
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurovascular coupling (NVC), which mediates rapid increases in cerebral blood flow in response to neuronal activation, is commonly used to map brain activation or dysfunction. Here we tested the reemerging hypothesis that CO2 generated by neuronal metabolism contributes to NVC. We combined functional ultrasound and two-photon imaging in the mouse barrel cortex to specifically examine the onsets of local changes in vessel diameter, blood flow dynamics, vascular/perivascular/intracellular pH, and intracellular calcium signals along the vascular arbor in response to a short and strong CO2 challenge (10 s, 20%) and whisker stimulation. We report that the brief hypercapnia reversibly acidifies all cells of the arteriole wall and the periarteriolar space 3-4 s prior to the arteriole dilation. During this prolonged lag period, NVC triggered by whisker stimulation is not affected by the acidification of the entire neurovascular unit. As it also persists under condition of continuous inflow of CO2, we conclude that CO2 is not involved in NVC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seals, sea lions, and other aquatic animals rely on their whiskers to identify and track underwater targets, offering valuable inspiration for the development of low-power, portable, and environmentally friendly sensors. Here, we design a single seal-whisker-like cylinder and conduct experiments to measure the forces acting on it with nine different upstream targets. Using sample sets constructed from these force signals, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained and tested. The results demonstrate that combining the seal-whisker-style sensor with a CNN enables the identification of objects in the water in most cases, although there may be some confusion for certain targets. Increasing the length of the signal samples can enhance the results but may not eliminate these confusions. Our study reveals that high frequencies (greater than 5 Hz) are irrelevant in our model. Lift signals present more distinct and distinguishable features than drag signals, serving as the primary basis for the model to differentiate between various targets. Fourier analysis indicates that the model\'s efficacy in recognizing different targets relies heavily on the discrepancies in the spectral features of the lift signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atypical sensory processing is common in autism, but how neural coding is disrupted in sensory cortex is unclear. We evaluate whisker touch coding in L2/3 of somatosensory cortex (S1) in Cntnap2-/- mice, which have reduced inhibition. This classically predicts excess pyramidal cell spiking, but this remains controversial, and other deficits may dominate. We find that c-fos expression is elevated in S1 of Cntnap2-/- mice under spontaneous activity conditions but is comparable to that of control mice after whisker stimulation, suggesting normal sensory-evoked spike rates. GCaMP8m imaging from L2/3 pyramidal cells shows no excess whisker responsiveness, but it does show multiple signs of degraded somatotopic coding. This includes broadened whisker-tuning curves, a blurred whisker map, and blunted whisker point representations. These disruptions are greater in noisy than in sparse sensory conditions. Tuning instability across days is also substantially elevated in Cntnap2-/-. Thus, Cntnap2-/- mice show no excess sensory-evoked activity, but a degraded and unstable tactile code in S1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New tasks are often learned in stages with each stage reflecting a different learning challenge. Accordingly, each learning stage is likely mediated by distinct neuronal processes. And yet, most rodent studies of the neuronal correlates of goal-directed learning focus on individual outcome measures and individual brain regions. Here, we longitudinally studied mice from naïve to expert performance in a head-fixed, operant conditioning whisker discrimination task. In addition to tracking the primary behavioral outcome of stimulus discrimination, we tracked and compared an array of object-based and temporal-based behavioral measures. These behavioral analyses identify multiple, partially overlapping learning stages in this task, consistent with initial response implementation, early stimulus-response generalization, and late response inhibition. To begin to understand the neuronal foundations of these learning processes, we performed widefield Ca2+ imaging of dorsal neocortex throughout learning and correlated behavioral measures with neuronal activity. We found distinct and widespread correlations between neocortical activation patterns and various behavioral measures. For example, improvements in sensory discrimination correlated with target stimulus evoked activations of response-related cortices along with distractor stimulus evoked global cortical suppression. Our study reveals multidimensional learning for a simple goal-directed learning task and generates hypotheses for the neuronal modulations underlying these various learning processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elephants are known for strongly lateralized trunk behaviors, but the mechanisms driving elephant lateralization are poorly understood. Here, we investigate features of elephant mouth organization that presumably promote lateralization. We find the lower jaw of elephants is of narrow width, but is rostrally strongly elongated even beyond the jaw bone. Elephant lip vibrissae become progressively longer rostrally. Thus, elephants have two lateral dense, short microvibrissae arrays and central, less dense long macrovibrissae. This is an inversion of the ancestral mammalian facial vibrissae pattern, where central, dense short microvibrissae are flanked by two lateral macrovibrissae arrays. Elephant microvibrissae have smaller follicles than macrovibrissae. Similar to trunk-tip vibrissae, elephant lip microvibrissae show laterally asymmetric abrasion. Observations on Asian zoo elephants indicate lateralized abrasion results from lateralized feeding. It appears that the ancestral mammalian mouth (upper and lower lips, incisors, frontal microvibrissae) is shaped by oral food apprehension. The elephant mouth organization radically changed, however, because trunk-mediated feeding replaced oral apprehension. Such elephant mouth changes include the upper lip-nose fusion to the trunk, the super-flexible elongated lower jaw, the loss of incisors, and lateral rather than frontal microvibrissae. Elephants\' specialization for lateral food insertion is reflected by the reduction in the centering effects of oral food apprehension and lip vibrissae patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory experience affects not only the corresponding primary sensory cortex, but also synaptic and neural circuit functions in other brain regions in a cross-modal manner. However, it remains unclear whether oligodendrocyte (OL) generation and myelination can also undergo cross-modal modulation. Here, we report that while early life short-term whisker deprivation from birth significantly reduces in the number of mature of OLs and the degree of myelination in the primary somatosensory cortex(S1) at postnatal day 14 (P14), it also simultaneously affects the primary visual cortex (V1), but not the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) with a similar reduction. Interestingly, when mice were subjected to long-term early whisker deprivation from birth (P0) to P35, they exhibited dramatically impaired myelination and a deduced number of differentiated OLs in regions including the S1, V1, and mPFC, as detected at P60. Meanwhile, the process complexity of OL precursor cells (OPCs) was also rduced, as detected in the mPFC. However, when whisker deprivation occurred during the mid-late postnatal period (P35 to P50), myelination was unaffected in both V1 and mPFC brain regions at P60. In addition to impaired OL and myelin development in the mPFC, long-term early whisker-deprived mice also showed deficits in social novelty, accompanied by abnormal activation of c-Fos in the mPFC. Thus, our results reveal a novel form of cross-modal modulation of myelination by sensory experience that can lead to abnormalities in social behavioral, suggesting a possible similar mechanism underlying brain pathological conditions that suffer from both sensory and social behavioral deficits, such as autism spectrum disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of developmental cell death in the formation of brain circuits is not well understood. Cajal-Retzius cells constitute a major transient neuronal population in the mammalian neocortex, which largely disappears at the time of postnatal somatosensory maturation. In this study, we used mouse genetics, anatomical, functional, and behavioral approaches to explore the impact of the early postnatal death of Cajal-Retzius cells in the maturation of the cortical circuit. We find that before their death, Cajal-Retzius cells mainly receive inputs from layer 1 neurons, which can only develop their mature connectivity onto layer 2/3 pyramidal cells after Cajal-Retzius cells disappear. This developmental connectivity progression from layer 1 GABAergic to layer 2/3 pyramidal cells regulates sensory-driven inhibition within, and more so, across cortical columns. Here we show that Cajal-Retzius cell death prevention leads to layer 2/3 hyper-excitability, delayed learning and reduced performance in a multi-whisker-dependent texture discrimination task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory adaptation is the process whereby brain circuits adjust neuronal activity in response to redundant sensory stimuli. Although sensory adaptation has been extensively studied for individual neurons on timescales of tens of milliseconds to a few seconds, little is known about it over longer timescales or at the population level. We investigated population-level adaptation in the barrel field of the mouse somatosensory cortex (S1BF) using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging and Neuropixels recordings in awake mice. Among stimulus-responsive neurons, we found both adapting and facilitating neurons, which decreased or increased their firing, respectively, with repetitive whisker stimulation. The former outnumbered the latter by 2:1 in layers 2/3 and 4; hence, the overall population response of mouse S1BF was slightly adapting. We also discovered that population adaptation to one stimulus frequency (5 Hz) does not necessarily generalize to a different frequency (12.5 Hz). Moreover, responses of individual neurons to repeated rounds of stimulation over tens of minutes were strikingly heterogeneous and stochastic, such that their adapting or facilitating response profiles were not stable across time. Such representational drift was particularly striking when recording longitudinally across 8-9 days, as adaptation profiles of most whisker-responsive neurons changed drastically from one day to the next. Remarkably, repeated exposure to a familiar stimulus paradoxically shifted the population away from strong adaptation and toward facilitation. Thus, the adapting vs. facilitating response profile of S1BF neurons is not a fixed property of neurons but rather a highly dynamic feature that is shaped by sensory experience across days.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Childhood sensory abnormalities experience has a crucial influence on the structure and function of the adult brain. The underlying mechanism of neurological function induced by childhood sensory abnormalities experience is still unclear. Our study was to investigate whether the GABAergic neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) regulate social disorders caused by childhood sensory abnormalities experience.
    METHODS: We used two mouse models, complete Freund\'s adjuvant (CFA) injection mice and bilateral whisker trimming (BWT) mice in childhood. We applied immunofluorescence, chemogenetic and optogenetic to study the mechanism of parvalbumin (PV) neurons and somatostatin (SST) neurons in ACC in regulating social disorders induced by sensory abnormalities in childhood.
    RESULTS: Inflammatory pain in childhood leads to social preference disorders, while BWT in childhood leads to social novelty disorders in adult mice. Inflammatory pain and BWT in childhood caused an increase in the number of PV and SST neurons, respectively, in adult mice ACC. Inhibiting PV neurons in ACC improved social preference disorders in adult mice that experienced inflammatory pain during childhood. Inhibiting SST neurons in ACC improved social novelty disorders in adult mice that experienced BWT in childhood.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study reveals that PV and SST neurons of the ACC may play a critical role in regulating social disorders induced by sensory abnormalities in childhood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hair follicle (HF) regeneration during wound healing continues to present a significant clinical challenge. Dermal papilla cell-derived exosomes (DPC-Exos) hold immense potential for inducing HF neogenesis. However, the accurate role and underlying mechanisms of DPC-Exos in HF regeneration in wound healing remain to be fully explained. This study, represents the first analysis into the effects of DPC-Exos on fibroblasts during wound healing. Our findings demonstrated that DPC-Exos could stimulate the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, more importantly, enhance the hair-inducing capacity of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts treated with DPC-Exos were capable of inducing HF neogenesis in nude mice when combined with neonatal mice epidermal cells. In addition, DPC-Exos accelerated wound re-epithelialization and promoted HF regeneration during the healing process. Treatment with DPC-Exos led to increased expression levels of the Wnt pathway transcription factors β-catenin and Lef1 in both fibroblasts and the dermis of skin wounds. Specifically, the application of a Wnt pathway inhibitor reduced the effects of DPC-Exos on fibroblasts and wound healing. Accordingly, these results offer evidence that DPC-Exos promote HF regeneration during wound healing by enhancing the hair-inducing capacity of fibroblasts and activating the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. This suggests that DPC-Exos may represent a promising therapeutic strategy for achieving regenerative wound healing.





