Tumeur bénigne

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Fibro-osseous pseudotumor of the digits is a benign tumour closely related to myositis ossificans. It is a rare lesion seldom reported in the literature. We report the case of a 33-year-old woman with lancinating pain in the first phalanx of the second finger of the right hand, associated with inflammation. The histopathological examination of the surgical excision biopsy of the lesion revealed a spindle-shaped proliferation within a sclerosing, hyaline, and osteoid stroma. In our observation, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology are the main elements that helped to establish the diagnosis and eliminate the various differential diagnoses, despite a non-specific histopathological aspect.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Haemangioma is the most frequent benign hepatic tumour. Haemangioma is generally asymptomatic but it can sometimes cause disabling symptoms depending on its size and location. Surgery and interventional radiology are the cornerstone of the treatment in this situation. Radiation therapy, already used with good efficacy and safety to treat hepatic malignant lesions as hepatocarcinoma and metastases, is a relevant option in case of contraindication to surgery because of multiple or very large lesions. In this context, we report the case of a patient presenting with multiple symptomatic hepatic haemangiomas, successfully treated by radiation therapy in our department. These good results justified a review of the literature to report series of patients treated in this indication and to describe the main treatment regimens used.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Sclerosing pneumocytoma is a benign and rare lung tumor affecting epithelial cells. In most cases, patients are asymptomatic and the diagnosis is made on an X ray or a CT scan performed for other enquiry. Sex ratio favors women. Epidemiological studies report that middle-aged Asian women are more frequently affected. Radiological investigations find a solitary nodule or a mass with peripheric localization. When performed, histological analysis shows a tumor composed of at least two of the four following architectures: papillary, sclerosing, hemangiomatous and solid, with two types of cells that can be round or cubic cells.
    METHODS: We report two cases of multiple sclerosing pneumocytoma in two caucasien men. The first patient was asymptomatic, the second complain from moderate dyspnea. A wedge resection was performed in both, allowing diagnosis. Anatomopathology revealed respectively a predominant sclerosing and solid architecture and a sclerosing and papillary architecture. There was no progression of the other concomitant nodules after three years follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pneumocytoma is a benign, slow-growing tumor with good prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Endobronchial hamartochondroma is a rare benign tumor which differs from the parenchymal form in its symptomatology and also by its treatment which should be as conservative as possible. The endobronchial location is exceptional. Here we present the cases of two patients with endobronchial hamartochondroma associated with clinical manifestation, chest pain and repeated pulmonary infections, respectively. The diagnosis was made after performing a CT-scan, a PET-SCAN and histological analysis. After discussion in a multidisciplinary staff meeting, conservative treatment was chosen in both cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oncocytomas are primitive kidney tumours, considered benign but their evolution is not fully established. The local progression is generally admitted but few data explain what makes a oncocytoma to grow more or less quickly. The objective of our study is to analyse the evolution of followed renal oncocytomas after histologic confirmation and to identify factors that can influence their growth.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective study in two centers (North Hospital and Hospital of the Conception of Marseille). All patients with renal oncocytoma diagnosed with percutaneous biopsy from September 2010 to April 2016 and followed for more than one year were included. Epidemiological, histological, and morphological data were collected at diagnosis, during follow-up and in case of strategy change (intervention). Statistical analysis of factors influencing oncocytomes growth was based on the Pearson correlation test.
    RESULTS: Fifty-three patients were included. The median age for diagnosis was 65 years [39-85]. The sex ratio H/F was 6/5. The median follow-up was 34 months [12-180]. The average diagnosis size was 29 mm [12-90]. Thirteen patients (25%) were treated secondarily, including 70% by conservative treatment. The average growth was 0.25 (±0.23) cm/yr. The patients treated were younger and had a higher growth rate than the untreated (0.48±0.23cm/yr versus 0.18±0.18cm/yr, P<0,001). According to Pearson\'s analysis, there was a positive linear relationship (R=0.27, P=0.047) between velocity and initial size and a negative linear relationship (ρ=-0.44, P<0.001) between velocity and age at diagnosis. So tumor growth was faster if the patients were young and the tumor voluminous at diagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rapid growth often leads to a cessation of surveillance in favour of an intervention strategy. For young patients, conservative treatment (partiel nephrectomy or ablative treatment) in the medium term is likely to be preferred, but for elderly patients or with important comorbidities follow-up is an alternative to an invasive attitude.
    METHODS: 3.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Dermoid cysts are benign congenital orbital tumors, they are classified as choristomas. Clinical manifestations vary according to location and size.
    METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 43 cases of dermoid cysts surgically treated between July 1998 and March 2009.
    RESULTS: Mean patient age was 18.64 years. Among patients, 48.83% were male. Preseptal location was most common (41 cases). One of the two cases of intraorbital location required orbitotomy. We observed no complications or recurrence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dermoid cysts are most often seen in young patients. The mean age of our patients was relatively high. The majority of dermoid cysts are periorbital in location. Superficial orbital dermoid cysts are more frequent, present earlier in life and are more easily identified than deep dermoid cysts. Imaging plays a major role in the management of deep orbital tumors. Complete surgical excision has remained the mainstay of treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dermoid cysts are benign orbital tumors. Superficial dermoid cysts are the most common type. Deeper cysts require a more challenging diagnostic and therapeutic approach.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Breast hamartoma is a benign tumour consisting of fat, fibrous and glandular tissue. A young woman in her 19th week of pregnancy underwent exceptional surgery for a unilateral gigantomastia secondary to a rapid-growth giant hamartoma during her second pregnancy. Rigourous clinical and ultrasonographic examinations were performed followed by multiple biopsies. The decision to perform surgery was guided by the risk to skin integrity and of tumour infarct. Our report provides detailed information on gestational benign breast tumours, on the specificities of medical imaging and breast surgery in pregnant patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Submandibular swelling most frequently involves the submandibular gland. It is often due to lithiasis or to tumor. Some rare cases of submandibular swelling have been reported such as submandibular localizations of thyroid lesions. Our case study concerns one of these rare occurrences.
    METHODS: A 47-year-old female patient consulted for a right-sided submandibular mass progressively increasing in size during the previous 2 years. The patient had undergone a total thyroidectomy, 4 years before consulting, for a toxic multinodular goiter THAT had been treated by L-thyroxin replacement therapy per os since the surgery. TSH and LT4 levels were normal. A CT scan revealed a large tumor in the right submandibular space with heterogeneous contrast. Fine needle cytopuncture allowed observing follicular cellules suggesting thyroid origin. The cervicotomy confirmed the diagnosis of an ectopic goiter.
    CONCLUSIONS: Thyroid disorders may in rare cases concern the submandibular space. A history of thyroid disorders should be taken into account for the etiological diagnosis of unusual submandibular masses in maxillo-facial surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Glomus tumors are rare tumors, benign but painful and responsible for a major functional impairment. Although their preferential localization is digital, 35% of glomus tumors are extradigital. Ignorance of this disease characterized by atypical clinical signs and the absence of specific imaging are responsible for a significant diagnostic delay, 7 to 10 years in extradigital forms. Treatment by surgical excision simply ensures immediate disappearance of pain without recurrence in 90% of cases. It is therefore necessary to emphasize the existence of this sometimes debilitating condition benefiting from effective therapeutic solution. We report the case of a glomus tumor of the anterior capsule of the left elbow in a 24-year-old woman with a diagnostic delayed by 12 years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Endobronchial hamartochondroma is a form of rare benign tumour. Compared to those that occur in the lung parenchyma, the endobronchial form can potentially be managed by relatively conservative treatment involving per-endoscopic resection.
    CONCLUSIONS: A 61-year-old patient had a dry cough and chest pain for 3 months. Their clinical examination was normal, but thoracic CT scan showed lingular collapse. Bronchoscopy revealed the presence of a multilobar tumour occluding the orifice of the lingula bronchus. Bronchial biopsies were consistent with the diagnosis of a hamartochondroma. Before the destruction of any of the left upper lobe parenchyma, the tumor was resected surgically and the patient had an uneventful postoperative course.
    CONCLUSIONS: Endobronchial hamartochondroma support must be rapid to avoid irreversible parenchymal consequences downstream obstruction involving an often mutilating surgery. Essentially endoscopic treatment should be the most conservative possible.





