• 文章类型: Journal Article
结论:欠采样的时间模式对图像质量有显着影响;对于相同的%Nproj,包含数据的更宽的时间分布产生更高的aSNR,较窄的时间分布会增加MDD。因此,欠采样方案的定时策略可以根据所需的应用在aSNR和MDD之间的折衷进行优化。 .
    Background. Thoracoabdominal MRI is limited by respiratory motion, especially in populations who cannot perform breath-holds. One approach for reducing motion blurring in radially-acquired MRI is respiratory gating. Straightforward \'hard-gating\' uses only data from a specified respiratory window and suffers from reduced SNR. Proposed \'soft-gating\' reconstructions may improve scan efficiency but reduce motion correction by incorporating data with nonzero weight acquired outside the specified window. However, previous studies report conflicting benefits, and importantly the choice of soft-gated weighting algorithm and effect on image quality has not previously been explored. The purpose of this study is to map how variable soft-gated weighting functions and parameters affect signal and motion blurring in respiratory-gated reconstructions of radial lung MRI, using neonates as a model population.Methods. Ten neonatal inpatients with respiratory abnormalities were imaged using a 1.5 T neonatal-sized scanner and 3D radial ultrashort echo-time (UTE) sequence. Images were reconstructed using ungated, hard-gated, and several soft-gating weighting algorithms (exponential, sigmoid, inverse, and linear weighting decay outside the period of interest), with %Nprojrepresenting the relative amount of data included. The apparent SNR (aSNR) and motion blurring (measured by the maximum derivative of image intensity at the diaphragm, MDD) were compared between reconstructions.Results. Soft-gating functions produced higher aSNR and lower MDD than hard-gated images using equivalent %Nproj, as expected. aSNR was not identical between different gating schemes for given %Nproj. While aSNR was approximately linear with %Nprojfor each algorithm, MDD performance diverged between functions as %Nprojdecreased. Algorithm performance was relatively consistent between subjects, except in images with high noise.Conclusion. The algorithm selection for soft-gating has a notable effect on image quality of respiratory-gated MRI; the timing of included data across the respiratory phase, and not simply the amount of data, plays an important role in aSNR. The specific soft-gating function and parameters should be considered for a given imaging application\'s requirements of signal and sharpness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of ultrashort echo time (UTE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques (T1 and magnetization transfer [MT] modeling) for imaging of the Achilles tendons and entheses in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) compared with asymptomatic volunteers. The heels of twenty-six PsA patients (age 59 ± 15 years, 41% female) and twenty-seven asymptomatic volunteers (age 33 ± 11 years, 47% female) were scanned in the sagittal plane with UTE-T1 and UTE-MT modeling sequences on a 3-T clinical scanner. UTE-T1 and macromolecular proton fraction (MMF; the main outcome of MT modeling) were calculated in the tensile portions of the Achilles tendon and at the enthesis (close to the calcaneus bone). Mann-Whitney-U tests were used to examine statistically significant differences between the two cohorts. UTE-T1 in the entheses was significantly higher for the PsA group compared with the asymptomatic group (967 ± 145 vs. 872 ± 133 ms, p < 0.01). UTE-T1 in the tendons was also significantly higher for the PsA group (950 ± 145 vs. 850 ± 138 ms, p < 0.01). MMF in the entheses was significantly lower in the PsA group compared with the asymptomatic group (15% ± 3% vs. 18% ± 3%, p < 0.01). MMF in the tendons was also significantly lower in the PsA group compared with the asymptomatic group (17% ± 4% vs. 20% ± 5%, p < 0.01). Percentage differences in MMF between the asymptomatic and PsA groups (-16.6% and -15.0% for the enthesis and tendon, respectively) were higher than the T1 differences (10.8% and 11.7% for the enthesis and tendon, respectively). The results suggest higher T1 and lower MMF in the Achilles tendons and entheses in PsA patients compared with the asymptomatic group. This study highlights the potential of UTE-T1 and UTE-MT modeling for quantitative evaluation of entheses and tendons in PsA patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantification of the T2∗ relaxation time constant is relevant in various magnetic resonance imaging applications. Mono- or bi-exponential models are typically used to determine these parameters. However, in case of complex, heterogeneous tissues these models could lead to inaccurate results. We compared a model, provided by the fractional-order extension of the Bloch equation with the conventional models.
    Axial 3D ultra-short echo time (UTE) scans were acquired using a 3.0 T MRI and a 16-channel surface coil. After image registration, voxel-wise T2∗ was quantified with mono-exponential, bi-exponential and fractional-order fitting. We evaluated all three models repeatability and the bias of their derived parameters by fitting at various noise levels. To investigate the effect of the SNR for the different models, a Monte-Carlo experiment with 1000 repeats was performed for different noise levels for one subject. For a cross-sectional investigation, we used the mean fitted values of the ROIs in five volunteers.
    Comparing the mono-exponential and the fractional order T2∗ maps, the fractional order fitting method yielded enhanced contrast and an improved delineation of the different tissues. In the case of the bi-exponential method, the long T2∗ component map demonstrated the anatomy clearly with high contrast. Simulations showed a nonzero bias of the parameters for all three mathematical models. ROI based fitting showed that the T2∗ values were different depending on the applied method, and they differed most for the patellar tendon in all subjects.
    In high SNR cases, the fractional order and bi-exponential models are both performing well with low bias. However, in all observed cases, one of the bi-exponential components has high standard deviation in T2∗. The bi-exponential model is suitable for T2∗ mapping, but we recommend using the fractional order model for cases of low SNR.





