Twins, Conjoined

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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Conjoined twins (CT) is a rare congenital disorder characterised by the presence of malformations associated with secondary abnormal conjoined organ changes and abnormal hemodynamic superimposed effects about 1 in every 200 identical twin pregnancies, between 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 100,000 live births. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of conjoined twins.
    This was a retrospective descriptive study. All medical records of conjoined twins who were admitted to Hasan Sadikin Bandung General Hospital from January 1st, 2015, to June 30th, 2023, were reviewed for gender, conjoined type, birth order, risk factor and treatment.
    Of the 28 conjoined twins, 21 were girls (75%), and 7 were boys (25%); 19 (67,85%) were of the thoracoomphalopagus type; 11 (39,28%) were born as first children; 18 (64,28%) were born at 37 weeks of gestational age; and 22 twins\' (78,57%) parents were aged between 21 and 35 years. None of the mothers had used medication, 13 (46,42%) took folic acid on occasion, five (17,85%) used traditional herbs, nine (32,14%) smoked and none drank alcohol. Parents who live in industrial areas were 18 (64.28%). There was no history of conjoined twins in previous pregnancies or deliveries or in the parent\'s family. Liver separation had been done in four (14.28%). Emergency separation in one twin. Nine (21.42%) patients died before surgery due to a worsening condition.
    The conjoined twins were more common in girls, predominantly of the thoracoomphalopagus type. Risk factors that were commonly found were the first child, a gestational age of less than 37 weeks, and living in an industrial area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A patient in her 30s who was a G0 proceeded with in vitro fertilisation (IVF) for a history of male factor infertility. Following single embryo transfer, the patient was diagnosed with a conjoined twin pregnancy. During her IVF cycle, the patient was stimulated with an antagonist protocol for 13 days followed by a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist trigger. 13 eggs were retrieved, 9 were mature and 5 fertilised with intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Of those, two were cryopreserved. She had a successful frozen blastocyst embryo transfer. The patient\'s 7-week ultrasound demonstrated a single gestational sac, yolk sac and fetal pole. However, the crown-rump length appeared visually abnormal and two heartbeats were visualised. She was referred to maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) for a first-trimester ultrasound. Her ultrasound with MFM was notable for a fluid-filled chest, foreshortened limbs and early sacral agenesis. She was subsequently diagnosed with cephalopagus twins and underwent an induced abortion following consultation with MFM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND The rarity of ischiopagus tripus conjoined twins complicates the surgical separation, owing to the lack of cases and high complexity. We aim to report our experience in performing orthopedic correction for ischiopagus tripus twins. CASE REPORT A pair of 3-year-old conjoined boys presented with a fused body at the pelvis region and only 1 umbilicus. There were 2 legs separated by shared genitalia and an anus at the midline, and 1 fused leg, which could be felt and moved by both of the patients. The twins also shared internal organs of the bladder, intestine, and rectum, as visualized through angiography computerized tomography scan. After several team discussions with the institutional review board, the hospital ethics committee, and both parents, it was agreed to perform disarticulation of the fused third limb, followed by correction of the trunk alignment by pelvic closed wedge osteotomy and internal fixation. We successfully reconstructed the pelvis using locking plates and additional 3.5-mm cortical screws and 1.2-mm stainless steel wire. CONCLUSIONS This report describes the presentation and surgical management of a case of ischiopagus tripus conjoined twins. It highlights the challenges involved in surgery and the importance of investigating these infants for other congenital abnormalities. Although surgical approaches for different sets of twins should be individually tailored, interventions aimed to provide optimal outcomes should consider ethical issues and parental/patient expectations. Even in situations in which the twins are inseparable, there is still room for surgical correction to be performed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Conjoined twins (CT), which used to be historically defined as \"monstrous human\" and previously so-called Siamese twins in the early eighteenth century, are one of the very rare congenital malformations with an uncertain etiology and complex yet remain inconclusively debatable regarding its pathophysiological mechanisms of fusion and fission theories. Among all types of CT, parasitic CT, especially the pygopagus sub-type, is exceedingly rarer. To the best of the authors\' knowledge, no parasitic CT had been reported in Papua, and this is the first finding in South Papua.
    METHODS: Herein, a 30-year-old multigravida female with 37th-week gestation, previous twice spontaneous miscarriage, and non-adequate antenatal care history is presented with a chief complaint of painful construction and greenish fluid leakage from the vagina, with an examination that showed a cephalic presentation with a \"peculiar\" big mass at the upper uterus and complete cervical dilation toward second-stage inpartu. Vaginal delivery was performed with a complication of obstructed labor due to uncommon dystocia with a suspected \"big mass\" below the fetal buttocks and intrapartum dead. Intrapartum transabdominal ultrasound demonstrates a gross anatomically like an organ inside a fluid-filled mass with unidentified parts, leading to a suspected type of congenital malformation at the baby\'s sacral region. Emergency C-section was done with findings of parasitic pygopagus CT, showing an attachment of a large irregular fluid-filled mass-like incomplete twin (parasite) with palpable soft tissue and bony structure inside to the buttocks of a male autosite twin, and an additional third leg which happened to be an under-developed lower extremity with a sacrum-like structure.
    CONCLUSIONS: An obstetrician\'s routine ANC and critical radiological evaluation will increase the odds of identifying CT or other congenital malformations to provide better delivery planning or further management. Increasing maternal health knowledge in society, improving medical skills and knowledge levels for health providers, and advancing supporting facilities and specialists are future strategies for managing and preventing such cases in low-middle-income countries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A review of an unusual twin type-twins born to women with two uteri (uterus didelphys)-is presented. This review is followed by summaries of recent research and perspectives concerning prenatal aneuploidy screening for twin pregnancies, twin conceptions by same-sex male couples, legal personality of conjoined twins, and a twin study of cannabis use. Interesting information about twins that has appeared in the media is also presented, namely how being taken for twins saved a pair of sisters; twin children of a jailed Nobel Prize winner, British \'biracial\' twins, triplets born at the start of Russia\'s attack on Ukraine, and twins born in different years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Conjoined twins are identical twins joined in utero and are a rare phenomenon. This report discusses a case of female thoraco-omphalo-ischiopagus tripus conjoined twins. The twins were separated at age two, and once medically stable, spent one month in inpatient rehabilitation to improve their sitting balance and gross motor skills. This was followed by outpatient physical therapy. The twins initially had customized ZipZac seats, which they were able to wheel independently. After six months of therapy, the girls began walking with posterior walkers and prostheses. The hemipelvectomy prosthesis included a customized thoracolumbosacral orthosis component and was directly attached to a non-articulated pylon. A manual-locking hip joint was added to accommodate sitting. An articulated ankle-foot orthosis was used for the intact leg. Care of formerly conjoined twins requires comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary team involving, but not limited to, a physiatrist, orthopaedic surgeon, physical therapist, and orthotist/prosthetist. Complex congenital limb deficiencies are often a major undertaking for the rehabilitation team as continuous treatment and management are needed throughout the patient\'s lifetime due to growth, development, and evolving physical demands. Anatomic variations must be examined on a case-by-case basis but often include limb deficiencies, orthopedic abnormalities, and organ comorbidities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computer-assisted design and computer-assisted modeling (CAD/CAM), virtual surgical planning (VSP) and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) aid our ability to plan and perform complex craniofacial procedures. This study seeks to define the role of the aforementioned techniques in the separation of craniopagus conjoined twins. Six teams were identified who had successfully performed craniopagus twin separation with the use of CAD/CAM, VSP and/or AR/VR. Surgeons involved in separating craniopagus twins have increasingly utilized tools such as CAD/CAM models, VSP and AR/VR to plan and execute successful separation, and these tools are associated with higher success rates than historical controls.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: The condition of monozygotic, monochorionic triplet fetuses with a pair of conjoined twins is extremely rare (close to one in a million births), presents challenges in its management, and with poor prognosis.
    METHODS: We report a case of monochorionic diamniotic triplet pregnancy, ultrasound at 14 weeks shows a pair of conjoined thoracopagus fetuses, sharing heart, liver, and umbilical cord, in addition to omphalocele. The third fetus, without malformations, presents signs of early heart failure compatible with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. It was decided to carry out expectant management where at 18 weeks, intrauterine death of the three fetuses occurs. An abortion is performed by hysterotomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The treatment in these cases is discussed, three management options have been proposed: expectant management, selective reduction of the conjoined fetuses, or termination of the pregnancy. A review of the literature found only 12 cases with this combination of pathologies, in which only 3 normal fetuses (25%) survived and none of the conjoined twins survived. To our knowledge, this case is the first of a monochorionic triplet pregnancy with conjoined fetuses complicated with early twin-to-twin transfusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conjoined twins (CTs), popularly referred to as Siamese twins, are a rare anomaly due to monochorionic and monoamniotic twin pregnancies. Dicephalus dibrachius dipus, a type of parapagus conjoined twin which is characterized by possessing two arms, two legs, a single trunk and two heads, epidemiologically, is an even rarer occurrence of CTs. In this article, a rare, well-preserved anatomical specimen of a dicephalus dibrachius dipus conjoined twin is presented. This study was conducted in a specimen which is part of the collection of the Embryology Museum of the institution by donation and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (REC). The female conjoined twins were born at full-term by cesarean section in the 1970s and died hours after birth. A thorough anatomical description was made through observational analysis, computed tomography and 3D reconstructed images. Major abnormalities were observed in the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. The internal anatomy exhibited a heart with three atria, two ventricles, two aortic arches, two pulmonary arteries, one innominate venous trunk and a respiratory system with two tracheas and four lungs. No other report was similar to our three atria heart description. This article provides a thorough anatomical description of all systems, which is valuable information for further studies on CTs.





