxic waterlogged conditions, the roots of wetland plants form a radial oxygen loss (ROL) barrier that can promote oxygen diffusion to the root tips. We hypothesized that the low-nitrate concentrations that occur after molecular oxygen is consumed in waterlogged soils are an environmental trigger for ROL barrier formation in rice (Oryza sativa). We previously identified 128 tissue-specific up/downregulated genes during rice ROL barrier formation. The RiceXPro database showed that many of these genes were differentially regulated in response to nitrogen deficiency. Therefore, we assessed changes in the concentrations of ionic species of nitrogen under stagnant conditions, i.e. in a nutrient solution that mimics waterlogged soil conditions, and examined the effects of an increase or decrease of nitrate in the nutrient solution on ROL barrier formation and exodermal suberization. Preventing nitrate deficiency in the stagnant nutrient solution suppressed the formation of an ROL barrier. Conversely, a decrease in nitrate strongly induced ROL barrier formation, even under aerated conditions. In parallel with ROL barrier formation, suberin lamellae formed at the exodermis. Nitrate deficiency also promoted aerenchyma formation and the enlargement of root diameters. These findings suggest that the severe decline of nitrates under waterlogged conditions is an environmental cue for exodermal suberization to form an ROL barrier in rice roots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypoxia occurs when oxygen levels fall below the levels required for mitochondria to support respiration. Regulated hypoxia is associated with quiescence, particularly in storage organs (seeds) and stem cell niches. In contrast, environmentally induced hypoxia poses significant challenges for metabolically active cells that are adapted to aerobic respiration. The perception of oxygen availability through cysteine oxidases, which function as oxygen-sensing enzymes in plants that control the N-degron pathway, and the regulation of hypoxia-responsive genes and processes is essential to survival. Functioning together with reactive oxygen species (ROS), particularly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), such as nitric oxide (·NO), nitrogen dioxide (·NO2), S-nitrosothiols (SNOs), and peroxynitrite (ONOO-), hypoxia signaling pathways trigger anatomical adaptations such as formation of aerenchyma, mobilization of sugar reserves for anaerobic germination, formation of aerial adventitious roots, and the hyponastic response. NO and H2O2 participate in local and systemic signaling pathways that facilitate acclimation to changing energetic requirements, controlling glycolytic fermentation, the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt, and amino acid synthesis. NO enhances antioxidant capacity and contributes to the recycling of redox equivalents in energy metabolism through the phytoglobin (Pgb)-NO cycle. Here, we summarize current knowledge of the central role of NO and redox regulation in adaptive responses that prevent hypoxia-induced death in challenging conditions such as flooding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sorghum bicolor is among the most important cereals globally and a staple crop for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Approximately 20% of sorghum yield is lost annually in Africa due to infestation with the root parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. Existing Striga management strategies are not singularly effective and integrated approaches are needed. Here, we demonstrate the functional potential of the soil microbiome to suppress Striga infection in sorghum. We associate this suppression with microbiome-mediated induction of root endodermal suberization and aerenchyma formation and with depletion of haustorium-inducing factors, compounds required for the initial stages of Striga infection. We further identify specific bacterial taxa that trigger the observed Striga-suppressive traits. Collectively, our study describes the importance of the soil microbiome in the early stages of root infection by Striga and pinpoints mechanisms of Striga suppression. These findings open avenues to broaden the effectiveness of integrated Striga management practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methane (CH4) is a powerful greenhouse gas with ongoing efforts aiming to quantify and map emissions from natural and managed ecosystems. Wetlands play a significant role in the global CH4 budget, but uncertainties in their total emissions remain large, due to a combined lack of CH4 data and fuzzy boundaries between mapped ecosystem categories. European floodplain meadows are anthropogenic ecosystems that originated due to traditional management for hay cropping. These ecosystems are seasonally inundated by river water, and straddle the boundary between grassland and wetland ecosystems; however, an understanding of their CH4 function is lacking. Here, we established a replicated outdoor floodplain-meadow mesocosm experiment to test how water table depth (45, 30, 15 cm below the soil surface) and plant composition affect CH4 fluxes over an annual cycle. Water table was a major controller on CH4, with significantly higher fluxes (overall mean 9.3 mg m-2 d-1) from the high (15 cm) water table treatment. Fluxes from high water table mesocosms with bare soil were low (mean 0.4 mg m-2 d-1), demonstrating that vegetation drove high emissions. Larger emissions came from high water table mesocosms with aerenchymatous plant species (e.g. Alopecurus pratensis, mean 12.8 mg m-2 d-1), suggesting a role for plant-mediated transport. However, at low (45 cm) water tables A. pratensis mesocosms were net CH4 sinks, suggesting that there is plasticity in CH4 exchange if aerenchyma are present. Plant cutting to simulate a hay harvest had no effect on CH4, further supporting a role for plant-mediated transport. Upscaling our CH4 fluxes to a UK floodplain meadow using hydrological modelling showed that the meadow was a net CH4 source because oxic periods of uptake were outweighed by flooding-induced anoxic emissions. Our results show that floodplain meadows can be either small sources or sinks of CH4 over an annual cycle. Their CH4 exchange appears to respond to soil temperature, moisture status and community composition, all of which are likely to be modified by climate change, leading to uncertainty around the future net contribution of floodplain meadows to the CH4 cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybrids can express traits plastically, enabling them to occupy environments that differ from parental environments. However, there is insufficient evidence demonstrating how phenotypic plasticity in specific traits mediates hybrid performance. Two parental ecotypes of Imperata cylindrica produce F1 hybrids. The E-type in wet habitats has larger internal aerenchyma than the C-type in dry habitats. This study evaluated relationships between habitat utilisation, aerenchyma plasticity, and growth of I. cylindrica accessions. We hypothesize that plasticity in expressing parental traits explains hybrid establishment in habitats with various soil moisture conditions. Aerenchyma formation was examined in the leaf midribs, rhizomes and roots of two parental ecotypes and their F1 hybrids in their natural habitats. In common garden experiments, we examined plastic aerenchyma formation in leaf midribs, rhizomes and roots of natural and artificial F1 hybrids and parental ecotypes and quantified vegetative growth performance. In the natural habitats where soil moisture content varied widely, the F1 hybrids showed larger variation in aerenchyma formation in rhizomes than their parental ecotypes. In the common garden experiments, F1 hybrids showed high plasticity of aerenchyma formation in rhizomes, and their growth was similar to that of C-type and E-type under drained and flooded conditions, respectively. The results demonstrate that F1 hybrids of I. cylindrica exhibit plasticity in aerenchyma development in response to varying local soil moisture content. This characteristic allows the hybrids to thrive in diverse soil moisture conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Timothy (Phleum pratense) is a cool-season perennial forage grass widely grown for silage and hay production in northern regions. Climate change scenarios predict an increase in extreme weather events with fluctuating periods of high rainfall, requiring new varieties adapted to waterlogging (WL). Wild accessions could serve as germplasm for breeding, and we evaluated the responses of 11 wild and 8 domesticated accessions of timothy, P. nodosum and P. alpinum from different locations in northern Europe. Young plants at tillering stage were exposed to WL for 21 days in a greenhouse, and responses in growth allocation and root anatomy were studied. All accessions produced adventitious roots and changed allocation of growth between shoot and root as a response to WL, but the magnitude of these responses varied among species and among accessions. P. pratense responded less in these traits in response to WL than the other two species. The ability to form aerenchyma in the root cortex in response to WL was found for all species and also varied among species and among accessions, with the highest induction in P. pratense. Interestingly, some accessions were able to maintain and even increase root growth, producing more leaves and tillers, while others showed a reduction in the root system. Shoot dry weight (SDW) was not significantly affected by WL, but some accessions showed different and significant responses in the rate of production of leaves and tillers. Overall correlations between SDW and aerenchyma and between SDW and adventitious root formation were found. This study identified two wild timothy accessions and one wild P. nodosum accession based on shoot and root system growth, aerenchyma formation and having a root anatomy considered to be favorable for WL tolerance. These accessions are interesting genetic resources and candidates for development of climate-resilient timothy varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogen limitation of primary production is common in coastal ecosystems. Mangrove trees maintain high levels of nitrogen fixation around their roots. The interior aerial space of mangrove roots, in which atmospheric gas is supplied through lenticels, could be efficient sites for nitrogen fixation. We measured tidal variations of partial pressure of N2 in root aerenchyma and conducted field experiments using 15 N2 as a tracer to track N2 movement through aerial roots of Avicennia marina. We used the acetylene reduction assay to identify the root parts harboring diazotrophs. The nitrogenase activity and estimated nitrogen fixation through aerenchyma were higher in pneumatophores and absorbing roots than in cable roots. Positive correlations between root nitrogen contents and turnover rates of root nitrogen derived from N2 through aerenchyma suggested that the internal supply of N2 to diazotrophs could be the main source for nitrogen assimilation by A. marina roots. Our results confirmed that N2 is supplied to diazotrophs through aerial roots and that nitrogen fixation occurs in A. marina roots. The aerial root structures, which occur across families of mangrove plants, could be an adaptation to survival in not only low-oxygen environments but also tidal flats with little plant-available nitrogen.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wetlands are one of the important natural sources of atmospheric methane (CH4), as an important part of wetlands, floating plants can be expected to affect methane release. However, the effects of floating plants on methane release are limited. In this study, methane fluxes, physiochemical properties of the overlying water, methane oxidation potential and rhizospheric bacterial community were investigated in simulated wetlands with floating plants Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrocharis dubia, and Trapa natans. We found that E. crassipes, H. dubia, and T. natans plants could inhibit 84.31% - 97.31%, 4.98% - 88.91% and 43.62% - 92.51% of methane fluxes at interface of water-atmosphere compared to Control, respectively. Methane fluxes were negatively related to nutrients concentration in water column but positively related to the aerenchyma proportions of roots, stems, and leaves. At the same biomass, root of E. crassipes (36.44%) had the highest methane oxidation potential, followed by H. dubia (12.99%) and T. natans (11.23%). Forty-five bacterial phyla in total were identified on roots of three plants and 7 bacterial genera (2.10% - 3.33%) were known methanotrophs. Type I methanotrophs accounted for 95.07% of total methanotrophs. The pmoA gene abundances ranged from 1.90 × 1016 to 2.30 × 1018 copies/g fresh weight of root biofilms. Abundances of pmoA gene was significantly positively correlated with environmental parameters. Methylotrophy (5.40%) and methanotrophy (3.75%) function were closely related to methane oxidation. This study highlights that floating plant restoration can purify water and promote carbon neutrality partially by reducing methane fluxes through methane oxidation in wetlands.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) is susceptible to waterlogging stress. Although abundant wild germplasm resources exist among Actinidia plants for improving the waterlogging tolerance of kiwifruit cultivars, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here, a comparative study was undertaken using one wild germplasm, Maorenshen (A. valvata Dunn, MRS), and one cultivar, Miliang-1 (A. chinensis var. deliciosa (A.Chev.) A.Chev. cv. Miliang-1, ML). Under stress, the ML plantlets were seriously damaged with wilted chlorotic leaves and blackened rotten roots, whereas the symptoms of injury in the MRS plantlets were much fewer, along with higher photosynthetic rates, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and root activity under stress conditions. However, neither aerenchyma in the root nor adventitious roots appeared in both germplasms upon stress exposure. The activities of pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), as well as their transcript levels, were constitutively higher in MRS than those in ML under both normal and stress conditions. Waterlogging stress significantly enhanced the PDC and ADH enzyme activities in both germplasms, which were 60.8% and 22.4% higher in the MRS roots than those in the ML roots under waterlogging stress, respectively. Moreover, MRS displayed higher activities of antioxidant enzymes, including SOD, CAT, and APX, as well as DPPH-radical scavenging ability, and decreased H2O2 and MDA accumulation under both normal and stress conditions. Our findings suggest that the waterlogging tolerance of the wild A. valvata germplasm was associated with high PDC and ADH, as well as antioxidant ability.





