Ultrafast ultrasound

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fascicle force-length relationship is one major basic mechanical property of skeletal muscle, subsequently influencing movement mechanics. While force-length properties are increasingly described through ultrafast ultrasound imaging, their test-retest reliability remains unknown. Using ultrafast ultrasound, and electrically evoked contractions at various ankle angles, gastrocnemius medialis fascicle force-length relationship was assessed twice, few days apart, in sixteen participants. The test-retest reliability of the resulting fascicle force-length relationship key parameters - i.e., maximal force (Fmax), and optimal fascicle length (L0) - was evaluated considering (i) all the trials obtained at each ankle joint and (ii) the mean of the two trials obtained at each tested angle. Considering all trials, L0 indicated a \'high\' test-retest reliability, with intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) of 0.89 and Fmax a \'moderate\' reliability (ICC = 0.71), while when averaging the two trials L0 reliability was \'very-high\' (ICC = 0.91), and Fmax reliability \'moderate\' (ICC = 0.73). All values of coefficient of variation and standard error of measurement were low, i.e., ≤7.7 % and ≤0.35 cm for L0 and ≤3.4 N for Fmax, respectively. Higher absolute reliability was reported for L0 than Fmax, with better reliability when averaging the two trials at each angle. All these parameters, in accordance with the limit of agreement, demonstrated that L0 and Fmax test-retest reliability is acceptable, particularly when averaging multiple points obtained at a given angle. Interestingly, the shape of the fascicle force-length relationship is more variable. Therefore, L0 and Fmax can be used to compare between days-effects following an intervention, while a comparison of fascicle operating lengths may require more precautions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.Skeletal muscles are organized into distinct layers and exhibit anisotropic characteristics across various scales. Assessing the arrangement of skeletal muscles may provide valuable biomarkers for diagnosing muscle-related pathologies and evaluating the efficacy of clinical interventions.Approach. In this study, we propose a novel ultrafast ultrasound sequence constituted of steered pushing beams was proposed for ultrasound elastography applications in transverse isotropic muscle. Based on the propagation of the shear wave vertical mode, it is possible to fit the experimental results to retrieve in the same imaging plane, the shear modulus parallel to fibers as well as the elastic anisotropy factor (ratio of Young\'s moduli times the shear modulus perpendicular to fibers).Main results. The technique was demonstratedin vitroin phantoms andex vivoin fusiform beef muscles. At last, the technique was appliedin vivoon fusiform muscles (biceps brachii) and mono-pennate muscles (gastrocnemius medialis) during stretching and contraction.Significance. This novel sequence provides access to new structural and mechanical biomarkers of muscle tissue, including the elastic anisotropy factor, within the same imaging plane. Additionally, it enables the investigation of multiples parameters during muscle active and passive length changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tomographic perfusion imaging techniques are integral to translational stroke research paradigms that advance our understanding of the disease. Functional ultrasound (fUS) is an emerging technique that informs on cerebral blood volume (CBV) through ultrasensitive Doppler and flow velocity (CBFv) through ultrafast localization microscopy. It is not known how experimental results compare with a classical CBV-probing technique such as dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI (DSC-MRI). To that end, we assessed hemodynamics based on uUS (n = 6) or DSC-MRI (n = 7) before, during and up to three hours after 90-minute filament-induced middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats. Recanalization was followed by a brief hyperperfusion response, after which CBV and CBFv temporarily normalized but progressively declined after one hour in the lesion territory. DSC-MRI data corroborated the incomplete restoration of CBV after recanalization, which may have been caused by the free-breathing anesthetic regimen. During occlusion, MCAO-induced hypoperfusion was more discrepant between either technique, likely attributable to artefactual signal mechanisms related to slow flow, and processing algorithms employed for either technique. In vivo uUS- and DSC-MRI-derived measures of CBV enable serial whole-brain assessment of post-stroke hemodynamics, but readouts from both techniques need to be interpreted cautiously in situations of very low blood flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The smallest voluntarily controlled structure of the human body is the motor unit (MU), comprised of a motoneuron and its innervated fibres. MUs have been investigated in neurophysiology research and clinical applications, primarily using electromyographic (EMG) techniques. Nonetheless, EMG (both surface and intramuscular) has a limited detection volume. A recent alternative approach to detect MUs is ultrafast ultrasound (UUS) imaging. The possibility of identifying MU activity from UUS has been shown by blind source separation (BSS) of UUS images, using optimal separation spatial filters. However, this approach has yet to be fully compared with EMG techniques for a large population of unique MU spike trains. Here we identify individual MU activity in UUS images using the BSS method for 401 MU spike trains from eleven participants based on concurrent recordings of either surface or intramuscular EMG from forces up to 30% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force. We assessed the BSS method\'s ability to identify MU spike trains from direct comparison with the EMG-derived spike trains as well as twitch areas and temporal profiles from comparison with the spike-triggered-averaged UUS images when using the EMG-derived spikes as triggers. We found a moderate rate of correctly identified spikes (53.0 ± 16.0%) with respect to the EMG-identified firings. However, the MU twitch areas and temporal profiles could still be identified accurately, including at 30% MVC force. These results suggest that the current BSS methods for UUS can accurately identify the location and average twitch of a large pool of MUs in UUS images, providing potential avenues for studying neuromechanics from a large cross-section of the muscle. On the other hand, more advanced methods are needed to address the convolutive and partly non-linear summation of velocities for recovering the full spike trains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.Ultrafast ultrasound (UUS) imaging has been used to detect intramuscular mechanical dynamics associated with single motor units (MUs). Detecting MUs from ultrasound sequences requires decomposing a velocity field into components, each consisting of an image and a signal. These components can be associated with putative MU activity or spurious movements (noise). The differentiation between putative MUs and noise has been accomplished by comparing the signals with MU firings obtained from needle electromyography (EMG). Here, we examined whether the repeatability of the images over brief time intervals can serve as a criterion for distinguishing putative MUs from noise in low-force isometric contractions.Approach.UUS images and high-density surface EMG (HDsEMG) were recorded simultaneously from 99 MUs in the biceps brachii of five healthy subjects. The MUs identified through HDsEMG decomposition were used as a reference to assess the outcomes of the ultrasound-based components. For each contraction, velocity sequences from the same eight-second ultrasound recording were separated into consecutive two-second epochs and decomposed. To evaluate the repeatability of components\' images across epochs, we calculated the Jaccard similarity coefficient (JSC). JSC compares the similarity between two images providing values between 0 and 1. Finally, the association between the components and the MUs from HDsEMG was assessed.Main results.All the MU-matched components had JSC > 0.38, indicating they were repeatable and accounted for about one-third of the HDsEMG-detected MUs (1.8 ± 1.6 matches over 4.9 ± 1.8 MUs). The repeatable components (JSC > 0.38) represented 14% of the total components (6.5 ± 3.3 components). These findings align with our hypothesis that intra-sequence repeatability can differentiate putative MUs from noise and can be used for data reduction.Significance.This study provides the foundation for developing stand-alone methods to identify MU in UUS sequences and towards real-time imaging of MUs. These methods are relevant for studying muscle neuromechanics and designing novel neural interfaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ultrafast Power Doppler (UPD) is a growing ultrasound modality for imaging and diagnosing microvasculature disease. A key element of UPD is using singular value decomposition (SVD) as a highly selective filter for tissue and electronic noise. However, two significant drawbacks of SVD are its computational burden and the complexity of its algorithms. These limitations hinder the development of fast and specific SVD algorithms for UPD imaging. This study introduces power SVD (pSVD), a simplified and accelerated algorithm for filtering tissue and noise in UPD images.
    METHODS: pSVD exploits several mathematical properties of SVD specific to UPD images. In particular, pSVD allows the direct computation of blood-related SVD components from the temporal singular vectors. This feature simplifies the expression of SVD while significantly accelerating its computation. After detailing the theory behind pSVD, we evaluate its performances in several in vitro and in vivo experiments and compare it to SVD and randomized SVD (rSVD).
    RESULTS: pSVD strongly decreases the running time of SVD (between 5 and 12 times in vivo) without impacting the quality of UPD images. Compared to rSVD, pSVD can be significantly faster (up to 3 times) or slightly slower but gives access to more estimators to isolate tissue subspaces.
    CONCLUSIONS: pSVD is highly valuable for implementing UPD imaging in clinical ultrasound and provides a better understanding of SVD for ultrasound imaging in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the use of coherent plane wave compounding is a promising technique for enabling the attainment of very high frame rate imaging, it achieves relatively low image quality because of data-independent reconstruction. Adaptive beamformers rather than delay-and-sum (DAS) conventional techniques have been proposed to improve the imaging quality. The minimum variance (MV) and delay-multiply-and-sum (DMAS) beamformers have been validated as effective in improving image quality. The MV improves mainly the resolution of the image, while being computationally expensive and having little impact on contrast. The DMAS increases the contrast while over-suppressing the speckle region in the case of 2-D summation for multi-transmission applications.
    In a new approach, a beamformer based on MV and DMAS is proposed to enhance both spatial resolution and contrast in plane wave imaging. Prior to estimating the weight vector of MV, the backscattered echoes are decorrelated without any spatial smoothing. This enhances the robustness of MV without compromising the improvement in resolution. With a shift from element space to beamspace, MV weights are calculated using the spatial statistics of a set of orthogonal beams, which allows the high-complexity algorithm to be run faster. After that, the MV weights are applied to the DMAS output vector beamformed over different transmissions.
    The proposed method can result in better contrast resolution, thereby avoiding over-suppression. The complexity of the applied DMAS version is also similar to that of DAS. Imaging results reveal that the proposed method offers improvements over the traditional compounding method in terms of spatial and contrast resolution. It also can achieve a higher image quality compared with some existing adaptive methods applied in the literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective. Ultrafast power Doppler (UPD) is an ultrasound method that can image blood flow at several thousands of frames per second. In particular, the high number of data provided by UPD enables the use of singular value decomposition (SVD) as a clutter filter for suppressing tissue signal. Notably, is has been demonstrated in various applications that SVD filtering increases significantly the sensitivity of UPD to microvascular flows. However, UPD is subjected to significant depth-dependent electronic noise and an optimal denoising approach is still being sought.Approach. In this study, we propose a new denoising method for UPD imaging: the Coherence Factor Mask (CFM). This filter is first based on filtering the ultrasound time-delayed data using SVD in the channel domain to remove clutter signal. Then, a spatiotemporal coherence mask that exploits coherence information between channels for identifying noisy pixels is computed. The mask is finally applied to beamformed images to decrease electronic noise before forming the power Doppler image. We describe theoretically how to filter channel data using a single SVD. Then, we evaluate the efficiency of the CFM filter for denoisingin vitroandin vivoimages and compare its performances with standard UPD and with three existing denoising approaches.Main results. The CFM filter gives gains in signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio of up to 22 dB and 20 dB, respectively, compared to standard UPD and globally outperforms existing methods for reducing electronic noise. Furthermore, the CFM filter has the advantage over existing approaches of being adaptive and highly efficient while not requiring a cut-off for discriminating noise and blood signals nor for determining an optimal coherence lag.Significance. The CFM filter has the potential to help establish UPD as a powerful modality for imaging microvascular flows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.The study of human neuromechanical control at the motor unit (MU) level has predominantly focussed on electrical activity and force generation, whilst the link between these, i.e. the muscle deformation, has not been widely studied. To address this gap, we analysed the kinematics of muscle units in natural contractions.Approach.We combined high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) and ultrafast ultrasound (US) recordings, at 1000 frames per second, from the tibialis anterior muscle to measure the motion of the muscular tissue caused by individual MU contractions. The MU discharge times were identified online by decomposition of the HDsEMG and provided as biofeedback to 12 subjects who were instructed to keep the MU active at the minimum discharge rate (9.8 ± 4.7 pulses per second; force less than 10% of the maximum). The series of discharge times were used to identify the velocity maps associated with 51 single muscle unit movements with high spatio-temporal precision, by a novel processing method on the concurrently recorded US images. From the individual MU velocity maps, we estimated the region of movement, the duration of the motion, the contraction time, and the excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling delay.Main results.Individual muscle unit motions could be reliably identified from the velocity maps in 10 out of 12 subjects. The duration of the motion, total contraction time, and E-C coupling were 17.9±5.3 ms, 56.6±8.4 ms, and 3.8±3.0 ms (n= 390 across ten participants). The experimental measures also provided the first evidence of muscle unit twisting during voluntary contractions and MU territories with distinct split regions.Significance.The proposed method allows for the study of kinematics of individual MU twitches during natural contractions. The described measurements and characterisations open new avenues for the study of neuromechanics in healthy and pathological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In this study, the aim was to compare the performance of four spatiotemporal decomposition algorithms (stICA, stJADE, stSOBI, and sPCA) and parameters for identifying single motor units in human skeletal muscle under voluntary isometric contractions in ultrafast ultrasound image sequences as an extension of a previous study. The performance was quantified using two measures: (1) the similarity of components\' temporal characteristics against gold standard needle electromyography recordings and (2) the agreement of detected sets of components between the different algorithms.
    RESULTS: We found that out of these four algorithms, no algorithm significantly improved the motor unit identification success compared to stICA using spatial information, which was the best together with stSOBI using either spatial or temporal information. Moreover, there was a strong agreement of detected sets of components between the different algorithms. However, stJADE (using temporal information) provided with complementary successful detections. These results suggest that the choice of decomposition algorithm is not critical, but there may be a methodological improvement potential to detect more motor units.





