Ultradian rhythm

Ultradian 节奏
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultradian rhythms of metabolism, body temperature and activity are attenuated or disappear completely during torpor in Djungarian hamsters, for all three ultradian periodicities (URsmall, URmedium and URlarge). URsmall and URmedium disappear during entrance into torpor, whereas URlarge disappear later or continue with a low amplitude. This suggests a tight functional link between torpor and the expression of ultradian rhythms, i.e. torpor is achieved by suppression of metabolic rate as well as silencing of ultradian rhythms. Spontaneous torpor is often initiated after an ultradian burst of activity and metabolic rate, beginning with a period of motionless rest and accompanied by a decrease of metabolic rate and body temperature. To extend previous findings on the potential role of the adrenergic system on torpor induction we analysed the influence of the ß3-adrenergic agonist Mirabegron on torpor in Djungarian hamsters, as compared to the influence of the ß-adrenergic antagonist Propranolol. Hamsters were implanted with 10 day release pellets of Mirabegron (0.06 mg day-1) or Propranolol (0.3 mg day-1). Mirabegron transiently supressed and accelerated ultradian rhythms but had no effect on torpor behaviour. Propranolol did not affect torpor behaviour nor the expression of ultradian rhythms with the dosage applied during this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) living at constant 15 °C Ta in short photoperiod (8:16 h L:D) showed pronounced ultradian rhythms (URs) of metabolic rate (MR), body temperature (Tb) and locomotor activity. The ultradian patterns differed between individuals and varied over time. The period length of URs for MR, Tb and activity was similar although not identical. Wavelet analysis showed that three different URs are existing in parallel, URs of small amplitude and short duration (URsmall), URs of medium amplitude and medium duration (URmedium) and URs of large amplitude (URlarge), superimposed on each other. URlarge were accompanied by an increase in locomotor activity, whereas URsmall and URmedium were of metabolic origin with lacking or delayed responses of activity. An energetic challenge to cold which raised total energy requirements by about 50% did not accelerate the period length of URs, but extended the amplitude of URsmall and URmedium. URlarge corresponds with the URs of activity, feeding and drinking, sleep and arousal as described in previous studies, which are related to midbrain dopaminergic signalling and hypothalamic ultradian signalling. The cause and control of URmedium and URsmall is unknown. Their periods are similar to periods of central and peripheral endocrine ultradian signalling, suggesting a link with URs of metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Association was assessed between the data harvested by a long-baseline laser interference deformograph and the dynamics of body temperature (BT) in hamsters deprived of natural daily light-darkness changes. The power spectral data revealed the positive correlation between simultaneous time series of hamster BT and the Earth\'s crust deformation (ECD). The superposed epoch analysis established an association between abrupt upstrokes of hamster BT and ECD increments. Thus, the direct relationships between BT dynamics (reflecting predominance of sympathetic part of autonomic nervous system) and ECD (according to long-baseline laser interference deformography) were established. The study observed synchronization of the free-running circadian rhythm of hamster BT with the tidal stress in Earth\'s lithosphere. Further studies are needed to find the physical factor underlying the revealed relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: It is known that long-term stress leads to trauma and very often to depression. Usually, the diagnosis of depression is dealt with by psychiatrists who, based on conversations and questions, diagnose the patient\'s illness and condition. Unfortunately, this diagnosis is not always reliable. To prevent the development of disease, it is necessary to detect illness in a timely manner. One of the indications of the possibility of the onset of disease is a disturbance in the level of hormones in the body, especially cortisol. The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model for cortisol variation resulting from stress which would be useful in making conclusions about depressive states.
    METHODS: Rapid changes in cortisol concentration, according to ultradian rhythms, which are much faster than the daily circadian rhythm, is modelled as a truly nonlinear oscillator. The mathematical model contains two coupled first order differential equations. The stress is modeled as a pulsating action, described with a periodic trigonometric function, and cortisol production as a cubic nonlinear one. Three models for cortisol variation are considered: 1) the pure nonlinear model, 2) the periodically excited system, 3) and the chaotic system. The results from the study are supported with experimental measurements.
    RESULTS: Without stress, cortisol variation is of an oscillatory type with a constant steady-state amplitude. Intensive stress causes a resonant phenomenon in cortisol oscillatory variation. The occasion is short and is usually without consequences. For long stress periods deterministic chaos occurs which permanently changes the levels of cortisol. This phenomenon is an indicator of depression. Results from the suggested models are compared with experimentally obtained ones and good quantitative agreement is obtained.
    CONCLUSIONS: The nonlinear oscillator is a good model for indication of depression. The model provides not only general conclusions, but also individual ones, if personal characteristics are taken into consideration. Response of the model depends not only on the input data related to stress, but also on the system parameters that specify each individual. Findings obtained from this study have implications for the medical diagnosis and treatment of depression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is an extremely dynamic system with a combination of both circadian and ultradian oscillations. This state of \'continuous dynamic equilibration\' provides a platform that is able to anticipate events, is sensitive in its response to stressors, remains robust during perturbations of both the internal and external environments and shows plasticity to adapt to a changed environment. In this review, we describe these oscillations of glucocorticoid (GC) hormones and why they are so important for GC-dependent gene activation in the brain and liver, and their consequent effects on the regulation of synaptic and memory function as well as appetite control and metabolic regulation. Abnormalities of mood, appetite and metabolic regulation are well-known consequences of GC therapy, and we suggest that the pattern of GC treatment and hormone replacement should be a much higher priority for endocrinologists and the pharmaceutical industry. One of the major impediments to our research on the importance of these cortisol rhythms in our patients has been our inability to measure repeated levels of hormones across the day in patients in their home or work surroundings. We describe how new wearable methodologies now allow the measurement of 24-h cortisol profiles - including during sleep - and will enable us to define physiological normality and allow us both to develop better diagnostic tests and inform, at an individual patient level, how to improve replacement therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many self-motivated and goal-directed behaviours display highly flexible, approximately 4 hour ultradian (shorter than a day) oscillations. Despite lacking direct correspondence to physical cycles in the environment, these ultradian rhythms may be involved in optimizing functional interactions with the environment and reflect intrinsic neural dynamics. Current evidence supports a role of mesostriatal dopamine (DA) in the expression and propagation of ultradian rhythmicity, however, the biochemical processes underpinning these oscillations remain to be identified. Here, we use a mathematical model to investigate D2 autoreceptor-dependent DA self-regulation as the source of ultradian behavioural rhythms. DA concentration at the midbrain-striatal synapses is governed through a dual-negative feedback-loop structure, which naturally gives rise to rhythmicity. This model shows the propensity of striatal DA to produce an ultradian oscillation characterized by a flexible period that is highly sensitive to parameter variations. Circadian (approximately 24 hour) regulation consolidates the ultradian oscillations and alters their response to the phase-dependent, rapid-resetting effect of a transient excitatory stimulus. Within a circadian framework, the ultradian rhythm orchestrates behavioural activity and enhances responsiveness to an external stimulus. This suggests a role for the circadian-ultradian timekeeping hierarchy in governing organized behaviour and shaping daily experience through coordinating the motivation to engage in recurring, albeit not highly predictable events, such as social interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We developed a novel, stress-free blood sampling method for minipigs, allowing continuous cortisol monitoring over 24 h. Baseline cortisol levels exhibited both ultradian and diurnal rhythms. During nighttime, smaller ultradian rhythms overlaid a lower baseline cortisol, which increased in sleeping pigs before lights were turned on. Additionally, we developed an analytical tool based on the R package \"pracma\" to quantify ultradian peak and circadian components of the cortisol profiles. To validate our model, we investigated the effects of Verucerfont, a CRH receptor antagonist, and Venlafaxine, a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Verucerfont reduced cortisol levels during the first 9 h without affecting diurnal rhythm. Cortisol peak parameters decreased, with a 31% reduction in overall area under the curve (AUC) and a 38% reduction in ultradian average AUC. Ultradian peaks decreased from 7 to 4.5, with 34% lower amplitude. Venlafaxine maintained plasma concentrations within the targeted human effective range. This method enables us to enhance our understanding of cortisol regulation and provide valuable insights for the impact of investigation drugs on the diurnal and ultradian rhythms of cortisol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our circadian world shapes much of metabolic physiology. In mice ∼40% of the light and ∼80% of the dark phase time is characterized by bouts of increased energy expenditure (EE). These ultradian bouts have a higher body temperature (Tb) and thermal conductance and contain virtually all of the physical activity and awake time. Bout status is a better classifier of mouse physiology than photoperiod, with ultradian bouts superimposed on top of the circadian light/dark cycle. We suggest that the primary driver of ultradian bouts is a brain-initiated transition to a higher defended Tb of the active/awake state. Increased energy expenditure from brown adipose tissue, physical activity, and cardiac work combine to raise Tb from the lower defended Tb of the resting/sleeping state. Thus, unlike humans, much of mouse metabolic physiology is episodic with large ultradian increases in EE and Tb that correlate with the active/awake state and are poorly aligned with circadian cycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genes regulating developmental processes have been identified, but the mechanisms underlying their expression with the correct timing are still under investigation. Several genes show oscillatory expression that regulates the timing of developmental processes, such as somitogenesis and neurogenesis. These oscillations are also important for other developmental processes, such as cell proliferation and differentiation. In this review, we discuss the significance of oscillatory gene expression in developmental time and other forms of regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal behavior emerges from integration of many processes with different spatial and temporal scales. Dynamical behavioral patterns, including daily and ultradian rhythms and the dynamical microstructure of behavior (i.e., autocorrelations properties), can be differentially affected by external cues. Identifying these patterns is important for understanding how organisms adapt to their environment, yet unbiased methods to quantify dynamical changes over multiple temporal scales are lacking. Herein, we combine a wavelet approach with Detrended Fluctuation Analysis to identify behavioral patterns and evaluate changes over 42-days in mice subjected to different dietary restriction paradigms. We show that feeding restriction alters dynamical patterns: not only are daily rhythms modulated but also the presence, phase and/or strength of ~12h-rhythms, as well as the nature of autocorrelation properties of feed-intake and wheel running behaviors. These results highlight the underlying complexity of behavioral architecture and offer insights into the multi-scale impact of feeding habits on physiology.





