
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptosporidiosis has previously been reported in animals, humans, and water sources in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, most reports were only to the genus level, or generically identified as cryptosporidiosis. We aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of Cryptosporidium species occurring in diarrhetic ungulates which were brought to the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL) in Dubai. Using a combination of microscopic and molecular methods, we identified five species of Cryptosporidium occurring among ungulates in the UAE, namely C. parvum, C. hominis, C. xiaoi, C. meleagridis, and C. equi. Cryptosporidium parvum was the most prevalent species in our samples. Furthermore, we identified subtypes of C. parvum and C. hominis, which are involved in both human and animal cryptosporidiosis. This is also the first reported occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in the Arabian Tahr, to our knowledge. Since the animals examined were all in contact with humans, the possibility of zoonotic spread is possible. Our study correlates with previous reports in the region, building upon the identification of Cryptosporidium sp. However, there is a need to further investigate the endemic populations of Cryptosporidium, including more hosts, sampling asymptomatic animals, and location data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wildlife activity patterns, which reveal the daily allocation of time and energy, are crucial for understanding survival pressures, adaptive strategies, and behavioral characteristics in different environments. Among ungulates, grouping behavior is a prevalent adaptive trait that reflects the population structure, mating systems, and life history strategies formed over long-term evolutionary processes. This study aimed to elucidate the daily activity patterns and grouping characteristics of the rare goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in the Helan Mountains of western China from 2022 to 2023 using camera trap monitoring. With a total of 3869 camera days of effective trapping, we recorded 442 independent detections of goitered gazelles. The results revealed the following: (1) Goitered gazelle is primarily active during the day, showing an activity pattern similar to crepuscular animals, with two activity peaks occurring after dawn and before dusk. (2) Daily activity patterns showed both seasonal and sex differences. In the warm season, morning activity peaks occurred earlier, and afternoon peaks occurred later compared to the cold season. The overlap in daily activity patterns between females and males in the warm season was lower than that in the cold season, and this trend persisted throughout the year. (3) The number of times different types of groups were observed varied significantly, with single males and single females accounting for a larger proportion of all observed groups. There was no significant difference in group size across seasons, with groups typically consisting of 1-2 individuals. Our study provides detailed insights into the temporal ecology and population structure of goitered gazelles in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. This information will guide the identification of future conservation priorities and the development of management plans for the reserve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome-wide technologies open up new possibilities to clarify questions on genetic structure and phylogeographic history of taxa previously studied with microsatellite loci and mitochondrial sequences. Here, we used 736 individual red deer (Cervus elaphus) samples genotyped at 35,701 single nucleotide polymorphism loci (SNPs) to assess the population structure of the species throughout Europe. The results identified 28 populations, with higher degrees of genetic distinction in peripheral compared to mainland populations. Iberian red deer show high genetic differentiation, with lineages in Western and Central Iberia maintaining their distinctiveness, which supports separate refugial ranges within Iberia along with little recent connection between Iberian and the remaining Western European populations. The Norwegian population exhibited the lowest variability and the largest allele frequency differences from mainland European populations, compatible with a history of bottlenecks and drift during post-glacial colonization from southern refugia. Scottish populations showed high genetic distance from the mainland but high levels of diversity. Hybrid zones were found between Eastern and Western European lineages in Central Europe as well as in the Pyrenees, where red deer from France are in close contact with Iberian red deer. Anthropogenic restocking has promoted the Pyrenean contact zone, admixture events in populations on the Isle of Rum and in the Netherlands, and at least partly the admixture of the two main lineages in central-eastern Europe. Our analysis enabled detailed resolution of population structure of a large mammal widely distributed throughout Europe and contributes to resolving the evolutionary history, which can also inform conservation and management policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The populations of many species of large mammals occur in small isolated and fragmented habitat patches in the human-dominated landscape. Maintenance of habitat connectivity in the fragmented landscapes is important for maintaining a healthy population of large mammal. This study evaluated the landscape patches and their linkages on two carnivores (leopard and Himalayan black bear) and seven prey species (northern red muntjac, chital, sambar, wild pig, Himalayan goral, rhesus macaque, and langur) between Chitwan National Park (CNP) and Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA) by using the least-cost path (LCP) approach and the Linkage Mapper tool in ArcGIS. A total of 15 habitat patches (average area 26.67 ± 12.70 km2) were identified that had more than 50% of the total studied mammals. A weak relation among the habitat patches was found for chital and sambar (Cost-weighted distance [CWD]: Euclidean distance EucD >100), showed poor connectivity between the habitat patches, while ratio of CWD and EucD was low (i.e., low LCP) between majority of the patches for muntjac, wild pig and leopard hence had potential functional connectivity along the landscape. Similarly, low LCP between the habitat patches located in the mid-hills was observed for Himalayan goral and Himalayan black bear. Furthermore, the multi-species connectivity analysis identified the potential structural connectivity between the isolated populations and habitat patches. Therefore, these sites need to be considered connectivity hotspots and be prioritized for the conservation of large mammals in the landscape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When an addicted animal seeks a specific substance, it is based on the perception of internal and external cues that strongly motivate to pursue the acquisition of that compound. In essence, a similar process acts out when an animal leaves its present area to begin its circannual migration. This review article examines the existence of scientific evidence for possible relatedness of migration and addiction by influencing Dorsal Diencephalic Conduction System (DDCS) including the habenula.
    METHODS: For this review especially the databases of Pubmed and Embase were frequently and non-systematically searched.
    RESULTS: The mechanisms of bird migration have been thoroughly investigated. Especially the mechanism of the circannual biorhythm and its associated endocrine regulation has been well elucidated. A typical behavior called \"Zugunruhe\" marks the moment of leaving in migratory birds. The role of magnetoreception in navigation has also been clarified in recent years. However, how bird migration is regulated at the neuronal level in the forebrain is not well understood. Among mammals, marine mammals are most similar to birds. They use terrestrial magnetic field when navigating and often bridge long distances between breeding and foraging areas. Population migration is further often seen among the large hoofed mammals in different parts of the world. Importantly, learning processes and social interactions with conspecifics play a major role in these ungulates. Considering the evolutionary development of the forebrain in vertebrates, it can be postulated that the DDCS plays a central role in regulating the readiness and intensity of essential (emotional) behaviors. There is manifold evidence that this DDCS plays an important role in relapse to abuse after prolonged periods of abstinence from addictive behavior. It is also possible that the DDCS plays a role in navigation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The role of the DDCS in the neurobiological regulation of bird migration has hardly been investigated. The involvement of this system in relapse to addiction in mammals might suggest to change this. It is recommended that particularly during \"Zugunruhe\" the role of neuronal regulation via the DDCS will be further investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few decades, increasing populations of cervid species in the Baltic region have reduced the quality and vitality of cultivated Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands. This study evaluated the effect of bark stripping on the volume growth of spruce trees in Latvia. Data collection took place in two forest stands. In each stand, 20 Norway spruce trees were sampled, 10 with visible bark damage scars and 10 control trees. Stem discs were collected from control trees at specified heights (0 m, 0.5 m, 1 m, 1.3 m, and 2 m, and then at one-metre intervals up to the top) and from damaged trees at additional specific points relative to the damage. Each disc was sanded and scanned; tree ring widths were measured in 16 radial directions using WinDendro 2012a software. Annual volume growth reconstruction was performed for each tree. Changes in relative volume growth were analysed in interaction with scar parameters, tree type (damaged/control), and pre-damage volume using linear regression models. The significance of parameter interactions was assessed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pairwise comparisons of estimated marginal means (EMMs) were conducted using Tukey\'s HSD post hoc test. No significant effect of bark stripping on the total stem volume increment was detected. However, the length of bark stripping scars had a significant impact on relative volume growth in the lower parts of the stems. These findings underscore the importance of further research examining a broader spectrum of cervid damage intensity and the effects of repeated damage on tree survival and growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asymmetric studies can indicate disturbances in the developmental process. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is considered an indicator of stress. The Sanmartinero (SM) creole bovine is native to the department of Meta (Colombian Orinoquia) and its adaptation process has allowed it to live in extreme tropical environments. The aim of this cross-sectional and descriptive study was to present the current state of the knowledge of asymmetries in some cephalic characters of the SM creole bovine. A total of 94 animals were studied (18 uncastrated males and 76 females) from three different farms, with an age range of 0.5-10 years. For each animal, two measurements of the ear (width and length) and two measurements of the horn (perimeter and length) were obtained in vivo. The degree of asymmetry was calculated as (R - L)/(R + L). Bilateral differences pointed towards a fluctuating asymmetry (e.g., a random variation in the trait that is expected to be perfectly symmetrical) biased towards right for ear width and horn perimeter, and towards left for ear and horn length. Since the development of these structures-ears and horns-is under the control of the same set of genes, the fluctuating asymmetry could constitute a reflection of a normal condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been known that harvesting by humans strongly influences individual within-home range habitat selection of many deer species; however, little is known about the effect of harvesting on coarse-scale habitat selection (i.e., spatial distribution). We examined the summer spatial distribution of sika deer Cervus nippon in relation to human harvesting and other factors, such as human residences, forage abundance, and cover, using pellet group counts at Mount Fuji, central Japan, in 2018. In the study area, harvesting is conducted at medium elevation areas throughout the year, but not at high or low elevation areas where access is difficult or harvesting is prohibited. Spatial distribution of deer was significantly biased to non-harvesting areas and far from residential areas, suggesting that they avoid riskier spaces by establishing a landscape of fear. High-quality food resources (deciduous broad-leaved trees and forbs) were more abundant in harvesting areas than in non-harvesting areas, suggesting that foraging pressure by deer reduce them. However, there were no differences in abundances of more fibrous dwarf bamboo between harvesting and non-harvesting areas, and spatial distribution of deer was significantly biased to higher dwarf bamboo abundance areas, suggesting that the dwarf bamboo is an alternative food resource in non-harvesting areas where supplies of high-quality food were limited. Our results suggest that human harvesting pressure and residences shifted the spatial distribution of deer from the montane forests to subalpine/alpine zones, which may increase damage to vulnerable ecosystems due to severe foraging pressure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In their natural environment, animals face a variety of ecological and social challenges, which might be linked to the emergence of different cognitive skills. To assess inter-specific variation in cognitive skills, we used ungulates as a study model, testing a total of 26 captive individuals across 5 different species (i.e., dwarf goats, Capra aegagrus hircus, llamas, Lama glama, guanacos, Lama guanicoe, zebras, Equus grevyi, and rhinos, Diceros bicornis michaeli). Across species, we used the same well-established experimental procedures to test individuals\' performance in naïve physics tasks, i.e. object permanence, short-term spatial memory, causality, understanding of object properties, and gravity. Our results revealed that study subjects showed object permanence, were able to remember the position of hidden food after up to 60 s, and inferred the position of hidden food from the sound produced or not produced when shaking containers. Moreover, they showed an understanding of basic object properties, being able to locate objects hidden behind occluders based on their size and inclination, and could reliably follow the trajectory of falling objects across different conditions. Finally, inter-specific differences were limited to the understanding of object properties, and suggest that domesticated species as goats might perform better than non-domesticated ones in tasks requiring these skills. These results provide new information on the cognitive skills of a still understudied taxon and confirm ungulates as a promising taxon for the comparative study of cognitive evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reduction of conflicts arising from human-wildlife interactions is necessary for coexistence. Collisions between animals and automobiles cost the world\'s economy billions of dollars, and wildlife management agencies often are responsible for reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions. But wildlife agencies have few proven options for reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions that are effective and financially feasible at large spatiotemporal scales germane to management. Recreational hunting by humans is a primary population management tool available for use with abundant wild ungulates that often collide with automobiles. Therefore, we tested how well policies designed to increase human hunting of deer (longer hunting seasons and increased harvest limits) reduced collisions between white-tailed deer and automobiles along 618 km of high-risk roadways in Indiana, USA. We used a 20-y dataset that compiled >300,000 deer-vehicle collisions. Targeted recreational hunting decreased deer-vehicle collisions by 21.12 % and saved society up to $653,756 (95 % CIs = $286,063-$1,154,118) in economic damages from 2018 to 2022. Potential savings was up to $1,265,694 (95 % CIs = $579,108-$2,402,813) during the same 5-y span if relaxed hunting regulations occurred along all high-risk roadways. Moreover, license sales from targeted hunting generated $206,268 in revenue for wildlife management. Targeted hunting is likely effective in other systems where ungulate-vehicle collisions are prevalent, as behavioral changes in response to human hunting has been documented in many ungulate species across several continents. Our methods are attractive for management agencies with limited funds, as relaxed hunting regulations are relatively inexpensive to implement and may generate substantial additional revenue.





