
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In late summer and early autumn 2022, an intense bloom of Protoceratium reticulatum-the main yessotoxin (YTX) producer along Chilean coasts and a major threat to artisanal fisheries, the aquaculture industry, and environmental health-was recorded in the Patagonian fjord system. The high YTX levels (>3.75 mg kg-1) resulted in the first ban of shellfish collection in Chile. At Puyuhuapi Fjord, a global \"hotspot\" of harmful algal bloom events, the cell density of P. reticulatum determined in integrated tube samples (0-10 m) at the end of April 2022 reached 407,000 cells L-1. At the same time, YTX levels well exceeded the regulatory limit by roughly 2.5-fold, with concentrations as high as 9.42 mg kg-1 measured in native populations of the blue mussel Mytilus chilensis. Five different YTX analogues, 45-OH-YTX, COOH-45-keto-YTX, COOH-45-OH-YTX, COOH-YTX, and 45,55-diOH-YTX, were also detected in relevant amounts. While the ban lasted close to 3 months, accumulation and detoxification processes were monitored over a 1-year period. This study assessed the implications of high levels of YTXs and their analogues on the local economy and ecosystem health, given the increase in P. reticulatum blooms predicted for NW Patagonia in the context of a changing climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protoceratium reticulatum is the main yessotoxin-producer along the Chilean coast. Thus far, the yessotoxin levels recorded in this region have not posed a serious threat to human health. However, a bloom of P. reticulatum during the austral summer of 2022 caused the first ban of shellfish collection, due to the high toxin levels. A bloom of P. reticulatum during the austral summer of 2020 allowed an evaluation of the fine-scale distribution of the dinoflagellate during a tidal cycle. High-resolution measurements of biophysical properties were carried out in mid-summer (February 18-19) at a fixed sampling station in Puyuhuapi Fjord, Chilean Patagonia, as part of an intensive 24-h biophysical experiment to monitor the circadian distributions of P. reticulatum vegetative cells and yessotoxins. High P. reticulatum cell densities (>20 × 103 cells L-1) were found in association with a warmer (14.5-15 °C) and estuarine (23.5-24.5 g kg-1) sub-surface water layer (6-8 m). P. reticulatum cell numbers and yessotoxins followed a synchronic distribution pattern consistent with the excursions of the pycnocline. Nevertheless, the surface aggregation of the cells was modulated by the light cycle, suggesting daily vertical migration. The yessotoxin content per P. reticulatum cell ranged from 9.4 to 52.2 pg. This study demonstrates both the value of fine-scale resolution measurements of biophysical properties in a highly stratified system and the potential ecosystem impact of P. reticulatum strains producing high levels of yessotoxins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of yessotoxins (YTXs) was analyzed in 10,757 samples of Galician bivalves from 2014 to 2022. Only YTX and 45-OH YTX were found. YTX was detected in 31% of the samples, while 45-OH YTX was found in 11.6% of them. Among the samples containing YTX, 45-OH YTX was detected in 37.3% of cases. The maximum recorded levels were 1.4 and 0.16 mg of YTX-equivalentsg-1, for YTX and 45-OH YTX, respectively, which are well below the regulatory limit of the European Union. The YTX and 45-OH YTX toxicities in the raw extracts and extracts subjected to alkaline hydrolysis were strongly and linearly related. Due to the lack of homo-YTX in Galician samples, the effect of alkaline hydrolysis on homo-YTX and 45OH-Homo-YTX was only checked in 23 additional samples, observing no negative effect but a high correlation between raw and hydrolyzed extracts. Hydrolyzed samples can be used instead of raw ones to carry out YTXs determinations in monitoring systems, which may increase the efficiency of those systems where okadaic acid episodes are very frequent and therefore a higher number of hydrolyzed samples are routinely analyzed. The presence of YTX in the studied bivalves varied with the species, with mussels and cockles having the highest percentages of YTX-detected samples. The presence of 45-OH YTX was clearly related to YTX and was detected only in mussels and cockles. Wild populations of mussels contained proportionally more 45-OH YTX than those that were raft-cultured. Spatially, toxin toxicities varied across the sampling area, with higher levels in raft-cultured mussels except those of Ría de Arousa. Ría de Ares (ARE) was the most affected geographical area, although in other northern locations, lower toxin levels were detected. Seasonally, YTX and 45-OH YTX toxicities showed similar patterns, with higher levels in late summer and autumn but lower toxicities of the 45-OH toxin in August. The relationship between the two toxins also varied seasonally, in general with a minimum proportion of 45-OH YTX in July-August but with different maximum levels for raft-cultured and wild mussel populations. Interannually, the average toxicities of YTX decreased from 2014 to 2017 and newly increased from 2018 to 2021, but decreased slightly in 2022. The relationship between 45-OH YTX and YTX also varied over the years, but neither a clear trend nor a similar trend for wild and raft mussels was observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At the end of July 2021, a bloom of Lingulodinium polyedra developed along the French Atlantic coast and lasted six weeks. The REPHY monitoring network and the citizen participation project PHENOMER contributed to its observation. A maximum concentration of 3,600,000 cells/L was reached on the 6th of September, a level never recorded on French coastlines. Satellite observation confirmed that the bloom reached its highest abundance and spatial extension early September, covering about 3200 km2 on the 4th of September. Cultures were established, and morphology and ITS-LSU sequencing identified the species as L. polyedra. The thecae displayed the characteristic tabulation and sometimes a ventral pore. The pigment composition of the bloom was similar to that of cultured L. polyedra, confirming that phytoplankton biomass was dominated by this species. The bloom was preceded by Leptocylindrus sp., developed over Lepidodinium chlorophorum, and was succeeded by elevated Noctiluca scintillans concentrations. Afterwards, relatively high abundance of Alexandrium tamarense were observed in the embayment where the bloom started. Unusually high precipitation during mid-July increased river discharges from the Loire and Vilaine rivers, which likely fueled phytoplankton growth by providing nutrients. Water masses with high numbers of dinoflagellates were characterized by high sea surface temperature and thermohaline stratification. The wind was low during the bloom development, before drifting it offshore. Cysts were observed in the plankton towards the end of the bloom, with concentrations up to 30,000 cysts/L and relative abundances up to 99%. The bloom deposited a seed bank, with cyst concentrations up to 100,000 cysts/g dried sediment, particularly in fine-grained sediments. The bloom caused hypoxia events, and concentrations of yessotoxins up to 747 μg/kg were recorded in mussels, below the safety threshold of 3,750 μg/kg. Oysters, clams and cockles also were contaminated with yessotoxins, but at lower concentrations. The established cultures did not produce yessotoxins at detectable levels, although yessotoxins were detected in the sediment. The unusual environmental summertime conditions that triggered the bloom, as well as the establishment of considerable seed banks, provide important findings to understand future harmful algal blooms along the French coastline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are recurrent in the NW Patagonia fjords system and their frequency has increased over the last few decades. Outbreaks of HAB species such as Alexandrium catenella, a causal agent of paralytic shellfish poisoning, and Protoceratium reticulatum, a yessotoxins producer, have raised considerable concern due to their adverse socioeconomic consequences. Monitoring programs have mainly focused on their planktonic stages, but since these species produce benthic resting cysts, the factors influencing cyst distributions are increasingly gaining recognition as potentially important to HAB recurrence in some regions. Still, a holistic understanding of the physico-chemical conditions influencing cyst distribution in this region is lacking, especially as it relates to seasonal changes in drivers of cyst distributions, as the characteristics that favor cyst preservation in the sediment may change through the seasons. In this study, we analyzed the physico-chemical properties of the sediment (temperature, pH, redox potential) and measured the bottom dissolved oxygen levels in a \"hotspot\" area of southern Chile, sampling during the spring and summer as well as the fall and winter, to determine the role these factors may play as modulators of dinoflagellate cyst distribution, and specifically for the cysts of A. catenella and P. reticulatum. A permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed the significant effect of sediment redox conditions in explaining the differences in the cyst assemblages between spring-summer and fall-winter periods (seasonality). In a generalized linear model (GLM), sediment redox potential and pH were associated with the highest abundances of A. catenella resting cysts in the spring-summer, however it was sediment temperature that most explained the distribution of A. catenella in the fall-winter. For P. reticulatum, only spring-summer sediment redox potential and temperature explained the variation in cyst abundances. The implications of environmental (physico-chemical) seasonality for the resting cysts dynamics of both species are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yessotoxins (YTXs) are polycyclic toxic ether compounds produced by phytoplanktonic dinoflagellates which accumulate in filter-feeding organisms. We know that the water temperature in our areas Northwestern Adriatic Sea is optimal for the growth of potentially toxic algae (around 20 °C). In recent years, these temperatures have remained at these levels for longer and longer periods, probably due to global warming, which has led to an excessive increase in toxin levels. The interruption of mussel harvesting caused by algae negatively affects farmers\' revenues and the availability of local fish, causing a major economic loss in Italy\'s main shellfish sector.
    In the nine years considered, 3359 samples were examined: 1715 marine waters, 73 common clams; 732 mussels; 66 oysters; and 773 veracious clams. Bivalve molluscs were examined for the presence of marine biotoxins, including YTXs, while potentially toxic algae, including those producing YTXs, were searched for and counted in marine waters. The method adopted for the quantification of lipophilic toxins involves the use of an LC-MS/MS system. The enumeration of phytoplankton cells was performed according to the Utermhöl method.
    Between 2012 and 2020, 706 molluscs were tested for YTXs. In total, 246 samples tested positive, i.e., 34.84%. Of the positive samples, 30 exceeded the legal limit.
    In this regard, it is essential to develop and activate, as soon as possible, an \"early warning\" system that allows a better control of the production areas of live bivalve molluscs, thus allowing an optimal management of the plants in these critical situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    EFSA was asked by the European Commission to provide information on levels of lipophilic shellfish toxins in whole scallops that would ensure levels in edible parts below the regulatory limits after shucking, i.e. removal of non-edible parts. This should include the okadaic acid (OA), the azaspiracid (AZA) and the yessotoxin (YTX) groups, and five species of scallops. In addition, EFSA was asked to recommend the number of scallops in an analytical sample. To address these questions, EFSA received suitable data on the three toxin groups in two scallop species, Aequipecten opercularis and Pecten maximus, i.e. data on individual and pooled samples of edible and non-edible parts from contamination incidents. The majority of the concentration levels were below limit of quantification (LOQ)/limit of detection (LOD), especially in adductor muscle but also in gonads. Shucking in most cases resulted in a strong decrease in the toxin levels. For Pecten maximus, statistical analysis showed that levels in whole scallops should not exceed 256 μg OA eq/kg or 217 μg AZA1 eq/kg to ensure that levels in gonads are below the regulatory limits of 160 μg OA or AZA1 eq/kg with 99% certainty. Such an analysis was not possible for yessotoxins or any toxin in Aequipecten opercularis and an assessment could only be based on upper bound levels. To ensure a 95% correct prediction on whether the level in scallops in an area or lot is correctly predicted to be compliant/non-compliant, it was shown that 10 scallops per sample would be sufficient to predict with 95% certainty if levels of OA-group toxins in the area/lot were 25% below or above the regulatory limit. However, to predict with a 95% certainty for levels between 140 and 180 μg OA eq/kg, a pooled sample of more than 30 scallops would have to be tested.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last decades, due to monitoring programs and strict legislation poisoning incidents occurrence provoked by ingestion of naturally contaminated marine organisms has decreased. However, climate change and anthropogenic interference contributed to the expansion and establishment of toxic alien species to more temperate ecosystems. In this work, the coasts of Madeira, São Miguel islands and the northwestern Moroccan coast were surveyed for four groups of lipophilic toxins (yessotoxins, azaspiracids, pectenotoxins, and spirolides), searching for new vectors and geographical tendencies. Twenty-four species benthic organisms were screened using UHPLC-MS/MS technique. We report 19 new vectors for these toxins, six of them with commercial interest (P. aspera, P. ordinaria, C. lampas, P. pollicipes, H. tuberculata and P. lividus). Regarding toxin uptake a south-north gradient was detected. This study contributes to the update of monitoring routines and legislation policies, comprising a wider range of vectors, to better serve consumers and ecosystems preservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Respiratory exposure to marine phycotoxins is of increasing concern. Inhalation of sea spray aerosols (SSAs), during harmful Karenia brevis and Ostreopsis ovata blooms induces respiratory distress among others. The biogenics hypothesis, however, suggests that regular airborne exposure to natural products is health promoting via a downregulation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. Until now, little scientific evidence supported this hypothesis. The current explorative in vitro study investigated both health-affecting and potential health-promoting mechanisms of airborne phycotoxin exposure, by analyzing cell viability effects via cytotoxicity assays and effects on the mTOR pathway via western blotting. To that end, A549 and BEAS-2B lung cells were exposed to increasing concentrations (ng·L-1 - mg·L-1) of (1) pure phycotoxins and (2) an extract of experimental aerosolized homoyessotoxin (hYTX). The lowest cell viability effect concentrations were found for the examined yessotoxins (YTXs). Contradictory to the other phycotoxins, these YTXs only induced a partial cell viability decrease at the highest test concentrations. Growth inhibition and apoptosis, both linked to mTOR pathway activity, may explain these effects, as both YTXs were shown to downregulate this pathway. This proof-of-principle study supports the biogenics hypothesis, as specific aerosolizable marine products (e.g., YTXs) can downregulate the mTOR pathway.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cefas has been responsible for the delivery of official control biotoxin testing of bivalve molluscs from Great Britain for just over a decade. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) methodology has been used for the quantitation of lipophilic toxins (LTs) since 2011. The temporal and spatial distribution of okadaic acid group toxins and profiles in bivalves between 2011 and 2016 have been recently reported. Here we present data on the two other groups of regulated lipophilic toxins, azaspiracids (AZAs) and yessotoxins (YTXs), over the same period. The latter group has also been investigated for a potential link with Protoceratium reticulatum and Lingulodinium polyedra, both previously recognised as YTXs producing phytoplankton. On average, AZAs were quantified in 3.2% of all tested samples but notable inter-annual variation in abundance was observed. The majority of all AZA contaminated samples were found between July 2011 and August 2013 in Scotland, while only two, three-month long, AZA events were observed in 2015 and 2016 in the south-west of England. Maximum concentrations were generally reached in late summer or early autumn. Reasons for AZAs persistence during the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 winters are discussed. Only one toxin profile was identified, represented by both AZA1 and AZA2 toxins at an approximate ratio of 2 : 1, suggesting a single microalgal species was the source of AZAs in British bivalves. Although AZA1 was always the most dominant toxin, its proportion varied between mussels, Pacific oysters and surf clams. The YTXs were the least represented group among regulated LTs. YTXs were found almost exclusively on the south-west coast of Scotland, with the exception of 2013, when the majority of contaminated samples originated from the Shetland Islands. The highest levels were recorded in the summer months and followed a spike in Protoceratium reticulatum cell densities. YTX was the most dominant toxin in shellfish, further strengthening the link to P. reticulatum as the YTX source. Neither homo-YTX, nor 45-OH homo-YTX were detected throughout the monitored period. 45-OH YTX, thought to be a shellfish metabolite associated with YTX elimination, contributed on average 26% in mussels. Although the correlation between 45-OH YTX abundance and the speed of YTX depuration could not be confirmed, we noted the half-life of YTX was more than two-times longer in queen scallops, which contained 100% YTX, than in mussels. No other bivalve species were affected by YTXs. This is the first detailed evaluation of AZAs and YTXs occurrences and their profiles in shellfish from Great Britain over a period of multiple years.





