acoustic monitoring

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The franciscana dolphin is a small, vulnerable species often caught in artisanal gillnets. This study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of their acoustic capabilities by using advanced equipment to collect a large dataset of wideband, continuous recordings. We examined the detailed acoustic signals of franciscana dolphins, comparing the sounds from rehabilitated dolphins in captivity with those of wild dolphins near fishing nets. Significant differences in acoustic characteristics were found between neonates and older dolphins, with juvenile and wild dolphins showing similar features. For the first time, repetition patterns in click production were identified, highlighting the importance of understanding the context of these sounds in regards to feeding and communication. This study emphasizes the need for detecting neonates for species protection and suggests the potential for developing acoustic classifiers specific to different age groups. Our findings offer valuable insights for conservation efforts and the development of protection strategies for franciscana dolphins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the paper, a new method of phase measurement error suppression in a phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer is proposed and experimentally proved. The main causes of phase measurement errors are identified and considered, such as the influence of the recording interferometer instabilities and laser wavelength instability, which can cause inaccuracies in phase unwrapping. The use of a Mach-Zender interferometer made by 3 × 3 fiber couplers is proposed and tested to provide insensitivity to the recording interferometer and laser source instabilities. It is shown that using all three available photodetectors of the interferometer, instead of just one pair, achieves significantly better accuracy in the phase unwrapping. A novel compensation scheme for accurate phase measurements in a phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer is proposed, and a comparison of the measurement signals with or without such compensation is shown and discussed. The proposed method, using three photodetectors, allows for very good compensation of the phase measurement errors arising from common-mode noise from the interferometer and laser source, providing a significant improvement in signal detection. In addition, the method allows the tracking of slow temperature changes in the monitored fiber/object, which is not obtainable when using a simple low-pass filter for phase unwrapping error reduction, as is customary in several systems of this kind.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractAutonomous sensors provide opportunities to observe organisms across spatial and temporal scales that humans cannot directly observe. By processing large data streams from autonomous sensors with deep learning methods, researchers can make novel and important natural history discoveries. In this study, we combine automated acoustic monitoring with deep learning models to observe breeding-associated activity in the endangered Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae), a behavior that current surveys do not measure. By deploying inexpensive hydrophones and developing a deep learning model to recognize breeding-associated vocalizations, we discover three undocumented R. sierrae vocalization types and find an unexpected temporal pattern of nocturnal breeding-associated vocal activity. This study exemplifies how the combination of autonomous sensor data and deep learning can shed new light on species\' natural history, especially during times or in locations where human observation is limited or impossible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, attention to the realization of a distributed fiber-optic microphone for the detection and recognition of the human voice has increased, whereby the most popular schemes are based on φ-OTDR. Many issues related to the selection of optimal system parameters and the recognition of registered signals, however, are still unresolved. In this research, we conducted theoretical studies of these issues based on the φ-OTDR mathematical model and verified them with experiments. We designed an algorithm for fiber sensor signal processing, applied a testing kit, and designed a method for the quantitative evaluation of our obtained results. We also proposed a new setup model for lab tests of φ-OTDR single coordinate sensors, which allows for the quick variation of their parameters. As a result, it was possible to define requirements for the best quality of speech recognition; estimation using the percentage of recognized words yielded a value of 96.3%, and estimation with Levenshtein distance provided a value of 15.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate refugia, areas where climate is expected to remain relatively stable, can offer a near-term safe haven for species sensitive to warming temperatures and drought. Understanding the influence of temperature, moisture, and disturbance on sensitive species is critical during this time of rapid climate change. Coastal habitats can serve as important refugia. Many of these areas consist of working forestlands, and there is a growing recognition that conservation efforts worldwide must consider the habitat value of working lands, in addition to protected areas, to effectively manage large landscapes that support biodiversity. The sensitivity of forest bats to climate and habitat disturbance makes them a useful indicator taxon. We tested how microclimate and forest management influence habitat use for 13 species of insectivorous bats in a large climate refugium in a global biodiversity hotspot. We examined whether bat activity during the summer dry season is greater in forests where coastal fog provides moisture and more stable temperatures across both protected mature stands and those regularly logged. Acoustic monitoring was conducted at a landscape scale with 20 study sites, and generalized linear mixed models were used to examine the influence of habitat variables. Six species were positively associated with warmer nighttime temperature, and 5 species had a negative relationship with humidity or a positive relationship with climatic moisture deficit. Our results suggest that these mammals may have greater climate adaptive capacity than expected, and, for now, that habitat use may be more related to optimal foraging conditions than to avoidance of warming temperatures and drought. We also determined that 12 of the 13 regionally present bat species were regularly detected in commercial timberland stands. Because forest bats are highly mobile, forage over long distances, and frequently change roosts, the stewardship of working forests must be addressed to protect these species.
    Influencia del microclima y el manejo forestal sobre especies de murciélagos ante el cambio global Resumen Los refugios climáticos, áreas en donde se espera que el clima permanezca relativamente estable, pueden ofrecer un santuario a corto plazo para las especies sensibles al aumento de temperaturas y la sequía. Es muy importante entender la influencia de la temperatura, la humedad y las perturbaciones sobre las especies sensibles durante estos tiempos de cambio climático repentino. Los hábitats costeros pueden funcionar como refugios importantes. Muchas de estas áreas consisten en bosques funcionales y cada vez hay más reconocimiento de que los esfuerzos mundiales de conservación deben considerar el valor del hábitat de los suelos funcionales, además de las áreas protegidas, para manejar de manera efectiva los extensos paisajes que mantienen a la biodiversidad. La sensibilidad de los murciélagos de los bosques ante las perturbaciones climáticas y de hábitat hace que sean un taxón indicador útil. Analizamos cómo los microclimas y el manejo forestal influyen sobre el uso de hábitat de 13 especies de murciélagos insectívoros en un refugio climático amplio dentro de un punto caliente de biodiversidad mundial. Examinamos si la actividad de los murciélagos durante la temporada seca de verano es mayor en los bosques en donde la niebla costera proporciona humedad y temperaturas más estables tanto en los árboles maduros como aquellos que son talados con regularidad. Realizamos el monitoreo acústico a escala de paisaje en 20 estudios de sitio y usamos modelos lineales mixtos generalizados para examinar la influencia de las variables del hábitat. Seis especies estuvieron asociadas positivamente con la temperatura nocturna más cálida y cinco especies tuvieron una relación negativa con la humedad o una relación positiva con el déficit climático de humedad. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos mamíferos pueden tener una mayor capacidad de adaptación climática de lo que se pensaba y, por ahora, que el uso de hábitat puede estar más relacionado con las condiciones óptimas de forrajeo que con la evasión de las temperaturas elevadas y la sequía. También determinamos que 12 de las 13 especies con presencia regional fueron detectadas con regularidad en los puntos de tala comercial. Ya que los murciélagos del bosque tienden a moverse mucho, forrajear a lo largo de grandes distancias y con frecuencia cambiar de nido, debemos abordar la administración de los bosques funcionales para proteger a estas especies.
    气候庇护所, 即气候预期保持相对稳定的地区, 可为对气温升高和干旱敏感的物种提供近期的安全避难所。在当前气候快速变化的背景下, 了解温度、湿度和干扰对敏感物种的影响至关重要。沿海栖息地可作为重要的庇护所, 其中许多地区由得到经营的施业林组成, 且已有越来越多的人认识到, 全球保护工作除了关注保护地以外, 还必须考虑施业林的栖息地价值, 以有效管理支持生物多样性的大尺度景观。森林蝙蝠对气候和栖息地干扰的敏感性使其成为一类有用的指示性物种。本研究检验了微气候和森林管理对全球生物多样性热点地区的一个大型气候庇护所中13种食虫蝙蝠栖息地利用情况的影响。我们研究了在受保护的成熟林和定期采伐的森林中, 夏天旱季有沿海雾气提供水分和更稳定温度的森林中的蝙蝠活动是否更为频繁。我们在20个研究位点进行了景观尺度的声学监测, 并使用广义线性混合模型分析了栖息地变量的影响。结果显示, 有6个物种与较高的夜间温度呈正相关, 5个物种与湿度呈负相关或与气候水分亏缺呈正相关。研究结果表明, 这些哺乳动物对气候的适应能力可能比预期的要强, 就目前而言, 其栖息地利用情况可能更多地与最佳觅食条件有关, 而不是为了避开气温升高或干旱环境。我们还发现局域分布的13种蝙蝠中有12种经常出现在商业林地中。由于森林蝙蝠具有高度移动性, 常常远距离觅食且经常更换栖息巢穴, 因此必须加强对施业林的管理以保护这些物种。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global declines in tree populations have led to dramatic shifts in forest ecosystem composition, biodiversity, and functioning. These changes have consequences for both forest plant and wildlife communities, particularly when declining species are involved in coevolved mutualisms. Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) is a declining keystone species in western North American high-elevation ecosystems and an obligate mutualist of Clark\'s nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana), an avian seed predator and disperser. By leveraging traditional point count surveys and passive acoustic monitoring, we investigated how stand characteristics of whitebark pine in a protected area (Glacier National Park, Montana, USA) influenced occupancy and vocal activity patterns in Clark\'s nutcracker. Using Bayesian spatial occupancy models and generalized linear mixed models, we found that habitat use of Clark\'s nutcracker was primarily supported by greater cone density and increasing diameter of live whitebark pine. Additionally, we demonstrated the value of performing parallel analyses with traditional point count surveys and passive acoustic monitoring to provide multiple lines of evidence for relationships between Clark\'s nutcracker and whitebark pine forest characteristics. Our findings allow managers to gauge the whitebark pine conditions important for retaining high nutcracker visitation and prioritize management efforts in whitebark pine ecosystems with low nutcracker visitation.
    Глобальні зменшення популяцій дерев призвело до різких змін у складі лісових екосистем, біорізноманіття та функціонування. Ці зміни мають наслідки як для лісових рослин, також для диких тварин, особливо коли види, що скорочуються, залучені до коеволюційних мутуалізмів. Кількість білокорої сосни (Pinus albicaulis) скорочується у високогірних екосистемах західної Північної Америки і є обов\'язковим мутуалістом горіхівки Кларка (Nucifraga columbiana), пташиного хижака, який розповсюджує насіння. Доповнюючи традиційний метод підрахування з результатами пасивного акустичного моніторингу, ми досліджували як характеристики ділянок білокорої сосни на охоронюваній території (Національний парк Глейшер, штат Монтана, США) впливають на розміщення та голосової активності горіхівки Кларка. Використовуючи Байєсівські моделі просторового розміщення та узагальнені лінійні змішані моделі, ми виявили, що середовище існування горіхівки Кларка в першу чергу підтримується більшою кількістю шишок а також більшим діаметром живої білокорої сосни. Наші висновки дозволяють менеджерам ресурсів оцінювати стан білокорої сосни, необхідний для збереження високого рівня знаходження горіхівки і визначити пріоритетність зусиль для відновлення їх в районах, де вона низька. Наша структура також надає менеджерам протокол відбору проб, який полегшує довгостроковий моніторинг екосистеми білокорої сосни.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several insectivorous bat species are found in New England, yet research on them is still scarce. Current research shows the ecological importance of bats due to their control of insect populations, but they are endangered by habitat loss and White Nose Syndrome, among other threats. Pine barrens are an uncommon ecosystem found in New England that supports other rare taxa and could be important for these bat species.
    With hand-held audio recorders, we surveyed for bats in Montague Plains Wildlife Management Area in Massachusetts and Concord Pine Barrens in New Hampshire in June 2022. Our study objectives were to (1) describe the most common bat species and (2) compare bat activity across different habitat types at two managed pine barrens in New England. In particular, we examined bat activity related to habitat type (scrub oak, mature pitch pine, treated pitch pine, hardwood forest), habitat structure (i.e., canopy closure), time since prescribed fire, and path width. We analyzed our data through generalized linear modeling and logistic regression.
    Overall, we were able to measure the presence of five out of the nine total species found in the area, including the endangered Myotis lucifugus (little brown bat). We recorded 293 bat calls, with the majority of calls from big brown bats (71%). We found significant differences (p < 0.05) in bat activity in relation to time since prescribed fire and habitat structure. The index of bat activity was greatest in pitch pine and hardwood forests and lowest in scrub oak and treated pitch pine habitats. With preliminary data, we also found that silver-haired bat presence was influenced by habitat type, with more detections at survey points in hardwood forests.
    These findings demonstrate the importance of pine barrens as an ecosystem that supports bats in New England. According to the activity of bats in our study, closed canopy and mature pitch pine habitats may be prioritized in conservation efforts at managed barrens for bat species. Further research is recommended to better understand the relationship between prescribed fires, which are common in managed barrens, and bat activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mediterranean temporary ponds are recognized as conservation priority habitats that face anthropogenic threats and are important habitats for a number of aquatic and terrestrial animals and plants. Bats are a diverse group of animals that use ponds for drinking and feeding on emerging aquatic insects and terrestrial insects in the riparian zone. We investigated the importance of temporary ponds for bats in Greece by acoustically sampling bat community structures and activity at temporary ponds throughout the year. We sampled monthly, from 3 to 13 months in 2019-2020, at sites at the pond edge and approximately 150-300 m away from the edge, at four temporary ponds in northern and southern Greece. Our results confirm the importance of temporary ponds for bats as activity was recorded year-round and was high in all but the winter months. In general, the distance to the edge of the pond and the presence of water in the pond explained bat activity together with air temperature. Importantly, whether dry or not, all ponds supported bat activity, independent of their particular characteristics. This study highlights the urgent need for the conservation of temporary ponds, especially in areas with limited water availability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The paper presents the application of a phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometer (phi-OTDR) in the field of urban infrastructure monitoring. In particular, the branched structure of the urban network of telecommunication wells. The encountered tasks and difficulties are described. The possibilities of usage are substantiated, and the numerical values of the event quality classification algorithms applied to experimental data are calculated using machine learning methods. Among the considered methods, the best results were shown by convolutional neural networks, with a probability of correct classification as high as 98.55%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The AudioMoth is a popular autonomous recording unit (ARU) that is widely used to record vocalizing species in the field. Despite its growing use, there have been few quantitative tests on the performance of this recorder. Such information is needed to design effective field surveys and to appropriately analyze recordings made by this device. Here, we report the results of two tests designed to evaluate the performance characteristics of the AudioMoth recorder. First, we performed indoor and outdoor pink noise playback experiments to evaluate how different device settings, orientations, mounting conditions, and housing options affect frequency response patterns. We found little variation in acoustic performance between devices and relatively little effect of placing recorders in a plastic bag for weather protection. The AudioMoth has a mostly flat on-axis response with a boost above 3 kHz, with a generally omnidirectional response that suffers from attenuation behind the recorder, an effect that is accentuated when it is mounted on a tree. Second, we performed battery life tests under a variety of recording frequencies, gain settings, environmental temperatures, and battery types. We found that standard alkaline batteries last for an average of 189 h at room temperature using a 32 kHz sample rate, and that lithium batteries can last for twice as long at freezing temperatures compared to alkaline batteries. This information will aid researchers in both collecting and analyzing recordings generated by the AudioMoth recorder.





