Zero-order release

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The utilization of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is prevalent in the fabrication of oral sustained release preparations; however, there is a lack of research on 3D-printed osmotic pump tablets. A 3D-printed core-shell structure bezafibrate osmotic pump tablet was developed based on the characteristics of rapid absorption and short half-life of bezafibrate, utilizing semisolid extrusion (SSE) 3D printing technology. First, the properties of different shell materials were investigated to define the composition of the shell, and ultimately, the optimal formulation was found to be ethyl cellulose:cellulose acetate:polyethylene glycol = 2:1:2. The formulation of the tablet core was defined based on the printing performance and release behavior. The formulation consisted of bezafibrate, lactis anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate, sodium alginate, polyethylene oxide, and sodium dodecyl sulfate at a ratio of 400:400:300:80:50:50. The tablet was capable of achieving zero-order release. The physicochemical properties were also characterized. The pharmacokinetic data analysis indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters between the 3D-printed tablets and the reference listed drugs. There was a strong correlation between the in vitro and in vivo results for the 3D-printed tablets. The results showed that SSE printing is a practical approach for manufacturing osmotic pump tablets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study focuses on the combination of three-dimensional printing (3DP) and amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) technologies for the manufacturing of gastroretentive floating tablets. Employing hot melt extrusion (HME) and fused deposition modeling (FDM), the study investigates the development of drug-loaded filaments and 3D printed (3DP) tablets containing felodipine as model drug and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as the polymeric carrier. Prior to fabrication, solubility parameter estimation and molecular dynamics simulations were applied to predict drug-polymer interactions, which are crucial for ASD formation. Physical bulk and surface characterization complemented the quality control of both drug-loaded filaments and 3DP tablets. The analysis confirmed a successful amorphous dispersion of felodipine within the polymeric matrix. Furthermore, the low infill percentage and enclosed design of the 3DP tablet allowed for obtaining low-density systems. This structure resulted in buoyancy during the entire drug release process until a complete dissolution of the 3DP tablets (more than 8 h) was attained. The particular design made it possible for a single polymer to achieve a zero-order controlled release of the drug, which is considered the ideal kinetics for a gastroretentive system. Accordingly, this study can be seen as an advancement in ASD formulation for 3DP technology within pharmaceutics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colon-targeted drug delivery is gradually attracting attention because it can effectively treat colon diseases. Furthermore, electrospun fibers have great potential application value in the field of drug delivery because of their unique external shape and internal structure. In this study, a core layer of hydrophilic polyethylene oxide (PEO) and the anti-colon-cancer drug curcumin (CUR), a middle layer of ethanol, and a sheath layer of the natural pH-sensitive biomaterial shellac were used in a modified triaxial electrospinning process to prepare beads-on-the-string (BOTS) microfibers. A series of characterizations were carried out on the obtained fibers to verify the process-shape/structure-application relationship. The results of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy indicated a BOTS shape and core-sheath structure. X-ray diffraction results indicated that the drug in the fibers was in an amorphous form. Infrared spectroscopy revealed the good compatibility of the components in the fibers. In vitro drug release revealed that the BOTS microfibers provide colon-targeted drug delivery and zero-order drug release. Compared to linear cylindrical microfibers, the obtained BOTS microfibers can prevent the leakage of drugs in simulated gastric fluid, and they provide zero-order release in simulated intestinal fluid because the beads in BOTS microfibers can act as drug reservoirs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dihydromyricetin (DHM) is an important natural flavonoid. However, most of DHM preparations have shown shortcomings such as low drug loading, poor drug stability, and/or large fluctuations in blood concentration. This study aimed to develop a gastric floating tablet with a double-layered structure for zero-order controlled release of DHM (DHM@GF-DLT). The final product DHM@GF-DLT showed a high average cumulative drug release at 24 h that best fit the zero-order model, and had a good floating ability in the stomach of the rabbit with a gastric retention time of over 24 h. The FTIR, DSC, and XRPD analyses indicated the good compatibility among the drug and the excipients in DHM@GF-DLT. The pharmacokinetic study revealed that DHM@GF-DLT could prolong the retention time of DHM, reduce the fluctuation of blood drug concentration, and enhance the bioavailability of DHM. The pharmacodynamic studies demonstrated that DHM@GF-DLT had a potent and long-term therapeutic effect on systemic inflammation in rabbits. Therefore, DHM@GF-DLT had the potential to serve as a promising anti-inflammatory agent and may develop into a once-a-day preparation, which was favorable to maintain a steady blood drug concentration and a long-term drug efficacy. Our research provided a promising development strategy for DHM and other natural products with a similar structure to DHM for improving their bioavailability and therapeutic effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microparticles are successfully engineered through controlled interfacial self-assembly of polymers to harmonize ultrahigh drug loading with zero-order release of protein payloads. To address their poor miscibility with carrier materials, protein molecules are transformed into nanoparticles, whose surfaces are covered with polymer molecules. This polymer layer hinders the transfer of cargo nanoparticles from oil to water, achieving superior encapsulation efficiency (up to 99.9%). To control payload release, the polymer density at the oil-water interface is enhanced, forming a compact shell for microparticles. The resultant microparticles can harvest up to 49.9% mass fraction of proteins with zero-order release kinetics in vivo, enabling an efficient glycemic control in type 1 diabetes. Moreover, the precise control of engineering process offered through continuous flow results in high batch-to-batch reproducibility and, ultimately, excellent scale-up feasibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diarylheptanoids (DAs) characterized by a 1,7-diphenylheptane structural skeleton are considered a novel class of phytoestrogens. The DAs available in Curcuma comosa Roxb. (C. comosa) extract demonstrated significant estrogenic activities both in vitro and in vivo. This study aimed to develop and comprehensively evaluate a mucoadhesive vaginal gel for the sustained release of DAs. Different mucoadhesive polymers as gelling agents were investigated. C. comosa ethanolic crude extract was used as a source of DAs. All C. comosa gels were light brown homogeneous with pH within 4.4-4.6. Their flow behaviors were pseudoplastic with a flow behavior index of 0.18-0.38. The viscosity at a low shear rate varied from 6.2 to 335.4 Pa·s. Their mechanical and extrudability properties were associated well with rheological properties. Polycarbophil (PCP):hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) blends had a higher mucoadhesiveness to porcine vaginal mucosa than those of PCP-based or HPMC-based gels. All C. comosa gels exhibited a sustained, zero-order DA release pattern over 72 h. Korsmeyer and Peppas equation fitting indicated a non-Fickian, case II transport release mechanism. C. comosa gels had good physical and chemical stability under low-temperature storage for up to 12 months. PCP:HPMC-based mucoadhesive gels could be a proper delivery system for vaginal administration of DAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colonic drug delivery of drugs is an area of great interest due to the need to treat high prevalence colonic local diseases as well as systemic conditions that may benefit from the advantages associated to this route of drug administration. In the last decade, the use of 3D printing technologies has expanded, offering the possibility of preparing personalized medicines in small batches directly at the point of care. The aim of this work is to design a high drug loaded 3D printed system prepared by a combination of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Injection Volume Filling (IVF) techniques intended for zero-order colonic drug release. For this purpose, different batches of binary and ternary filaments based on the thermoplastic polyurethane Tecoflex EG-72D (TPU), theophylline anhydrous (AT) as model drug, and magnesium stearate as lubricant have been developed and characterized. Filaments with the highest drug load and the best rheological properties were selected for the manufacture of a printed fractal-like structure based on multiple toroids. This design was proposed to provide high surface area, leading to increased drug release and water uptake in the colonic region. This structure was 3D printed by FDM and then coated in a unique step by IVF technology using the enteric polymer DrugCoat S 12.5. This way, an additional coating process is avoided, reducing costs and production time. Studies of drug release confirmed the ability of the structures to provide a five-hour period of constant drug delivery in the colonic region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug-eluting films made of bioresorbable polymers are a widely used tool of modern personalized medicine. However, most currently existing methods of producing coatings do not go beyond the laboratory, as they have low encapsulation efficiency and/or difficulties in scaling up. The PLACE (Printed Layered Adjustable Cargo Encapsulation) technology proposed in this article uses an additive approach for film manufacturing. PLACE technology is accessible, scalable, and reproducible in any laboratory. As a demonstration of the technology capabilities, we fabricated layered drug-eluting polyglycolic acid films containing different concentrations of Cefazolin antibiotic. The influence of the amount of loaded drug component on the film production process and the release kinetics was studied. The specific loading of drugs was significantly increased to 200-400 µg/cm2 while maintaining the uniform release of Cefazolin antibiotic in a dosage sufficient for local antimicrobial therapy for 14 days. The fact that the further increase in the drug amount results in the crystallization of a substance, which can lead to specific defects in the cover film formation and accelerated one-week cargo release, was also shown, and options for further technology development were proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biomaterial implants for the sustained delivery of therapeutics can be utilized to deliver drugs at near-constant rates over extended time frames to provide an alternative to daily oral medications. The biomaterials used to construct these systems, however, are often not bioresorbable and thus require a secondary surgery for removal from the body, and fabrication of these systems may require the use of harsh chemical solvents. To address these shortcomings, a fabrication process was developed to generate biodegradable drug reservoir systems from regenerated silk fibroin protein solution (23% w/v). The tubular systems, with an inner diameter of 2.0 mm and wall thickness < 250µm, were developed using an all-aqueous solution-gel-solid phase transition curing process. Two different clinically-relevant therapeutics were released at near-constant rates for 30 days (> 100µg/day). The protein secondary structure of the devices consisted of 40% crystalline beta sheet. Mechanically, radial compression (1mm/min) of unloaded systems demonstrated Young\'s moduli similar to cancellous (spongy) bone (100 to 250 MPa) and the systems showed good recovery under cyclic compression (to 17.5% strain). The devices could be generated in complex shapes (e.g., hollow cylinders) via an additive molding process, offering the potential for drug delivery but also for broader applications in tissue engineering and diagnostics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work designed a pH-sensitive sodium alginate hydrogel for combating bacterial infection caused by tissue damage. The antibacterial hydrogels were prepared using sodium alginate, citric acid, and vancomycin by one-step in situ method. Vancomycin (Van) was loaded into hydrogels via reversible imine bonds for controlled drug delivery. The morphology, swelling properties, and antibacterial activity of hydrogel were characterized. The hydrogel shown strong water absorbent behavior and pH-dependent performance. The result under weak acid conditions, the drug release rate of van-loaded gel was faster than neutral and alkaline conditions and followed zero-order kinetic release model, and the cumulative release amount could reach 86.7 % over 320 min. The van-loaded gel had highly effective antibacterial activity in a weak acid environment, the combination of citric acid and vancomycin had a synergistic therapeutic effect for acute infection. The drug-loaded hydrogel shows good biocompatibility. Compared with gauze, the drug-loaded hydrogel exhibited good coagulation properties, high platelet adhesion, high fluid absorption capacity, and proper balance of fluid on the wound bed. This work proposed this simple alginate-based drug delivery system has potential applications in the field of clinical treatment of infections.





