• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myofibrils are long intracellular cables specific to muscles, composed mainly of actin and myosin filaments. The actin and myosin filaments are organized into repeated units called sarcomeres, which form the myofibrils. Muscle contraction is achieved by the simultaneous shortening of sarcomeres, which requires all sarcomeres to be the same size. Muscles have a variety of ways to ensure sarcomere homogeneity. We have previously shown that the controlled oligomerization of Zasp proteins sets the diameter of the myofibril. Here, we looked for Zasp-binding proteins at the Z-disc to identify additional proteins coordinating myofibril growth and assembly. We found that the E1 subunit of the oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex localizes to both the Z-disc and the mitochondria, and is recruited to the Z-disc by Zasp52. The three subunits of the oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex are required for myofibril formation. Using super-resolution microscopy, we revealed the overall organization of the complex at the Z-disc. Metabolomics identified an amino acid imbalance affecting protein synthesis as a possible cause of myofibril defects, which is supported by OGDH-dependent localization of ribosomes at the Z-disc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most intriguing features of multicellular animals is their ability to move. On a cellular level, this is accomplished by the rearrangement and reorganization of the cytoskeleton, a dynamic network of filamentous proteins which provides stability and structure in a stationary context, but also facilitates directed movement by contracting. The ALP/Enigma family proteins are a diverse group of docking proteins found in numerous cellular milieus and facilitate these processes among others. In vertebrates, they are characterized by having a PDZ domain in combination with one or three LIM domains. The family is comprised of CLP-36 (PDLIM1), Mystique (PDLIM2), ALP (PDLIM3), RIL (PDLIM4), ENH (PDLIM5), ZASP (PDLIM6), and Enigma (PDLIM7). In this review, we will outline the evolution and function of their protein domains which confers their versatility. Additionally, we highlight their role in different cellular environments, focusing specifically on recent advances in muscle research using Drosophila as a model organism. Finally, we show the relevance of this protein family to human myopathies and the development of muscle-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Mutations in the LDB3 gene have been identified in patients with Z-disc-associated, alternatively spliced, PDZ motif-containing protein (ZASP)-related myofibrillar myopathy (ZASP-MFM) characterized by late-onset distal myopathy with signs of cardiomyopathy and neuropathy. We describe an autosomal dominant inherited pedigree with ZASP-MFM that is in line with the typical phenotype of distal myopathy without cardiomyopathy and neuropathy, while mild asymmetrical muscle atrophy can be observed in some affected members. Muscle MRI revealed considerable fatty degeneration involved in the posterior compartment of thigh and lower leg, but relatively preserved in rectus femoris, sartorius, gracilis, adductor longus and biceps femoris breve muscles in the later stage. In addition, fatty infiltration of medial gastrocnemius muscle can be initiated as early as in the third decade in asymptomatic individuals. Myopathological features showed sarcoplasmic accumulation of multiple protein deposits and electron dense filamentous bundle aggregates. A novel heterozygous missense mutation (p.N155H) in a highly conserved PDZ-like motif of ZASP was identified. The results indicate that typical ZASP-MFM presenting with late-onset distal myopathy is commonly associated with mutations in PDZ-like motif of ZASP. The development of fatty degeneration is consistent with the typical pattern of ZASP-MFM, and the initial fatty infiltration might be started from medial gastrocnemius muscle. Our study expands the clinical and mutational spectrum of ZASP-MFM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The core of skeletal muscle Z-discs consists of actin filaments from adjacent sarcomeres that are cross-linked by α-actinin homodimers. Z-disc-associated, alternatively spliced, PDZ motif-containing protein (ZASP)/Cypher interacts with α-actinin, myotilin, and other Z-disc proteins via the PDZ domain. However, these interactions are not sufficient to maintain the Z-disc structure. We show that ZASP directly interacts with skeletal actin filaments. The actin-binding domain is between the modular PDZ and LIM domains. This ZASP region is alternatively spliced so that each isoform has unique actin-binding domains. All ZASP isoforms contain the exon 6-encoded ZASP-like motif that is mutated in zaspopathy, a myofibrillar myopathy (MFM), whereas the exon 8-11 junction-encoded peptide is exclusive to the postnatal long ZASP isoform (ZASP-LΔex10). MFM is characterized by disruption of skeletal muscle Z-discs and accumulation of myofibrillar degradation products. Wild-type and mutant ZASP interact with α-actin, α-actinin, and myotilin. Expression of mutant, but not wild-type, ZASP leads to Z-disc disruption and F-actin accumulation in mouse skeletal muscle, as in MFM. Mutations in the actin-binding domain of ZASP-LΔex10, but not other isoforms, cause disruption of the actin cytoskeleton in muscle cells. These isoform-specific mutation effects highlight the essential role of the ZASP-LΔex10 isoform in F-actin organization. Our results show that MFM-associated ZASP mutations in the actin-binding domain have deleterious effects on the core structure of the Z-discs in skeletal muscle.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Extensive proteolysis takes place during the processing of dry-cured ham due to the action of muscle peptidases. The aim of this work was to study the degradation of LIM domain binding protein 3 (LDB3), which is located at the Z-lines of the sarcomere, at different times during the Spanish dry-cured ham processing (2, 3.5, 5, 6.5, and 9 months). A total of 107 peptides have been identified by mass spectrometry, most of them generated from the first region of the protein sequence (position 1-90) providing evidence for the complexity and variability of proteolytic reactions throughout the whole process of dry-curing. Methionine oxidation has been observed in several peptides by the end of the process. The potential of some of the identified peptides to be used as biomarkers of dry-cured ham processing has also been considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stabilization of tissue architecture during development and growth is essential to maintain structural integrity. Because of its contractile nature, muscle is especially susceptible to physiological stresses, and has multiple mechanisms to maintain structural integrity. The Drosophila melanogaster Muscle LIM Protein (MLP), Mlp84B, participates in muscle maintenance, yet its precise mechanism of action is still controversial. Through a candidate approach, we identified α-actinin as a protein that functions with Mlp84B to ensure muscle integrity. α-actinin RNAi animals die primarily as pupae, and Mlp84B RNAi animals are adult viable. RNAi knockdown of Mlp84B and α-actinin together produces synergistic early larval lethality and destabilization of Z-line structures. We recapitulated these phenotypes using combinations of traditional loss-of-function alleles and single-gene RNAi. We observe that Mlp84B induces the formation of actin loops in muscle cell nuclei in the absence of nuclear α-actinin, suggesting Mlp84B has intrinsic actin cross-linking activity, which may complement α-actinin cross-linking activity at sites of actin filament anchorage. These results reveal a molecular mechanism for MLP stabilization of muscle and implicate reduced actin crosslinking as the primary destabilizing defect in MLP-associated cardiomyopathies. Our data support a model in which α-actinin and Mlp84B have important and overlapping functions at sites of actin filament anchorage to preserve muscle structure and function.






