VSD, Voltage-Sensing Domain

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic variants in SCN5A gene were identified in patients with various arrhythmogenic conditions including Brugada syndrome. Despite significant progress of last decades in studying the molecular mechanism of arrhythmia-associated SCN5A mutations, the understanding of relationship between genetics, electrophysiological consequences and clinical phenotype is lacking. We have found a novel genetic variant Y739D in the SCN5A-encoded sodium channel Nav1.5 of a male patient with Brugada syndrome (BrS). The objective of the study was to characterize the biophysical properties of Nav1.5-Y739D and provide possible explanation of the phenotype observed in the patient. The WT and Y739D channels were heterologously expressed in the HEK-293T cells and the whole-cell sodium currents were recorded. Substitution Y739D reduced the sodium current density by 47 ± 2% at -20 mV, positively shifted voltage-dependent activation, accelerated both fast and slow inactivation, and decelerated recovery from the slow inactivation. The Y739D loss-of-function phenotype likely causes the BrS manifestation. In the hNav1.5 homology models, which are based on the cryo-EM structure of rat Nav1.5 channel, Y739 in the extracellular loop IIS1-S2 forms H-bonds with K1381 and E1435 and pi-cation contacts with K1397 (all in loop IIIS5-P1). In contrast, Y739D accepts H-bonds from K1397 and Y1434. Substantially different contacts of Y739 and Y739D with loop IIIS5-P1 would differently transmit allosteric signals from VSD-II to the fast-inactivation gate at the N-end of helix IIIS5 and slow-inactivation gate at the C-end of helix IIIP1. This may underlie the atomic mechanism of the Y739D channel dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antiarrhythmic treatment strategies remain suboptimal due to our inability to predict how drug interactions with ion channels will affect the ability of the tissues to initiate and sustain an arrhythmia. We built a multiscale molecular model of the Na+ channel domain III (domain III voltage-sensing domain) to highlight the molecular underpinnings responsible for mexiletine drug efficacy. This model predicts that a hyperpolarizing shift in the domain III voltage-sensing domain is critical for drug efficacy and may be leveraged to design more potent Class I molecules. The model was therefore used to design, in silico, a theoretical mexiletine booster that can dramatically rescue a mutant resistant to the potent antiarrhythmic effects of mexiletine. Our framework provides a strategy for in silico design of precision-targeted therapeutic agents that simultaneously assesses antiarrhythmic markers of success and failure at multiple spatial and time scales. This approach provides a roadmap for the design of novel molecular-based therapy to treat myriad arrhythmia syndromes, including ventricular tachycardia, heart failure arrhythmias, and inherited arrhythmia syndromes.






