
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide, it is estimated that there are 1.8 to 2.7 million cases of envenoming caused by snakebites. Snake venom is a complex mixture of protein toxins, lipids, small molecules, and salts, with the proteins typically responsible for causing pathology in snakebite victims. For their chemical characterization and identification, analytical methods are required. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RP-LC-ESI-MS) is a widely used technique due to its ease of use, sensitivity, and ability to be directly coupled after LC separation. This method allows for the efficient separation of complex mixtures and sensitive detection of analytes. On the other hand, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) is also sometimes used, and though it typically requires additional sample preparation steps, it offers desirable suitability for the analysis of larger biomolecules. In this study, seven medically important viperid snake venoms were separated into their respective venom toxins and measured by ESI-MS. In parallel, using nanofractionation analytics, post-column high-resolution fractionation was used to collect the eluting toxins for further processing for MALDI-MS analysis. Our comparative results showed that the deconvoluted snake venom toxin masses were observed with good sensitivity from both ESI-MS and MALDI-MS approaches and presented overlap in the toxin masses recovered (between 25% and 57%, depending on the venom analyzed). The mass range of the toxins detected in high abundance was between 4 and 28 kDa. In total, 39 masses were found in both the ESI-MS and/or MALDI-MS analyses, with most being between 5 and 9 kDa (46%), 13 and 15 kDa (38%), and 24 and 28 kDa (13%) in size. Next to the post-column MS analyses, additional coagulation bioassaying was performed to demonstrate the parallel post-column assessment of venom activity in the workflow. Most nanofractionated venoms exhibited anticoagulant activity, with three venoms additionally exhibiting toxins with clear procoagulant activity (Bothrops asper, Crotalus atrox, and Daboia russelii) observed post-column. The results of this study highlight the complementarity of ESI-MS and MALDI-MS approaches for characterizing snake venom toxins and provide a complementary overview of defined toxin masses found in a diversity of viper snake venoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snake venoms are cocktails of biologically active molecules that have evolved to immobilize prey, but can also induce a severe pathology in humans that are bitten. While animal-derived polyclonal antivenoms are the primary treatment for snakebites, they often have limitations in efficacy and can cause severe adverse side effects. Building on recent efforts to develop improved antivenoms, notably through monoclonal antibodies, requires a comprehensive understanding of venom toxins. Among these toxins, snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) play a pivotal role, particularly in viper envenomation, causing tissue damage, hemorrhage and coagulation disruption. One of the current challenges in the development of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against SVMPs is the large size of the protein and the lack of existing knowledge of neutralizing epitopes. Here, we screened a synthetic human antibody library to isolate monoclonal antibodies against an SVMP from saw-scaled viper (genus Echis) venom. Upon characterization, several antibodies were identified that effectively blocked SVMP-mediated prothrombin activation. Cryo-electron microscopy revealed the structural basis of antibody-mediated neutralization, pinpointing the non-catalytic cysteine-rich domain of SVMPs as a crucial target. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding the molecular mechanisms of SVMPs to counter their toxic effects, thus advancing the development of more effective antivenoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous species of venomous snakes of medical importance exist in Iran. Pseudocerastes persicus (P. persicus), one of the medically important snakes, also called the Persian horned viper, has a geographical spread that extends to the east, southwest, and central areas of Iran and is endemic across the wider region. As a result, this species is responsible for many snakebite occurrences. Venom from P. persicus found in the central province of Semnan contains phospholipase A2 and L-amino acid oxidase activities, and high toxic potency. The venom was fractionated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analyzed by Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Western blotting and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), a range of components were identified, consistent with the biochemical and toxicological properties of the venom. Proteins identified from 2D electrophoresis and shotgun methods included metallo- and serine proteases, phospholipases, oxidases, and Kunitz trypsin inhibitors, along with many other components at lower qualitative abundance. This study provides a more detailed understanding of the protein profile of Iranian P. persicus venom, which can be effective in the production of an effective antidote against it. The analysis of the resulting data shows that there is a wide range of proteins in the venom of the Persian horned viper. This information can provide a better understanding of how venom is neutralized by polyclonal antivenom. Considering the wide presence of this snake and its related species in Iran and surrounding countries, knowing the venom protein profile of this family can be of great support to antivenom producers such as Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute in the preparation of regional antivenoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a rapidly changing thermal environment, reptiles are primarily dependent on in situ adaptation because of their limited ability to disperse and the restricted opportunity to shift their ranges. However, the rapid pace of climate change may surpass these adaptation capabilities or elevate energy expenditures. Therefore, understanding the variability in thermal traits at both individual and population scales is crucial, offering insights into reptiles\' vulnerability to climate change. We studied the thermal ecology of the endangered Greek meadow viper (Vipera graeca), an endemic venomous snake of fragmented alpine-subalpine meadows above 1600 m of the Pindos mountain range in Greece and Albania, to assess its susceptibility to anticipated changes in the alpine thermal environment. We measured preferred body temperature in artificial thermal gradient, field body temperatures of 74 individuals in five populations encompassing the entire geographic range of the species, and collected data on the available of temperatures for thermoregulation. We found that the preferred body temperature (Tp) differed only between the northernmost and the southernmost populations and increased with female body size but did not depend on sex or the gravidity status of females. Tp increased with latitude but was unaffected by the phylogenetic position of the populations. We also found high accuracy of thermoregulation in V. graeca populations and variation in the thermal quality of habitats throughout the range. The overall effectiveness of thermoregulation was high, indicating that V. graeca successfully achieves its target temperatures and exploits the thermal landscape. Current climatic conditions limit the activity period by an estimated 1278 h per year, which is expected to increase considerably under future climate scenarios. Restricted time available for thermoregulation, foraging and reproduction will represent a serious threat to the fitness of individuals and the persistence of populations in addition to habitat loss due to mining, tourism or skiing and habitat degradation due to overgrazing in the shrinking mountaintop habitats of V. graeca.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge on hormonal regulation of reproductive cycles in viperid snakes is still incipient, especially when it comes to females and tropical species. There is an urgent need to understand the reproduction of venomous snakes to improve assisted reproduction techniques and optimize the maintenance of these animals in captivity. With this in mind, we monitored Northern pit viper females year-round throughout different seasons via serum levels of progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2) in conjunction with ultrasound examinations. Ovarian follicles were classified according to their size and stage of vitellogenesis in F-I and F-II (non-vitellogenic phase) or in F-III and F-IV (vitellogenic phase). During autumn and winter, five adult males were rotated among these females for reproductive pairing, which resulted in 17 copulations and 2 pregnancies in the first year and 12 copulations and 5 pregnancies in the second year. Then, we assessed changes in P4 and E2 levels according to seasons, predominant ovarian structures and the presence of embryos or eggs in the oviduct. Our findings showed high levels of E2 when a greater number of vitellogenic follicles were detected, indicating a possible influence of E2 on vitellogenesis and higher levels of P4 whenever eggs and embryos were visualized in the oviduct, implying its role in maintaining pregnancy. Descriptive analysis of the vipers\' ovarian cycles revealed a greater number of vitellogenic follicles during winter, probably as a result of increases in E2; whereas pregnancies occurred predominantly in spring, under the influence of P4. The use of ultrasound images, as a minimally invasive methodology, associated with serum steroid levels has proven to be an efficient approach in the reproductive monitoring of Northern pit vipers in vivo. In addition, these data suggest that female pit vipers under human care display a seasonal reproductive cycle, despite earlier studies involving captive males of the species indicating a lack of seasonality in sperm production and quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Islands have played a key role in our understanding of rapid evolution. A large body of literature has examined morphological changes in response to insularity and isolation, which has yielded useful generalizations about how animals can adapt to live in very small geographic areas. However, understanding the evolution of morphological variation in insular populations often requires detailed data sets on longitudinal patterns of growth and development, and such studies typically necessitate long-term mark-recapture on a large sample of individuals. Rattlesnakes provide a unique opportunity to address some of these difficulties because the addition of rattle segments to the rattle string occurs with regular periodicity and their size directly correlates with the body size of the snake at the time of the ecdysis cycle generating the segment. Here, we used a large database of rattle segment sizes recorded from island (Isla Coronado Sur, Baja California, Mexico) and mainland (Camp Pendleton, California, United States) populations of Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus and C. o. caliginis) that separated approximately 10,000 years ago to compare body sizes at different ecdysis cycles, which allowed us to assess differences in growth rates and patterns of sexual size dimorphism. Our results show that rattlesnakes on Isla Coronado Sur appear to be born smaller and grow more slowly than their mainland counterparts, resulting in a \"dwarfed\" island population. However, despite significant differences in body size, both populations exhibited the same degree of sexual dimorphism. Our study demonstrates the potential to use rattle characteristics to recover detailed estimates of fundamental demographic parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Taiwan habu (Protobothrops mucrosquamatus), green bamboo viper (Viridovipera stejnegeri), and Taiwan cobra (Naja atra) are the most venomous snakebites in Taiwan. Patients commonly present with limb swelling but misdiagnosis rates are high, and currently available diagnostic tools are limited. This study explores the immune responses in snakebite patients to aid in differential diagnosis.
    METHODS: This prospective observational study investigated the changes in cytokines in snakebite patients and their potential for diagnosis.
    RESULTS: Elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α were observed in all snakebite patients compared to the healthy control group. While no significant disparities were observed in humoral immune response cytokines, there were significant differences in IFN-γ levels, with significantly higher IL-10 levels in patients bitten by cobras. Patients with TNF-α levels exceeding 3.02 pg/mL were more likely to have been bitten by a cobra.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study sheds light on the immune responses triggered by various venomous snakebites, emphasizing the potential of cytokine patterns for snakebite-type differentiation. Larger studies are needed to validate these findings for clinical use, ultimately improving snakebite diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echis ocellatus is one of the commonest snakes responsible for envenomation in Nigeria. Antivenom is the only effective treatment, but the country suffers from a limited supply of effective antivenom. This study therefore aimed to explore the feasibility of effective, mono-specific antibodies production through immunization in rabbits using the venom of Echis ocellatus from Nigeria. The World Health Organization guide on antivenom production was employed in the immunization and the resultant antibodies were purified using protein A agarose column chromatography. Antibody titer reached a high plateau by 2-month immunization, and SDS PAGE of the sera suggests the presence of intact immunoglobulins accompanied with the heavy (50 kDa) and light (25 kDa) chains. The venom has an intravenous LD50 of 0.35 mg/kg in mice, and the venom lethality at a challenge dose of 2 LD50 was effectively neutralized by the antibodies with a potency value of 0.83 mg venom per g antibodies. The antibodies also neutralized the procoagulant activity of the venom with an effective dose (ED) of 13 ± 0.66 μl, supporting its use for hemotoxic envenomation. The study establishes the feasibility of developing effective, mono-specific antibodies against the Nigerian Carpet viper.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Vipera berus berus is the only venomous snake present in the Nordic countries and cases of envenomation in horses are reported during the warmer months. Little is known about the presentation, treatment and survival of horses with common European adder envenomation. Clinical and laboratory findings, treatment and outcome are reported for 28 horses admitted to Helsinki University Equine Hospital in 2008-2023 due to suspicion of snake bite. Eleven of these horses received antivenom treatment. Other common treatments included non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (22/28), antimicrobials (19/28), intravenous fluid therapy (11/28), corticosteroids (9/28) and local treatment (11/28). All horses survived until discharge. No difference was detected in the length of hospital stay between horses with moderate envenomation that had or had not received antivenom treatment. Horses with moderate envenomation are more likely to receive antivenom treatment and require longer hospital stay than horses with mild envenomation. Antivenom treatment is not associated with shorter hospital stay. Little evidence supports the use of corticosteroids and antibiotics in treatment of envenomation. Studies with larger numbers of animals are warranted to evaluate the effect of treatment, including administration of antivenom, on long-term outcome and survival from envenomation.






  • 文章类型: Letter





