Vascular occlusion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physical exercise induces acute psychophysiological responses leading to chronic adaptations when the exercise stimulus is applied repeatedly, at sufficient time periods, and with appropriate magnitude. To maximize long-term training adaptations, it is crucial to control and manipulate the external load and the resulting psychophysiological strain. Therefore, scientists have developed a theoretical framework that distinguishes between the physical work performed during exercise (i.e., external load/intensity) and indicators of the body\'s psychophysiological response (i.e., internal load/intensity). However, the application of blood flow restriction (BFR) during exercise with low external loads/intensities (e.g., ≤ 30% of the one-repetition-maximum, ≤ 50% of maximum oxygen uptake) can induce physiological and perceptual responses, which are commonly associated with high external loads/intensities. This current opinion aimed to emphasize the mismatch between external and internal load/intensity when BFR is applied during exercise. In this regard, there is evidence that BFR can be used to manipulate both external load/intensity (by reducing total work when exercise is performed to exhaustion) and internal load/intensity (by leading to higher physiological and perceptual responses compared to exercise performed with the same external load/intensity without BFR). Furthermore, it is proposed to consider BFR as an additional exercise determinant, given that the amount of BFR pressure can determine not only the internal but also external load/intensity. Finally, terminological recommendations for the use of the proposed terms in the scientific context and for practitioners are given, which should be considered when designing, reporting, discussing, and presenting BFR studies, exercise, and/or training programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accidental arterial embolization of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers can lead to severe complications, including skin ischemia, blindness, and stroke. Currently, the intra-arterial dispersal and fragmentation behavior of HA gels is unknown but critical to our understanding of the pathomechanism of these injuries. This work introduces the Pulsatile Unit for the Laboratory Simulation of Arterio-embolic Restrictions (PULSAR) and evaluates the intravascular behavior of different HA gels. The fragmentation and dispersal behaviors of four HA gels with distinct rheological properties were evaluated via high-resolution videography and ImageJ particle size and morphology analysis. The gels\' elastic modulus (G\'), loss modulus (G″), tan(δ), and HA concentration were subsequently correlated with their intra-arterial behaviors. This study effectively confirms the extensive fragmentation of HA gels upon arterial inoculation, with particle sizes ranging from <50 µm to >1 mm. Gel particle size and morphology correlated most significantly with tan(δ). Conversely, arterial flow rates did not significantly influence gel fragmentation behavior, though the probability of proximal, macrovascular obstruction was affected. Overall, this study validates the PULSAR model for simulation of arterial dynamics and the testing of intravascular filler kinematics. The findings demonstrate the ability of gels to microfragment and disseminate distally, as well as induce partial proximal occlusion depending on gel rheology and arterial flow parameters.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    With the increase of cosmetic injections in recent years, complications, like filler embolism, had also increased. The pustulosis, as a result of vascular occlusion and hypoxia, requires a long treatment cycle and often develops pigmentation and scarring, leaved patients with bad memories and affected esthetics. In this study, we report three cases of pustulosis after hyaluronic acid injection. We used 5-fluorouracil preparations to heal the pustulosis and the pustules resolved in an average of 24 hours.Level of Evidence IV This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Duplex sonographic visualization of a retrogradely perfused ophthalmic artery (AO) as an expression of an existing collateral supply in high-grade stenosis of the internal carotid artery (ACI) is a widely used and validated tool. After revascularization there may be another reversal of flow. Recently, the question of whether knowledge of the flow direction of the AO before and after implantation of a stent can be used as an outcome predictor has been posed more frequently.
    RESULTS: In this article, the method of duplex sonographic assessment of the AO is explained more elaborately and we present a case of a patient with 75% restenosis of the left ACI with contralateral chronic occlusion of the right ACI. We focus on the special aspect that the ipsilateral AO was initially perfused retrogradely and that postinterventionally there was a flow reversal to a physiological anterograde flow. The case report is used to illustrate the value of duplex sonographic visualization of the AO.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our case report is able to illustrate two aspects: On the one hand, the AO can be perfused retrogradely in the specific case of chronic ACI occlusion of the opposite side, even when the ACI stenosis of the considered side is less than 80%. On the other hand, the AO can offer added diagnostic value as a follow-up parameter for re- or in-stent stenoses.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die duplexsonographische Darstellung einer retrograden A. ophthalmica (AO) als Ausdruck einer bestehenden Kollateralversorgung bei hochgradigen Stenosen der A. carotis interna (ACI) ist ein hinlänglich genutztes und validiertes Werkzeug. Nach Revaskularisierung kann es zu einer erneuten Flussumkehr kommen. In jüngerer Vergangenheit wurde sich vermehrt der Fragestellung zugewandt, ob die Kenntnis über die Flussrichtung der AO vor und nach einer Stentimplantation als Outcomeprädiktor genutzt werden kann.
    UNASSIGNED: Im vorliegenden Artikel wird die Methodik der duplexsonographischen Beurteilung der AO näher erläutert und ein Fallbeispiel eines Patienten mit einer 75 %igen Restenose der ACI links mit kontralateralem chronischem Verschluss der ACI rechts aufgeführt. Dabei wird ein Augenmerk auf die Besonderheit gelegt, dass die ipsilaterale AO initial retrograd perfundiert war und sich postinterventionell eine Umkehr zum physiologischen anterograden Fluss zeigte. Anhand des Fallbeispiels wird der Stellenwert der duplexsonographischen Darstellung der AO resümiert.
    CONCLUSIONS: Unser Fallbeispiel zeigt im Wesentlichen zwei Aspekte: Zum einen kann die AO in der spezifischen Situation, in der ein chronischer ACI-Verschluss der Gegenseite vorliegt, auch bei einer ACI-Stenose von unter 80 % retrograd perfundiert sein. Zum anderen kann die AO als Verlaufsparameter bei Re- bzw. In-Stent-Stenosen einen diagnostischen Mehrwert bieten.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the influence of short- and long-interval cycling exercise with blood flow restriction (BFR) on neuromuscular fatigue, shear stress and muscle oxygenation, potent stimuli to BFR-training adaptations. During separate sessions, eight individuals performed short- (24 × 60 s/30 s; SI) or long-interval (12 × 120 s/60 s; LI) trials on a cycle ergometer, matched for total work. One leg exercised with (BFR-leg) and the other without (CTRL-leg) BFR. Quadriceps fatigue was quantified using pre- to post-interval changes in maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), potentiated twitch force (QT) and voluntary activation (VA). Shear rate was measured by Doppler ultrasound at cuff release post-intervals. Vastus lateralis tissue oxygenation was measured by near-infrared spectroscopy during exercise. Following the initial interval, significant (P < 0.05) declines in MVC and QT were found in both SI and LI, which were more pronounced in the BFR-leg, and accounted for approximately two-thirds of the total reduction at exercise termination. In the BFR-leg, reductions in MVC (-28 ± 15%), QT (-42 ± 17%), and VA (-15 ± 17%) were maximal at exercise termination and persisted up to 8 min post-exercise. Exercise-induced muscle deoxygenation was greater (P < 0.001) in the BFR-leg than CTRL-leg and perceived pain was more in LI than SI (P < 0.014). Cuff release triggered a significant (P < 0.001) shear rate increase which was consistent across trials. Exercise-induced neuromuscular fatigue in the BFR-leg exceeded that in the CTRL-leg and was predominantly of peripheral origin. BFR also resulted in diminished muscle oxygenation and elevated shear stress. Finally, short-interval trials resulted in comparable neuromuscular and haemodynamic responses with reduced perceived pain compared to long-intervals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to determine the effects of high-intensity isokinetic training with blood flow restriction during rest interval between set (rBFR) versus during exercise (eBFR) on muscle hypertrophy and increasing muscle strength and determine whether BFR-induced exercise pain is suppressed by rBFR.
    UNASSIGNED: Fourteen arms (7 participants) were recruited for the study. We conducted the following interventions for each arm: eBFR (n=4), rBFR (n=5), and exercise only (CON, n=5). The participants performed elbow flexion training with a BIODEX device twice weekly for 8 weeks. This study training consisted of total four sets; each was performed until <50% peak torque was achieved twice consecutively. BFR pressure was set at 120 mmHg. Elbow flexor peak torque during concentric contraction (CC), isometric contraction (IM), and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) were measured before and after the intervention. Numerical rating scale scores used to assess pain during exercise were determined during training.
    UNASSIGNED: Peak torque at the CC increased in the rBFR (p<0.05) and IM increased in the rBFR and CON (p<0.05), while CSA increased in the rBFR and CON (p<0.001). The pain during exercise was severe in the eBFR and moderate in the rBFR and CON.
    UNASSIGNED: This study\'s showed that high-intensity isokinetic training with rBFR did not have a synergistic effect on increasing muscle strength and muscle size. Additionally, high-intensity isokinetic training with BFR when it may be best not to perform it during exercise, because it was induces severe pain and may inhibit increases in muscle strength.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the recent past, practical blood flow restriction (pBFR) using non-pneumatic, usually elastic cuffs has been established as a cost-effective alternative to traditional blood flow restriction (BFR) using pneumatic cuffs, especially for training in large groups. This study investigated whether low-load resistance exercise with perceptually primed pBFR using an elastic knee wrap is suitable to induce similar motor performance fatigue as well as physiological and perceptual responses compared to traditional BFR using a pneumatic nylon cuff in males and females. In a randomized, counterbalanced cross-over study, 30 healthy subjects performed 4 sets (30-15-15-15 repetitions) of unilateral knee extensions at 20% of their one-repetition-maximum. In the pBFR condition, each individual was perceptually primed to a BFR pressure corresponding to 60% of their arterial occlusion pressure. Before and after exercise, maximal voluntary torque, maximal muscle activity, and cuff pressure-induced discomfort were assessed. Moreover, physiological (i.e., muscle activity, muscle oxygenation) and perceptual responses (i.e., effort and exercise-induced leg muscle pain) were recorded during exercise. Moderate correlations with no differences between pBFR and BFR were found regarding the decline in maximal voluntary torque and maximal muscle activity. Furthermore, no to very strong correlations between conditions, with no differences, were observed for muscle activity, muscle oxygenation, and perceptual responses during exercise sets. However, cuff pressure-induced discomfort was lower in the pBFR compared to the BFR condition. These results indicate that low-load resistance exercise combined with perceptually primed pBFR is a convenient and less discomfort inducing alternative to traditional BFR. This is especially relevant for BFR training with people who have a low cuff-induced discomfort tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a chronic musculoskeletal disorder characterized by pain and functional impairment. Blood flow restriction (BFR) with low-load resistance training (LLRT) demonstrates a similar improvement in clinical outcomes to high-load resistance training (HLRT) in treating KOA. It has not been established whether intermittent blood flow restriction (iBFR) with LLRT can lead to clinical outcomes that are comparable to those produced by continuous blood flow restriction (cBFR) with LLRT and HLRT. The aim of the proposed study is to evaluate the efficacy of iBFR with LLRT on pain, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), muscle strength, muscle mass, physical function, perceptions of discomfort and effort, and adherence in KOA patients.
    METHODS: This is a three-arm, non-inferiority, randomized controlled trial utilizing blinded assessors. Two hundred thirteen participants will be randomly allocated to one of the following three groups: iBFR group-receiving 4 months of LLRT with iBFR, twice weekly (n = 71); cBFR group-receiving 4 months of LLRT with cBFR, twice weekly (n = 71); or HLRT group-receiving 4 months of HLRT without BFR, twice weekly (n = 71). The primary outcome is pain. The secondary outcomes include the WOMAC, muscle strength, muscle mass, physical function, perceptions of discomfort and effort, and adherence. Pain and WOMAC will be measured at the baseline and 4 and 12 months after randomizations. Muscle strength, muscle mass, and physical function will be measured at the baseline and 4 months after randomizations. The perceptions of discomfort and effort will be measured during the first and final sessions.
    CONCLUSIONS: BFR with LLRT has a similar improvement in clinical outcomes as HLRT. However, cBFR may cause elevated ratings of perceived exertion and local discomfort, compromising patient tolerability and treatment adherence. If iBFR with LLRT could produce improvement in clinical outcomes analogous to those of HLRT and iBFR with LLRT, it could be considered an alternative approach for treating patients with KOA.
    BACKGROUND: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ChiCTR2300072820. Registered on June 26, 2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood flow restriction (BFR) is a commonly used training modality that has been demonstrated to enhance muscle characteristics such as size and function. The purpose of this study was to determine if a 4-week walking program with or without BFR in healthy, active adults has an effect on body composition, anaerobic, and aerobic running performance. Thirty-three participants, randomized among three groups, completed the walking program, which included five sets of 2 min walking intervals with 1 min rest, with or without BFR, or 10 min walking with BFR. Assessments completed before and after the walking program included body composition, 40-yard sprints, and a VO2MAX test on a treadmill. A two-way ANOVA revealed no changes among the groups nor for any variables at any time (p > 0.05). Additionally, one main effect for time indicated the VO2 at V-slope threshold was greater following training for all groups combined (p = 0.001). The results demonstrate that low volume and intensity walking with BFR for 4 weeks did not provide a sufficient stimulus for changing body composition or performance metrics in a group of very active adults. Longer or more isolated exposure of BFR on the limbs may contribute to more pronounced adaptations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The rising incidence of filler-induced vascular complications in the context of aesthetic procedures necessitates a thorough assessment of therapeutic options. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has emerged as a potential intervention for filler-induced vascular occlusion (FIVO), although optimal dosing and timing remain undefined.
    METHODS: This review explores the pathophysiology of FIVO and elucidates HBOT\'s multifaceted role in salvaging ischemic tissue. The physical and biochemical mechanisms of HBOT, including its vasodilatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effects, are examined.
    RESULTS: HBOT serves as an adjunctive therapy in FIVO management, emphasizing timely intervention, adherence to specific pressures (two atmosphere absolute), and session durations (60 minutes) to optimize efficacy and minimize complications. While existing HBOT protocols for compromised grafts provide insights, standardized guidelines for FIVO are lacking.
    CONCLUSIONS: HBOT enhances tissue oxygenation, modulates reactive oxygen species, and influences angiogenesis and hypoxia response. However, it does not replace key treatment protocols for filler vascular complications. Further research and standardized protocols are warranted to define HBOT\'s definitive role in mitigating filler-induced vascular complications. Level of Evidence IV This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .





