Voie d’abord

Voie d 'abord
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hysterectomy is the most common procedure in women. We wanted to make an assessment of the hysterectomy in France in 2019. We also assessed the variations over time in the indications and the surgical approch for hysterectomy, this with regard to the various events that may have been at the origin of the modification practices.
    METHODS: We used the Medical Information Systems Program in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Dentistry to extract all acts relating to a hysterectomy regardless of its route of approach from 2009 to 2019.
    RESULTS: Hysterectomy is a frequent procedure which was performed in nearly 60,000 women in France in 2019. The most frequently used surgical approach is now laparoscopy, performed in 30% of hysterectomies, followed by laparotomic (29%), then vaginal approaches (26%) and coelio-vaginal (15%). Laparoscopic procedures are performed more often in public than private hospitals. Adnexectomy is associated with 41% of hysterectomies. A decrease in the number of hysterectomies was observed between 2008 and 2019, from approximately 72,000 in 2008 to approximately 60,000 in 2019. This decrease occurs during a period in which new therapies have emerged as well as new recommendations.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evolution of the number of hysterectomies is correlated with the development of therapeutic alternatives for pathologies for which a hysterectomy has traditionally been performed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The two approaches most often used for placing implants and trapeziometacarpal prostheses are the laterodorsal approach and the lateropalmar approach. The advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches are set out. Each one allows optimal joint exposure while preserving or repairing the peritrapezial musculotendinous structures. They allow the insertion of partial or total trapeziometacarpal implants and modern coupled trapeziometacarpal prostheses. Each approach must be practiced and mastered on cadaver specimens before being used for trapeziometacarpal surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep endometriosis with colorectal involvement is considered one of the most severe forms of the disease due to its impact on patients\' quality of life and fertility but also by the difficulties encountered by the clinicians when proposing a therapeutic strategy. Although the literature is very rich, evidence based medicine remains poor explaining the great heterogeneity concerning the management of such patients. Surgery therefore remains a therapeutic option. It improves the intensity of gynecological, digestive and general symptoms and the quality of life. Concerning the surgical approach, it appears that laparoscopy should be the first option; the laparoscopic robot-assisted route can also be proposed. The techniques of rectal shaving, discoid resection and segmental resection are the three techniques used for surgical excision of colorectal endometriosis. The parameters taken into account for the use of either technique are: the surgeon\'s experience, the depth of infiltration of the lesion within the rectosigmoid wall, the lesion size and circumference, multifocality and the distance of the lesion from the anal margin. In the case of deep endometriosis with colorectal involvement, performing an incomplete surgery increases the rate of pain recurrence and decreases postoperative fertility. In case of surgery for colorectal endometriosis, pregnancy rates are similar to those obtained after ART in non-operated patients. Existing data are insufficient to formally recommend first line surgery or ART in infertile patients with colorectal endometriosis. The surgery for colorectal endometriosis exposes to a risk of postoperative complications and recurrence of which the patients should be informed preoperatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The radial approach to the wrist is already used in several surgical techniques such as radial styloidectomy and Zaidemberg\'s vascularized radial graft. The aim of our work was to describe the surgical anatomy of that approach and to determine the acceptable limits of radial oblique styloidectomy that does not damage the anterior and posterior radiocarpal ligaments. This radial approach was performed on 11 cadaver specimens. The superficial branches of the radial nerve and the antebrachial cephalic vein were carefully located in the superficial plane. The radiocarpal articular capsule was opened longitudinally between the first and second compartments of the extensor tendons. We drew the oblique radial styloidectomy line at 3, 6 and 9mm from the apex of radial styloid process on the articular surface and then measured the width of ligaments theoretically taken away by the styloidectomy. An oblique radial styloidectomy of less than 6mm preserved the anterior and posterior radiocarpal ligaments. There was one case of radial artery damage while opening the joint capsule. The radial approach to the wrist as described in this work provided good access to the radial styloid process, the radioscaphoid joint and the proximal pole of the scaphoid, if the approach is done carefully to preserve the superficial branches of the radial nerve, the antebrachial cephalic vein and the radial artery. Radial styloidectomy can be performed up to 6mm from the apex without significantly damaging the radiocarpal ligaments, particularly the volar ones.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To provide clinical practice guidelines from the French college of obstetrics and gynaecology (CNGOF), based on the best evidence available, concerning the surgical approach, the vaginal suture method, the surgeon\'s experience and morcellation to avoid complications with hysterectomy for benign gynaecological disease.
    METHODS: English and French review of literature about complications with hysterectomy for benign gynaecological disease, excluding cancer.
    CONCLUSIONS: For benign gynaecological disease, vaginal (VH) or laparoscopic (LH) hysterectomy are recommended (grade B). In case of big uterus, VH or LH are recommended (grade C). VH is not contraindicated in nulliparous (Grade C). VH is not contraindicated in case of previous caesarean (grade C). In obese women, VH and LH are recommended (grade C). It should be recommended to perform at least 30 hysterectomies during learning curve (grade C). Hysterectomy should be performed by surgeon doing at least 10 hysterectomies each year (grade C). No vaginal suture method is recommended (grade C). It is recommended to assess cancer risk before (histological sample and/or imagery) when morcellation is planned (expert opinion).





