
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arsenic is a toxicant that is ingested through drinking water and food, exposing nearly 140 million people to levels above the 10 ppb guideline concentration. Studies have shown that arsenic affects intestinal stem cells (ISCs), but the mechanisms by which arsenic alters the formation of adult cells in the small intestine are not well understood. Signals derived from intestinal stromal cells initiate and maintain differentiation. The goal of this study is to evaluate arsenic\'s effect on intestinal stromal cells, including PdgfrαLo trophocytes, located proximal to the ISCs, and PdgfrαHi telocytes, located proximal to the transit-amplifying region and up the villi. Adult Sox9tm2Crm-EGFP mice were exposed to 0, 33, and 100 ppb sodium arsenite in their drinking water for 13 weeks, and sections of duodenum were examined. Flow cytometry indicated that arsenic exposure dose-responsively reduced Sox9+ epithelial cells and trended toward increased Pdgfrα+ cells. The trophocyte marker, CD81, was reduced by 10-fold and 9.0-fold in the 100 ppb exposure group in male and female mice, respectively. Additionally, a significant 2.2- to 3.1-fold increase in PdgfrαLo expression was found in male mice in trophocytes and Igfbp5+ cells. PdgfrαHi protein expression, a telocyte marker, was more prevalent along the villus/crypt structure in females, whereas Gli1 expression (telocytes) was reduced in male mice exposed to arsenic. Principle coordinate analysis confirmed the sex-dependent response to arsenic exposure, with an increase in trophocyte and decrease in telocyte marker expression observed in male mice. These results imply that arsenic alters intestinal mesenchymal cells in a sex-dependent manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal epithelial cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are generally maintained and cultured as organoids in vitro because they do not exhibit adhesion when cultured. However, the three-dimensional structure of organoids makes their use in regenerative medicine and drug discovery difficult. Mesenchymal stromal cells are found near intestinal stem cells in vivo and provide trophic factors to regulate stem cell maintenance and proliferation, such as BMP inhibitors, WNT, and R-spondin. In this study, we aimed to use mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from hPSC-derived intestinal organoids to establish an in vitro culture system that enables stable proliferation and maintenance of hPSC-derived intestinal epithelial cells in adhesion culture.
    We established an isolation protocol for intestinal epithelial cells and mesenchymal stromal cells from hPSCs-derived intestinal organoids and a co-culture system for these cells. We then evaluated the intestinal epithelial cells and mesenchymal stromal cells\' morphology, proliferative capacity, chromosomal stability, tumorigenicity, and gene expression profiles. We also evaluated the usefulness of the cells for pharmacokinetic and toxicity studies.
    The proliferating intestinal epithelial cells exhibited a columnar form, microvilli and glycocalyx formation, cell polarity, and expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters. The intestinal epithelial cells also showed barrier function, transporter activity, and drug-metabolizing capacity. Notably, small intestinal epithelial stem cells cannot be cultured in adherent culture without mesenchymal stromal cells and cannot replaced by other feeder cells. Organoid-derived mesenchymal stromal cells resemble the trophocytes essential for maintaining small intestinal epithelial stem cells and play a crucial role in adherent culture.
    The high proliferative expansion, productivity, and functionality of hPSC-derived intestinal epithelial cells may have potential applications in pharmacokinetic and toxicity studies and regenerative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Signals from the surrounding niche drive proliferation and suppress differentiation of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) at the bottom of intestinal crypts. Among sub-epithelial support cells, deep sub-cryptal CD81+ PDGFRAlo trophocytes capably sustain ISC functions ex vivo. Here, we show that mRNA and chromatin profiles of abundant CD81- PDGFRAlo mouse stromal cells resemble those of trophocytes and that both populations provide crucial canonical Wnt ligands. Mesenchymal expression of key ISC-supportive factors extends along a spatial and molecular continuum from trophocytes into peri-cryptal CD81- CD55hi cells, which mimic trophocyte activity in organoid co-cultures. Graded expression of essential niche factors is not cell-autonomous but dictated by the distance from bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-secreting PDGFRAhi myofibroblast aggregates. BMP signaling inhibits ISC-trophic genes in PDGFRAlo cells near high crypt tiers; that suppression is relieved in stromal cells near and below the crypt base, including trophocytes. Cell distances thus underlie a self-organized and polar ISC niche.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wnt and Rspondin (RSPO) signaling drives proliferation, and bone morphogenetic protein inhibitors (BMPi) impede differentiation, of intestinal stem cells (ISCs). Here, we identify the mouse ISC niche as a complex, multi-layered structure that encompasses distinct mesenchymal and smooth muscle populations. In young and adult mice, diverse sub-cryptal cells provide redundant ISC-supportive factors; few of these are restricted to single cell types. Niche functions refine during postnatal crypt morphogenesis, in part to oppose the dense aggregation of differentiation-promoting BMP+ sub-epithelial myofibroblasts at crypt-villus junctions. Muscularis mucosae, a specialized muscle layer, first appears during this period and supplements neighboring RSPO and BMPi sources. Components of this developing niche are conserved in human fetuses. The in vivo ablation of mouse postnatal smooth muscle increases BMP signaling activity, potently limiting a pre-weaning burst of crypt fission. Thus, distinct and progressively specialized mesenchymal cells together create the milieu that is required to propagate crypts during rapid organ growth and to sustain adult ISCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Solitary bees present greater species diversity than social bees. However, they are less studied than managed bees, mainly regarding the harmful effects of pesticides present in agroecosystems commonly visited by them. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of residual doses of imidacloprid and pyraclostrobin, alone and in combination, on the fat body (a multifunctional organ) of the neotropical solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes by means of morphological and histochemical evaluation of oenocytes and trophocytes. Males and females of newly-emerged adults were submitted to bioassays of acute topical exposure. Experimental groups were essayed: control (CTR), solvent control (ACT), imidacloprid (IMI, 0.0028 ng/μL), pyraclostrobin (PYR, 2.7 ng/μL) and imidacloprid + pyraclostrobin (I + P). The data demonstrated that the residual doses applied in T. diversipes adults are sublethal at 96 h. Both oenocytes and trophocytes cells responded to topical exposure to the pesticides, showing morphological changes. In the IMI group, the bee oenocytes showed the greatest proportion of vacuolization and altered nuclei. The pyraclostrobin exposure increased the intensity of PAS-positive labeling (glycogen) in trophocytes. This increase was also observed in the I + P group. Changes in energy reserve (glycogen) of trophocytes indicate a possible mobilization impairment of this neutral polysaccharide to the hemolymph, which can compromise the fitness of exposed individuals. Also, changes in oenocytes can compromise the detoxification function performed by the fat body. This is the first study to show sublethal effects in neotropical solitary bees and highlight the importance of studies with native bees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biodiversity of useful organisms, e.g., insects, decreases due to many environmental factors and increasing anthropopressure. Multifunctional tissues, such as the fat body, are key elements in the proper functioning of invertebrate organisms and resistance factors. The fat body is the center of metabolism, integrating signals, controlling molting and metamorphosis, and synthesizing hormones that control the functioning of the whole body and the synthesis of immune system proteins. In fat body cells, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins are the substrates and products of many pathways that can be used for energy production, accumulate as reserves, and mobilize at the appropriate stage of life (diapause, metamorphosis, flight), determining the survival of an individual. The fat body is the main tissue responsible for innate and acquired humoral immunity. The tissue produces bactericidal proteins and polypeptides, i.e., lysozyme. The fat body is also important in the early stages of an insect\'s life due to the production of vitellogenin, the yolk protein needed for the development of oocytes. Although a lot of information is available on its structure and biochemistry, the fat body is an interesting research topic on which much is still to be discovered.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are confined to crypt bottoms and their progeny differentiate near crypt-villus junctions. Wnt and bone morphogenic protein (BMP) gradients drive this polarity, and colorectal cancer fundamentally reflects disruption of this homeostatic signaling. However, sub-epithelial sources of crucial agonists and antagonists that organize this BMP gradient remain obscure. Here, we couple whole-mount high-resolution microscopy with ensemble and single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to identify three distinct PDGFRA+ mesenchymal cell types. PDGFRA(hi) telocytes are especially abundant at the villus base and provide a BMP reservoir, and we identified a CD81+ PDGFRA(lo) population present just below crypts that secretes the BMP antagonist Gremlin1. These cells, referred to as trophocytes, are sufficient to expand ISCs in vitro without additional trophic support and contribute to ISC maintenance in vivo. This study reveals intestinal mesenchymal structure at fine anatomic, molecular, and functional detail and the cellular basis for a signaling gradient necessary for tissue self-renewal.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since spermatheca is able to transport spermatozoa and maintain a specific microenvironment for the storage of viable sperm cells for long periods of time, specific morphofunctional features must be involved in this capacity, and an efficient nutritional and oxygen supply must be required. In this study, we investigated the histological features of spermathecae and fat bodies in six species of three genera of epidemiological importance for Chagas\' disease. The association of the reproductive system with the fat bodies and tracheal system was also focused in these species. The reproductive system, tracheae and fat bodies were fixed in 4% formaldehyde, and embedded in glycol methacrylate. The sections were stained with H.E., picrosirius red and Periodic-Acid Schiff methods for morphological analyses. Paraffin-embedded spermatheca sections were submitted to immunofluorescence for detection of V-ATPase. In P. lignarius, R. montenegrensis and R. prolixus, the spermatheca contains a slightly dilated tubular distal portion. In P. megistus and T. tibiamaculata, the spermatheca shows a large bulbous distal portion, and in T. infestans, a large oval-shaped distal portion. In all species, this portion was surrounded by a thin muscular layer, and the epithelial height varied according to the shape of this terminal portion. All spermathecal proximal portions showed simple columnar epithelium surrounded by a thick muscular layer. The epithelial cells of spermathecae showed PAS-positive cytoplasm and V-ATPase immunofluorescence in the apical surface. Tracheoles and polysaccharide-rich fat body cells were found next or in close contact to the oviduct or spermathecal tissues. The results indicate that the spermatheca proximal portion is related to contraction and sperm transport, whose oxygen and energy supply is guaranteed by the associated tracheal branches and fat bodies. In the storage portion, fat bodies and tracheae seem to be crucial for the maintenance of an optimal spermathecal microenvironment and storage of viable sperm cells. The participation of V-ATPase in the spermathecae epithelial cells may contribute for the maintenance of an optimal luminal milieu to spermatozoa, by alkalinization and/or acidification of lumen, similarly to the other epithelial cell types in insects. Further studies are necessary to clarify the role of this proton pump in the spermathecal epithelial cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is the principal pest of corn in Brazil. Control is achieved primarily by synthetic insecticides, which cause problems for the agro-ecosystem. Alternative methods of control are under investigation and citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) essential oil appears to be a promising agent. We investigated the effects of citronella oil using histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. The midgut of larvae treated with citronella exhibited altered epithelium including cytoplasmic protrusions, columnar cell extrusion, pyknotic nuclei, and increased periodic acid-Schiff positive granules. Regenerative cells in the epithelium of the midgut increased in number, which facilitated subsequent regeneration of this tissue. After exposure to citronella, trophocytes, the principal cell type of the fat body, possessed enlarged vacuoles and mitotic bodies, and contained reduced amounts of glycogen, lipid, and protein. Citronella oil caused morphological changes of the midgut and reduction of stored resources in the fat body, which may adversely affect insect reproduction and survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the meroistic insect ovary, the oocyte synthesizes little if any RNA. Most of the RNA which accumulates in the oocyte is synthesized by trophocytes. In the polytrophic meroistic ovary each oocyte is associated with a cyst containing 1,3,7 or 15 trophocytes. The trophocytes are derived from the same cell as the oocyte. The trophocyte cysts and the oocytes of the giant silkworm moth,Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), are large enough to enable their isolation by microdissection. The nucleus of each trophocyte is highly polyploid, containing hundreds of nucleoli. In order to determine whether DNA coding for rRNA (rDNA) is amplified in trophocytes ofA. pernyi, the percentage of the genome hybridizing with rRNA in somatic tissues was compared to that percentage in gametogenic tissues. RNA-DNA hybridization analysis indicates that approximately the same proportion (0.018%) of the DNA extracted from male and female gemetogenic tissues (testis, isolated trophocytes, and isolated oocytes) and somatic tissues (brain, Malpighian tubules) hybridizes with rRNA. The fact that DNA hybridizing with rRNA comprises the same proportion of the total DNA extracted from trophocytes, spermatogenic cells, and male and female somatic cells indicates that rDNA is not amplified in the trophocytes ofA. pernyi. In the polytrophic ovary, polyploidization of the entire trophocyte genome rather than amplification of a small part of it accounts for the increase of rDNA available for transcription.





