acute psychosis

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Nitrous oxide, also called nitrous monoxide, or nitrous oxide, is a colorless and odorless gas, without toxicological effect, but it can be asphyxiating at high concentration, its misuse is increasing especially among young people. Chronic use of N2O may cause psychiatric complications, including depression, hypomania, and paranoid psychosis with visual and auditory hallucinations. We present a case of nitrous oxide abuse \"laughing gas\" in 25 years old woman with bizarre behavior delusions and hallucinations with a normal neurological examination. The patient had low levels of vitamin B12 (135 pmol/L). Treatment with antipsychotics and vitamin B12 (cobalamin) resolved her psychosis. In addition to the hematological and neurological effects, rare cases of acute psychosis, especially in young people with or without psychiatric history, use varies from 1 month to years. Clinicians are increasingly in need of knowledge regarding the misuse of nitrous oxide.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Widely distributed in the central nervous system (CNS), N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are believed to be involved in long-term potentiation, essential in regulating and forming memory. This condition primarily occurs in young females because of autoantibodies forming against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-1 (NR1) or N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-2 (NR2) subunits of NMDAR in the CNS, ultimately portraying a unique psychoneurological phenomenon. Patients with antibodies against NMDAR present with a combination of neurological and psychiatric signs and symptoms. This article presents a case of a young female with no significant past medical, psychological, or surgical history. While being previously diagnosed with acute psychosis, upon arrival at the emergency department (ED), she also displayed an acute decline in judgment, hallucinations, severe agitation, and peculiar behavior, prompting family members to seek medical attention. Consequently, she was evaluated for metabolic and infectious encephalopathy. Following a thorough examination and extensive laboratory imaging, the patient was found to have NMDAR antibody encephalopathy. After dedicated treatment, her two-month follow-up presented a complete resolution of symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the cause of the COVID-19 disease. Infection can take a wide variety of forms, from asymptomatic to severe, with numerous complications that can even lead to death. Since the beginning of the pandemic, numerous studies have been carried out to find out the exact expression of the virus. COVID-19 infection also increases the risk of developing neuropsychiatric symptoms, including psychosis. The paper presents the case of a 35-year-old woman with no prior psychiatric interview who developed acute psychosis after being infected with COVID-19. She was treated in the standard way: haloperidol, lorazepam and diazepam. The symptoms disappeared quickly. At the moment, the long-term consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection are not known, therefore further observation and research in this direction is necessary. Treatment, as shown in this case report, appears to be supportive and symptomatic. The optimal antiviral treatment has yet to be clearly defined, and research into the best treatment for the virus itself is still ongoing.






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    文章类型: Multicenter Study
    OBJECTIVE: Mental health problems are increasing in Spain, and those related to drug use are a preventable aspect of public health. In Spain there are few studies on the incidence and characteristics of acute psychosis due to illegal drug use, especially at national and multicenter level, reason that motivated this paper.
    METHODS: A prospective multicentre study was carried out in eleven hospital Emergency Departments in Spain, lasting twenty-four months (REDUrHE Registry). Patients with acute psychosis were compared with those with organic pathology, analysing demographic aspects, drugs involved, associated clinical manifestations and evolution Quantitative variables were compared using Student\'s t-test and qualitative variables were compared using the chi-squared test (or Fisher\'s exact test as appropriate) and the magnitude of the association with the presence of psychosis using logistic regression. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant or if the 95%CI of the OR excluded the value 1.
    RESULTS: Of the 4,487 patients in the registry, 9.5% presented acute psychosis, with a median age of thirty-two years and 79% male. The main clinical features were agitation (53%, p=0.001), hallucinations (43.2%, p=0.001) and anxiety (40%, p=0.00). Psychosis was more frequent with cannabis (57.7%), cocaine (42%) and amphetamines and derivatives (26.4%), although in the analysis adjusted for co-drug use (39.5%), or in association with ethyl alcohol (57.7%), it was only statistically significant for cannabis (p=0.0). Patients with psychosis required more hospital admissions (38.1% vs. 10%, p=0.001), mainly in psychiatric units (34.1% vs. 4.2%, p=0.001), with hardly any intensive care unit admissions (0.4% vs. 2.1%, p=0.01). ED stay was high (29.3±73.8 hours vs 10.5±58.8 hours, p=0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: In Spain, cannabis is the drug most associated with psychosis. This clinical condition produces more hospital admissions, although with a low risk at an organic level.
    OBJECTIVE: Los problemas de salud mental van en aumento en España, siendo los relacionados con el consumo de drogas una faceta prevenible en el ámbito de la Salud Pública. En España existen pocos estudios sobre la incidencia y características de la psicosis aguda por consumo de drogas ilegales, sobre todo de ámbito nacional y multicéntrico, razón que motivó este trabajo.
    METHODS: Se realizó un estudio multicéntrico prospectivo, de veinticuatro meses de duración, en once servicios de Urgencias hospitalarias de España (Registro REDUrHE). Se compararon los pacientes con psicosis aguda respecto a los que presentaban patología orgánica, analizando aspectos demográficos, drogas involucradas, clínica asociada y evolución. Las variables cuantitativas se compararon mediante la t de Student y cualitativas con la prueba ji al cuadrado (o el test exacto de Fisher según procediera) y la magnitud de la asociación con la presencia de psicosis mediante regresión logística. Se consideró estadísticamente significativo un valor de p menor de 0,05 o si el IC95% de la OR excluía el valor 1.
    RESULTS: De los 4.487 pacientes del registro, el 9,5% presentó psicosis aguda, con una mediana de edad de treinta y dos años y un 79% de varones. La clínica principal consistió en agitación (53%, p=0,001), alucinaciones (43,2%, p=0,001) y ansiedad (40%, p=0,00). La psicosis fue más frecuente con el consumo de cannabis (57,7%), de cocaína (42%) y de anfetaminas y derivados (26,4%), aunque en el análisis ajustado por coingesta de varias drogas (39,5%), o asociado a alcohol etílico (57,7%), sólo resultó estadísticamente significativo para el cannabis (p=0,0). Los pacientes con psicosis precisaron más ingreso hospitalario (38,1% frente a 10%, p=0,001), fundamentalmente en Unidades de psiquiatría (34,1% frente a 4,2%, p=0,001), sin apenas ingresar en unidades de cuidados intensivos (0,4% frente a 2,1%, p=0,01). La estancia en Urgencias fue más elevada (29,3±73,8 horas frente a 10,5±58,8 horas, p=0,001).
    CONCLUSIONS: En España, el cannabis es la droga que se relaciona en mayor medida con los casos de psicosis atendidas en Urgencias hospitalarias. Ésta clínica produce más ingresos hospitalarios, aunque con bajo riesgo a nivel orgánico.






  • 急性和短暂性精神障碍(ATPD)被认为是与其他精神障碍分开的,并首次在国际疾病分类(ICD)第十次修订版中进行了描述。在过去的六十年中,印度对ATPD进行了许多研究,但是没有专门针对印度ATPD研究的评论。
    UNASSIGNED: Acute and transient psychotic disorder (ATPD) was recognized as separate from other psychotic disorders and described in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) tenth revision for the first time. A lot of research on ATPD has been conducted in India over the last six decades, but a review focusing exclusively on Indian research on ATPD is not available.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper aims to review the literature on ATPD emerging from India.
    UNASSIGNED: A combination of search terms \"Acute and Transient Psychosis,\" \"acute psychosis,\" \"non-affective psychosis,\" \"non-affective psychotic disorder,\" \"reactive psychosis,\" \"first-episode psychosis,\" and \"India\" were searched on various search engines like PUBMED, Medknow, Hinari, and Google Scholar. We also did a hand search for additional relevant articles, including published abstracts of the Indian Journal of Psychiatry from 2007 to 2023. Relevant papers were selected.
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of ATPD varies across different study settings, and it tends to have an abrupt to acute onset, and is primarily associated with stress. Few studies have assessed the subtypes of ATPD, and symptom profile has been inconsistently reported. There is a lack of trials on the effectiveness or efficacy of antipsychotics in ATPD patients. In a large proportion of patients initially diagnosed with ATPD, the diagnosis remains stable, with recurrence varying from 10% to 46.6% based on the duration of follow-up.
    UNASSIGNED: There is a need for more multicentric studies, studies with larger sample sizes, and consistency in data about risk factors. There is a need to evaluate symptom profile, course, outcome, and treatment outcomes in patients with ATPD using validated instruments to improve our understanding. Further, there is a need for comparative studies to evaluate the risk factors for ATPD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging evidence suggests the usefulness of psychological interventions targeting metacognitive change mechanisms in patients experiencing psychosis. Although many of these patients are treated in acute psychiatric contexts, only few studies have adapted such interventions for acute inpatient settings. The present study aimed to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary clinical outcomes of a novel modularized group intervention focusing on different aspects of metacognitive change mechanisms. In particular, the intervention aims to reduce patients\' acute symptoms by enhancing cognitive insight and to relieve distress via cognitive defusion (i.e. coping). A sample of 37 participants with acute psychosis received up to nine sessions of the intervention. Baseline and post-intervention assessments were conducted for general psychopathology, psychotic symptoms, global functioning, and symptom distress. Measures of change mechanisms were assessed before and after the respective treatment module. Participants\' experiences were explored in feedback questionnaires and interviews. Recruitment, retention, and attendance rate met the pre-set feasibility benchmark of 80%. The intervention was well received by participants, who emphasised the group\'s clear structure, positive atmosphere, and helpful contents. Response rates were high and linear mixed models revealed significant medium-to-large time effects on all clinical outcomes. As expected, increase in hypothesised change mechanisms cognitive insight and decrease in cognitive fusion was found. However, the uncontrolled design limits interpreting clinical effects. The study provides evidence that an intervention based on a metacognitive model is feasible and acceptable for acute inpatients with psychosis. Positive results on clinical outcomes and change mechanisms warrant further exploration in a randomized controlled trial.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cushing\'s syndrome (CS) is a rare disease with multiple somatic signs and a high prevalence of co-occurring depression. However, the characteristics of depression secondary to CS and the differences from major depression have not been described in detail. In this case, we report a 17-year-old girl with treatment-resistant depression with a series of atypical features and acute psychotic episodes, which is a rare condition secondary to CS. This case showed a more detailed profile of depression secondary to CS and highlighted the differences with major depression in clinical features, and it will improve insight into the differential diagnosis especially when the symptoms are not typical.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rare cases of COVID-19 infection- and vaccine-triggered autoimmune diseases have been separately reported in the literature. In this paper, we report the first and unique case of new onset acute psychosis as a manifestation of lupus cerebritis following concomitant COVID-19 infection and vaccination in a previously healthy 26-year-old Tunisian female.
    A 26-years old female with a family history of a mother diagnosed with schizophrenia, and no personal medical or psychiatric history, was diagnosed with mild COVID-19 infection four days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. One month after receiving the vaccine, she presented to the psychiatric emergency department with acute psychomotor agitation, incoherent speech and total insomnia evolving for five days. She was firstly diagnosed with a brief psychotic disorder according to the DSM-5, and was prescribed risperidone (2 mg/day). On the seventh day of admission, she reported the onset of severe asthenia with dysphagia. Physical examination found fever, tachycardia, and multiple mouth ulcers. Neurological evaluation revealed a dysarthria with left hemiparesis. On laboratory tests, she had severe acute kidney failure, proteinuria, high CRP values, and pancytopenia. Immune tests identified the presence of antinuclear antibodies. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed hyperintense signals in the left fronto-parietal lobes and the cerebellum. The patient was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and put on anti-SLE drugs and antipsychotics, with a favorable evolution.
    The chronological relationship between COVID-19 infection, vaccination and the first lupus cerebritis manifestations is highly suggestive, albeit with no certainty, of the potential causal link. We suggest that precautionary measures should be taken to decrease the risk of SLE onset or exacerbation after COVID-19 vaccination, including a systematic COVID-19 testing before vaccination in individuals with specific predisposition.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Viral infection, including COVID-19, has been implicated as a potential cause of various neurobehavioral issues. An increasing number of case reports suggest that current or recent COVID-19 infection may cause new onset of psychotic symptoms in some individuals, potentially related to viral inflammation or infection of the nervous system.
    UNASSIGNED: A 26-year-old woman with no psychiatric history presented with severe psychotic symptoms days after recovery from a mild COVID-19 infection. No other etiologies for psychosis were identified via diagnostic testing, review of medical history, or interviews with family. Her symptoms persisted for approximately two months, requiring three inpatient admissions, various medication trials, and ongoing outpatient follow-up. With continued use of quetiapine and lithium, she returned to living independently and working full-time, and discontinued all medication approximately nine months after symptom onset.
    UNASSIGNED: The psychiatric and cognitive effects of COVID-19 infection are not yet fully understood. Given the widespread and ongoing nature of this pandemic, this remains an important focus of further investigation, especially within the context of potential long-term complications.





