Verbal instruction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to assess the immediate effect of video feedback on the regulation and control of the standing back tuck somersault in the absence of vision. Two groups of male parkour athletes performed the standing back tuck somersault under both open and closed eyes conditions. The first group received video feedback, while the second group received verbal feedback. Concurrent analysis, including kinetic data from a force plate (Kistler Quattro-Jump) and kinematic data in two-dimensional by Kinovea freeware, was employed for motion and technical performance analysis. The results indicate that the loss of vision during the standing back tuck somersault affected only the take-off and ungrouping angle, as well as the vertical velocity and displacement. These effects were consistent regardless of the type of feedback provided (i.e., video feedback or verbal feedback). Furthermore, a significant Vision × Feedback interaction was observed at the level of technical performance. This suggests that the use of video feedback enabled the parkour athletes to maintain a high level of technical performance both with and without vision (i.e., 13.56 vs. 13.00 points, respectively, p > .05 and d = 2.233). However, the verbal feedback group technical performance declined significantly under the no-vision condition compared with the vision condition (13.14 vs. 10.25 points, respectively, with and without vision, p < .001 and d = 2.382). We concluded that when the movement is proprioceptively controlled (i.e., without vision), the video feedback enables the athletes to globally assess the technical deficiencies arising from the lack of vision and to correct them. These findings are discussed based on parkour athletes\' ability to evaluate the kinematic parameters of the movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    [Purpose] This study aimed to examine the immediate effects of verbal instructions with an internal and external focus of attention on forward reach movement while standing. [Participants and Methods] Thirty-seven healthy young males performed reach movement in three conditions: control, internal focus of attention, and external focus of attention. The measurements recorded were the movement distance of the third metacarpal bone (reach distance), the distance of the center of pressure, and the movement angles between the acromion and malleolus lateralis and between the acromion and trochanter major. [Results] Compared to the control condition, the internal focus of attention condition had a lower reach distance, angles between the acromion and malleolus lateralis and between the acromion and trochanter major, and center of pressure distance. In contrast, compared to the control condition, the external focus of attention condition showed higher reach distance and angles between the acromion and malleolus lateralis and between the acromion and trochanter major. The change rate of reach distance in the internal and external focus of attention conditions correlated significantly with the change rates of the angles between the acromion and malleolus lateralis and between the acromion and trochanter major. [Conclusion] Verbal instructions with attentional focus resulted in the simultaneous adjustment of the positional relationship between trunk and hip and immediately affected the reach distance. Our findings suggest that verbal instruction with attentional focus is an important factor affecting reach movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People often learn categories through interaction with knowledgeable others who may use verbal explanations, visual exemplars, or both, to share their knowledge. Verbal and nonverbal means of pedagogical communication are commonly used in conjunction, but their respective roles are not fully understood. In this work, we studied how well these modes of communication work with different category structures. We conducted two experiments to investigate the effect of perceptual confusability and stimulus dimensionality on the effectiveness of verbal, exemplar-based, and mixed communication. One group of participants - teachers - learned a categorization rule and prepared learning materials for the students. Students studied the materials prepared for them and then demonstrated their knowledge on test stimuli. All communication modes were generally successful, but not equivalent, with mixed communication consistently showing best results. When teachers were free to generate as many visual exemplars or words as they wish, verbal and exemplar-based communication showed similar performance, although the verbal channel was slightly less reliable in situations requiring high perceptual precision. At the same time, verbal communication was better suited to handling high-dimensional stimuli when communication volume was restricted. We believe that our work serves as an important step towards studying language as a means for pedagogical category leaning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Teaching Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) contraction is a challenging task for clinicians and patients, as these muscles cannot be directly visualized. Thus, this study\'s objective is to compare the effectiveness of six verbal instructions for contracting the PFM among young men, as observed with transabdominal ultrasound imaging. Thirty-five male physiotherapy students, mean age 25.9 ± 1.9 years, participated in the study. A 6 MHz 35-mm curved linear array ultrasound transducer (Mindray M5) was placed in the transverse plane, supra-pubically, and angled 15-30° from the vertical plane. During crook lying, participants received six verbal instructions for contracting the PFM, with bladder base displacement and endurance evaluated. Following the instructions, \"squeeze your anus\", \"shorten the penis\", and \"elevate the scrotum\", over 91% of the participants performed a cranial (upward) bladder base displacement. During instruction six, \"draw in\", which involves breathing, the PFM, and the transversus abdominis, only 25% performed cranial bladder base displacement (p < 0.001), and the endurance was the lowest (p < 0.001). Our findings suggest that several simple verbal instructions can be used for teaching PFM contraction to young males. Moreover, two instructions should be avoided: \"draw in\" and the general instruction \"squeeze your PFM\", as they did not produce effective elevation of the bladder base.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Draw-in is a promising intervention for regaining isolated control of the transverse abdominis (TrA). Exercises to stimulate isolated contractions are needed; however, the appropriate methods are unclear. The objectives of this study were to examine how the muscle activity and muscle activity ratio of abdominal muscles change with various verbal instructions and to determine the onset of the abdominal muscles during draw-in. The participants were 21 healthy men. TrA electromyography was performed using fine-wire electrodes, and the internal oblique (IO), external oblique (EO), and rectus abdominis (RA) were determined using surface electrodes. The participants performed seven abdominal exercises according to verbal instructions and isolated voluntary contraction of the TrA for more than 5 sec. The TrA showed higher activity in bracing. IO and EO activities were highest in bracing, whereas RA showed the highest activity in maximum bracing. TrA/IO and TrA/EO were not significantly different between conditions. The results of the onset activity analysis of the abdominal muscles during the draw-in maneuver showed that the TrA was significantly earlier than the other muscles. The activity ratios of TrA to IO and EO were highly individualized and did not differ according to the verbal instruction. Maximum draw-in showed more significant IO activity, and bracing showed co-contraction of the superficial and deep abdominal muscles. During draw-in, the TrA initiated the earliest activity among the abdominal muscles and then isolated activity for 1.1 sec.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Recent studies indicate that the administration of open-label placebos (OLP) can improve symptoms in various medical conditions. The primary aim of this 3-week randomized controlled trial was to examine the effects of OLP treatments on pain, functional disability, and mobility in patients with arthritic knee pain.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixty patients (55% females; mean age, 66.9 ± 9.7 SD years) were randomized to one of two OLP treatments (n = 41) or no treatment (NT; n = 19). OLP treatments were accompanied by the verbal suggestion \"to decrease pain\" (OLP-pain, n = 20) or \"to improve mood\" (OLP-mood, n = 21). Pain and mood levels were monitored on 11-point Numeric Rating Scales (NRSs) in a patient diary, and global clinical improvement (CGI-I) was assessed at the end of the study. At baseline and after 21 days, patients filled in validated questionnaires to assess symptoms and functional disability of the knee (WOMAC), mental and physical quality of life (SF-36), state anxiety (STAI-state), perceived stress (PSQ-20), and self-efficacy (GSE). In addition, knee mobility (neutral zero-method), heart rate variability (HRV), and diurnal cortisol levels were evaluated before and after treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: Evaluation of daily pain ratings indicated significant pain decrease in the OLP groups compared to NT (p = 0.013, d = 0.64), with no difference between the OLP-pain and the OLP-mood groups (p = 0.856, d = 0.05). OLP treatment also improved WOMAC pain (p = 0.036, d = 0.55), again with no difference between the two OLP groups (p = 0.65, d = 0.17). WOMAC function and stiffness, knee mobility, stress, state anxiety, quality of life, and self-efficacy did not change differently between groups.
    UNASSIGNED: OLP treatment improved knee pain in elderly patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA), while functional disability and mobility of the knee did not change. The content of the verbal suggestion was of minor importance. OLP administration may be considered as supportive analgesic treatment in elderly patients with symptomatic knee OA.
    UNASSIGNED: German Clinical Trials Register (, DRKS00015191 (retrospectively registered).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facilitating navigation in pedestrian environments is critical for enabling people who are blind and visually impaired (BVI) to achieve independent mobility. A deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based assistive guiding robot with ultrawide-bandwidth (UWB) beacons that can navigate through routes with designated waypoints was designed in this study. Typically, a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework is used to estimate the robot pose and navigational goal; however, SLAM frameworks are vulnerable in certain dynamic environments. The proposed navigation method is a learning approach based on state-of-the-art DRL and can effectively avoid obstacles. When used with UWB beacons, the proposed strategy is suitable for environments with dynamic pedestrians. We also designed a handle device with an audio interface that enables BVI users to interact with the guiding robot through intuitive feedback. The UWB beacons were installed with an audio interface to obtain environmental information. The on-handle and on-beacon verbal feedback provides points of interests and turn-by-turn information to BVI users. BVI users were recruited in this study to conduct navigation tasks in different scenarios. A route was designed in a simulated ward to represent daily activities. In real-world situations, SLAM-based state estimation might be affected by dynamic obstacles, and the visual-based trail may suffer from occlusions from pedestrians or other obstacles. The proposed system successfully navigated through environments with dynamic pedestrians, in which systems based on existing SLAM algorithms have failed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contexts: Directing an individual\'s attention to the effect of the movements (external focus) has been shown to improve performance than directing attention to body movements (internal focus). However, the effect of attentional focus instructions specific to movement quality has not been investigated thoroughly.
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of internal and external focus instructions specific to body movements.
    METHODS: Mixed design, 2 (sex) × 2 (instructions).
    METHODS: Laboratory setting.
    METHODS: A total of 40 participants (males, n = 20; mean [SD]; age = 22.0 [2.19] y; height = 179.33 [5.90] cm; mass = 77.7 [13.04] kg; females, n = 20; age = 22.0 [3.87] y; height = 164.84 [5.80] cm; mass = 71.48 [20.66] kg) were recruited.
    METHODS: Participants completed 2 consecutive jumps (ie, a forward jump from a height and then a maximal vertical jump) with internal focus and external focus instructions. External focus was elicited by placing pieces of tape on the participants\' legs.
    METHODS: Landing quality was measured by the Landing Error Scoring System to assess movement quality, and the vertical jump height was measured by Vertec.
    RESULTS: The performance results showed that the external focus condition resulted in superior vertical jump height compared with the internal focus condition (P < .05). Although landing quality did not show significant differences between 2 conditions, the effect size (η2 = .09) indicated that landing quality was better when participants adopted an external, rather than an internal focus of attention (P = .07).
    CONCLUSIONS: The body-oriented instructions can be provided externally by adding artificial external cues and directing attention to them. Importantly, the findings were evident in a qualitative assessment that can be adopted by practitioners. The results suggest that practitioners should adopt an external focus cue for performance and also consider using an external focus for movement quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Co-contraction training has demonstrated similar electromyographic (EMG) activity levels compared to conventional strength training. Since verbal instructions can increase EMG activity on target muscles during conventional exercises, the same should occur during co-contraction. In this study we analyzed whether different verbal instructions would alter the EMG activity of target muscles - biceps brachii (BB) and triceps brachii lateral head (TB) - during co-contraction training for the elbow joint. Seventeen males with experience in strength training performed a co-contraction set in two verbal instruction conditions to emphasize either elbow flexion or elbow extension. Surface electrodes were fixed over biceps brachii and triceps brachii lateral head muscles. We measured EMG mean amplitude and analyzed data with 2-way ANOVA. We found a significant interaction between muscle and verbal instruction (p = 0.002). Post hoc tests indicated that verbal instructions (p = 0.001) influenced the BB EMG activity (elbow flexion: M = 68.74, SD = 17.96%; elbow extension: M = 53.47, SD = 16.13%); and also showed difference (p = 0.006) in the EMG activity between BB and TB with verbal instruction emphasizing the elbow extension (BB: M = 53.47, SD = 16.13%; TB: M = 69.18, SD = 21.79%). There was a difference in the EMG ratio of BB/TB (p = 0.001) when focusing on elbow flexion (M = 1.09, SD = 0.30) versus elbow extension (M = 0.81, SD = 0.25). As verbal instruction modified the magnitude of muscle recruitment during co-contractions for elbow joint muscles, there is a clear mind-muscle connection of importance to this method of training. Also, of importance to trainers, verbal instructions seemed to affect individuals differentially.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Verbal instructions provided during yoga classes can differ substantially. Yoga instructors might choose to focus on the physical aspects of yoga (e.g., by emphasizing the characteristics of the poses), or they might take a more spiritual approach (e.g., by mentioning energy flow and chakras). The present study investigated the effects of verbal cues during yoga practice on various psychological measures. Eighty-four female students (22.0 ± 3.80 years) participated in the study. Two groups attended a beginner level hatha yoga course in which physically identical exercise was accompanied by different verbal cues. The so-called \"Sport group\" (N = 27) received instructions referring primarily to the physical aspects of yoga practice, while the \"Spiritual group\" (N = 23) was additionally provided with philosophical and spiritual information. A control group (N = 34) did not receive any intervention. Mindfulness, body awareness, spirituality, and affect were assessed 1 week before and after the training. 2 × 3 mixed (time × intervention) ANOVAs did not show an interaction effect for any of the variables. However, when the two yoga groups were merged and compared to the control group, we found that spirituality increased, and negative affect decreased among yoga participants. In conclusion, yoga practice might influence psychological functioning through its physical components, independent of the style of verbal instructions provided.






