
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) share a multi-male/multi-female societal organization and form male-philopatric groups, disparities in terms of male aggression and stability of temporary parties are thought to exist among them. However, existing research in bonobos has mainly focused on the high social status, prolonged receptivity, and characteristic sexual behaviors of females, leaving the behaviors of males understudied. Moreover, prior comparative studies on Pan suffer from methodological inconsistencies. This study addresses these gaps by employing a uniform observation method to explore party attendance and aggressive interactions among male bonobos in Wamba and male chimpanzees in Kalinzu. Unlike male chimpanzees, which exhibit dispersion in the absence of receptive females in the group, male bonobos showed a lesser degree of such dispersion. Although the overall frequency of aggressive interactions per observation unit did not significantly differ between the two species, the nature of these interactions varied. Notably, severe aggressive behaviors such as physical confrontations among adult males were absent in bonobos, with most aggression occurring between the sons of the two highest-ranking females. Additionally, in bonobos, females actively engaged in polyadic aggressive behavior as aggressors, while all instances of coalitionary aggression in chimpanzees originated from male aggressors. These findings underscore the substantial impact of female behaviors on the observed distinctions in male aggressive interactions between the two species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natal dispersal is a milestone in an animal\'s life history, but its timing in developmental trajectories may differ between species. Although the two Pan species exhibit a similar pattern of female-biased dispersal, female bonobos (P. paniscus) leave their natal groups at an earlier age than female chimpanzees (P. troglodytes). As a preliminary step to explore the dispersal strategies of female bonobos, this study aimed to determine the relations of sexual swelling development, behavioral and hormonal activation, and first ovulation relative to dispersal timing. We measured levels of urinary estrone conjugates (E1C) and pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) from 14 nulliparous females in wild bonobo groups at Wamba in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and recorded their copulations with mature males. When close to dispersal, female bonobos exhibited swelling of the sexual skin (labia minora and perianal region) that did not reach the mature stage. Urinary E1C levels and copulation rates increased slightly before dispersal and greatly increased after dispersal. Ovulatory or gestatory signs implied by daily hormone profiles were not detected until one to two years after dispersal. Our findings indicate that female bonobos disperse at an early pubertal stage before ovulatory cycling is established. This earlier dispersal than sexual maturation could allow female bonobos to postpone reproduction-related energy costs until they become familiar with their new group or gain more time finding the group more suitable for successful reproduction in the future before actually settling. Further demographic and genetic data from dispersal to reproduction will help clarify their dispersal strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dominance hierarchies vary between species and possess particular characteristics depending on the distribution and abundance of food resources that affect the competitive regime. Bonobos have been described as having female intersexual dominance, based mainly on female coalitionary support against males, and more egalitarian hierarchies than chimpanzees. In this study, we tested whether female intersexual dominance is dependent on female coalitions or whether it still arises when only dyadic interactions are considered. We also examined the role of food abundance in shaping dominance style in a wild population of bonobos in Wamba, Democratic Republic of Congo. We found partial support concerning our first prediction in which we expected a male dominance over females when only dyadic agonistic interactions were considered because females were not systematically dominant over males, finding instead an intersexual codominance pattern. We failed to find support for our second prediction that hierarchies become more despotic under low fruit abundance, in fact, we found the opposite pattern. We discuss that codominance based on dyadic interactions in this group may arise as a consequence of male deference rather than females winning conflicts against males and that more despotic hierarchies during high fruit season may arise as a consequence of competition for high-quality resources or variation in party size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intergroup transfer is a critical part of the life history of group-living species, with considerable variation in its timings and patterns among species. Immigrant female bonobos are documented to smoothly integrate into a new group through forming affiliative relationships with old, high-ranking resident females (Idani, Folia Primatol 57:83-95, 1991). However, only a few studies are available on immigration costs and strategies for female bonobos. Here, we compared social relationships of natal females (known to be 4.5-7.2 years old) and immigrant females (estimated to be 6.8-12.3 years old) from one bonobo group at Wamba in the Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Similar to previous studies, resident females did not appear to spatially isolate immigrant females or act aggressively toward them. However, resident males were more frequently aggressive toward immigrant females than toward natal females. Both natal and immigrant females tended to groom high-ranking females more than middle- and low-ranking females, although immigrant females spent more time grooming unrelated females than natal females. Immigrant females did not exhibit rank-related partner preference for genito-genital rubbing and copulation. Although we did not control for age differences because of the small sample size, our results provide partial support for the hypothesis that old female bonobos are important partners for the successful integration of young females into an unfamiliar group. This strategy could explain why female bonobos disperse before reaching sexual maturity, which contrasts with the need for female chimpanzees to display sexual swellings and draw male interest as protection against aggression from resident females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infectious diseases constitute one of the major threats to African great apes. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) may be particularly vulnerable to the transmission of infectious diseases because of their cohesive grouping and frequent social and sexual interactions between groups. Here we report two cases of a flu-like illness and possible transmission of the illness among neighboring wild bonobo groups at Wamba, DR Congo. The first flu-like outbreak started in the PE group on July 28, 2013, 2 days after they had encounters with the BI and PW groups. All PE members, except for one infant, subsequently developed flu-like symptoms, including coughing and running nose. The second flu-like outbreak occurred in the E1 group on October 14, 2013, after E1 had encountered the PE group and the two groups stayed together from October 7 to 11. Eleven out of the 15 observed party members developed symptoms over the next 4 days. The pathogens underlying the two outbreaks may have been related as two temporary immigrant females, who had previously shown symptoms while in the PE group, stayed briefly in the E1 group during the second outbreak, but did not show any symptoms.





