• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vibrational spectroscopy enables critical insight into the structural and dynamic properties of molecules. Presently, the majority of theoretical approaches to spectroscopy employ wavefunction-based ab initio or density functional methods that rely on the harmonic approximation. This approximation breaks down for large molecules with strongly anharmonic bonds or for molecules with large internuclear separations. An alternative to these methods involves generating molecular anharmonic potential energy surfaces (potentials) and using them to extrapolate the vibrational frequencies. This study examines the efficacy of density functional theory (DFT) and the correlation consistent Composite Approach (ccCA) in generating anharmonic frequencies from potentials of small main group molecules. Vibrational self-consistent field Theory (VSCF) and post-VSCF methods were used to calculate the fundamental frequencies of these molecules from their potentials. Functional choice, basis set selection, and mode-coupling are also examined as factors in influencing accuracy. The absolute deviations for the calculated frequencies using potentials at the ccCA level of theory were lower than the potentials at the DFT level. With DFT resulting in bending modes that are better described than those of ccCA, a multilevel DFT:ccCA approach where DFT potentials are used for single vibrational mode potentials and ccCA is used for vibrational mode-mode couplings can be utilized for larger polyatomic systems. The frequencies obtained with this multilevel approach using VCIPSI-PT2 were closer to experimental frequencies than the scaled harmonic frequencies, indicating the success of utilizing post-VSCF methods to generate more accurate representations of computed infrared spectra.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proteins play an important role in biological and biochemical processes taking place in the living system. To uncover these fundamental processes of the living system, it is an absolutely necessary task to understand the structure and dynamics of the protein. Vibrational spectroscopy is an established tool to explore protein structure and dynamics. In particular, two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectroscopy has already proven its versatility to explore the protein structure and its ultrafast dynamics, and it has essentially unprecedented time resolutions to observe the vibrational dynamics of the protein. Providing several examples from our theoretical and experimental efforts, it is established here that two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy provides exceptionally more information than one-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy. The structural information of the protein is encoded in the position, shape, and strength of the peak in 2DIR spectra. The time evolution of the 2DIR spectra allows for the visualisation of molecular motions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Vibrio parahaemolyticus, type III secretion system 1 (T3SS1) is a major virulence factor that delivers effectors into the host eukaryotic cytoplasm; however, studies on its infection mechanism are currently limited. To determine the function of the vscF gene, we constructed the vscF deletion mutant ΔvscF and complementation strain CΔvscF. Compared with those of wild-type POR-1 and CΔvscF, the cytotoxic, adherent, and apoptotic abilities of ΔvscF in HeLa cells were significantly reduced (P < 0.01). Furthermore, in infected HeLa cells, the mutant strain reduced the translocation rates of VP1683 and VP1686 effectors compared to the wild-type and complementation strains. A BLAST search showed that vscF is homologous to the MixH needle protein of Shigella flexneri, indicating that the vscF gene encodes the needle protein of T3SS1 in V. parahaemolyticus. Additional translocation assays showed that VPA0226 translocated into the HeLa eukaryotic cytoplasm via T3SS1, secretion assays showed that VPA0226 can be secreted to supernatant by T3SS1, indicating that VPA0226 belongs to the unpublished class of T3SS1 effectors. In conclusion, our data indicate an essential role of vscF in V. parahaemolyticus T3SS1 and revealed that VPA0226 can be secreted into the host cell cytoplasm via T3SS1. This study provides insights into a previously unexplored aspect of T3SS1, which is expected to contribute to the understanding of its infection mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vibrational spectra of 2-aminopyridine (2AP) have been analyzed using the vibrational self-consistence field theory (VSCF), correlated corrected vibrational self-consistence field theory (CC-VSCF) and vibrational perturbation theory (VPT2) at B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) framework. The mode-mode couplings affect the vibrational frequencies and intensities. The coupling integrals between pairs of normal modes have been obtained on the basis of quartic force field (2MR-QFF) approximation. The overtone and combination bands are also assigned in the FTIR spectrum with the help of anharmonic calculation at VPT2 method. A statistical analysis of deviations shows that estimated anharmonic frequencies are closer to the experiment over harmonic approximation. Furthermore, the anharmonic correction has also been carried out for the dimeric structure of 2AP. The fundamental vibration bands have been assigned on the basis of potential energy distribution (PED) and visual look over the animated modes. Other important molecular properties such as frontier molecular orbitals and molecular electrostatics potential mapping have also been analyzed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FTIR, FT-Raman and electronic spectra of allantoin molecule are recorded and investigated using DFT and MP2 methods with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The molecular structure, anharmonic vibrational spectra, natural atomic charges, non-linear optical properties, etc. have been computed for the ground state of allantoin. The anharmonic vibrational frequencies are calculated using PT2 algorithm (Barone method) as well as VSCF and CC-VSCF methods. These methods yield results that are in remarkable agreement with the experiment. The coupling strengths between pairs of modes are also calculated using coupling integral based on 2MR-QFF approximation. The simulations on allantoin dimers have been also performed at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory to investigate the effect of the intermolecular interactions on the molecular structure and vibrational frequencies of the monomer. Vibrational assignments are made with the great accuracy using PED calculations and animated modes. The combination and overtone bands have been also identified in the FTIR spectrum with the help of anharmonic computations. The electronic spectra are simulated in gas and solution at TD-B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory. The important global quantities such as electro-negativity, electronic chemical potential, electrophilicity index, chemical hardness and softness based on HOMO, LUMO energy eigenvalues are also computed. NBO analysis has been performed for monomer and dimers of allantoin at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper discusses the quality and feasibility of highly correlated ab initio techniques in a vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) approach using acetonitrile as a model system. The topical renormalized coupled-cluster technique exploiting the similarity-transformed Hamiltonian\'s left eigenstates (i.e. CR-CC(2,3)) is investigated alongside the well-known Hartree-Fock (HF), Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory (MP2) and coupled cluster (CCSD(T)) methods. The inclusion of mode triple interactions is discussed and it is found that the use of an effective core potential (ECP) serves as a viable compromise during the highly demanding task of computing such contributions, thus enabling a grid-based evaluation of three mode interaction terms with coupled cluster techniques also for larger molecules. In this context, a previously proposed reduced coupling scheme [1] is investigated, confirming the applicability of this technique to a system exhibiting a rather complex electronic structure. A combination of Ahlrichs\' triple-ζ valence polarized (TZVP) basis set with Dunning\'s set of core-valence correlation functions is found to deliver results in good agreement with experiment while being computationally very feasible. Since CH3CN exhibits four degenerate vibrational degrees of freedom, it serves as an ideal model system for critically assessing the qualities of the degenerate second-order perturbation theory corrected (DPT2) VSCF technique. Besides fundamental vibrations, a thorough investigation of overtone transitions and combination bands is conducted by means of comparing the results to both available and newly recorded experimental data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FTIR, FT-Raman and UV-Vis spectra of 3-methyladenine have been recorded and investigated using quantum chemical calculations. The molecular geometry and vibrational spectra of 3-methyladenine in the ground state are computed by using HF and DFT methods with 6-311G(d,p) basis set. VSCF, CC-VSCF methods based on 2MR-QFF and PT2 (Barone method) have been utilized for computing anharmonic vibrational frequencies. These methods yield results that are in remarkable agreement with the experimental data. The magnitudes of coupling between pair of modes have been also computed. Vibrational modes are assigned with the help of visual inspection of atomic displacements. The electronic spectra, simulated at TD-B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory, are compared to the experiment. The global quantities: electronic chemical potential, electrophilicity index, chemical hardness and softness based on HOMO and LUMO energy eigenvalues are also computed at B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study introduces an improved hybrid MP2/MP4 ab initio potential for vibrational spectroscopy calculations which is very accurate, yet without high computational demands. The method uses harmonic vibrational calculations with the MP4(SDQ) potential to construct an improved MP2 potential by coordinate scaling. This improved MP2 potential is used for the anharmonic VSCF calculation. The method was tested spectroscopically for four molecules: butane, acetone, ethylene and glycine. Very good agreement with experiment was found. For most of the systems, the more accurate harmonic treatment considerably improved the MP2 anharmonic results.





