Volume electron microscopy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Transverse (t)-tubules drive the rapid and synchronous Ca2+ rise in cardiac myocytes. The virtual complete atrial t-tubule loss in heart failure (HF) decreases Ca2+ release. It is unknown if or how atrial t-tubules can be restored and how this affects systolic Ca2+.
    UNASSIGNED: HF was induced in sheep by rapid ventricular pacing and recovered following termination of rapid pacing. Serial block-face scanning electron microscopy and confocal imaging were used to study t-tubule ultrastructure. Function was assessed using patchclamp, Ca2+, and confocal imaging. Candidate proteins involved in atrial t-tubule recovery were identified by western blot and expressed in rat neonatal ventricular myocytes to determine if they altered t-tubule structure.
    UNASSIGNED: Atrial t-tubules were lost in HF but reappeared following recovery from HF. Recovered t-tubules were disordered, adopting distinct morphologies with increased t-tubule length and branching. T-tubule disorder was associated with mitochondrial disorder. Recovered t-tubules were functional, triggering Ca2+ release in the cell interior. Systolic Ca2+, ICa-L, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content, and SERCA function were restored following recovery from HF. Confocal microscopy showed fragmentation of ryanodine receptor staining and movement away from the z-line in HF, which was reversed following recovery from HF. Acute detubulation, to remove recovered t-tubules, confirmed their key role in restoration of the systolic Ca2+ transient, the rate of Ca2+ removal, and the peak L-type Ca2+ current. The abundance of telethonin and myotubularin decreased during HF and increased during recovery. Transfection with these proteins altered the density and structure of tubules in neonatal myocytes. Myotubularin had a greater effect, increasing tubule length and branching, replicating that seen in the recovery atria.
    UNASSIGNED: We show that recovery from HF restores atrial t-tubules, and this promotes recovery of ICa-L, sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content, and systolic Ca2+. We demonstrate an important role for myotubularin in t-tubule restoration. Our findings reveal a new and viable therapeutic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons contain three compartments, the soma, long axon, and dendrites, which have distinct energetic and biochemical requirements. Mitochondria feature in all compartments and regulate neuronal activity and survival, including energy generation and calcium buffering alongside other roles including proapoptotic signaling and steroid synthesis. Their dynamicity allows them to undergo constant fusion and fission events in response to the changing energy and biochemical requirements. These events, termed mitochondrial dynamics, impact their morphology and a variety of three-dimensional (3D) morphologies exist within the neuronal mitochondrial network. Distortions in the morphological profile alongside mitochondrial dysfunction may begin in the neuronal soma in ageing and common neurodegenerative disorders. However, 3D morphology cannot be comprehensively examined in flat, two-dimensional (2D) images. This highlights a need to segment mitochondria within volume data to provide a representative snapshot of the processes underpinning mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy within healthy and diseased neurons. The advent of automated high-resolution volumetric imaging methods such as Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBF-SEM) as well as the range of image software packages allow this to be performed.We describe and evaluate a method for randomly sampling mitochondria and manually segmenting their whole morphologies within randomly generated regions of interest of the neuronal soma from SBF-SEM image stacks. These 3D reconstructions can then be used to generate quantitative data about mitochondrial and cellular morphologies. We further describe the use of a macro that automatically dissects the soma and localizes 3D mitochondria into the subregions created.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volume electron microscopy encompasses a set of electron microscopy techniques that can be used to examine the ultrastructure of biological tissues and cells in three dimensions. Two block face techniques, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) have often been used to study biological tissue samples. More recently, these techniques have been adapted to in vitro tissue culture samples. Here we describe step-by-step protocols for two sample embedding methods for in vitro tissue culture cells intended to be studied using SBF-SEM. The first focuses on cell pellet embedding and the second on en face embedding. En face embedding can be combined with light microscopy, and this CLEM workflow can be used to identify specific biological events by light microscopy, which can then be imaged using SBF-SEM. We systematically outline the steps necessary to fix, stain, embed and image adherent tissue culture cell monolayers by SBF-SEM. In addition to sample preparation, we discuss optimization of parameters for data collection. We highlight the challenges and key steps of sample preparation, and the consideration of imaging variables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elucidating the 3D nanoscale structure of tissues and cells is essential for understanding the complexity of biological processes. Electron microscopy (EM) offers the resolution needed for reliable interpretation, but the limited throughput of electron microscopes has hindered its ability to effectively image large volumes. We report a workflow for volume EM with FAST-EM, a novel multibeam scanning transmission electron microscope that speeds up acquisition by scanning the sample in parallel with 64 electron beams. FAST-EM makes use of optical detection to separate the signals of the individual beams. The acquisition and 3D reconstruction of ultrastructural data from multiple biological samples is demonstrated. The results show that the workflow is capable of producing large reconstructed volumes with high resolution and contrast to address biological research questions within feasible acquisition time frames.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tissue slicing is at the core of many approaches to studying biological structures. Among the modern volume electron microscopy (vEM) methods, array tomography (AT) is based on serial ultramicrotomy, section collection onto solid support, imaging via light and/or scanning electron microscopy, and re-assembly of the serial images into a volume for analysis. While AT largely uses standard EM equipment, it provides several advantages, including long-term preservation of the sample and compatibility with multi-scale and multi-modal imaging. Furthermore, the collection of serial ultrathin sections improves axial resolution and provides access for molecular labeling, which is beneficial for light microscopy and immunolabeling, and facilitates correlation with EM. Despite these benefits, AT techniques are underrepresented in imaging facilities and labs, due to their perceived difficulty and lack of training opportunities. Here we point towards novel developments in serial sectioning and image analysis that facilitate the AT pipeline, and solutions to overcome constraints. Because no single vEM technique can serve all needs regarding field of view and resolution, we sketch a decision tree to aid researchers in navigating the plethora of options available. Lastly, we elaborate on the unexplored potential of AT approaches to add valuable insight in diverse biological fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional and structural studies investigating macroscopic connectivity in the human cerebral cortex suggest that high-order associative regions exhibit greater connectivity compared to primary ones. However, the synaptic organization of these brain regions remains unexplored. In the present work, we conducted volume electron microscopy to investigate the synaptic organization of the human brain obtained at autopsy. Specifically, we examined layer III of Brodmann areas 17, 3b, and 4, as representative areas of primary visual, somatosensorial, and motor cortex. Additionally, we conducted comparative analyses with our previous datasets of layer III from temporopolar and anterior cingulate associative cortical regions (Brodmann areas 24, 38, and 21). 9,690 synaptic junctions were 3D reconstructed, showing that certain synaptic characteristics are specific to particular regions. The number of synapses per volume, the proportion of the postsynaptic targets, and the synaptic size may distinguish one region from another, regardless of whether they are associative or primary cortex. By contrast, other synaptic characteristics were common to all analyzed regions, such as the proportion of excitatory and inhibitory synapses, their shapes, their spatial distribution, and a higher proportion of synapses located on dendritic spines. The present results provide further insights into the synaptic organization of the human cerebral cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Like other volume electron microscopy approaches, automated tape-collecting ultramicrotomy (ATUM) enables imaging of serial sections deposited on thick plastic tapes by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). ATUM is unique in enabling hierarchical imaging and thus efficient screening for target structures, as needed for correlative light and electron microscopy. However, SEM of sections on tape can only access the section surface, thereby limiting the axial resolution to the typical size of cellular vesicles with an order of magnitude lower than the acquired xy resolution. In contrast, serial-section electron tomography (ET), a transmission electron microscopy-based approach, yields isotropic voxels at full EM resolution, but requires deposition of sections on electron-stable thin and fragile films, thus making screening of large section libraries difficult and prone to section loss. To combine the strength of both approaches, we developed \'ATUM-Tomo, a hybrid method, where sections are first reversibly attached to plastic tape via a dissolvable coating, and after screening detached and transferred to the ET-compatible thin films. As a proof-of-principle, we applied correlative ATUM-Tomo to study ultrastructural features of blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakiness around microthrombi in a mouse model of traumatic brain injury. Microthrombi and associated sites of BBB leakiness were identified by confocal imaging of injected fluorescent and electron-dense nanoparticles, then relocalized by ATUM-SEM, and finally interrogated by correlative ATUM-Tomo. Overall, our new ATUM-Tomo approach will substantially advance ultrastructural analysis of biological phenomena that require cell- and tissue-level contextualization of the finest subcellular textures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fovea of the human retina, a specialization for acute and color vision, features a high concentration of cone photoreceptors. A pit on the inner retinal aspect is created by the centrifugal migration of post-receptoral neurons. Foveal cells are specified early in fetal life, but the fovea reaches its final configuration postnatally. Pre-term birth retards migration resulting in a small pit, a small avascular zone, and nearly continuous inner retinal layers. To explore the involvement of Müller glia, we used serial-section electron microscopic reconstructions to examine the morphology and neural contacts of Müller glia contacting a single foveal cone in a 28-year-old male organ donor born at 28 weeks of gestation. A small non-descript foveal avascular zone contained massed glial processes that included a novel class of \'inner\' Müller glia. Similar to classic \'outer\' Müller glia that span the retina, inner Müller glia have bodies in the inner nuclear layer (INL). These cells are densely packed with intermediate filaments and insert processes between neurons. Unlike \'outer\' Müller glia, \'inner\' Müller glia do not reach the external limiting membrane but instead terminate at the outer plexiform layer. One completely reconstructed inner cell ensheathed cone pedicles and a cone-driven circuit of midget bipolar and ganglion cells. Inner Müller glia outnumber foveal cones by 1.8-fold in the outer nuclear layer (221,448 vs. 123,026 cells/mm2). Cell bodies of inner Müller glia outnumber those of outer Müller glia by 1.7-fold in the INL (41,872 vs. 24,631 cells/ mm2). Müller glia account for 95 and 80% of the volume of the foveal floor and Henle fiber layer, respectively. Determining whether inner cells are anomalies solely resulting from retarded lateral migration of inner retinal neurons in pre-term birth requires further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of membrane-bound organelles with specific functions is one of the main hallmarks of eukaryotic cells. Organelle membranes are composed of specific lipids that govern their function and interorganelle communication. Discoveries in cell biology using imaging and omic technologies have revealed the mechanisms that drive membrane remodeling, organelle contact sites, and metabolite exchange. The interplay between multiple organelles and their interdependence is emerging as the next frontier for discovery using 3D reconstruction of volume electron microscopy (vEM) datasets. We discuss recent findings on the links between organelles that underlie common functions and cellular pathways. Specifically, we focus on the metabolism of ether glycerophospholipids that mediate organelle dynamics and their communication with each other, and the new imaging techniques that are powering these discoveries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The highly complex structure of the brain requires an approach that can unravel its connectivity. Using volume electron microscopy and a dedicated software we can trace and measure all nerve fibers present within different samples of brain tissue. With this software tool, individual dendrites and axons are traced, obtaining a simplified \"skeleton\" of each fiber, which is linked to its corresponding synaptic contacts. The result is an intricate meshwork of axons and dendrites interconnected by a cloud of synaptic junctions. To test this methodology, we apply it to the stratum radiatum of the hippocampus and layers 1 and 3 of the somatosensory cortex of the mouse. We find that nerve fibers are densely packed in the neuropil, reaching up to 9 kilometers per cubic mm. We obtain the number of synapses, the number and lengths of dendrites and axons, the linear densities of synapses established by dendrites and axons, and their location on dendritic spines and shafts. The quantitative data obtained through this method enable us to identify subtle traits and differences in the synaptic organization of the samples, which might have been overlooked in a qualitative analysis.





