Vessel injury

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vessel injury is a common complication during balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA). For persistent hemoptysis, gelatin sponge embolization (GSE) is considered, but its impact on subsequent perfusion in embolized vessels remains unknown. This study explores the feasibility of revascularization in vessels post-GSE.
    METHODS: We included 64 vessels from 50 patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension who experienced hemoptysis during BPA in 2012-2023. Twenty-four vessels were treated conservatively (conservative group), while 40 were treated with GSE for persistent hemoptysis or desaturation despite conservative treatment (GSE group). We assessed hemoptysis-related parameters, perfusion of injured vessels pre- and post-treatment, and hemodynamic parameters through multiple BPA sessions.
    RESULTS: Hemoptysis resolved immediately after the procedure in 67% of patients, including 70% of those in the GSE group, and all cases resolved by the next day. Of 37 embolized vessels, 41% showed spontaneous perfusion improvement in subsequent sessions. BPA was reperformed in 22 embolized vessels, with 86% showing further improvement, resulting in 70% of all embolized vessels finally showing improvement in perfusion. In both groups, clinical and hemodynamic parameters significantly improved after BPA.
    CONCLUSIONS: Perfusion of embolized vessels improved after GSE, suggesting that GSE is safe for the treatment of severe persistent hemoptysis after conservative treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A traumatic hemorrhage is fatal due to the great loss of blood in a short period of time; however, there are a few biomaterials that can stop the bleeding quickly due to the limited water absorption speed. Here, a highly absorbent polymer (HPA), polyacrylate, was prepared as it has the best structure-effectiveness relationship. Within a very short period of time (2 min), HPA continually absorbed water until it swelled up to its 600 times its weight; more importantly, the porous structure comprised the swollen dressing. This instantaneous swelling immediately led to rapid hemostasis in irregular wounds. We optimized the HPA preparation process to obtain a rapidly water-absorbent polymer (i.e., HPA-5). HPA-5 showed favorable adhesion and biocompatibility in vitro. A rat femoral arteriovenous complete shear model and a tail arteriovenous injury model were established. HPA exhibited excellent hemostatic capability with little blood loss and short hemostatic time compared with CeloxTM in both of the models. The hemostatic mechanisms of HPA consist of fast clotting by aggregating blood cells, activating platelets, and accelerating the coagulation pathway via water absorption and electrostatic interaction. HPA is a promising highly water-absorbent hemostatic dressing for rapid and extensive blood clotting after vessel injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Iatrogenic vascular injury during total hip arthroplasty (THA) is rare, reported at rates of 0.05 to 0.3%, but a potentially limb-threatening and life-threatening complication. We aimed to describe safe and danger zones for the superior gluteal vessel bundle (SGV bundle) with reference to different THA approaches.
    METHODS: There were 27 formalin-fixed cadavers with 49 hemipelves dissected. The course and distribution of the SGV bundle were investigated with the help of anatomical landmarks like the greater trochanter, the iliac tubercle (IT), and the ischial tuberosity.
    RESULTS: We found and exposed the SGV bundle in all 49 specimens with no sex-specific differences. No SGV bundle was encountered up to 28 mm from the greater trochanter and up to 16 mm below the IT. The zone with the highest probability of finding the vessels was 25 to 65 mm below the IT in 39 (80%) cases - defining a danger zone (in relation to the skin incision) in the proximal fourth for the direct anterior approach, in the proximal half for the antero-lateral approach, in the proximal fifth for the direct lateral approach, and almost no danger zone for the posterior approach.
    CONCLUSIONS: Special care in proximal instrument placement should be taken during THA. When extending one of the surgical approaches, manipulations in the proximal, cranial surgical window should be performed with the utmost care to avoid SGV bundle injury.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Percutaneous iliosacral screw placement has become the technique of choice for treating injuries to the posterior pelvis. However, the technique requires an understanding of the anatomy surrounding the bone corridors to avoid complications and detect them early if they occur. We present the clinical case of a patient with a U-shaped fracture of the sacrum that evolves with gluteal pain and left foot equine paresis after percutaneous fixation with iliosacral screws. Angio-CT of the pelvis shows active arterial bleeding from the superior gluteal artery associated to extensive hematoma in the thickness of the gluteus medius muscle. Emergency embolization is performed by installing coil and gelatin. Successful control of bleeding is achieved. To avoid this complication, a complete imaging study is recommended in planning the surgery and to avoid multiple repositioning of the guide or screw. Arterial injury should be suspected in case of increasing pain despite analgesia, functional impairment or neurological deficit and the angiographic study and resolution by selective embolization of the bleeding vessels must be performed.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of a 78-year old female patient got the reverse total shoulder arthroplasty with a series of events. After diagnosed with anterior shoulder dislocation and coracoid process fracture at a local hospital, she received conservative care after reduction but persistent reduction loss occurred. Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging confirmed underlying massive fatty infiltration and severe retraction of rotator cuff muscles. Considering underlying chronic rotator cuff arthropathy on preoperative X-ray and Computed Tomography scan with irreparable rotator cuff tears, we decided to perform reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. After unexpected vessel injury possibly due to underlying bleeding tendency or intra-operative procedure, severe complications occurred including active arterial bleeding, brachial plexus palsy and skin necrosis. Serial managements which included embolization of the artery, wound management while implant exposure status, and operative coverage of a skin defect by Latissimus Dorsi pedicled flap and Split Thickness Skin Graft were done. This series of events suggests that surgeons should be more careful than we were about possible injuries of small vessel branches that can cause unexpected complications, and keep in mind the importance of immediate cooperation with other medical professionals such as radiologists, plastic surgeons, and thoracic surgeons.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pelvic circumferential compression devices (PCCDs) have gained wide acceptance in the management of patients with pelvic fracture. These devices are considered safe due to their noninvasive nature and significant hazards associated with the use of PCCDs have not been reported previously. However, we present herein the cases of three patients who received PCCD application and eventually developed major complications presumably caused by PCCDs. As a result, one patient developed surgical site infection following internal fixation and required several debridements. Another patient ended up with a walking disability. The remaining patient eventually died from exsanguination following application of the PCCD. Clinicians should be aware of the potential for deleterious effects, including bladder rupture, muscle necrosis, and vessel injuries. In particular, application for acetabular fractures and prolonged application of PCCDs should be avoided.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid regeneration of smooth muscle after vascular injury is essential for maintaining arterial function. The existence and putative roles of resident vascular stem cells (VSCs) in artery repair are controversial, and vessel regeneration is thought to be mediated by proliferative expansion of pre-existing smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Here, we performed cell fate mapping and single-cell RNA sequencing to identify Sca1+ VSCs in the adventitial layer of artery walls. After severe injury, Sca1+ VSCs migrate into the medial layer and generate de novo SMCs, which subsequently expand more efficiently compared with pre-existing smooth muscle. Genetic lineage tracing using dual recombinases distinguished a Sca1+PDGFRa+ VSC subpopulation that generates SMCs, and genetic ablation of Sca1+ VSCs or specific knockout of Yap1 in Sca1+ VSCs significantly impaired artery repair. These findings provide genetic evidence of a bona fide Sca1+ VSC population that produces SMCs and delineates their critical role in vessel repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive coronary interventions can fail due to intimal hyperplasia and restenosis. Endothelial cell (EC) seeding to the vessel lumen, accelerating re-endothelialization, or local release of mTOR pathway inhibitors have helped reduce intimal hyperplasia after vessel injury. While animal models are powerful tools, they are complex and expensive, and not always reflective of human physiology. Therefore, we developed an in vitro 3D vascular model validating previous in vivo animal models and utilizing isolated human arteries to study vascular remodeling after injury.
    We utilized a bioreactor that enables the control of intramural pressure and shear stress in vessel conduits to investigate the vascular response in both rat and human arteries to intraluminal injury.
    Culturing rat aorta segments in vitro, we show that vigorous removal of luminal ECs results in vessel injury, causing medial proliferation by Day-4 and neointima formation, with the observation of SCA1+ cells (stem cell antigen-1) in the intima by Day-7, in the absence of flow. Conversely, when endothelial-denuded rat aortae and human umbilical arteries were subjected to arterial shear stress, pre-seeding with human umbilical ECs decreased the number and proliferation of smooth muscle cell (SMC) significantly in the media of both rat and human vessels.
    Our bioreactor system provides a novel platform for correlating ex vivo findings with vascular outcomes in vivo. The present in vitro human arterial injury model can be helpful in the study of EC-SMC interactions and vascular remodeling, by allowing for the separation of mechanical, cellular, and soluble factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although controlled studies have demonstrated the benefits of a minimally invasive approach for pulmonary lobectomy over thoracotomy, reports have also documented that significant complications can occur during thoracoscopic lobectomy and sometimes require planned or emergent conversion to open surgery. Several authors have identified and reported causes and implications of intraoperative conversion to thoracotomy using different types of classification. The aim of this single centre retrospective review is to evaluate how the reasons for conversion change with increased experience, dividing patients who were converted to thoracotomy during video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy, between 2011 and 2017, in two groups: those treated during learning curve (LC group) and those treated after learning curve (ALC group). Our research suggests that the conversion rate, with increased skills, decreases but a variety of reasons for conversion persist. Of these, calcified, benign or malignant hilar adenopathy is the most frequent and represents the leading cause of conversion to open surgery due to complicated vascular dissection or vessel injury. It\'s strongly recommended, with increased confidence in performing VATS lobectomies, also to develop management strategies and techniques to prevent and control possible intraoperative adverse events.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vascular injury during minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty (THA) is uncommon, yet a well-recognized and serious issue. It emerges because of non-visibility of vascular structures proximal to the pelvic bone during reaming, drilling holes, and fixing of screws. Numerous studies have found that screw fixation during cementless THA is beneficial for the initial stability of cup; yet, no anatomical guidelines support angular eccentric screw fixation.
    METHODS: In this study, we obtained the pelvic arterial-phase computed tomographic data of thirty eight humans and reconstructed the three-dimensional models of osseous and vessel structures. We performed the surgical simulation to fix these structures with cementless cups and screws with angular eccentricities.
    RESULTS: The effect of screw eccentricities (angular eccentricities of ±17° and ±34°) on the vascular injury was determined. Measurement between screw and adjoining vessels was performed and analyzed statistically to ascertain a comparative risk study for blood vessels that are not visible during surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Authors similarly discussed the significant absence of appreciation of quadrant systems proposed by Wasielewski et al. on eccentric screws. Adjustment of quadrant systems provided by Wasielewski et al. is required for acetabular implants with eccentric holes for fixation of acetabular screws.





