Working conditions

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The disorder known as burnout develops as a reaction to the damaging impacts of workplace stress. When occupational stress is poorly managed, it can result in burnout, which has a detrimental impact on workers\' performance and emotional and physical well-being. Those who work in the helping profession are the most vulnerable. Pharmacy practitioners are among the most vulnerable groups in the healthcare industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy adds challenges for healthcare professionals, regardless of gender. We investigated experiences during pregnancy, attitudes towards pregnant colleagues, family planning decisions, and awareness of regulations among European anaesthesiologists and intensivists.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 3590 anaesthesiologists and intensivists from 47 European countries. The survey, available for 12 weeks, collected data on demographics, working conditions, safety perceptions, and the impact of clinical practice and training demands on family planning. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics, whereas qualitative data underwent thematic content analysis.
    RESULTS: Only 41.4% (n=678) of women were satisfied with their working conditions during pregnancy, and only 38.5% (n=602) considered their working environment safe. The proportion of women who changed their clinical practice during pregnancy and who took sick leave to avoid potentially harmful working conditions increased over time (P<0.001 for both). Men had children more often during residency than women (P<0.001). Pregnant colleagues\' safety concerns influenced clinical practice, with women and men who had experience with their own and partner\'s pregnancy being more likely to modify their practices. Work and training demands discouraged plans to have children, particularly among women, leading to consideration of leaving training. Awareness of national regulations was limited, and respondents highlighted a need for better support and flexible working conditions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Improved support and working environments for pregnant colleagues and ability to express preferred clinical areas for work are needed. Department heads should commit to safety and family friendliness, and men transitioning to parenthood should not be neglected.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Air quality is a matter of interest for public health due to its rapid deterioration in low- and middle-income countries and the effects of polluted air on the health of populations.
    To explore the air quality conditions in which digital platform delivery workers carry out their work, evaluating the localities of Kennedy and Usaquén in Bogotá, 2021.
    We developed a mixed parallel convergent study based on four sources of information: 1) Ethnographic observation in five commercial locations of the two localities; 2) Monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 in 56 delivery routes using a low-cost sensor; 3) Daily logs of the routes to support the device data interpretation, and 4) A semi-structured interview applied to the drivers to explore their danger perception during the routes.
    We identified elements causing environmental injustice among digital platform delivery workers between the two study locations. The routes made by the delivery drivers in the locality of Kennedy registered higher concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5, compared to the values observed in Usaquén. The sources of air pollution identified by the delivery drivers through ethnographic observation and the router logbook showed the worst parameters in Kennedy.
    We evidenced that air quality, urban equipment, road infrastructure, mobile sources, and geospatial location are elements that mark the presence of environmental injustice for the digital platform delivery drivers in the studied localities. To reduce this inequity, it is necessary for digital delivery platforms and the district government to implement strategies that reduce the exposure and emission of air pollutants to protect the health of digital platform delivery workers.
    La calidad del aire es un asunto de interés para la salud pública por su rápido deterioro en los países de bajos y medianos ingresos, y los efectos del aire contaminado en la salud de las poblaciones.
    Explorar las condiciones de la calidad del aire en las que los repartidores de plataformas digitales desarrollaron su trabajo en las localidades de Kennedy y Usaquén de Bogotá durante el 2021.
    Se llevó a cabo un estudio mixto, paralelo y convergente, basado en cuatro fuentes de información: 1) observación etnográfica en cinco ubicaciones comerciales de las dos localidades; 2) monitoreo de PM10 y PM2.5 en 56 rutas de reparto, empleando un equipo de bajo costo; 3) bitácoras diarias de los recorridos que apoyaron la interpretación de los datos del equipo, y 4) entrevista semiestructurada con el rutero para explorar sus percepciones frente a los peligros durante los recorridos.
    Se identificaron diferencias en las condiciones de trabajo, las percepciones y las exposiciones a material particulado de los repartidores entre las dos localidades de estudio que constituyeron fuentes de injusticia ambiental. Los recorridos que realizaron los repartidores en la localidad de Kennedy registraron mayores concentraciones de PM10 y PM2.5. Las fuentes de contaminación atmosférica identificadas por los repartidores mostraron los peores parámetros en Kennedy.
    Se evidenció que la calidad del aire, el equipamiento urbano, la infraestructura vial, las fuentes móviles y la ubicación geoespacial son elementos que marcan la presencia de injusticia ambiental para los repartidores. Para disminuir esta inequidad, es necesario que las plataformas de reparto digital y el gobierno distrital implementen estrategias que reduzcan la exposición y la emisión de contaminantes del aire con el fin de proteger la salud de los repartidores de plataformas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Motorcycle ambulances are particularly useful in navigating narrow and congested areas during premium hours due to their ability to provide rapid access to patients in pre-hospital emergency healthcare services (PHEHS), possessing suitable and necessary advanced life support accessories, and their speed, flexibility, and ease of maneuverability.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to examine the experiences and challenges encountered by motorcycle ambulance workers in PHEHS.
    UNASSIGNED: This study adopts a qualitative research methodology, specifically employing a phenomenological approach within the framework of a case study. The research sample consists of 19 paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) working on motorcycle ambulances. Purposeful sampling method, specifically the snowball sampling technique, was employed in selecting the sample. Research data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted using a semi-structured interview form, from August 2022 to February 2023. The interviews were transcribed, coded, and thematically analyzed using the MAXQDA program.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants shared their experiences and the problems they encountered while performing their duties across four themes: purpose of motorcycle ambulances, most frequently assigned cases, challenges encountered, and the importance of teamwork.
    UNASSIGNED: It is crucial to ensure personnel safety by forming the motorcycle ambulance team from selected individuals, subjecting the selected personnel to the same standard and comprehensive advanced driving and technical training, regulating working hours, increasing the number of personnel, and fostering teamwork. Further efforts are needed to improve the working conditions of motorcycle ambulance services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nurse retention remains a pivotal issue, necessitating urgent strategies aimed at the recruitment and retention of highly qualified nurses. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the influence of nurses\' personal and professional values, along with work environment, on predicting intent to leave an organization. Utilizing a secondary analysis approach, this study employed logistic regression to predict intent to leave among registered nurses (n = 671) using results from the Short Schwartz\'s Value Survey, the Nurses Professional Values Scale-3, and the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Regression analysis indicates that the work environment including \"Participation in Hospital Affairs\" (B = -.665, odds ratio = .514), \"Nurse Manager Ability, Leadership, and Support\" (B = -.448, odds ratio = .639), and \"Staffing and Resource Adequacy\" (B = -.589, odds ratio = .555) are significant predictors of nurses\' intentions to leave. Establishing and maintaining supportive work environments is essential for retention, highlighting the importance of effective leadership.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The \"Management Competencies to Prevent and Reduce Stress at Work\" (MCPARS) approach focuses on identifying the stress-preventive managers\' competencies able to optimise the employees\' well-being through the management of the psychosocial work environment. Considering leadership as contextualised in complex social dynamics, the self-other agreement (SOA) investigation of the MCPARS may enhance previous findings, as it allows for exploring the manager-team perceptions\' (dis)agreement and its potential implications. However, no studies have tested the MCPARS using the SOA and multisource data. Grounded in Yammarino and Atwater\'s SOA reference theory, we conducted an in-depth investigation on the MCPARS\'s theoretical framework by examining the implications of manager-team (dis)agreement, regarding managers\' competencies, on employees\' psychosocial environment (H1-H2) and affective well-being (H3). Data from 36 managers and 475 employees were analysed by performing several polynomial regressions, response surface, and mediation analyses. The results reveal a significant relationship between SOA on MCPARS and employees\' perceptions of the psychosocial environment (H1). Employees report better perceptions when supervised by in-agreement good or under-estimator managers, while lower ratings occur under over-estimator or in-agreement poor managers (H2). Moreover, the psychosocial environment significantly mediated the relationship between SOA on MCPARS and employees\' well-being (H3). The MCPARS theoretical model\'s soundness is supported, and its implications are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resident physicians face intense stressors that significantly heighten their depression risk. This article discusses research findings on critical factors contributing to depression among resident physicians. Understanding these factors is essential to developing targeted interventions, fostering healthy work environments, and ultimately improving physician wellbeing and patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AI and robotics aim to transform workplace landscapes in a several sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, construction, agriculture, and education. Central to this evolution is the innovative use of Digital Twin technology, which creates real-time updated virtual replicas of physical systems and entities. This technology is especially transformative in healthcare and education, promising customized and efficient experiences for all involved. This paper outlines the AI4Work project\'s approach to leveraging Digital Twin Technology to improve work environments in these sectors. The goal of AI4Work is to formulate a workplace where AI and robots seamlessly collaborate with humans, while explores how to best share tasks between humans and machines in six different domains. For healthcare, AI4Work will explore how Digital Twin technology can assist occupational doctors and psychologists in monitoring the physical and mental health of hospital personnel in order to predict burnout symptoms and to create a sustainable working environment. In education, AI4Work will investigate how to uphold the mental health of both educators and students while fostering a more supportive and enduring educational setting.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





