
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: EU workers exposed to hand-arm vibration should be offered health surveillance to detect early symptoms, and findings, of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). To execute the mandatory vocational rehabilitation, the employer needs to be aware of injuries found in the medical check-up. We aimed to analyse: 1) How physicians graded the neurosensory component of HAVS on the Stockholm Workshop Scale (SWS), compared to semi-objective findings. 2) What vocational rehabilitative decisions (VRD) were taken by physicians after examinations. 3) Whether the VRDs differed in relation to the SWS-grading.
    METHODS: Data came from 660 medical records - all examinations performed during twelve consecutive months in one large Swedish occupational healthcare company. 572 individuals had data on the SWS from the physician. For the qualitative analysis, we used the inductive-iterative immersion-crystallization method.
    RESULTS: 60% of the examined workers had symptoms and 32% had semi-objective findings consistent with HAVS. The physicians\' SWS gradings were underestimated in 59% of the cases with semi-objective findings. The VRDs were classified, relative to communication with the employer, as: \"Adequate\" (57%), when no injury was present, communication had already taken place, was planned, or was no longer needed in the absence of further exposure, \"Semi-adequate\" (18%), if no plan for communication was yet established or only communicated through a document with a shorter time until next check-up, and \"Inadequate\"(25%), when patients refused (20%), or physicians failed to communicate with the employer, despite findings (80%). Underestimated SWS-gradings of HAVS were significantly associated with more \"Inadequate\" VRDs in the group with semi-objective findings.
    CONCLUSIONS: Occupational physicians underestimate the number of individuals with SWS 2-3 compared with semi-objective findings and regularly fail to communicate to the employer despite findings of HAVS. The underestimation of SWS-grading, followed by inadequate VRDs, excludes many workers from the employer\'s mandatory protective measures which may lead to aggravation of an untreatable injury in the affected individual and development of HAVS in their similarly exposed colleagues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2022, there was a global resurgence of mpox, with different clinical-epidemiological features compared with previous outbreaks. Sexual contact was hypothesized as the primary transmission route, and the community of men having sex with men (MSM) was disproportionately affected. Because of the stigma associated with sexually transmitted infections, the real burden of mpox could be masked. We quantified the basic reproduction number (R 0) and the underestimated fraction of mpox cases in 16 countries, from the onset of the outbreak until early September 2022, using Bayesian inference and a compartmentalized, risk-structured (high-/low-risk populations) and two-route (sexual/non-sexual transmission) mathematical model. Machine learning (ML) was harnessed to identify underestimation determinants. Estimated R 0 ranged between 1.37 (Canada) and 3.68 (Germany). The underestimation rates for the high- and low-risk populations varied between 25-93% and 65-85%, respectively. The estimated total number of mpox cases, relative to the reported cases, is highest in Colombia (3.60) and lowest in Canada (1.08). In the ML analysis, two clusters of countries could be identified, differing in terms of attitudes towards the 2SLGBTQIAP+ community and the importance of religion. Given the substantial mpox underestimation, surveillance should be enhanced, and country-specific campaigns against the stigmatization of MSM should be organized, leveraging community-based interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Processing food and feed challenges official control e.g. by modifying proteins, which leads to significant underestimation in targeted, MS-based protein quantification. Whereas numerous studies identified processing-induced changes on proteins in various combinations of matrices and processing conditions, studying their impact semi-quantitatively on specific protein sequences might unveil approaches to improve protein quantification accuracy. Thus, 335 post-translational modifications (e.g. oxidation, deamidation, carboxymethylation, Amadori, acrolein adduction) were identified by bottom-up proteomic analysis of 37 bovine materials relevant in food and feed (meat, bone, blood, milk) with varying processing degrees (raw, spray-dried, pressure-sterilized). To mimic protein recovery in a targeted analysis, peak areas of marker and reference peptides were compared to those of their modified versions, which revealed peptide-specific recoveries and variances across all samples. Detailed analysis suggests that incorporating two modified versions additionally to the unmodified marker may significantly improve quantification accuracy in targeted MS-based food and feed control in processed matrices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Subjective and objective cognition often show weak overlap in persons with epilepsy (PWE). Over- as well as underestimation may occur. In particular after epilepsy surgery, objective memory decline is often not subjectively reported. Additionally, studies on how concordance of subjective and objective cognition changes over time are missing. Therefore, we study the extent of concordance in operated and non-operated PWE over time.
    METHODS: Candidates for resective epilepsy surgery were assessed between 03/18 and 12/20 (T1) with self-report questionnaires and underwent a neuropsychological examination. For 21 operated as well as 27 non-operated PWE follow-up data was obtained one to three years later (T2). Concordance of attention and memory were compared between groups and time points. Moreover, reliable change was calculated and compared between groups.
    RESULTS: Of the total sample, 42 % rated their attention performance realistically and 25 % showed memory concordance. Differences in patterns of over- and underestimation between groups and over time occurred for attention, but not for memory. Overestimation of memory was more frequent in operated than non-operated PWE, especially at T2 (67% vs. 11 %). In the operated group, we mainly observed reliable improvement in subjective cognition and decline in objective memory, whereas non-operated PWE showed more frequently decline of simple attention. Reliable subjective and objective change did not co-occur.
    CONCLUSIONS: Concordance of subjective and objective cognition is low. Over- as well as underestimation may persist over time. Domain-specific perspectives are necessary. Tendencies of operated PWE to develop overestimation of memory after surgery should be considered in neuropsychological interventions.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Accuracy of burn size estimation is critical in acute burn management because it directly affects the patient\'s outcome and prognosis. This study aims to quantify the discrepancies of total body surface area (TBSA) burned between the burn unit (TBSAb) and the referring facilities (TBSAr). Data of all referred adult and paediatric patients admitted to the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Burn Unit within 24 hours post burn were retrospectively reviewed from 2015 to 2019. %TBSA discrepancies were calculated by the differences between TBSAb and TBSAr. A total of 208 patients (111 adults and 97 paediatric patients) were recruited in this study. Of these, the TBSA was overestimated in 60.58% cases, underestimated in 13.46% cases, accurate in 7.69% cases, and in 18.27% cases the referrals had no TBSAr stated. The %TBSA discrepancy was the highest in severe burns (mean 10.80% in adults and 7.59 in paediatric patients; P<0.001). The time interval between referral and reassessment and patients\' body mass index (BMI) were not statistically significant for the magnitude of TBSA discrepancy. The number of burn areas involved correlated with the %TBSA discrepancies, with the highest recorded discrepancy being 21.50% in whole body involvement. There were significant discrepancies in TBSA estimations between the referring facilities and those of the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) burn unit, especially among the paediatric patients and those with severe burns. Implementation of educational programs by burn care experts and agreement on a universal method of TBSA assessment are necessary in reducing the discrepancies.
    L’estimation précise de la surface brûlée est cruciale dans la prise en charge des patients. Cette étude a évalué les différences d’évaluation de SB selon sa réalisation en CTB (CTB) ou ailleurs (A). Les données de tous les patients (111 adultes et 97 enfants) hospitalisés entre 2015 et 2019, dans les 24h suivant leur brûlure, dans le CTB du CHU Universiti Sains Malaysia ont été revues rétrospectivement. L’estimation A n’était correcte que dans 7,69% des cas. Elle était exagérée dans 60,58% des cas, minorée dans 13,46% et absente dans 18,27%. L’erreur était plus nette (10,8% chez les adultes, 7,59% chez les enfants) en cas de brûlure grave. Le BMI et la durée entre les évaluations A et CTB n’entraient pas en ligne de compte. L’erreur augmentait avec le nombre de régions touchées, pour atteindre 21,5% si toutes comportaient une brûlure. Ces constatations nous amènent à proposer des actions d’éducation dispensées par des brûlologues et l’acceptation par tous d’une méthode unique de calcul de la SB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to correct undercounts in cancer data before initiating a population-based cancer registry program, employing an innovative Bayesian methodology.
    UNASSIGNED: Underestimation is a widespread issue in cancer registries within developing countries.
    UNASSIGNED: This secondary study utilized cancer registry data. We employed the Bayesian approach to correct undercounting in cancer data from 2005 to 2010, using the ratio of pathology to population-based data in the Golestan province as the initial value.
    UNASSIGNED: The results of this study showed that the lowest percentage of undercounting belonged to Khorasan Razavi province with an average of 21% and the highest percentage belonged to Sistan and Baluchestan province with an average of 38%.The average age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) for all provinces of the country except Golestan province was equal to 105.72 (Confidence interval (CI) 95% 105.35-106.09) per 100,000 and after Bayesian correction was 137.17 (CI 95% 136.74-137.60) per 100,000. In 2010 the amount of ASR before Bayesian correction was 100.28 (CI 95% 124.39-127.09) per 100,000 for women and 136.49 (CI 95% 171.20-174.38) per 100,000 for men. Also, after implementing the Bayesian correction, ASR increased to 125.74 per 100,000 for women and 172.79 per 100,000 for men.
    UNASSIGNED: The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the Bayesian approach in correcting undercounting in cancer registries. By utilizing the Bayesian method, the average ASR after Bayesian correction with a 29.74 percent change was 137.17 per 100,000. These corrected estimates provide more accurate information on cancer burden and can contribute to improved public health programs and policy evaluation. Furthermore, this research emphasizes the suitability of the Bayesian method for addressing underestimation in cancer registries. It also underscores its pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of future investigations in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Current guidelines emphasize the diagnostic value of non-cardiac or possibly cardiac chest pain. The goal of this analysis was to determine whether German chest pain units (CPUs) adequately address conditions with \"atypical\" chest pain in existing diagnostic structures.
    METHODS: A total of 11,734 patients from the German CPU registry were included. The analyses included mode of admission, critical time intervals, diagnostic steps, and differential diagnoses.
    RESULTS: Patients with unspecified chest pain were younger, more often female, were less likely to have classic cardiovascular risk factors and tended to present more often as self-referrals. Patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) mostly had prehospital medical contact. Overall, there was no difference between these two groups regarding the time from the onset of first symptoms to arrival at the CPU. In the CPU, the usual basic diagnostic measures were performed irrespective of ACS as the primary working diagnosis. In the non-ACS group, further ischemia-specific diagnostics were rarely performed. Extra-cardiac differential diagnoses were not specified.
    CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of broader awareness programs and opening CPUs for low-threshold evaluation of self-referring patients should be discussed. Regarding the rigid focus on the clarification of cardiac causes of chest pain, a stronger interdisciplinary approach should be promoted.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Aktuelle Leitlinien betonen die diagnostische Wertigkeit auch des nichtkardialen oder möglicherweise nichtkardialen Thoraxschmerzes. In der aktuellen Arbeit wird untersucht, ob die deutschen Chest Pain Units (CPU) Erkrankungen mit „atypischen“ Brustschmerzen innerhalb der bestehender Diagnosestrukturen bereits angemessen behandeln.
    METHODS: Eingeschlossen wurden 11.734 Patienten aus dem deutschen CPU-Register. Die Analysen umfassten Aufnahmeart, kritische Zeitintervalle, diagnostische Schritte und Differenzialdiagnosen.
    UNASSIGNED: Patienten mit nicht näher bezeichneten Brustschmerzen waren jünger, häufiger weiblich, wiesen seltener klassische kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren auf und stellten sich tendenziell häufiger als Selbsteinweiser vor. Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom (ACS) hatten meist bereits präklinischen Kontakt zum Gesundheitssystem. Insgesamt gab es keinen Unterschied hinsichtlich des Auftretens der ersten Symptome bis zum Eintreffen in der CPU. Innerhalb der CPU wurden bei allen Patienten und unabhängig von der initialen Arbeitsdiagnose ACS die üblichen Basisdiagnostikmaßnahmen durchgeführt. In der Nicht-ACS-Gruppe wurde selten weitere Ischämiediagnostik durchgeführt. Extrakardiale Differenzialdiagnosen wurden nicht weiter differenziert.
    UNASSIGNED: Die Einrichtung umfassenderer Awarenessprogramme und die niederschwellige Selbstvorstellungsmöglichkeit in die CPU sollten intensiver diskutiert werden. Angesichts der häufig starren Fokussierung auf die Abklärung ischämischer/kardialer Ursachen des akuten Thoraxschmerzes sollte ein stärkerer interdisziplinärer Ansatz gefördert werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pertussis, a contagious respiratory disease, is underreported in adults. The study objective was to quantify underestimation of pertussis cases in adults aged ≥ 50 years in five Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru).
    METHODS: A previously published probabilistic model was adapted to adjust the number of pertussis cases reported to national surveillance systems by successive multiplication steps (proportion of pertussis cases seeking healthcare; proportion with a specimen collected; proportion sent for confirmatory testing; proportion positive for pertussis; proportion reported to passive surveillance). The proportions at each step were added in a random effects model to produce a pooled overall proportion, and a final multiplier was calculated as the simple inverse of this proportion. This multiplier was applied to the number of cases reported to surveillance to estimate the number of pertussis cases. Monte Carlo simulation with 10,000 iterations estimated median as well as upper and lower 90% values. Input data were obtained from surveillance systems and published sources.
    RESULTS: The estimated median underestimation factor for pertussis cases in adults ranged from 104 (90% limits 40, 451) in Chile to 114 (90% limits 39, 419) in Argentina. In all five countries, the largest estimated number of cases was in the group aged 50-59 years. The highest number per 100,000 population was in the group aged ≥ 90 years in most countries. The estimated median underestimation factor for pertussis hospitalizations was 2.3 (90% limits 1.8, 3.3) in Brazil and 2.4 (90% limits 1.8, 3.2) in Chile (data not available for other countries).
    CONCLUSIONS: This analysis indicates that the number of pertussis cases in adults aged ≥ 50 years in five Latin American countries is approximately 100 times higher than the number captured in surveillance data. These results could support decision-making in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of pertussis disease in adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyze factors influencing the underestimation of noise-induced permanent threshold shift (NIPTS) among manufacturing workers, providing baseline data for revising noise exposure standard.
    A cross-sectional study was designed with 2702 noise-exposed workers from 35 enterprises from 10 industries. Personal noise exposure level(LAeq,8h) and noise kurtosis level were determined by a noise dosimeter. Questionnaires and hearing loss tests were performed for each subject. The predicted NIPTS was calculated using the ISO 1999:2013 model for each participant, and the actual measured NIPTS was corrected for age and sex. The factors influencing the underestimation of NIPTS were investigated.
    The predicted NIPTS at each test frequency (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6kHz) and mean NIPTS at 2, 3, 4, and 6kHz (NIPTS2346) using the ISO 1999:2013 model were significantly lower than their corresponding measured NIPTS, respectively (P < 0.001). The ISO model significantly underestimated the NIPTS2346 by 12.36 dB HL. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that noise exposure level, exposure duration, age, and kurtosis could affect the degree of underestimation of NIPTS2346. The generalized additive model (GAM) with (penalized) spline components showed nonlinear relationships between critical factors (age, exposure duration, noise level, and kurtosis) and the underestimated NIPTS2346.The underestimated NIPTS2346 decreased with an increase in exposure duration (especially over ten years). There was no apparent trend in the underestimated NIPTS2346 with age. The underestimated NIPTS2346 decreased with the increased noise level [especially > 90 dB(A)]. The underestimated NIPTS2346 increased with an increase in noise kurtosis after adjusting for the noise exposure level and exposure duration and ultimately exhibiting a linear regression relationship.
    The ISO 1999 predicting model significantly underestimated the noise-induced hearing loss among manufacturing workers. The degree of underestimation became more significant at the noise exposure condition of fewer than ten years, less than 90 dB(A), and higher kurtosis levels. It is necessary to apply kurtosis to adjust the underestimation of hearing loss and consider the applying condition of noise energy metrics when using the ISO predicting model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Our multicentric study analysed clinical, radiologic and pathologic features in patients with atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) diagnosed with vacuum-assisted biopsy (VAB), to identify factors associated with the risk of upgrade, to develop a scoring system to support decision making.
    METHODS: Patients with ADH on VAB under stereotactic/tomosynthesis guidance (2012-2022) were eligible. Inclusion criteria were availability of surgical histopathological examination of the entire lesion or radiologic follow-up (FUP) ≥ 24 months. VAB results were compared with surgical pathological results or with imaging FUP evolution to assess upgrade. A backward stepwise linear regression was used to identify predictors of upgrade. The discriminatory power of the model was calculated through the area under the receiver operating curve (ROC-AUC); the Hosmer-Lemeshow test was used to assess model calibration. The points system was developed based on the selected risk factors, and the probability of upgrade associated with each point total was determined.
    RESULTS: 112 ADH lesions were included: 91 (91/112, 81.3%) underwent surgical excision with 20 diagnosis of malignancy, while 21 (21/112, 18.7%) underwent imaging FUP with one interval change (mean FUP time 48 months). Overall upgrade rate was 18.7% (21/112). Age, menopausal status, concurrent breast cancer, BIRADS classification and number of foci of ADH were identified as risk factors for upgrade. Our model showed an AUC = 0.85 (95% CI 0.76-0.94). The points system showed that the risk of upgrade is < 2% when the total score is ≤ 1.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our scoring system seemed a promising easy-to-use decision support tool for management of ADH, decreasing unnecessary surgeries, reducing patients\' overtreatment and healthcare costs.





