X-ray tube

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    X-ray communication is a kind of space communication technology which uses X-ray as information carrier. In order to improve the information transmission capacity, communication rate and anti-interference ability of X-ray communication, we proposes to design a novel multi-target X-ray source. The source is composed of a fast switching module of light channels based on FPGA technology and four photoelectric X-ray tubes with different target materials: Cr, Fe, Ni, and Cu. Using Geant4 software, we determined the optimal target thickness for each material, which enabled us to fully leverage the characteristic X-rays for multi-channel signal modulation transmission. Moreover, using CST software for particle trajectory simulation and optimization of the electron beam revealed that at a tube voltage of 20 kV, the focus area measures approximately 1.2 mm×1.2 mm. The simulations show that four kinds of spectra with high distinctiveness can be generated from the Cr, Fe, Ni, and Cu targets. Within a single modulation period, these spectra can be combined in various ways to create 16 different X-ray spectra signals, thereby increasing the number of communication elements and enhancing the information transmission rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The response function of imaging systems is regularly considered to improve the qualified maps in various fields. More the accuracy of this function, the higher the quality of the images.
    METHODS: In this study, a distinct analytical relationship between full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) value and detector energy thresholds at distinct tube peak voltage of 100 kV has been addressed in X-ray imaging. The outcomes indicate that the behavior of the function is exponential. The relevant cut-off frequency and summation of point spread function S(PSF) were assessed at large and detailed energy ranges.
    RESULTS: A compromise must be made between cut-off frequency and FWHM to determine the optimal model. By detailed energy range, the minimum and maximum of S(PSF) values were revealed at 20 keV and 48 keV, respectively, by 2979 and 3073. Although the maximum value of FWHM occurred at the energy of 48 keV by 224 mm, its minimum value was revealed at 62 keV by 217 mm. Generally, FWHM value converged to 220 mm and S(PSF) to 3026 with small fluctuations. Consequently, there is no need to increase the voltage of the X-ray tube after the energy threshold of 20 keV.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed FWHM function may be used in designing the setup of the imaging parameters in order to reduce the absorbed dose and obtain the final accurate maps using the related mathematical suggestions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: During any radiological procedure, it is important to know the dose to be-administered to the patient and this can be done by estimating the output of the X-ray tube either with a dosimeter or with a mathematical equation or Monte Carlo simulations. The aim of this work is to develop a new mathematical model equation (NMME) for estimating the output of high-frequency X-ray tubes.
    METHODS: To achieve this, data collected from ten machines in many regions of Cameroon were used (for nine machines) to build an initial model that does not take into account the anode angle and the tenth machine was used to test the model. Using the SpekCalc software, some simulations were carried out to evaluate the influence of the anode angle. This allowed the NMME to be proposed.
    RESULTS: The deviations frequencies between 0.65% and 19.61% were obtained by comparing the output values obtained using initial model with the measured values. The statistical hypothesis test showed that the estimated values using initial model and NMME are in agreement with those measured unlike the Kothan and Tungjai model. For the tenth machine, the percentage difference between estimated and measured values is less than 8 %.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results show that the proposed model performed better than the previous models. In the absence of a dosimeter, the NMME could be used to estimate the output of high frequency X-ray machines and therefore the radiation doses received by patients during diagnostic X-ray examinations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The air kerma, which is the amount of energy given off by a radioactive substance, is essential for medical specialists who use radiation to diagnose cancer problems. The amount of energy that a photon has when it hits something can be described as the air kerma (the amount of energy that was deposited in the air when the photon passed through it). Radiation beam intensity is represented by this value. Hospital X-ray equipment has to account for the heel effect, which means that the borders of the picture obtain a lesser radiation dosage than the center, and that air kerma is not symmetrical. The voltage of the X-ray machine can also affect the uniformity of the radiation. This work presents a model-based approach to predict air kerma at various locations inside the radiation field of medical imaging instruments, making use of just a small number of measurements. Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) neural networks are suggested for this purpose. Firstly, a medical X-ray tube was modeled using Monte Carlo N Particle (MCNP) code simulation algorithm. X-ray tubes and detectors make up medical X-ray CT imaging systems. An X-ray tube\'s electron filament, thin wire, and metal target produce a picture of the electrons\' target. A small rectangular electron source modeled electron filaments. An electron source target was a thin, 19,290 kg/m3 tungsten cube in a tubular hoover chamber. The electron source-object axis of the simulation object is 20° from the vertical. For most medical X-ray imaging applications, the kerma of the air was calculated at a variety of discrete locations within the conical X-ray beam, providing an accurate data set for network training. Various locations were taken into account in the aforementioned voltages inside the radiation field as the input of the GMDH network. For diagnostic radiology applications, the trained GMDH model could determine the air kerma at any location in the X-ray field of view and for a wide range of X-ray tube voltages with a Mean Relative Error (MRE) of less than 0.25%. This study yielded the following results: (1) The heel effect is included when calculating air kerma. (2) Computing the air kerma using an artificial neural network trained with minimal data. (3) An artificial neural network quickly and reliably calculated air kerma. (4) Figuring out the air kerma for the operating voltage of medical tubes. The high accuracy of the trained neural network in determining air kerma guarantees the usability of the presented method in operational conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effective focal spot size of x-ray tubes is one of the major factors that substantially affect the resultant x-ray images, and it is known to be dependent on the x-ray exposure setting used. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the effective focal spot size and the tube current and voltage and assess its reproducibility among several x-ray tubes. The evaluation was performed using edge response analysis, in which a 1-mm thick tungsten edge was projected onto a flat panel detector with a magnification factor of 2. The edge image was then differentiated to obtain the line spread function, followed by a detector blur-removing process through Fourier analysis to obtain the true focus profile. The resultant focal spot size increased as the tube current increased, whereas it decreased as the tube voltage increased, as expected. The rate of change was similar along the width and the length directions, while the small focus changed more significantly than the large focus. The reproducibility among four x-ray tubes of the same model was excellent as the maximum variation < 20%. In conclusion, the edge response method can provide useful information on the x-ray focal spot relationship with the x-ray exposure settings used, as well as its reproducibility among several x-ray tubes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To present an x-ray tube system capable of in vitro ultrahigh dose-rate (UHDR) irradiation of small < 0.3 mm samples and to characterize it by means of a plastic scintillation detector (PSD).
    METHODS: A conventional x-ray tube was modified for the delivery of short UHDR irradiations. A beam shutter system with a sample holder was designed and installed in a close proximity of an x-ray tube window to enable <1 s irradiations at UHDR. The dosimetry was performed with a small 0.5-mm long 0.5-mm in diameter PSD irradiated with 80, 100, and 120 kVp beams and beam currents of 1-37.5 mA. The PSD signal was recorded at frame rates of 20 and 50 fps for shutter exposure between 100 and 1125 ms. Irradiation reproducibility was studied with the PSD. The x-ray tube irradiation setup was modeled with Monte Carlo (MC) and dose on a surface of a phantom was also measured with films. The effect of dose delivery uncertainty to 300-μm spheroids due to positioning and spheroid size was evaluated.
    RESULTS: MC simulations showed good agreement with PSD measurements acquired at both frame rates of 20 and 50 fps in terms of beam temporal profile. PSD-measured dose exhibited excellent linearity as a function of instantaneous dose rate from 3.1 to 118.0 Gy/s as well as shutter exposure time from 100 and 1125 ms for all investigated beam energies. PSD absorbed dose for the 80, 100, and 120 kVp beams agreed with MC simulations to within 5%. The total delivered doses ranged from 0.4 Gy for a 1-mA, 80 kVp beam, and 100 ms shutter exposure to 166.9 Gy for a 37.5-mA, 80 kVp beam, and a 1125 ms exposure. PSD irradiation reproducibility was < 0.5%. Simulated and measured dose fall off agreed and it was steep along the axis of the shutter slit (1%/0.1 mm) and with depth (2%/0.1 mm at 1-mm depth). Spheroid positioning uncertainty of 300 μm resulted in dose difference of < 3% for x and y shifts but up to 7% uncertainty for a z-shift parallel to the beam axis. A 16% difference in spheroid size resulted in <5% dose difference in spheroid absorbed dose.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have presented a cost-effective x-ray tube-based system with a beam shutter designed for in vitro UHDR delivery and reaching dose rates of up to 118.0 Gy/s. The described shutter system can be easily implemented at other institutions, which might enable new researchers to investigate the radiobiology of UHDR irradiations in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: The focal spot size and shape of an x-ray system are critical factors to the spatial resolution. Conventional approaches to characterizing the focal spot use specialized tools that usually require careful calibration. We propose an alternative to characterize the x-ray source\'s focal spot, simply using a rotating edge and flat-panel detector. Methods: An edge is moved to the beam axis, and an edge spread function (ESF) is obtained at a specific angle. Taking the derivative of the ESF provides the line spread function, which is the Radon transform of the focal spot in the direction parallel to the edge. By rotating the edge about the beam axis for 360 deg, we obtain a complete Radon transform, which is used for reconstructing the focal spot. We conducted a study on a clinical C-arm system with three focal spot sizes (0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 mm nominal size), then compared the focal spot imaged using the proposed method against the conventional pinhole approach. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the focal spots along the width and height of the focal spot were used for quantitative comparisons. Results: Using the pinhole method as ground truth, the proposed method accurately characterized the focal spot shapes and sizes. Quantitatively, the FWHM widths were 0.37, 0.65, and 1.14 mm for the pinhole method and 0.33, 0.60, and 1.15 mm for the proposed method for the 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 mm nominal focal spots, respectively. Similar levels of agreement were found for the FWHM heights. Conclusions: The method uses a rotating edge to characterize the focal spot and could be automated in the future using a system\'s built-in collimator. The method could be included as part of quality assurance tests of image quality and tube health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The size and shape of an x-ray source\'s focal spot is a critical factor in the imaging system\'s overall spatial resolution. The conventional approach to imaging the focal spot uses a pinhole camera, but this requires careful, manual measurements. Instead, we propose a novel alternative, simply using the collimator available on many x-ray systems. After placing the edge of a collimator blade in the center of the beam, we can obtain an image of its edge spread function (ESF). Each ESF provides information about the focal spot distribution - specifically, the parallel projection of the focal spot in the direction parallel to the edge. If the edge is then rotated about the beam axis, each image provides a different parallel projection of the focal spot until a complete Radon transform of the focal spot distribution is obtained. The focal spot can then be reconstructed by the inverse Radon transform, or parallel-beam filtered backprojection. We conducted a study on a clinical C-arm system with 3 focal spot sizes (0.3, 0.6, 1.0 mm nominal size), comparing the focal spot obtained using the rotating edge method against the conventional pinhole approach. Our results demonstrate accurate characterization of the size and shape of the focal spot.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a method to perform quality control (QC) of X-ray tubes and automatic exposure control (AEC) as a part of the QC of the radiographic and fluoroscopic X-ray system. Our aim is to verify the output from the X-ray tube by comparing the measured radiation output, or air kerma, to the theoretical output given the applied exposure settings and geometry, in addition to comparing the measured kV to the nominal kV. The AEC system for fluoroscopic and conventional X-ray systems is assessed by determining the absorbed dose to a homogenous phantom with different thicknesses.
    METHODS: This study presents a model to verify the X-ray tube measurement results and a method to determine the dose to a homogenous phantom (Dphantom ). The following input is needed: a parameterized model of the X-ray spectrum, the X-ray tube measurements using a multifunctional X-ray meter, the exposure parameters recorded via imaging of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) slabs of different thickness that simulate the patient using AEC, and a parameterized model for calculating the dose to water from Monte Carlo simulations. The output is the entrance surface dose (ESD) and absorbed dose in the phantom, Dphantom (µGy). In addition, the parameterized X-ray spectrum is used to compare theoretical and measured air kerma as a part of the QC of the X-ray tube. To verify the proposed method, the X-ray spectrum provided in this study, SPECTRUM, was compared to two commercially available spectra, SpekCalc and Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) 78. The fraction of energy imparted to the homogenous phantom was compared to the imparted fraction calculated by PCXMC.
    RESULTS: The spectrum provided in this study was in good agreement with two previously published X-ray spectra. The absolute percentage differences of the spectra varied from 0.05% to 3.9%, with an average of 1.4%, compared to SpekCalc. Similarly, the deviation from IPEM report 78 varied from 0.02% to 2.3%, with an average of 0.74%. The SPECTRUM was parameterized for calculation of the imparted fraction for target angles of 10°, 12°, and 15°, kV (50-150 kV) with the materials Al (2.2-8 mm), Cu (0-1 mm), and any combination of the filters, PMMA and water. The deviation of energy imparted from the results by PCXMC was less than 8% for all measurements across different kV, filtration, and vendors, obtained by using PMMA to record the exposure parameters, while the dose was calculated based on water with same thicknesses as the PMMA.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study presents an accurate and suitable method to perform a part of the QC of fluoroscopic and conventional X-ray systems with respect to the X-ray tube and the associated AEC system. The method is suitable for comparing protocols within and between systems via the absorbed dose.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Correlation of characteristic surface appearance and surface roughness with measured air kerma (kinetic energy released in air) reduction of tungsten-rhenium (WRe) stationary anode surfaces.
    METHODS: A stationary anode test system was developed and used to alter nine initially ground sample surfaces through thermal cycling at high temperatures. A geometrical model based on high resolution surface data was implemented to correlate the measured reduction of the air kerma rate with the changing surface appearance of the samples. In addition to the nine thermally cycled samples, three samples received synthetic surface structuring to prove the applicability of the model to nonconventional surface alterations. Representative surface data and surface roughness values were acquired by laser scanning confocal microscopy.
    RESULTS: After thermal cycling in the stationary anode test system, the samples showed surface features comparable to rotating anodes after long-time operation. The established model enables the appearance of characteristic surface features like crack networks, pitting, and local melting to be linked to the local x-ray output at 100 kV tube voltage ,10° anode take off angle and 2 mm of added Al filtration. The results from the conducted air kerma measurements were compared to the predicted total x-ray output reduction from the geometrical model and show, on average, less than 10 % error within the 12 tested samples. In certain boundaries, the calculated surface roughness Ra showed a linear correlation with the measured air kerma reduction when samples were having comparable damaging characteristics and similar operation parameters. The orientation of the surface features had a strong impact on the measured air kerma rate which was shown by testing synthetically structured surfaces.
    CONCLUSIONS: The geometrical model used herein considers and describes the effect of individual surface features on the x-ray output. In close boundaries arithmetic surface roughness Ra was found to be a useful characteristic value on estimating the effect of surface damage on total x-ray output.






