
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane potential (MP) changes can provide a simple readout of bacterial functional and metabolic state or stress levels. While several optical methods exist for measuring fast changes in MP in excitable cells, there is a dearth of such methods for absolute and precise measurements of steady-state membrane potentials (MPs) in bacterial cells. Conventional electrode-based methods for the measurement of MP are not suitable for calibrating optical methods in small bacterial cells. While optical measurement based on Nernstian indicators have been successfully used, they do not provide absolute or precise quantification of MP or its changes. We present a novel, calibrated MP recording approach to address this gap. In this study, we used a fluorescence lifetime-based approach to obtain a single-cell resolved distribution of the membrane potential and its changes upon extracellular chemical perturbation in a population of bacterial cells for the first time. Our method is based on (i) a unique VoltageFluor (VF) optical transducer, whose fluorescence lifetime varies as a function of MP via photoinduced electron transfer (PeT) and (ii) a quantitative phasor-FLIM analysis for high-throughput readout. This method allows MP changes to be easily visualized, recorded and quantified. By artificially modulating potassium concentration gradients across the membrane using an ionophore, we have obtained a Bacillus subtilis-specific MP versus VF lifetime calibration and estimated the MP for unperturbed B. subtilis cells to be -65 mV and that for chemically depolarized cells as -14 mV. We observed a population level MP heterogeneity of ~6-10 mV indicating a considerable degree of diversity of physiological and metabolic states among individual cells. Our work paves the way for deeper insights into bacterial electrophysiology and bioelectricity research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM) is a powerful tool for visualizing physiological parameters in vivo. We present here a 3-dye strategy for mapping bioelectric patterns in living Xenopus laevis embryos leveraging the quantitative power of fluorescent lifetime imaging. We discuss a general strategy for disentangling physiological artifacts from true bioelectric signals, a method for dye delivery via transcardial injection, and how to visualize and interpret the fluorescent lifetime of the dyes in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurately mapping changes in cellular membrane potential across large groups of neurons is crucial for understanding the organization and maintenance of neural circuits. Measuring cellular voltage changes by optical means allows greater spatial resolution than traditional electrophysiology methods and is adaptable to high-throughput imaging experiments. VoltageFluors, a class of voltage-sensitive dyes, have recently been used to optically study the spontaneous activity of many neurons simultaneously in dissociated culture. VoltageFluors are particularly useful for experiments investigating differences in excitability and connectivity between neurons at different stages of development and in different disease models. The protocols in this article describe general procedures for preparing dissociated cultures, imaging spontaneous activity in dissociated cultures with VoltageFluors, and analyzing optical spontaneous activity data. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of dissociated rat hippocampal or cortical cultures Alternate Protocol: Preparation of microisland dissociated cultures Basic Protocol 2: Imaging of spontaneous activity in dissociated cultures using voltage-sensitive dyes Basic Protocol 3: Analysis of spontaneous activity imaging data.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this protocol, we introduce an effective method for voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) loading and imaging of leech ganglia as used in Tomina and Wagenaar (2017). Dissection and dye loading procedures are the most critical steps toward successful whole-ganglion VSD imaging. The former entails the removal of the sheath that covers neurons in the segmental ganglion of the leech, which is required for successful dye loading. The latter entails gently flowing a new generation VSD, VF2.1(OMe).H, onto both sides of the ganglion simultaneously using a pair of peristaltic pumps. We expect the described techniques to translate broadly to wide-field VSD imaging in other thin and relatively transparent nervous systems.





