adaptive phenotypic plasticity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Population dynamic and eco-evolutionary responses to environmental variation and change fundamentally depend on combinations of within- and among-cohort variation in the phenotypic expression of key life-history traits, and on corresponding variation in selection on those traits. Specifically, in partially migratory populations, spatio-seasonal dynamics depend on the degree of adaptive phenotypic expression of seasonal migration versus residence, where more individuals migrate when selection favours migration. Opportunity for adaptive (or, conversely, maladaptive) expression could be particularly substantial in early life, through the initial development of migration versus residence. However, within- and among-cohort dynamics of early-life migration, and of associated survival selection, have not been quantified in any system, preventing any inference on adaptive early-life expression. Such analyses have been precluded because data on seasonal movements and survival of sufficient young individuals, across multiple cohorts, have not been collected. We undertook extensive year-round field resightings of 9359 colour-ringed juvenile European shags Gulosus aristotelis from 11 successive cohorts in a partially migratory population. We fitted Bayesian multi-state capture-mark-recapture models to quantify early-life variation in migration versus residence and associated survival across short temporal occasions through each cohort\'s first year from fledging, thereby quantifying the degree of adaptive phenotypic expression of migration within and across years. All cohorts were substantially partially migratory, but the degree and timing of migration varied considerably within and among cohorts. Episodes of strong survival selection on migration versus residence occurred both on short timeframes within years, and cumulatively across entire first years, generating instances of instantaneous and cumulative net selection that would be obscured at coarser temporal resolutions. Further, the magnitude and direction of selection varied among years, generating strong fluctuating survival selection on early-life migration across cohorts, as rarely evidenced in nature. Yet, the degree of migration did not strongly covary with the direction of selection, indicating limited early-life adaptive phenotypic expression. These results reveal how dynamic early-life expression of and selection on a key life-history trait, seasonal migration, can emerge across seasonal, annual, and multi-year timeframes, yet be substantially decoupled. This restricts the potential for adaptive phenotypic, microevolutionary, and population dynamic responses to changing seasonal environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developmental environmental stressors can have instructive effects on an organism\'s phenotype. This developmental plasticity can prepare organisms for potentially stressful future environments, circumventing detrimental effects on fitness. However, the physiological mechanisms underlying such adaptive plasticity are understudied, especially in vertebrates. We hypothesized that captive male zebra finches (Taeniopygia castanotis) exposed to a mild heat conditioning during development would acquire a persisting thermotolerance, and exhibit increased heat-shock protein (HSP) levels associated with a decrease in oxidative damage when exposed to a high-intensity stressor in adulthood. To test this, we exposed male finches to a prolonged mild heat conditioning (38°C) or control (22°C) treatment as juveniles. Then in a 2 × 2 factorial manner, these finches were exposed to a high heat stressor (42°C) or control (22°C) treatment as adults. Following the adult treatment, we collected testes and liver tissue and measured HSP70, HSP90, and HSP60 protein levels. In the testes, finches exhibited lower levels of HSP90 and HSP60 when exposed to the high heat stressor in adulthood if they were exposed to the mild heat conditioning as juveniles. In the liver, finches exposed to the high heat stressor in adulthood had reduced HSP90 and HSP60 levels, regardless of whether they were conditioned as juveniles. In some cases, elevated testes HSP60 levels were associated with increased liver oxidative damage and diminishment of a condition-dependent trait, indicating potential stress-induced tradeoffs. Our results indicate that a mild conditioning during development can have persisting effects on HSP expression and acquired thermotolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Both local adaptation and adaptive phenotypic plasticity can influence the match between phenotypic traits and local environmental conditions. Theory predicts that environments stable for multiple generations promote local adaptation, whereas highly heterogeneous environments favor adaptive phenotypic plasticity. However, when environments have periods of stability mixed with heterogeneity, the relative importance of local adaptation and adaptive phenotypic plasticity is unclear. Here, we used Drosophila suzukii as a model system to evaluate the relative influence of genetic and plastic effects on the match of populations to environments with periods of stability from three to four generations. This invasive pest insect can develop within different fruits, and persists throughout the year in a given location on a succession of distinct host fruits, each one being available for only a few generations. Using reciprocal common environment experiments of natural D. suzukii populations collected from cherry, strawberry, and blackberry, we found that both oviposition preference and offspring performance were higher on medium made with the fruit from which the population originated than on media made with alternative fruits. This pattern, which remained after two generations in the laboratory, was analyzed using a statistical method we developed to quantify the contributions of local adaptation and adaptive plasticity in determining fitness. Altogether, we found that genetic effects (local adaptation) dominate over plastic effects (adaptive phenotypic plasticity). Our study demonstrates that spatially and temporally variable selection does not prevent the rapid evolution of local adaptation in natural populations. The speed and strength of adaptation may be facilitated by several mechanisms including a large effective population size and strong selective pressures imposed by host plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity in heterogeneous environments can provide tight environment-phenotype matching. However, the prerequisite is a reliable environmental cue(s) that enables organisms to use current environmental information to induce the development of a phenotype with high fitness in a forthcoming environment. Here, we quantify predictability in the timing of precipitation and temperature change to examine how this is associated with seasonal polyphenism in tropical Mycalesina butterflies. Seasonal precipitation in the tropics typically results in distinct selective environments, the wet and dry seasons, and changes in temperature can be a major environmental cue. We sampled communities of Mycalesina butterflies from two seasonal locations and one aseasonal location. Quantifying environmental predictability using wavelet analysis and Colwell\'s indices confirmed a strong periodicity of precipitation over a 12-month period at both seasonal locations compared to the aseasonal one. However, temperature seasonality and periodicity differed between the two seasonal locations. We further show that: (a) most females from both seasonal locations synchronize their reproduction with the seasons by breeding in the wet season but arresting reproduction in the dry season. In contrast, all species breed throughout the year in the aseasonal location and (b) species from the seasonal locations, but not those from the aseasonal location, exhibited polyphenism in wing pattern traits (eyespot size). We conclude that seasonal precipitation and its predictability are primary factors shaping the evolution of polyphenism in Mycalesina butterflies, and populations or species secondarily evolve local adaptations for cue use that depend on the local variation in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive developmental plasticity is a common phenomenon across diverse organisms and allows a single genotype to express multiple phenotypes in response to environmental signals. Developmental plasticity is thus thought to reflect a key adaptation to cope with heterogenous habitats. Adaptive plasticity often relies on highly regulated processes in which organisms sense environmental cues predictive of unfavourable environments. The integration of such cues may involve sophisticated neuro-endocrine signaling pathways to generate subtle or complete developmental shifts. A striking example of adaptive plasticity is found in the nematode C. elegans, which can undergo two different developmental trajectories depending on the environment. In favourable conditions, C. elegans develops through reproductive growth to become an adult in three days at 20 °C. In contrast, in unfavourable conditions (high population density, food scarcity, elevated temperature) larvae can adopt an alternative developmental stage, called dauer. dauer larvae are highly stress-resistant and exhibit specific anatomical, metabolic and behavioural features that allow them to survive and disperse. In C. elegans, the sensation of environmental cues is mediated by amphid ciliated sensory neurons by means of G-coupled protein receptors. In favourable environments, the perception of pro-reproductive cues, such as food and the absence of pro-dauer cues, upregulates insulin and TGF-β signaling in the nervous system. In unfavourable conditions, pro-dauer cues lead to the downregulation of insulin and TGF-β signaling. In favourable conditions, TGF-β and insulin act in parallel to promote synthesis of dafachronic acid (DA) in steroidogenic tissues. Synthetized DA binds to the DAF-12 nuclear receptor throughout the whole body. DA-bound DAF-12 positively regulates genes of reproductive development in all C. elegans tissues. In poor conditions, the inhibition of insulin and TGF-β signaling prevents DA synthesis, thus the unliganded DAF-12 and co-repressor DIN-1 repress genes of reproductive development and promote dauer formation. Wild C. elegans have often been isolated as dauer larvae suggesting that dauer formation is very common in nature. Natural populations of C. elegans have colonized a great variety of habitats across the planet, which may differ substantially in environmental conditions. Consistent with divergent adaptation to distinct ecological niches, wild isolates of C. elegans and other nematode species isolated from different locations show extensive variation in dauer induction. Quantitative genetic and population-genomic approaches have identified many quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with differences in dauer induction as well as a few underlying causative molecular variants. In this review, we summarize how C. elegans dauer formation is genetically regulated and how this trait evolves- both within and between species.
    UNASSIGNED: Génétique et évolution de la plasticité développementale chez le nématode C. elegans : induction environnementale du stade dauer.
    UNASSIGNED: La plasticité phénotypique est un phénomène très courant au cours duquel des phénotypes différents sont exprimés en fonction de facteurs environnementaux. La plasticité, lorsque qu’elle est dite « adaptative », permet aux organismes de faire face à des habitats hétérogènes. Bien que les mécanismes moléculaires régulant la plasticité développementale soient de mieux en mieux compris, nous n’avons encore que peu d’informations sur les bases moléculaires de la variation naturelle et de l’évolution de la plasticité. Le nématode C. elegans présente un exemple emblématique de plasticité adaptative car cette espèce a la capacité d’entrer dans un stade larvaire alternatif appelé « dauer » lorsque les conditions environnementales sont défavorables. Durant ce stade de diapause, les larves peuvent survivre pendant environ trois mois en milieu extrême et reprendre leur développement lorsque les conditions s’améliorent. Nous passons ici en revue les mécanismes moléculaires régulant l’entrée en dauer ainsi que les récents progrès réalisés dans la caractérisation de la variation naturelle et l’évolution de l’induction de ce stade de résistance chez C. elegans comme chez d’autres espèces de nématodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite myriad examples of local adaptation, the phenotypes and genetic variants underlying such adaptive differentiation are seldom known. Recent work on freezing tolerance and local adaptation in ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana from Italy and Sweden provides an essential foundation for uncovering the genotype-phenotype-fitness map for an adaptive response to a key environmental stress.
    We examined the consequences of a naturally occurring loss-of-function (LOF) mutation in an Italian allele of the gene that encodes the transcription factor CBF2, which underlies a major freezing-tolerance locus. We used four lines with a Swedish genetic background, each containing a LOF CBF2 allele. Two lines had introgression segments containing the Italian CBF2 allele, and two contained deletions created using CRISPR-Cas9. We used a growth chamber experiment to quantify freezing tolerance and gene expression before and after cold acclimation.
    Freezing tolerance was lower in the Italian (11%) compared to the Swedish (72%) ecotype, and all four experimental CBF2 LOF lines had reduced freezing tolerance compared to the Swedish ecotype. Differential expression analyses identified 10 genes for which all CBF2 LOF lines, and the IT ecotype had similar patterns of reduced cold responsive expression compared to the SW ecotype.
    We identified 10 genes that are at least partially regulated by CBF2 that may contribute to the differences in cold-acclimated freezing tolerance between the Italian and Swedish ecotypes. These results provide novel insight into the molecular and physiological mechanisms connecting a naturally occurring sequence polymorphism to an adaptive response to freezing conditions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known about the life-history trade-offs and limitations, and the physiological mechanisms that are associated with phenotypic adaptation to future ocean conditions. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the within- and trans-generation life-history responses and aerobic capacity of a marine polychaete, Ophryotrocha labronica, to elevated temperature and elevated temperature combined with elevated salinity for its entire lifespan. In addition, transplants between treatments were carried out at both the egg mass and juvenile stage to identify the potential influence of developmental effects. Within-generation, life-history trade-offs caused by the timing of transplant were only detected under elevated temperature combined with elevated salinity conditions. Polychaetes transplanted at the egg mass stage grew slower and had lower activities of energy metabolism enzymes but reached a larger maximum body size and lived longer when compared with those transplanted as juveniles. Trans-generation exposure to both elevated temperature and elevated temperature and salinity conditions restored 20 and 21% of lifespan fecundity, respectively. Trans-generation exposure to elevated temperature conditions also resulted in a trade-off between juvenile growth rates and lifespan fecundity, with slower growers showing greater fecundity. Overall, our results suggest that future ocean conditions may select for slower growers. Furthermore, our results indicate that life-history trade-offs and limitations will be more prevalent with the shift of multiple global change drivers, and thus there will be greater constraints on adaptive potential. This article is part of the theme issue \'The role of plasticity in phenotypic adaptation to rapid environmental change\'.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive phenotypic plasticity and fixed genotypic differences have long been considered opposing strategies in adaptation. More recently, these mechanisms have been proposed to act complementarily and under certain conditions jointly facilitate evolution, speciation, and even adaptive radiations. Here, we investigate the relative contributions of adaptive phenotypic plasticity vs. local adaptation to fitness, using an emerging model system to study early phases of adaptive divergence, the generalist cichlid fish species Astatotilapia burtoni. We tested direct fitness consequences of morphological divergence between lake and river populations in nature by performing two transplant experiments in Lake Tanganyika. In the first experiment, we used wild-caught juvenile lake and river individuals, while in the second experiment, we used F1 crosses between lake and river fish bred in a common garden setup. By tracking the survival and growth of translocated individuals in enclosures in the lake over several weeks, we revealed local adaptation evidenced by faster growth of the wild-caught resident population in the first experiment. On the other hand, we did not find difference in growth between different types of F1 crosses in the second experiment, suggesting a substantial contribution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity to increased immigrant fitness. Our findings highlight the value of formally comparing fitness of wild-caught and common garden-reared individuals and emphasize the necessity of considering adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the study of adaptive divergence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anticompetitor traits such as the production of allelopathic toxins can confer significant competitive benefits but are often costly to produce. Evolution of these traits may be facilitated by environment-specific induction; however, the extent to which costly anticompetitor traits are induced by competitors is not well explored. Here, we addressed this question using bacteriocins, which are highly specific, proteinaceous anticompetitor toxins, produced by most lineages of bacteria and archaea. We tested the prediction that bacteriocin production is phenotypically plastic and induced by the presence of competitors by examining bacteriocin production in the presence and absence of nonself competitors over the course of growth of a producing strain. Our results show that bacteriocin production is detectable only at high cell densities, when competition for resources is high. However, the amount of bacteriocin activity was not significantly different in the presence vs. the absence of nonself competitors. These results suggest that bacteriocin production is either (a) canalized, constitutively produced by a fixed frequency of cells in the population or (b) induced by generic cues of competition, rather than specific self/nonself discrimination. Such a nonspecific response to competition could be favored in the natural environment where competition is ubiquitous.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article





