
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study was conducted to evaluate whether adding β-mannanase alone or in combination with a multi-carbohydrase complex to simple and complex diets could improve diet digestibility, nutrient and energy metabolism, and gut health in weaned pigs. Thirty pigs (7.9 kg ± 0.851 kg) weaned at 28 days were randomly split into a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, considering a simple (corn and soybean meal-based diet) or complex diet (13% point reduction in inclusion of soybean meal, 5% of whey power, and 2.5% of spray-dried plasma compared to the simple diet) and diet without any addition (control) or the addition of β-mannanase (BM; 0.300 g/kg of the diet) or β-mannanase plus a multi-carbohydrase complex blend such as xylanase, β-glucanase, and arabinofuranosidases (BM + MCC; 0.300 + 0.050 g/kg of the diet) for 17 days post-weaned. Total fecal and urine samples were collected on days 11-17. Fecal samples were collected from all pigs to identify fecal biomarkers using commercial ELISA tests. Blood samples were collected from all pigs at the end of the experimental period to assess serum concentrations of acute-phase proteins. All pigs were euthanized on day 18 for intestinal tissue collection. The simple diet had greater (p < 0.05) protein digestibility and metabolizability coefficients than the complex diet. Greater (p < 0.05) energy digestibility and energy metabolizability coefficients were observed in the BM and BM+ MCC compared to the control diet. On average, BM improved by 64 kcal/kg and BM + MCC improved by 100 kcal/kg of metabolizable energy. Furthermore, the addition of BM and BM + MCC to the diets led to lower fecal moisture and fecal output. Moreover, the BM and BM + MCC diets also reduced fecal calprotectin concentrations by 29 and 46%, respectively, compared to control pigs (p < 0.001). We conclude that simple diets are a suitable alternative to complex diets, without compromising the nutrient digestibility and gut health of post-weaned pigs. The addition of exogenous enzymes improves nutrient and energy utilization, as well as the absorption area, and decreases calprotectin concentrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria within the Paenibacillus genus are known to secrete a diverse array of enzymes capable of breaking down plant cell wall polysaccharides. We studied the extracellular xylanolytic activity of Paenibacillus xylanivorans and examined the complete range of secreted proteins when grown on carbohydrate-based carbon sources of increasing complexity, including wheat bran, sugar cane straw, beechwood xylan and sucrose, as control. Our data showed that the relative abundances of secreted proteins varied depending on the carbon source used. Extracellular enzymatic extracts from wheat bran (WB) or sugar cane straw (SCR) cultures had the highest xylanolytic activity, coincidently with the largest representation of carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes). Scaling-up to a benchtop bioreactor using WB resulted in a significant enhancement in productivity and in the overall volumetric extracellular xylanase activity, that was further concentrated by freeze-drying. The enzymatic extract was efficient in the deconstruction of xylans from different sources as well as sugar cane straw pretreated by alkali extrusion (SCRe), resulting in xylobiose and xylose, as primary products. The overall yield of xylose released from SCRe was improved by supplementing the enzymatic extract with a recombinant GH43 β-xylosidase (EcXyl43) and a GH62 α-L-arabinofuranosidase (CsAbf62A), two activities that were under-represented. Overall, we showed that the extracellular enzymatic extract from P. xylanivorans, supplemented with specific enzymatic activities, is an effective approach for targeting xylan within lignocellulosic biomass.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic materials is hindered by the high costs of pretreatment and the enzymes. The present study aimed to evaluate whether co-cultivation of four selected cellulolytic fungi yields higher cellulase and xylanase activities compared to the monocultures and to investigate whether the enzymes from the co-cultures yield higher saccharification on selected plant materials without thermo-chemical pretreatment. The fungal isolates, Trichoderma reesei F118, Penicillium javanicum FS7, Talaromyces sp. F113, and Talaromyces pinophilus FM9, were grown as monocultures and binary co-cultures under submerged conditions for 7 days. The cellulase and xylanase activities of the culture filtrates were measured, and the culture filtrates were employed for the saccharification of sugarcane leaves, Guinea grass leaves, and water hyacinth stems and leaves. Total reducing sugars and individual sugars released from each plant material were quantified. The co-culture of Talaromyces sp. F113 with Penicillium javanicum FS7 and of T. reesei F118 with T. pinophilus FM9 produced significantly higher cellulase activities compared to the corresponding monocultures whereas no effect was observed on xylanase activities. Overall, the highest amounts of total reducing sugars and individual sugars were obtained from Guinea grass leaves saccharified with the co-culture of T. reesei F118 with T. pinophilus FM9, yielding 63.5% saccharification. Guinea grass leaves were found to be the most susceptible to enzymatic saccharification without pre-treatment, while water hyacinth stems and leaves were the least. Accordingly, the study suggests that fungal co-cultivation could be a promising approach for the saccharification of lignocellulosic materials for bioethanol production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arabinoxylan is a major hemicellulose in the sugarcane plant cell wall with arabinose decorations that impose steric restrictions on the activity of xylanases against this substrate. Enzymatic removal of the decorations by arabinofuranosidases can allow a more efficient arabinoxylan degradation by xylanases. Here we produced and characterized a recombinant Bifidobacterium longum arabinofuranosidase from glycoside hydrolase family 43 (BlAbf43) and applied it, together with GH10 and GH11 xylanases, to produce xylooligosaccharides (XOS) from wheat arabinoxylan and alkali pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The enzyme synergistically enhanced XOS production by GH10 and GH11 xylanases, being particularly efficient in combination with the latter family of enzymes, with a degree of synergism of 1.7. We also demonstrated that the enzyme is capable of not only removing arabinose decorations from the arabinoxylan and from the non-reducing end of the oligomeric substrates, but also hydrolyzing the xylan backbone yielding mostly xylobiose and xylose in particular cases. Structural studies of BlAbf43 shed light on the molecular basis of the substrate recognition and allowed hypothesizing on the structural reasons of its multifunctionality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xylanases are key biocatalysts in the degradation of the β-1,4-glycosidic linkages in the xylan backbone of hemicellulose. These enzymes are potentially applied in a wide range of bioprocessing industries under harsh conditions. Metagenomics has emerged as powerful tools for the bioprospection and discovery of interesting bioactive molecules from extreme ecosystems with unique features, such as high temperatures. In this study, an innovative combination of function-driven screening of a compost metagenomic library and automatic extraction of halo areas with in-house MATLAB functions resulted in the identification of a promising clone with xylanase activity (LP4). The LP4 clone proved to be an effective xylanase producer under submerged fermentation conditions. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses revealed that the xylanase, Xyl4, corresponded to an endo-1,4-β-xylanase belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 10 (GH10). When xyl4 was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), the enzyme activity increased about 2-fold compared to the LP4 clone. To get insight on the interaction of the enzyme with the substrate and establish possible strategies to improve its activity, the structure of Xyl4 was predicted, refined, and docked with xylohexaose. Our data unveiled, for the first time, the relevance of the amino acids Glu133 and Glu238 for catalysis, and a close inspection of the catalytic site suggested that the replacement of Phe316 by a bulkier Trp may improve Xyl4 activity. Our current findings contribute to enhancing the catalytic performance of Xyl4 towards industrial applications. KEY POINTS: • A GH10 endo-1,4-β-xylanase (Xyl4) was isolated from a compost metagenomic library • MATLAB\'s in-house functions were developed to identify the xylanase-producing clones • Computational analysis showed that Glu133 and Glu238 are crucial residues for catalysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xylans\' unique properties make it attractive for a variety of industries, including paper, food, and biochemical production. While for some applications the preservation of its natural structure is crucial, for others the degradation into monosaccharides is essential. For the complete breakdown, the use of several enzymes is required, due to its structural complexity. In fact, the specificity of enzymatically-catalyzed reactions is guided by the surface, limiting or regulating accessibility and serving structurally encoded input guiding the actions of the enzymes. Here, we investigate enzymes at surfaces rich in xylan using surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The influence of diffusion and changes in substrate morphology is studied via enzyme surface kinetics simulations, yielding reaction rates and constants. We propose kinetic models, which can be applied to the degradation of multilayer biopolymer films. The most advanced model was verified by its successful application to the degradation of a thin film of polyhydroxybutyrate treated with a polyhydroxybutyrate-depolymerase. The herein derived models can be employed to quantify the degradation kinetics of various enzymes on biopolymers in heterogeneous environments, often prevalent in industrial processes. The identification of key factors influencing reaction rates such as inhibition will contribute to the quantification of intricate dynamics in complex systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenolics produced during xylooligosaccharide production might inhibit xylanases and enhance the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of XOS. The effects of phenolic compounds on xylanases may depend on the type and concentration of the compound, the plant biomass used, and the enzyme used. Understanding the effects of phenolic compounds on xylanases and their impact on XOS is critical for developing viable bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to XOS. Understanding the complex relationship between phenolic compounds and xylanases can lead to the development of strategies that improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of XOS manufacturing processes and optimise enzyme performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the incubation conditions encountered by enzymes in cereal-based product transformation processes, this study aims to provide comprehensive information on the effect of low (18 %) to high (72 %) solid loading on the behavior of bacterial and fungal xylanases towards wheat grain fractions, i.e. white flour, ground whole grain and bran. Both enzymes are effective from 30 % water content. A water content of 50 % appears as the threshold for optimal arabinoxylan solubilisation. The specificity of enzymes was influenced by low hydration conditions, particularly in wheat bran, which contains arabinoxylan with diverse structures. Especially the bacterial xylanase became more tolerant to arabinose substitution as the water content decreased. Time Domain-NMR measurements revealed four water mobility domains in all the fractions. The water populations corresponding to 7.5 nm to 15 nm pores were found to be the most restrictive for enzyme activity. These results define the water content limits for the optimal xylanase action in cereal products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemicellulases are enzymes that hydrolyze hemicelluloses, common polysaccharides in nature. Thermophilic hemicellulases, derived from microbial strains, are extensively studied as natural biofuel sources due to the complex structure of hemicelluloses. Recent research aims to elucidate the catalytic principles, mechanisms and specificity of hemicellulases through investigations into their high-temperature stability and structural features, which have applications in biotechnology and industry. This review article targets to serve as a comprehensive resource, highlighting the significant progress in the field and emphasizing the vital role of thermophilic hemicellulases in eco-friendly catalysis. The primary goal is to improve the reliability of hemicellulase enzymes obtained from thermophilic bacterial strains. Additionally, with their ability to break down lignocellulosic materials, hemicellulases hold immense potential for biofuel production. Despite their potential, the commercial viability is hindered by their high enzyme costs, necessitating the development of efficient bioprocesses involving waste pretreatment with microbial consortia to overcome this challenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colletotrichum graminicola, the causal agent of maize leaf anthracnose and stalk rot, differentiates a pressurized infection cell called an appressorium in order to invade the epidermal cell, and subsequently forms biotrophic and necrotrophic hyphae to colonize the host tissue. While the role of force in appressorial penetration is established (Bechinger et al., 1999), the involvement of cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs) in this process and in tissue colonization is poorly understood, due to the enormous number and functional redundancy of these enzymes. The serine/threonine protein kinase gene SNF1 identified in Sucrose Non-Fermenting yeast mutants mediates de-repression of catabolite-repressed genes, including many genes encoding CWDEs. In this study, we identified and functionally characterized the SNF1 homolog of C. graminicola. Δsnf1 mutants showed reduced vegetative growth and asexual sporulation rates on media containing polymeric carbon sources. Microscopy revealed reduced efficacies in appressorial penetration of cuticle and epidermal cell wall, and formation of unusual medusa-like biotrophic hyphae by Δsnf1 mutants. Severe and moderate virulence reductions were observed on intact and wounded leaves, respectively. Employing RNA-sequencing we show for the first time that more than 2,500 genes are directly or indirectly controlled by Snf1 in necrotrophic hyphae of a plant pathogenic fungus, many of which encode xylan- and cellulose-degrading enzymes. The data presented show that Snf1 is a global regulator of gene expression and is required for full virulence.





