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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The design and optimization of laser-Compton x-ray systems based on compact distributed charge accelerator structures can enable micron-scale imaging of disease and the concomitant production of beams of Very High Energy Electrons (VHEEs) capable of producing FLASH-relevant dose rates. The physics of laser-Compton x-ray scattering ensures that the scattered x-rays follow exactly the trajectory of the incident electrons, thus providing a route to image-guided, VHEE FLASH radiotherapy. The keys to a compact architecture capable of producing both laser-Compton x-rays and VHEEs are the use of X-band RF accelerator structures which have been demonstrated to operate with over 100 MeV/m acceleration gradients. The operation of these structures in a distributed charge mode in which each radiofrequency (RF) cycle of the drive RF pulse is filled with a low-charge, high-brightness electron bunch is enabled by the illumination of a high-brightness photogun with a train of UV laser pulses synchronized to the frequency of the underlying accelerator system. The UV pulse trains are created by a patented pulse synthesis approach which utilizes the RF clock of the accelerator to phase and amplitude modulate a narrow band continuous wave (CW) seed laser. In this way it is possible to produce up to 10 μA of average beam current from the accelerator. Such high current from a compact accelerator enables production of sufficient x-rays via laser-Compton scattering for clinical imaging and does so from a machine of \"clinical\" footprint. At the same time, the production of 1000 or greater individual micro-bunches per RF pulse enables > 10 nC of charge to be produced in a macrobunch of < 100 ns. The design, construction, and test of the 100-MeV class prototype system in Irvine, CA is also presented.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    FLASH-radiotherapy delivers a radiation beam a thousand times faster compared to conventional radiotherapy, reducing radiation damage in healthy tissues with an equivalent tumor response. Although not completely understood, this radiobiological phenomenon has been proved in several animal models with a spectrum of all kinds of particles currently used in contemporary radiotherapy, especially electrons. However, all the research teams have performed FLASH preclinical studies using industrial linear accelerator or LINAC commonly employed in conventional radiotherapy and modified for the delivery of ultra-high-dose-rate (UHDRs). Unfortunately, the delivering and measuring of UHDR beams have been proved not to be completely reliable with such devices. Concerns arise regarding the accuracy of beam monitoring and dosimetry systems. Additionally, this LINAC totally lacks an integrated and dedicated Treatment Planning System (TPS) able to evaluate the internal dose distribution in the case of in vivo experiments. Finally, these devices cannot modify dose-time parameters of the beam relevant to the flash effect, such as average dose rate; dose per pulse; and instantaneous dose rate. This aspect also precludes the exploration of the quantitative relationship with biological phenomena. The dependence on these parameters need to be further investigated. A promising advancement is represented by a new generation of electron LINAC that has successfully overcome some of these technological challenges. In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive summary of the existing literature on in vivo experiments using electron FLASH radiotherapy and explore the promising clinical perspectives associated with this technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. Very high energy electrons (VHEE) in the range of 50-250 MeV are of interest for treating deep-seated tumours with FLASH radiotherapy (RT). This approach offers favourable dose distributions and the ability to deliver ultra-high dose rates (UHDR) efficiently. To make VHEE-based FLASH treatment clinically viable, a novel beam monitoring technology is explored as an alternative to transmission ionisation monitor chambers, which have non-linear responses at UHDR. This study introduces the fibre optic flash monitor (FOFM), which consists of an array of silica optical fibre-based Cherenkov sensors with a photodetector for signal readout.Approach. Experiments were conducted at the CLEAR facility at CERN using 200 MeV and 160 MeV electrons to assess the FOFM\'s response linearity to UHDR (characterised with radiochromic films) required for FLASH radiotherapy. Beam profile measurements made on the FOFM were compared to those using radiochromic film and scintillating yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) screens.Main results. A range of photodetectors were evaluated, with a complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) camera being the most suitable choice for this monitor. The FOFM demonstrated excellent response linearity from 0.9 Gy/pulse to 57.4 Gy/pulse (R2= 0.999). Furthermore, it did not exhibit any significant dependence on the energy between 160 MeV and 200 MeV nor the instantaneous dose rate. Gaussian fits applied to vertical beam profile measurements indicated that the FOFM could accurately provide pulse-by-pulse beam size measurements, agreeing within the error range of radiochromic film and YAG screen measurements, respectively.Significance. The FOFM proves to be a promising solution for real-time beam profile and dose monitoring for UHDR VHEE beams, with a linear response in the UHDR regime. Additionally it can perform pulse-by-pulse beam size measurements, a feature currently lacking in transmission ionisation monitor chambers, which may become crucial for implementing FLASH radiotherapy and its associated quality assurance requirements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clinical translation of FLASH-radiotherapy (RT) to deep-seated tumours is still a technological challenge. One proposed solution consists of using ultra-high dose rate transmission proton (TP) beams of about 200-250 MeV to irradiate the tumour with the flat entrance of the proton depth-dose profile. This work evaluates the dosimetric performance of very high-energy electron (VHEE)-based RT (50-250 MeV) as a potential alternative to TP-based RT for the clinical transfer of the FLASH effect.
    Basic physics characteristics of VHEE and TP beams were compared utilizing Monte Carlo simulations in water. A VHEE-enabled research treatment planning system was used to evaluate the plan quality achievable with VHEE beams of different energies, compared to 250 MeV TP beams for a glioblastoma, an oesophagus, and a prostate cancer case.
    Like TP, VHEE above 100 MeV can treat targets with roughly flat (within ± 20 %) depth-dose distributions. The achievable dosimetric target conformity and adjacent organs-at-risk (OAR) sparing is consequently driven for both modalities by their lateral beam penumbrae. Electron beams of 400[500] MeV match the penumbra of 200[250] MeV TP beams and penumbra is increased for lower electron energies. For the investigated patient cases, VHEE plans with energies of 150 MeV and above achieved a dosimetric plan quality comparable to that of 250 MeV TP plans. For the glioblastoma and the oesophagus case, although having a decreased conformity, even 100 MeV VHEE plans provided a similar target coverage and OAR sparing compared to TP.
    VHEE-based FLASH-RT using sufficiently high beam energies may provide a lighter-particle alternative to TP-based FLASH-RT with comparable dosimetric plan quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Electrons with kinetic energy up to a few hundred MeV, also called very high energy electrons (VHEE), are currently considered a promising technique for the future of radiation therapy (RT) and in particular ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) therapy. However, the feasibility of a clinical application is still being debated and VHEE therapy remains an active area of research for which the optimal conformal technique is also yet to be determined.
    OBJECTIVE: In this work, we will apply two existing formalisms based on analytical Gaussian multiple-Coulomb scattering theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to study and compare the electron and bremsstrahlung photon dose distributions arising from two beam delivery systems (passive scattering with or without a collimator or active scanning).
    METHODS: We therefore tested the application of analytical and MC models to VHEE beams and assessed their performance and parameterization in the energy range of 6-200 MeV. The optimized electron beam fluence, the bremsstrahlung, an estimation of central-axis and off-axis x-ray dose at the practical range and neutron contributions to the total dose, along with an extended parameterization for the photon dose model were developed, together with a comparison between double scattering (DS) and pencil beam scanning (PBS) techniques. MC simulations were performed with the TOPAS/Geant4 toolkit to verify the dose distributions predicted by the analytical calculations.
    RESULTS: The results for the clinical energy range (between 6 and 20 MeV) as well as for higher energies (VHEE range between 20 and 200 MeV) and for two treatment field sizes (5 × 5 and 10 × 10 cm2 ) are reported, showing a reasonable agreement with MC simulations with mean differences below 2.1%. The relative contributions of photons generated in the medium or by the scattering system along the central-axis (up to 50% of the total dose) are also illustrated, along with their relative variations with electron energy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The fast analytical models parametrized in this study allow an estimation of the amount of photons produced behind the practical range by a DS system with an accuracy lower than 3%, providing important information for the eventual design of a VHEE system. The results of this work could support future research on VHEE radiotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Very high-energy electron (VHEE) can make up the insufficient treatment depth of the low-energy electron while offering an intermediate dosimetric advantage between photon and proton. Combining FLASH with VHEE, a quantitative comparison between different energies was made, with regard to plan quality, dose rate distribution (both in PTV and OAR), and total duration of treatment (beam-on time).
    METHODS: In two patient cases (head and lung), we created the treatment plans utilizing the scanning pencil beam via the Monte Carlo simulation and a PTV-based optimization algorithm. Geant4 was used to simulate VHEE pencil beams and sizes of 0.3-5 mm defined by the full width at half maximum (FWHM). Monoenergetic beams with Gaussian distribution in x and y directions (ISOURC = 19) were used as the source of electrons. A large-scale non-linear solver (IPOPT) was used to calculate the optimal spot weights. After optimization, a quantitative comparison between different energies was made regarding treatment plan quality, dose rate distribution (both in PTV and OAR), and total beam duration.
    RESULTS: For head (80 MeV, 100 MeV, and 120 MeV) and lung cases (100 MeV, 120 MeV, and 140 MeV), the minimum beam intensity needs to be ∼2.5 × 1011 electrons/s and ∼9.375 × 1011 electrons/s to allow > 90 % volume of PTV reaching the average dose rate (DADR) higher than 40 Gy/s. At this beam intensity (fraction dose: 10 Gy), the overall irradiation time for the head case is 5258.75 ms (80 MeV), 5149.75 ms (100 MeV), and 4976.75 ms (120 MeV), including scanning time 872.75 ms. For lung cases, this number is 1034.25 ms (100 MeV), 981.55 ms (120 MeV), and 928.15 ms (140 MeV), including scanning time 298.75 ms. The plan of higher energy always performs with a higher dose rate (both in PTV and OAR) and thereby costs less delivery time (beam-on time).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study systematically investigated the currently known FLASH parameters for VHEE radiotherapy and successfully established a benchmark reference for its FLASH dose rate performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. The Monte Carlo simulation software is a valuable tool in radiation therapy, in particular to achieve the needed accuracy in the dose evaluation for the treatment plans optimisation. The current challenge in this field is the time reduction to open the way to many clinical applications for which the computational time is an issue. In this manuscript we present an innovative GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo software for dose valuation in electron and photon based radiotherapy, developed as an update of the FRED (Fast paRticle thErapy Dose evaluator) software.Approach. The code transports particles through a 3D voxel grid, while scoring their energy deposition along their trajectory. The models of electromagnetic interactions in the energy region between 1 MeV-1 GeV available in literature have been implemented to efficiently run on GPUs, allowing to combine a fast tracking while keeping high accuracy in dose assessment. The FRED software has been bench-marked against state-of-art full MC (FLUKA, GEANT4) in the realm of two different radiotherapy applications: Intra-Operative Radio Therapy and Very High Electron Energy radiotherapy applications.Results. The single pencil beam dose-depth profiles in water as well as the dose map computed on non-homogeneous phantom agree with full-MCs at 2% level, observing a gain in processing time from 200 to 5000.Significance. Such performance allows for computing a plan with electron beams in few minutes with an accuracy of ∼%, demonstrating the FRED potential to be adopted for fast plan re-calculation in photon or electron radiotherapy applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The FLASH effect designates normal tissue sparing at ultra-high dose rate (UHDR, >40 Gy/s) compared to conventional dose rate (∼0.1 Gy/s) irradiation while maintaining tumour control and has the potential to improve the therapeutic ratio of radiotherapy (RT). UHDR high-energy electron (HEE, 4-20 MeV) beams are currently a mainstay for investigating the clinical potential of FLASH RT for superficial tumours. In the future very-high energy electron (VHEE, 50-250 MeV) UHDR beams may be used to treat deep-seated tumours. UHDR HEE treatment planning focused at its initial stage on accurate dosimetric modelling of converted and dedicated UHDR electron RT devices for the clinical transfer of FLASH RT. VHEE treatment planning demonstrated promising dosimetric performance compared to clinical photon RT techniques in silico and was used to evaluate and optimise the design of novel VHEE RT devices. Multiple metrics and models have been proposed for a quantitative description of the FLASH effect in treatment planning, but an improved experimental characterization and understanding of the FLASH effect is needed to allow for an accurate and validated modelling of the effect in treatment planning. The importance of treatment planning for electron FLASH RT will augment as the field moves forward to treat more complex clinical indications and target sites. In this review, TPS developments in HEE and VHEE are presented considering beam models, characteristics, and future FLASH applications.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detailed characterisation of the Roos secondary standard plane-parallel ionisation chamber has been conducted in a novel 200 MeV Very High Energy Electron (VHEE) beam with reference to the standard 12 MeV electron calibration beam used in our experimental work. Stopping-power-ratios and perturbation factors have been determined for both beams and used to calculated the beam quality correction factor using the Geant4 general purpose MC code. These factors have been calculated for a variety of charged particle transport parameters available in Geant4 which were found to pass the Fano cavity test. Stopping-power-ratios for the 12 MeV electron calibration beam quality were found to agree within uncertainties to that quoted by current dosimetry protocols. Perturbation factors were found to vary by up-to 4% for the calibration beam depending on the parameter configuration, compared with only 0.8% for the VHEE beam. Beam quality correction factors were found to describe an approximately 10% lower dose than would be originally calculated if a beam quality correction were not accounted for. Moreover, results presented here largely resolve unphysical chamber measurements, such as collection efficiencies greater than 100%, and assist in the accurate determination of absorbed dose and ion recombination in secondary standard ionisation chambers.





