aCSF, artificial cerebrospinal fluid

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIB (MPS IIIB) is an ultrarare, fatal pediatric disease with no approved therapy. It is caused by mutations in the gene encoding for lysosomal enzyme alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGLU). Tralesinidase alfa (TA) is a fusion protein comprised of recombinant NAGLU and a modified human insulin-like growth factor 2 that is being developed as an enzyme replacement therapy for MPS IIIB. Since MPS IIIB is a pediatric disease the safety/toxicity, pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of TA were evaluated in juvenile non-human primates that were administered up to 5 weekly intracerebroventricular (ICV) or single intravenous (IV) infusions of TA. TA administered by ICV slow-, ICV isovolumetric bolus- or IV-infusion was well-tolerated, and no effects were observed on clinical observations, electrocardiographic or ophthalmologic parameters, or respiratory rates. The drug-related changes observed were limited to increased cell infiltrates in the CSF and along the ICV catheter track after ICV administration. These findings were not associated with functional changes and are associated with the use of ICV catheters. The CSF PK profiles were consistent across all conditions tested and TA distributed widely in the CNS after ICV administration. Anti-drug antibodies were observed but did not appear to significantly affect the exposure to TA. Correlations between TA concentrations in plasma and brain regions in direct contact with the cisterna magna suggest glymphatic drainage may be responsible for clearance of TA from the CNS. The data support the administration of TA by isovolumetric bolus ICV infusion to pediatric patients with MPS IIIB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide is a recently discovered peptide derived from the light neurofilament chain (NFL). In this study, we demonstrated that the Biotinylated-NFL-peptide (BIOT-NFL) can spontaneously self-assemble into well-organized nanofibers (approximately 5 nm width and several micrometers in length) in several solutions, whereas the typical self-assembly was not systematically observed from other peptides with or without coupling. The critical aggregation concentration that allows the BIOT-NFL-peptide to aggregate and auto associate was determined at 10-4 mol/L by surface tension measurements. X-ray scattering of BIOT-NFL-peptide also demonstrated its beta-sheet structure that can facilitate the intermolecular interactions involved in the self-assembly process. The possible disassembly of self-assembled BIOT-NFL-peptide-nanofibers was examined via a dialysis membrane study. We further investigated the interaction between nanofibers formed by BIOT-NFL-peptide and gold nanoparticles. Interestingly, a strong interaction was demonstrated between these nanoparticles and BIOT-NFL-peptide resulted in the formation of BIOT-NFL-peptide-nanofibers grandly decorated by gold nanoparticles. Finally, we investigated the internalization of gold nanoparticles coupled with BIOT-NFL-nanofibers into F98 rat glioblastoma cells, which was increased compared to the non-coupled control gold nanoparticles. All these results indicate that this peptide could be a promising therapeutic agent for targeted delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The site-specific administration of neuroactive substances or pharmacological agents is a routine practice in neurological studies. To facilitate chronic treatments intercranial cannulae are often implanted in the skull. These surgical procedures are widely described and well-documented for rodents, as the most common animal model, and even refined over the years. However, precise descriptions of proper procedure for third ventricle cannulation in young broiler chicks is not readily available. This absence is surprising, as chicken models are often used in the investigation of physiological control of the metabolism and ingestion. Furthermore, as a commercial animal, there is also a particular interest in elucidating the central regulation of feed intake and metabolism to optimize feeding and living conditions for broilers. The brain nuclei that serve as the regulatory centers of feeding and metabolism are the arcuate nucleus, the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, and the lateral hypothalamus, which are all located near the third ventricle. Here, we provide a full protocol for intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) cannulation of 7-day old broiler chicks, as well as a review of some of the advances made in rodent i.c.v. cannulations and whether these advances are applicable to cannulations in chickens. Using the surgical procedure described here, we were able to achieve a success rate of proper implantation of 88%, with a mortality rate of less than 1% (n = 224).•Detailed procedure for i.c.v. canula implantation in the third ventricle of 7d-old broiler chicks.•Cement cap with anchoring screws is necessary in broilers, glue does not provide sufficient stability.•Carboxylate cement and self-adhesive resin cement were tested as an alternative for methyl methacrylate cement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A growing awareness for vascular contribution to pathogenesis of brain diseases increases the need for techniques that allow high-resolution imaging and quantification of changes in function and structure of cerebral microvessels. Cerebral vessels are very sensitive structures, making them vulnerable for injury. In addition, they are uniquely characterized with the blood-brain barrier, and an extra caution is required during procedures that involve engagement of cerebral vessels (i.e., craniotomy). Using state of the art facilities, including 3D intravital microscope, we describe here in details:•The steps and equipment required for drilling a craniotomy and removing of the dura, while keeping brain parenchyma and vessels intact. This enables long duration of live and direct monitoring of pial vessels and imaging of BBB permeability.•We present the craniotomy procedure that relevant and compatible with imaging pial vessels and monitoring the blood-brain barrier in small rodents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging leads to cognitive impairments characterized by reduced hippocampal functions that are associated with impairment of long-term potentiation of CA1 synapses. Here, we assessed the safety and efficacy of modified (-)-gallocatechin gallate (GCG)-enriched green tea extract (HTP-GTE) in ameliorating the cognitive dysfunctions in late middle-aged murine model. We developed a novel HTP-GTE that was enriched with GCG via epimerization that involved heating. We compared the effects of oral administrations of conventional green tea and HTP-GTE in young and aged male C57/BL6 mice, and examined the changes in the hippocampal functions related to aging process. The functional outcome was assessed by the electrophysiological experiments to measure the long-term potentiation (LTP). HTP-GTE improved the age-related cognitive impairments via restoring long-term synaptic plasticity. We also identified that GCG was the main active component responsible for the HTP-GTE effect. The main molecular pathway in ameliorating the age-related cognitive dysfunctions involved protein kinase A (PKA) which was shown to be modulated by HTP-GTE. Thus, HTP-GTE has a therapeutic potential as a dietary supplement which may aid to rescue the impaired cognitive functions at the early phase of aging process through the modulation of LTP threshold.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) is essential for ingestive behavior but has primarily been studied in modulating feeding, with comparatively scant attention on drinking. This is partly because most LHA neurons simultaneously promote feeding and drinking, suggesting that ingestive behaviors track together. A notable exception are LHA neurons expressing neurotensin (LHANts neurons): activating these neurons promotes water intake but modestly restrains feeding. Here we investigated the connectivity of LHANts neurons, their necessity and sufficiency for drinking and feeding, and how timing and resource availability influence their modulation of these behaviors. LHANts neurons project broadly throughout the brain, including to the lateral preoptic area (LPO), a brain region implicated in modulating drinking behavior. LHANts neurons also receive inputs from brain regions implicated in sensing hydration and energy status. While activation of LHANts neurons is not required to maintain homeostatic water or food intake, it selectively promotes drinking during the light cycle, when ingestive drive is low. Activating LHANts neurons during this period also increases willingness to work for water or palatable fluids, regardless of their caloric content. By contrast, LHANts neuronal activation during the dark cycle does not promote drinking, but suppresses feeding during this time. Finally, we demonstrate that the activation of the LHANts → LPO projection is sufficient to mediate drinking behavior, but does not suppress feeding as observed after generally activating all LHANts neurons. Overall, our work suggests how and when LHANts neurons oppositely modulate ingestive behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term cannabis use during adolescence has deleterious effects in brain that are largely ascribed to the activation of cannabinoid-1 receptors (CB1Rs) by delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆9-THC), the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana. Systemic administration of ∆9-THC inhibits acetylcholine release in the prelimbic-prefrontal cortex (PL-PFC). In turn, PL-PFC acetylcholine plays a role in executive activities regulated by CB1R-targeting endocannabinoids, which are generated by cholinergic stimulation of muscarinic-1 receptors (M1Rs). However, the long-term effects of chronic administration of increasing doses of ∆9-THC in adolescent males on the distribution and function of M1 and/or CB1 receptors in the PL-PFC remains unresolved. We used C57BL\\6J male mice pre-treated with vehicle or escalating daily doses of ∆9-THC to begin filling this gap. Electron microscopic immunolabeling showed M1R-immunogold particles on plasma membranes and in association with cytoplasmic membranes in varying sized dendrites and dendritic spines. These dendritic profiles received synaptic inputs from unlabeled, CB1R- and/or M1R-labeled axon terminals in the PL-PFC of both treatment groups. However, there was a size-dependent decrease in total (plasmalemmal and cytoplasmic) M1R gold particles in small dendrites within the PL-PFC of mice receiving ∆9-THC. Whole cell current-clamp recording in PL-PFC slice preparations further revealed that adolescent pretreatment with ∆9-THC attenuates the hyperpolarization and increases the firing rate produced by local muscarinic stimulation. Repeated administration of ∆9-THC during adolescence also reduced spontaneous alternations in a Y-maze paradigm designed for measures of PFC-dependent memory function in adult mice. Our results provide new information implicating M1Rs in cortical dysfunctions resulting from adolescent abuse of marijuana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The locus coeruleus (LC) is a critical node in the stress response, and its activation has been shown to promote hypervigilance and anxiety-like behavior. This noradrenergic nucleus has historically been considered homogeneous with highly divergent neurons that operate en masse to collectively affect central nervous system function and behavioral state. However, in recent years, LC has been identified as a heterogeneous structure whose neurons innervate discrete terminal fields and contribute to distinct aspects of behavior. We have previously shown that in late adolescent male rats, an acute traumatic stressor, simultaneous physical restraint and exposure to predator odor, preferentially induces c-Fos expression in a subset of dorsal LC neurons and persistently increases anxiety-like behavior. To investigate how these neurons respond to and contribute to the behavioral response to stress, we used a combination of retrograde tracing, whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology, and chemogenetics. Here we show that LC neurons innervating the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) undergo distinct electrophysiological changes in response to stressor exposure and have opposing roles in mediating anxiety-like behavior. While neurons innervating CeA become more excitable in response to stress and promote anxiety-like behavior, those innervating mPFC become less excitable and appear to promote exploration. These findings show that LC neurons innervating distinct terminal fields have unique physiological responses to particular stimuli. Furthermore, these observations advance the understanding of the LC as a complex and heterogeneous structure whose neurons maintain unique roles in various forms of behavior.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endogenous lipid mediators are proposed to contribute to headache and facial pain by activating trigeminal neurons (TN). We recently identified 11-hydroxy-epoxide- and 11-keto-epoxide derivatives of linoleic acid (LA) that are present in human skin and plasma and potentially contribute to nociception. Here we expand upon initial findings by examining the effects of 11-hydroxy- and 11-keto-epoxide-LA derivatives on TN activation in comparison to LA, the LA derivative [9-hydroxy-octadecadienoic acid (9-HODE)] and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). 11-hydroxy- and 11-keto-epoxide-LA derivatives elicited Ca2+ transients in TN subpopulations. The proportion of neurons responding to test compounds (5 μM, 5 min) ranged from 16.2 ± 3.8 cells (11 K-9,10E-LA) to 34.1 ± 2.4 cells (11H-12,13E-LA). LA and 9-HODE (5 μM, 5 min) elicited responses in 11.6 ± 3.1% and 9.7 ± 3.4% of neurons, respectively. 11H-12,13E-LA, 11K-12,13E-LA, and 11H-9,10E-LA produced Ca2+ responses in significantly higher proportions of neurons compared to either LA or 9-HODE (F (6, 36) = 5.12, P = 0.0007). 11H-12,13E-LA and 11H-9,10E-LA increased proportions of responsive neurons in a concentration-dependent fashion, similar to PGE2. Most sensitive neurons responded to additional algesic agents (32.9% to capsaicin, 40.1% to PGE2, 58.0% to AITC), however 20.6% did not respond to any other agent. In summary, 11-hydroxy-epoxide derivatives of LA increase trigeminal neuron excitability, suggesting a potential role in headache or facial pain.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucopolysaccharidosis III A (MPS IIIA) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme sulfamidase. The disorder results in accumulation of heparan sulfate, lysosomal enlargement and cellular and organ dysfunction. Patients exhibit progressive neurodegeneration and behavioral problems and no treatment is currently available. Enzyme replacement therapy is explored as potential treatment strategy for MPS IIIA patients and to modify the disease, sulfamidase must reach the brain. The glycans of recombinant human sulfamidase (rhSulfamidase) can be chemically modified to generate CM-rhSulfamidase. The chemical modification reduced the affinity to the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor with the aim a prolonged higher concentration in circulation and thus at the blood brain barrier. The pharmacokinetic properties in serum and the distribution to brain and to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of chemically modified recombinant human sulfamidase (CM-rhSulfamidase) were studied and compared to those of rhSulfamidase, after a single intravenous (i.v.) 30 mg/kg dose in awake, freely-moving male Sprague Dawley rats. Distribution to brain was studied by microdialysis of the interstitial fluid in prefrontal cortex and by repeated intra-individual CSF sampling from the cisterna magna. Push-pull microdialysis facilitated sampling of brain interstitial fluid to determine large molecule concentrations in awake, freely-moving male Sprague Dawley rats. Together with repeated serum and CSF sampling, push-pull microdialysis facilitated determination of CM-rhSulfamidase and rhSulfamidase kinetics after i.v. administration by non-compartments analysis and by a population modelling approach. Chemical modification increased the area under the concentration versus time in serum, CSF and brain interstitial fluid at least 7-fold. The results and the outcome of a population modelling approach of the concentration versus time data indicated that both compounds pass the BBB with an equilibrium established fairly rapid after administration. We suggest that prolonged high serum concentrations facilitated high brain interstitial fluid concentrations, which could be favorable to reach various target cells in the brain.






