
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The important role of soil carbon pools in coping with climate change has become widely recognized. Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) is an economically important bamboo species in South China; however, owing to factors such as rising labor costs and increasingly stringent environmental policies, Moso bamboo forests have recently been abandoned. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of abandonment on structural factors and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in Moso bamboo forests. We investigated Moso bamboo forests subjected to intensive management or abandonment for different durations and measured forest structural characteristics, mineral properties, soil nutrients, and other soil properties. Although abandonment did not significantly affect the height and diameter at breast height, it increased culm densities, biomass, and SOC stocks. The drivers of SOC stocks depended on soil depth and were mainly controlled by carbon decomposition mediated by soil properties. In the topsoil, mineral protection and soil total nitrogen (TN) exerted significant effects on SOC stocks; in the subsoil, soil TN was the main driver of SOC stocks. As the controlling factors of SOC stocks differed between the subsoil and topsoil, more attention should be paid to the subsoil. Overall, these findings refine our understanding of the structural characteristics and SOC stocks associated with Moso bamboo forest abandonment, serving as a reference for the follow-up management of these forests.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This ethnographic exploration of death in the Peruvian context draws on fieldwork among abandoned-both by their families and the state-older adults in a shelter for the homeless in Lima, Peru. I examine the conditions and local forces that shape the ways people at this institution socially and physically die. My argument is that people in this long-term care facility who have lived entire lives on the margins, usually, end up having irrelevant deaths to their families, other residents of the institution, and the Peruvian state. At this shelter, dying in an irrelevant way means dying without companionship from family members and receiving poor and flawed care from the institution that shelters them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Semi-natural grasslands (SNGLs) in Estonia are threatened by abandonment. This threat is leading to concerns about the degradation of biodiversity within grassland communities. Despite the high relevance of economic incentives in this context, how such incentives influence land managers\' decision-making regarding the agricultural use of SNGLs has not been investigated. To obtain its socio-ecological implications for policy-making, we developed regionally specific agricultural scenarios (compensation payments, livestock capacity, hey export, and bioenergy production) and an interdisciplinary modelling approach that made it possible to simulate agricultural land use changes through land managers\' responses to varied economic conditions. Through this approach, we found that some economic factors hampered the use of SNGLs: the moderate profitability of beef production, labour shortages, and the relatively high profitability of mulching. We observed a positive relationship between SNGLs and habitat suitability for breeding and feeding birds. However, due to the high maintenance costs of SNGLs, the modelling results indicated that increasing the use of SNGLs through public budgets caused crowding-out effects, i.e., the deteriorating market integration of regional agriculture. This study emphasises the need for policy measures aimed at cost-effective, labour-efficient management practices for SNGLs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The early detection of sickle cell disease (SCD) is vital to reduce mortality among affected children. Suriname currently lacks a newborn screening programme (NSP) for SCD. We performed a pilot programme to evaluate the scalability of such an initiative. Dried blood spots were collected from five birth centres and subjected to electrophoresis analysis. The programme scalability was evaluated using the non-adoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability framework. Challenges across six domains (illness, technology, value proposition, adopter system, organisation, and societal system), were categorised hierarchically as simple 😊, complicated 😐, or complex 😢. It has been proven that implementing programmes with mainly complicated challenges is difficult and those in mainly complex areas may be unachievable. SCD was detected in 33 of 5185 (0.64%) successfully screened newborns. Most of the domains were classified as simple or complicated. Disease detection and technology suitability for screening in Suriname were confirmed, with favourable parental acceptance. Only minor routine adjustment was required from the medical staff for programme implementation. Complex challenges included a reliance on external suppliers for technical maintenance, ensuring timely access to specialised paediatric care for affected newborns, and securing sustainable financial funding. Scaling up is challenging but feasible, particularly with a targeted focus on identified complex challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Restoring ecosystems is an imperative for addressing biodiversity loss and climate change, and achieving the targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. One form of restoration, rewilding, may have particular promise but may also be precluded by requirements for other forms of land use now or in the future. This opportunity space is critical but challenging to assess. We explored the potential area available for rewilding in Great Britain until the year 2080 with a multisectoral land-use model with several distinct climatic and socioeconomic scenarios. By 2080, areas from 5000 to 7000 km2 were either unmanaged or managed in ways that could be consistent with rewilding across scenarios without conflicting with the provision of ecosystem services. Beyond these areas, another 24,000-42,000 km2 of extensive upland management could provide additional areas for rewilding if current patterns of implementation hold in the future. None of these areas, however, coincided reliably with ecosystems of priority for conservation: peatlands, ancient woodlands, or wetlands. Repeatedly, these ecosystems were found to be vulnerable to conversion. Our results are not based on an assumption of support for or benefits from rewilding and do not account for disadvantages, such as potential losses of cultural landscapes or traditional forms of management, that were beyond the modeled ecosystem services. Nevertheless, potential areas for rewilding emerge in a variety of ways, from intensification elsewhere having a substantial but inadvertent land-sparing effect, popular demand for environmental restoration, or a desire for exclusive recreation among the wealthy elite. Our findings therefore imply substantial opportunities for rewilding in the United Kingdom but also a need for interventions to shape the nature and extent of that rewilding to maintain priority conservation areas and societal objectives.
    Una evaluación del potencial futuro de la resilvestración en el Reino Unido Resumen La restauración de ecosistemas es urgente para abordar la pérdida de biodiversidad y el cambio climático, así como para lograr los objetivos del Marco Mundial de Biodiversidad de Kunming‐Montreal. Un método de restauración, la resilvestración, puede ser particularmente prometedor, aunque también puede ser excluido por los requerimientos para otras formas de uso de suelo actuales o en el futuro. Este espacio de oportunidad es crítico, pero también un reto para evaluar. Exploramos el área potencial disponible para el resilvestrado en Gran Bretaña hasta el año 2080 con un modelo multisectorial de uso de suelo con varios escenarios climáticos y socioeconómicos. Para este año, las áreas entre 5,000 y 7,000 km2 no estaban gestionadas o lo estaban, pero de manera que podían ser consistentes con el resilvestrado de los escenarios sin conflictuar el suministro de servicios ambientales. Más allá de estas áreas, otros 24,000‐42,000 km2 de gestión extensiva tierra arriba podrían proporcionar áreas adicionales para el resilvestrado si los patrones actuales de implementación siguen en pie en el futuro. Sin embargo, ninguna de estas áreas coincidió de manera confiable con los ecosistemas de prioridad para la conservación: las turberas, bosques antiguos o humedales. Estos ecosistemas aparecieron varias veces como vulnerables a la conversión. Nuestros resultados no están basados en una suposición de apoyo para o los beneficios de la resilvestración y no consideran las desventajas, como la pérdida potencial de paisajes culturales o las maneras tradicionales de manejo, que estaban fuera del alcance de los servicios ambientales modelados. Sin embargo, las áreas potenciales para el resilvestrado emergen en una variedad de formas, desde la intensificación en otros lugares con un efecto de ahorro de tierras sustancial pero inadvertido, la demanda popular por la restauración ambiental o el deseo de una recreación exclusiva entre la elite acaudalada. Por lo tanto, nuestros descubrimientos implican una oportunidad sustancial para la resilvestración en el Reino Unido, aunque también una necesidad de intervenciones para moldear la naturaleza y la extensión de ese resilvestrado para mantener las áreas prioritarias de conservación y los objetivos sociales.
    为应对生物多样性丧失和气候变化, 并实现《昆明‐蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》目标, 一项当务之急是生态系统的恢复。再野化作为生态系统恢复的一种方式, 可能具有独特前景, 但也可能因当下或未来其他土地利用形式的需求而被排除在外。因此, 这一机会空间至关重要, 而其评估也面临挑战。本研究利用一个多部门土地利用模型, 结合多种气候和社会经济的不同情景, 分析了大不列颠岛至2080年可用于再野化的潜在区域。结果显示, 到2080年, 有5000到7000平方公里的区域或处于无人管理状态, 或其管理方式与各种情景下的再野化条件一致, 不会与提供生态系统服务发生冲突。除这些区域外, 如果未来能够维持当前的实施模式, 则还有24,000‐42,000平方公里的广阔的高地管理区域可用于再野化。然而, 这些区域都没有与优先保护的生态系统(泥炭地、古林地和湿地)很好地重合。此外, 这些生态系统很容易发生转换。我们的研究结果并非基于支持再野化或从再野化中获益的假设, 也没有考虑到不利因素, 如文化景观或传统管理形式的潜在丧失, 这些都超出了模拟生态系统服务的范围。尽管如此, 可用于再野化的潜在区域还是有多种来源方式, 如其他地区的集约化无意产生的大规模土地节约效应、民众对环境恢复的需求, 或富裕的精英阶层对专属娱乐的渴望。因此, 我们的研究结果表明, 英国存在大量再野化机会, 但同时也需要采取干预措施来确定再野化的性质和范围, 以维持优先保护区域和社会目标。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous factors concerning early breastfeeding abandonment have been described, including health literacy (HL). This study\'s objective was to analyze factors related to early breastfeeding abandonment (<6 months). This prospective multicentric study examined the duration of breastfeeding at 6 months postpartum and was conducted in four different regions of Spain from January 2021 to January 2023. A total of 275 women participated in this study, which focused on maternal HL and obstetric practices. A decrease in the breastfeeding rate was observed from hospital discharge (n = 224, 81.5%) to the sixth month postpartum (n = 117, 42.5%). A Cox regression analysis revealed that inadequate HL levels, lack of mobilization during labour, and induced labour were significantly associated with early breastfeeding cessation (p = 0.022, p = 0.019, and p = 0.010, respectively). The results highlight that women with adequate HL had a 32% lower risk of early breastfeeding abandonment. In comparison, mobilization during labour and induction of labour were linked to a 32.4% reduction and a 53.8% increase in this risk, respectively. These findings emphasize the importance of considering obstetric and HL factors when addressing the breastfeeding duration, indicating opportunities for educational and perinatal care interventions.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fped.2022.1049661.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mediterranean land systems are undergoing significant changes in terms of agricultural land use and practices. The location and nature of agricultural areas in the Mediterranean basin are changing following a set of tensions and opportunities taking place both locally and in the entire basin. This dataset presents the main short-term land system dynamics (2005-2015) and their location on the whole Mediterranean basin. The dataset is based on existing land use map and available data about agricultural surface distribution, and it is obtained through a classification process of the land systems on the two analyzed data (2005 and 2015) and a subsequent change detection between the two obtained maps. It covers all the Mediterranean bioclimatic area in pixels of 2 km spatial resolution, harmonizing information from the northern and southern side of the basin. We identified different types of changes, and the most relevant in terms of surfaces are: (1) from mixed agriculture to specialized fruit groves; (2) from agricultural areas to urban and/or periurban areas; (3) from agroforestry to arable systems, and (4) from predominantly bare soils to agricultural areas. This data can be used for further analysis to assess underlying trajectories, and the impact of the observed dynamics on biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services, as well as on the organization of the food system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Different types of stress inflicted in early stages of life elevate the risk, among adult animals and humans, to develop disturbed emotional-associated behaviors, such as hyperphagia or depression. Early-life stressed (ELS) adults present hyperactivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is a risk factor associated with mood disorders. However, the prevalence of hyperphagia (17%) and depression (50%) is variable among adults that experienced ELS, suggesting that the nature, intensity, and chronicity of the stress determines the specific behavioral alteration that those individuals develop.
    METHODS: We analyzed corticosterone serum levels, Crh, GR, Crhr1 genes expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, amygdala, and hippocampus due to their regulatory role on HPA axis in adult rats that experienced maternal separation (MS) or limited nesting material (LNM) stress; as well as the serotonergic system activity in the same regions given its association with the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) pathway functioning and with the hyperphagia and depression development.
    RESULTS: Alterations in dams\' maternal care provoked an unresponsive or hyper-responsive HPA axis function to an acute stress in MS and LNM adults, respectively. The differential changes in amygdala and hippocampal CRH system seemed compensating alterations to the hypothalamic desensitized glucocorticoids receptor (GR) in MS or hypersensitive in LNM. However, both adult animals developed hyperphagia and depression-like behavior when subjected to the forced-swimming test, which helps to understand that both hypo and hypercortisolemic patients present those disorders.
    CONCLUSIONS: Different ELS types induce neuroendocrine, brain CRH and 5-hydroxytriptamine (5-HT) systems\' alterations that may interact converging to develop similar maladaptive behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Mobility assistive devices (MADs) provide support to older adults to improve their quality of life; however, research shows that as many as 75% of older adults are non-adherent to prescribed MADs. This study investigated the psychosocial factors that predict non-adherence to MADs among older adults.Methods: A sample of Canadian older adult MADs users who resided in a long-term care facility was included. The data was collected using the Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale (PIADS), and the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (mMOS-SS). Data analysis was performed using SPSS 28. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample and the study variables. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the association between the study variables. Variables that were associated with non-adherence in a univariate analysis were subsequently entered into a multiple regression analysis.Results: The sample comprised 48 residents (26 females and 22 males), with a mean age of 86.8. In the univariate analysis, scores from the three PIADS subscales, namely, Competence, Adaptability, and Self-esteem, and the Social Support scale were significantly correlated with non-adherence (p < 0.05). In the multiple regression analyses, only Self-esteem significantly predicted non-adherence (p < 0.05), and this model explained between 43.5 and 54.3% of the variance in non-adherence.Conclusion: This study revealed that the Self-esteem construct, which includes several concepts related to psychological well-being, was the only significant predictor of non-adherence among the studied sample of older adults. The clinical implications of the findings are subsequently discussed.
    Older adults’ non-adherence to Mobility Assistive Devices (MADs) is a significant problem in Rehabilitation practice.Self-esteem can explain nearly 50% of the variance in the prediction of non-adherence to MADs among older adults.Evaluating client’s Self-esteem is important for clinicians because it helps them determine and predict who will be adherent and who will need further attention.The findings of this research support the use of the Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale in clinical practice as a means of building a relationship between the user and a professional.





