acupoint indications

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic), combined with the Huangdi Mingtang Jing JiJiao (Compilation and Correction of Yellow Emperor\'s Mingtang Classic) and unearthed Tianhui Yijian (Tianhui Medical Bamboo Slips), it is recognized that the therapeutic indications of Fenglong (ST 40) were recorded repeatedly in many medical works of the Qin and Han dynasties; and the treatments mostly focus on \"upward reversion of qi \". In Huangdi Mingtang Jing (Yellow Emperor\'s Mingtang Classic), a part of symptoms were re-described textually, which affects the understanding on the indications of Fenglong (ST 40) in the medical works of the later generations. On the basis of the construction of phlegm theory in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the scholars of Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties had placed the emphasis on the relationship between phlegm and qi movement. In acupuncture works by Dou Hanqing, Fenglong (ST 40) was selected in treatment of phlegm dampness and phlegm-induced asthma, which is also based on the pathogenesis, \"upward reversion of qi \", rather than \"phlegm\" itself. This view can be understood by the proof of \"reducing Zusanli (ST 36) for eliminating wind\". The relationship between Fenglong (ST 40) and phlegm was emphasized in Yulong Ge (Jade Dragon Verse) and Zhenfang Liuji (Six Sets of Acupuncture Methods), after which, the understanding, \" Fenglong (ST 40), the key point for phlegm disorders\", had been formed gradually since the Ming dynasty. The formation and evolution of the therapeutic indications of Fenglong (ST 40) are influenced comprehensively by the errors in textual duplication, cultural background, changes in the term expressions of disorders, and the clinical experience of medical practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Through analyzing the indication distribution of the different acupoints located at the upper limbs recorded in Science of Acupoints and Science of Meridians and Acupoints, the industry planning teaching materials of traditional Chinese medicine, it is discovered that the acupoints located at the upper arms are commonly selected for the treatment of scrofula and goiter, while the acupoints below the elbow at the hand meridians and those at the lower limbs of the foot meridians which running through the neck, do not have the similar indications. Based on a further analysis on the literature at ancient and modern times, it is believed that the acupoints located on the lateral side of the upper arms, especially those at the large intestine meridian of hand-yangming perhaps have the specific effect in treatment of scrofula and goiter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The theory that meridians connect the upper and lower, interior and exterior of the whole human body comes from the clinical experience of acupuncture therapy mainly by choosing the acupoints of 12 regular meridians at the four limbs. During the process of merging the theories of meridians and Zangfu-organs (viscera), the expression of the intrinsic relationship of such connection gradually becomes more and more complicated. Therefore, the study on the correlation between the meridian and viscus should start from the characteristics of the meridian theory itself, and discriminate the \"reasonable and unreasonable\" components of the related theoretical descriptions in the literature in order to explore the scientific values of this correlation. Based on this viewpoint, the present article makes a brief analysis on this proposition from the following two angles of view: the understan-ding of such proposition and the historical evolution of the meridian theory.





