• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hearing crucially depends on cochlear ion homeostasis as evident from deafness elicited by mutations in various genes encoding cation or anion channels and transporters. Ablation of ClC‑K/barttin chloride channels causes deafness by interfering with the positive electrical potential of the endolymph, but roles of other anion channels in the inner ear have not been studied. Here we report the intracochlear distribution of all five LRRC8 subunits of VRAC, a volume-regulated anion channel that transports chloride, metabolites, and drugs such as the ototoxic anti-cancer drug cisplatin, and explore its physiological role by ablating its subunits. Sensory hair cells express all LRRC8 isoforms, whereas only LRRC8A, D and E were found in the potassium-secreting epithelium of the stria vascularis. Cochlear disruption of the essential LRRC8A subunit, or combined ablation of LRRC8D and E, resulted in cochlear degeneration and congenital deafness of Lrrc8a-/- mice. It was associated with a progressive degeneration of the organ of Corti and its innervating spiral ganglion. Like disruption of ClC-K/barttin, loss of VRAC severely reduced the endocochlear potential. However, the mechanism underlying this reduction seems different. Disruption of VRAC, but not ClC-K/barttin, led to an almost complete loss of Kir4.1 (KCNJ10), a strial K+ channel crucial for the generation of the endocochlear potential. The strong downregulation of Kir4.1 might be secondary to a loss of VRAC-mediated transport of metabolites regulating inner ear redox potential such as glutathione. Our study extends the knowledge of the role of cochlear ion transport in hearing and ototoxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) are hexamers of LRRC8 proteins that are crucial for cell volume regulation. N termini (NTs) of the obligatory LRRC8A subunit modulate VRACs activation and ion selectivity, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we report a 2.8-Å cryo-electron microscopy structure of human LRRC8A that displays well-resolved NTs. Amino-terminal halves of NTs fold back into the pore and constrict the permeation path, thereby determining ion selectivity together with an extracellular selectivity filter with which it works in series. They also interact with pore-surrounding helices and support their compact arrangement. The C-terminal halves of NTs interact with intracellular loops that are crucial for channel activation. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that low ionic strength increases NT mobility and expands the radial distance between pore-surrounding helices. Our work suggests an unusual pore architecture with two selectivity filters in series and a mechanism for VRAC activation by cell swelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) are heterohexamers of LRRC8A with LRRC8B, -C, -D, or -E in various combinations. Depending on the subunit composition, these swelling-activated channels conduct chloride, amino acids, organic osmolytes, and drugs. Despite VRACs\' role in cell volume regulation, and large osmolarity changes in the kidney, neither the localization nor the function of VRACs in the kidney is known.
    METHODS: Mice expressing epitope-tagged LRRC8 subunits were used to determine the renal localization of all VRAC subunits. Mice carrying constitutive deletions of Lrrc8b-e, or with inducible or cell-specific ablation of Lrrc8a, were analyzed to assess renal functions of VRACs. Analysis included histology, urine and serum parameters in different diuresis states, and metabolomics.
    RESULTS: The kidney expresses all five VRAC subunits with strikingly distinct localization. Whereas LRRC8C is exclusively found in vascular endothelium, all other subunits are found in the nephron. LRRC8E is specific for intercalated cells, whereas LRRC8A, LRRC8B, and LRRC8D are prominent in basolateral membranes of proximal tubules. Conditional deletion of LRRC8A in proximal but not distal tubules and constitutive deletion of LRRC8D cause proximal tubular injury, increased diuresis, and mild Fanconi-like symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: VRAC/LRRC8 channels are crucial for the function and integrity of proximal tubules, but not for more distal nephron segments despite their larger need for volume regulation. LRRC8A/D channels may be required for the basolateral exit of many organic compounds, including cellular metabolites, in proximal tubules. Proximal tubular injury likely results from combined accumulation of several transported molecules in the absence of VRAC channels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leucine-rich repeat-containing 8 (LRRC8) volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) play important physiological roles in diverse cell types and may represent therapeutic targets for various diseases. To date, however, the pharmacological tools for evaluating the druggability of VRACs have been limited to inhibitors, as no activators of the channel have been reported. We therefore performed a fluorescence-based high-throughput screening (HTS) of 1,184 Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs for compounds that increase VRAC activity. The most potent VRAC potentiator identified was zinc pyrithione (ZPT), which is used commercially as an antifouling agent and for treating dandruff and other skin disorders. In intracellular Yellow Fluorescent Protein YFP(F46L/H148Q/I152L)-quenching assays, ZPT potentiates the rate and extent of swelling-induced iodide influx dose dependently with a half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) of 5.7 µM. Whole cell voltage-clamp experiments revealed that coapplication of hypotonic solution and 30 µM ZPT to human embryonic kidney 293 or human colorectal carcinoma 116 cells increases the rate of swelling-induced VRAC activation by approximately 10-fold. ZPT potentiates swelling-induced VRAC currents after currents have reached a steady state and activates currents in the absence of cell swelling. Neither ZnCl2 nor free pyrithione activated VRAC; however, treating cells with a mixture of ZnCl2 and pyrithione led to robust channel activation. Finally, the effects of ZPT on VRAC were inhibited by reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium chloride, suggesting the mechanism of action involves ROS generation. The discovery of ZPT as a potentiator/activator of VRAC demonstrates the utility of HTS for identifying small-molecule modulators of VRAC and adds to a growing repertoire of pharmacological tool compounds for probing the molecular physiology and regulation of this important channel.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Voltage and calcium-sensing optical recording (VSOR and CSOR, respectively) from human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs) have been validated for in vitro evaluation of cardiotropic effects of drugs. When compared to electrophysiological devices like microelectrode array, multi-well optical recordings present a lower sample rate that may limit their capacity to detect fast depolarization or propagation velocity alterations. Additionally, the respective sensitivities of VSOR and CSOR to different cardiac electrophysiological effects have not been compared in the same conditions.
    METHODS: FluoVolt and Cal520 dyes were used in 96 well format on hPSC-CMs to report sodium channel block by lidocaine and propagation slowing by the junctional uncoupler carbenoxolone at three recording frequencies (60, 120 and 200 Hz) as well as their sensitivity to early and late repolarization delay.
    RESULTS: Sodium channel block led to a dose-dependent decrease of the VSOR signal rising slope that was improved by an increased sampling frequency. In contrast, the CSOR signal rising slope was only decreased at the highest concentration with no influence from the sampling rate. A similar result was obtained with carbenoxolone. Early repolarization delay by Bay K8644 showed the same effects on VSOR and CSOR signal durations while repolarization slowing by dofetilide had a significantly stronger prolongating effect on the VSOR signal at the lowest concentration.
    CONCLUSIONS: VSOR showed a higher capacity to detect sodium channel block, propagation slowing and modest late repolarization delay than CSOR. Increasing the sampling rate improved the detection threshold of VSOR for excitability and conduction velocity alterations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The enzyme cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) senses cytosolic DNA in infected and malignant cells and catalyzes the formation of 2\'3\'cGMP-AMP (cGAMP), which in turn triggers interferon (IFN) production via the STING pathway. Here, we examined the contribution of anion channels to cGAMP transfer and anti-viral defense. A candidate screen revealed that inhibition of volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) increased propagation of the DNA virus HSV-1 but not the RNA virus VSV. Chemical blockade or genetic ablation of LRRC8A/SWELL1, a VRAC subunit, resulted in defective IFN responses to HSV-1. Biochemical and electrophysiological analyses revealed that LRRC8A/LRRC8E-containing VRACs transport cGAMP and cyclic dinucleotides across the plasma membrane. Enhancing VRAC activity by hypotonic cell swelling, cisplatin, GTPγS, or the cytokines TNF or interleukin-1 increased STING-dependent IFN response to extracellular but not intracellular cGAMP. Lrrc8e-/- mice exhibited impaired IFN responses and compromised immunity to HSV-1. Our findings suggest that cell-to-cell transmission of cGAMP via LRRC8/VRAC channels is central to effective anti-viral immunity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) are central to cell volume regulation. Recently identified as hetero-hexamers formed by LRRC8 proteins, their activation mechanism remains elusive. Here, we measured Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescent proteins fused to the C-termini of LRRC8 subunits. Inter-subunit FRET from LRRC8 complexes tracked VRAC activation. With patch-clamp fluorometry, we confirmed that the cytoplasmic domains rearrange during VRAC opening. With these FRET reporters, we determined VRAC activation, non-invasively, in live cells and their subcompartments. Reduced intracellular ionic strength did not directly activate VRACs, and VRACs were not activated on endomembranes. Instead, pharmacological manipulation of diacylglycerol (DAG), and protein kinase D (PKD) activity, activated or inhibited plasma membrane-localized VRACs. Finally, we resolved previous contradictory reports concerning VRAC activation, using FRET to detect robust activation by PMA that was absent during whole-cell patch clamp. Overall, non-invasive VRAC measurement by FRET is an essential tool for unraveling its activation mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The neutral, non-essential amino acid glycine has manifold functions and effects under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Besides its function as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, glycine also exerts immunomodulatory effects and as an osmolyte it participates in cell volume regulation. During phagocytosis, glycine contributes to (local) cell volume-dependent processes like lamellipodium formation. Similar to the expansion of the lamellipodium we assume that glycine also affects the migration of microglial cells in a cell volume-dependent manner.
    METHODS: Mean cell volume (MCV) and cell migration were determined using flow cytometry and trans-well migration assays, respectively. Electrophysiological recordings of the cell membrane potential (Vmem) and swelling-dependent chloride (Cl-) currents (IClswell, VSOR, VRAC) were performed using the whole-cell patch clamp technique.
    RESULTS: In the murine microglial cell line BV-2, flow cytometry analysis revealed that glycine (5 mM) increases the MCV by ∼9%. The glycine-dependent increase in MCV was suppressed by the partial sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter (SNAT) antagonist MeAIB and augmented by the Cl- current blocker DCPIB. Electrophysiological recordings showed that addition of glycine activates a Cl- current under isotonic conditions resembling features of the swelling-activated Cl- current (IClswell). The cell membrane potential (Vmem) displayed a distinctive time course after glycine application; initially, glycine evoked a rapid depolarization mediated by Na+-coupled glycine uptake via SNAT, followed by a further gradual depolarization, which was fully suppressed by DCPIB. Interestingly, glycine significantly increased migration of BV-2 cells, which was suppressed by MeAIB, suggesting that SNAT is involved in the migration process of microglial cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that glycine acts as a chemoattractant for microglial cells presumably by a cell volume-dependent mechanism involving SNAT-mediated cell swelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) are crucial for cell volume regulation and have various roles in physiology and pathology. VRACs were recently discovered to be formed by heteromers of leucine-rich repeat-containing 8 (LRRC8) proteins. However, the structural determinants of VRAC permeation and gating remain largely unknown. We show here that the short stretch preceding the first LRRC8 transmembrane domain determines VRAC conductance, ion permeability, and inactivation gating. Substituted-cysteine accessibility studies revealed that several of the first 15 LRRC8 residues are functionally important and exposed to a hydrophilic environment. Substituting glutamate 6 with cysteine decreased the amplitudes of swelling-activated ICl,vol currents, strongly increased iodide-over-chloride permeability, and markedly shifted the voltage dependence of channel inactivation. Importantly, these effects were reversed by 2-sulfonatoethyl methanethiosulfonate, which restores the negative charge at this amino acid position. Cd2+-mediated blocking of ICl,vol in cysteine variants suggested that the LRRC8 N termini come close together in the multimeric channel complex and might form part of the pore. We propose a model in which the N termini of the LRRC8 subunits line the cytoplasmic portion of the VRAC pore, possibly by folding back into the ion permeation pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spermatogenesis is a highly complex developmental process that occurs primarily in seminiferous tubules of the testes and requires additional maturation steps in the epididymis and beyond. Mutations in many different genes can lead to defective spermatozoa and hence to male infertility. Some of these genes encode for ion channels and transporters that play roles in various processes such as cellular ion homeostasis, signal transduction, sperm motility, and the acrosome reaction. Here we show that germ cell-specific, but not Sertoli cell-specific, disruption of Lrrc8a leads to abnormal sperm and male infertility in mice. LRRC8A (leucine-rich repeat containing 8A) is the only obligatory subunit of heteromeric volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs). Its ablation severely compromises cell volume regulation by completely abolishing the transport of anions and osmolytes through VRACs. Consistent with impaired volume regulation, the cytoplasm of late spermatids appeared swollen. These cells failed to properly reduce their cytoplasm during further development into spermatozoa and later displayed severely disorganized mitochondrial sheaths in the midpiece region, as well as angulated or coiled flagella. These changes, which progressed in severity on the way to the epididymis, resulted in dramatically reduced sperm motility. Our work shows that VRAC, probably through its role in cell volume regulation, is required in a cell-autonomous manner for proper sperm development and explains the male infertility of Lrrc8a-/- mice and the spontaneous mouse mutant ébouriffé.





