active droplets

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quorum sensing enables unicellular organisms to probe their population density and perform behavior that exclusively occurs above a critical density. Quorum sensing is established in emulsion droplet swarms that float at a water surface and cluster above a critical density. The design involves competition between 1) a surface tension gradient that is generated upon release of a surfactant from the oil droplets, and thereby drives their mutual repulsion, and 2) the release of a surfactant precursor from the droplets, that forms a strong imine surfactant which suppresses the surface tension gradient and thereby causes droplet clustering upon capillary (Cheerios) attraction. The production of the imine-surfactant depends on the population density of the droplets releasing the precursor so that the clustering only occurs above a critical population density. The pH-dependence of the imine-surfactant formation is exploited to trigger quorum sensing upon a base stimulus: dynamic droplet swarms are generated that cluster and spread upon spatiotemporally varying acid and base conditions. Next, the clustering of two droplet subpopulations is coupled to a chemical reaction that generates a fluorescent signal. It is foreseen that quorum sensing enables control mechanisms in droplet-based systems that display collective responses in contexts of, e.g., sensing, optics, or dynamically controlled droplet-reactors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dissipative chemical systems hold the potential to enable life-like behavior in synthetic matter, such as self-organization, motility, and dynamic switching between different states. Here, out-of-equilibrium self-organization is demonstrated by interconnected source and drain droplets at an air-water interface, which display dynamic behavior due to a hydrolysis reaction that generates a concentration gradient around the drain droplets. This concentration gradient interferes with the adhesion of self-assembled amphiphile filaments that grow from a source droplet. The chemical gradient sustains a unique orbiting of the drain droplet, which is proposed to be driven by the selective adhesion of the filaments to the front of the moving droplet, while filaments approaching from behind are destabilized upon contact with the hydrolysis product in the trail of the droplet. Potential applications are foreseen in the transfer of chemical signals amongst communicating droplets in rearranging networks, and the implementation of chemical reactions to drive complex positioning routines in life-like systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micromotors are fascinating objects that are able to move autonomously and perform various complex tasks related to drug delivery, chemical processes, and environmental remediation. Among the types of micromotors, droplet-based micromotors are characterized by a wide range of functional properties related to the capability of encapsulation and deformation and the possibility of using them as microreactors. Relevant problems of micromotor utilization in the chemical processes include intensification of mixing and locomotion of passive objects. In this paper, the technique for preparation of superfast active droplets, which can be used as micromotors for effective locomotion of passive droplets in the oil-in-water emulsion, is demonstrated. The possibility of passive droplet locomotion in the emulsion is determined by a relation between the diameters of active and passive droplets. If the diameter of active droplets is larger than the diameter of passive droplets, the agglomerates form spontaneously in the emulsion and move in a straight line. In the case of the opposite relation between diameters, the agglomerates consisting of active and passive droplets rotate intensively. This makes it impossible to move the passive droplets to a given distance. Such micromotors can achieve unprecedentedly high velocities of motion and can be used to intensify mixing on the microscales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biomolecular condensates are small droplets forming spontaneously in biological cells through phase separation. They play a role in many cellular processes, but it is unclear how cells control them. Cellular regulation often relies on post-translational modifications of proteins. For biomolecular condensates, such chemical modifications could alter the molecular interaction of key condensate components. Here, we test this idea using a theoretical model based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. In particular, we describe the chemical reactions using transition-state theory, which accounts for the non-ideality of phase separation. We identify that fast control, as in cell signalling, is only possible when external energy input drives the reaction out of equilibrium. If this reaction differs inside and outside the droplet, it is even possible to control droplet sizes. Such an imbalance in the reaction could be created by enzymes localizing to the droplet. Since this situation is typical inside cells, we speculate that our proposed mechanism is used to stabilize multiple droplets with independently controlled size and count. Our model provides a novel and thermodynamically consistent framework for describing droplets subject to non-equilibrium chemical reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coupling soft bodies and dynamic motions with multifunctional flexible electronics is challenging, but is essential in satisfying the urgent and soaring demands of fully soft and comprehensive robotic systems that can perform tasks in spite of rigorous spatial constraints. Here, the mobility and adaptability of liquid droplets with the functionality of flexible electronics, and techniques to use droplets as carriers for flexible devices are combined. The resulting active droplets (ADs) with volumes ranging from 150 to 600 µL can conduct programmable functions, such as sensing, actuation, and energy harvesting defined by the carried flexible devices and move under the excitation of gravitational force or magnetic force. They work in both dry and wet environments, and adapt to the surrounding environment through reversible shape shifting. These ADs can achieve controllable motions at a maximum velocity of 226 cm min-1 on a dry surface and 32 cm min-1 in a liquid environment. The conceptual system may eventually lead to individually addressable ADs that offer sophisticated functions for high-throughput molecule analysis, drug assessment, chemical synthesis, and information collection.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active fluids are a class of nonequilibrium systems where energy is injected into the system continuously by the constituent particles themselves. Many examples, such as bacterial suspensions and actomyosin networks, are intrinsically chiral at a local scale, so that their activity involves torque dipoles alongside the force dipoles usually considered. Although many aspects of active fluids have been studied, the effects of chirality on them are much less known. Here, we study by computer simulation the dynamics of an unstructured droplet of chiral active fluid in three dimensions. Our model considers only the simplest possible combination of chiral and achiral active stresses, yet this leads to an unprecedented range of complex motilities, including oscillatory swimming, helical swimming, and run-and-tumble motion. Strikingly, whereas the chirality of helical swimming is the same as the microscopic chirality of torque dipoles in one regime, the two are opposite in another. Some of the features of these motility modes resemble those of some single-celled protozoa, suggesting that underlying mechanisms may be shared by some biological systems and synthetic active droplets.





