active matter

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Turbulent flows are observed in low-Reynolds active fluids, which display similar phenomenology to the classical inertial turbulence but are of a different nature. Understanding the dependence of this new type of turbulence on dimensionality is a fundamental challenge in non-equilibrium physics. Real-space structures and kinetic energy spectra of bacterial turbulence are experimentally measured from two to three dimensions. The turbulence shows three regimes separated by two critical confinement heights, resulting from the competition of bacterial length, vortex size and confinement height. Meanwhile, the kinetic energy spectra display distinct universal scaling laws in quasi-2D and 3D regimes, independent of bacterial activity, length, and confinement height, whereas scaling exponents transition in two steps around the critical heights. The scaling behaviors are well captured by the hydrodynamic model we develop, which employs image systems to represent the effects of confining boundaries. The study suggests a framework for investigating the effect of dimensionality on non-equilibrium self-organized systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Symmetry breaking in an electric field-driven active particle system can be induced by applying a spatially uniform, but temporally non-uniform, alternating current (AC) signal. Regardless of the type of particles exposed to sawtooth AC signals, the unevenly induced polarization of the ionic charge layer leads to a major electrohydrodynamic effect of active propulsion, termed Asymmetric Field Electrophoresis (AFEP).
    METHODS: Suspensions containing latex microspheres of three sizes, as well as Janus and metal-coated particles were subjected to sawtooth AC signals of varying voltages, frequencies, and time asymmetries. Particle tracking via microscopy was used to analyze their motility as a function of the key parameters.
    RESULTS: The particles exhibit field-colinear active propulsion, and the temporal reversal of the AC signal results in a reversal of their direction of motion. The experimental velocity data as a function of field strength, frequency, and signal asymmetry are supported by models of asymmetric ionic concentration-polarization. The direction of particle migration exhibits a size-dependent crossover in the low frequency domain. This enables new approaches for simple and efficient on-chip sorting. Combining AFEP with other AC motility mechanisms, such as induced-charge electrophoresis, allows multiaxial control of particle motion and could enable development of novel AC field-driven active microsystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large cells often rely on cytoplasmic flows for intracellular transport, maintaining homeostasis, and positioning cellular components. Understanding the mechanisms of these flows is essential for gaining insights into cell function, developmental processes, and evolutionary adaptability. Here, we focus on a class of self-organized cytoplasmic stirring mechanisms that result from fluid-structure interactions between cytoskeletal elements at the cell cortex. Drawing inspiration from streaming flows in late-stage fruit fly oocytes, we propose an analytically tractable active carpet theory. This model deciphers the origins and three-dimensional spatiotemporal organization of such flows. Through a combination of simulations and weakly nonlinear theory, we establish the pathway of the streaming flow to its global attractor: a cell-spanning vortical twister. Our study reveals the inherent symmetries of this emergent flow, its low-dimensional structure, and illustrates how complex fluid-structure interaction aligns with classical solutions in Stokes flow. This framework can be easily adapted to elucidate a broad spectrum of self-organized, cortex-driven intracellular flows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The actomyosin cortex is an active material that generates force to drive shape changes via cytoskeletal remodeling. Cytokinesis is the essential cell division event during which a cortical actomyosin ring closes to separate two daughter cells. Our active gel theory predicted that actomyosin systems controlled by a biochemical oscillator and experiencing mechanical strain would exhibit complex spatiotemporal behavior. To test whether active materials in vivo exhibit spatiotemporally complex kinetics, we imaged the C. elegans embryo with unprecedented temporal resolution and discovered that sections of the cytokinetic cortex undergo periodic phases of acceleration and deceleration. Contractile oscillations exhibited a range of periodicities, including those much longer periods than the timescale of RhoA pulses, which was shorter in cytokinesis than in any other biological context. Modifying mechanical feedback in vivo or in silico revealed that the period of contractile oscillation is prolonged as a function of the intensity of mechanical feedback. Fast local ring ingression occurs where speed oscillations have long periods, likely due to increased local stresses and, therefore, mechanical feedback. Fast ingression also occurs where material turnover is high, in vivo and in silico. We propose that downstream of initiation by pulsed RhoA activity, mechanical feedback, including but not limited to material advection, extends the timescale of contractility beyond that of biochemical input and, therefore, makes it robust to fluctuations in activation. Circumferential propagation of contractility likely allows for sustained contractility despite cytoskeletal remodeling necessary to recover from compaction. Thus, like biochemical feedback, mechanical feedback affords active materials responsiveness and robustness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bubble-propelled microrobots have an advantage of relatively swift movement compared to most other types of microrobots, which makes them well suited for applications such as micromanipulation or movement in flows, but their high speed also poses challenges in precisely controlling their motion. This study proposes automated control of the microrobots using visual feedback and steering with uniform magnetic fields to constrain the microrobot\'s moving direction. The implementation of a closed-loop control mechanism ensures precise autonomous navigation along prescribed trajectories. Experimental results demonstrate that this approach achieves satisfactory tracking performance, with an average error of 6. 7 μm for a microrobot with a diameter of 24 μm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An array of motor proteins consumes chemical energy in setting up the architectures of chromosomes. Here, we explore how the structure of ideal polymer chains is influenced by two classes of motors. The first class which we call \"swimming motors\" acts to propel the chromatin fiber through three-dimensional space. They represent a caricature of motors such as RNA polymerases. Previously, they have often been described by adding a persistent flow onto Brownian diffusion of the chain. The second class of motors, which we call \"grappling motors\" caricatures the loop extrusion processes in which segments of chromatin fibers some distance apart are brought together. We analyze these models using a self-consistent variational phonon approximation to a many-body Master equation incorporating motor activities. We show that whether the swimming motors lead to contraction or expansion depends on the susceptibility of the motors, that is, how their activity depends on the forces they must exert. Grappling motors in contrast to swimming motors lead to long-ranged correlations that resemble those first suggested for fractal globules and that are consistent with the effective interactions inferred by energy landscape analyses of Hi-C data on the interphase chromosome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Standard deep learning algorithms require differentiating large nonlinear networks, a process that is slow and power-hungry. Electronic contrastive local learning networks (CLLNs) offer potentially fast, efficient, and fault-tolerant hardware for analog machine learning, but existing implementations are linear, severely limiting their capabilities. These systems differ significantly from artificial neural networks as well as the brain, so the feasibility and utility of incorporating nonlinear elements have not been explored. Here, we introduce a nonlinear CLLN-an analog electronic network made of self-adjusting nonlinear resistive elements based on transistors. We demonstrate that the system learns tasks unachievable in linear systems, including XOR (exclusive or) and nonlinear regression, without a computer. We find our decentralized system reduces modes of training error in order (mean, slope, curvature), similar to spectral bias in artificial neural networks. The circuitry is robust to damage, retrainable in seconds, and performs learned tasks in microseconds while dissipating only picojoules of energy across each transistor. This suggests enormous potential for fast, low-power computing in edge systems like sensors, robotic controllers, and medical devices, as well as manufacturability at scale for performing and studying emergent learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active fluids composed of constituents that are constantly driven away from thermal equilibrium can support spontaneous currents and can be engineered to have unconventional transport properties. Here, we report the emergence of (meta)stable traveling bands in computer simulations of aligning circle swimmers. These bands are different from polar flocks and, through coupling phase with mass transport, induce a bulk particle current with a component perpendicular to the propagation direction, thus giving rise to a collective Hall (or Magnus) effect. Traveling bands require sufficiently small orbits and undergo a discontinuous transition into a synchronized state with transient polar clusters for large orbital radii. Within a minimal hydrodynamic theory, we show that the bands can be understood as nondispersive soliton solutions fully accounting for the numerically observed properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organisms often swim through density-stratified fluids. Here, we investigate the dynamics of active particles swimming in fluid density gradients and report theoretical evidence of taxis as a result of these gradients (densitaxis). Specifically, we calculate the effect of density stratification on the dynamics of a force- and torque-free spherical squirmer and show that density gradients induce reorientation that tends to align swimming either parallel or normal to the gradient depending on the swimming gait. In particular, swimmers that propel by generating thrust in the front (pullers) rotate to swim parallel to gradients and hence display (positive or negative) densitaxis, while swimmers that propel by generating thrust in the back (pushers) rotate to swim normal to the gradients. This work could be useful to understand the motion of marine organisms in ocean or be leveraged to sort or organize a suspension of active particles by modulating density gradients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyze the entropy production in run-and-tumble models. After presenting the general formalism in the framework of the Fokker-Planck equations in one space dimension, we derive some known exact results in simple physical situations (free run-and-tumble particles and harmonic confinement). We then extend the calculation to the case of anisotropic motion (different speeds and tumbling rates for right- and left-oriented particles), obtaining exact expressions of the entropy production rate. We conclude by discussing the general case of heterogeneous run-and-tumble motion described by space-dependent parameters and extending the analysis to the case of d-dimensional motions.





