Trophic groups

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine aggregate extraction represents an opportunity to face the depletion of terrestrial aggregate resources. The environmental effects of this activity have been assessed in several studies, leading to the formulation of recommendations to mitigate its effects. This study investigates its environmental impacts in a coarse, high-current environment with low-intensity extraction, a unique scenario not extensively studied before. Employing multivariate analyses and a trophic group approach, it examines complex responses at both species and community levels. Results indicate a decline in biodiversity, promoting the establishment of r-selected species, particularly filter feeders. Although site restoration timelines remain uncertain, initial indications suggest rapid recovery (2-3 years) for this site. The study also discusses methodological challenges in sampling these low-intensity dredged sites and emphasizes the need for new indices tailored to this pressure and coarse sediments under strong hydrodynamics. These insights offer valuable directions for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhizosphere microbial communities can influence plant growth and development. Natural regeneration processes take place in the tree stands of protected areas, which makes it possible to observe the natural changes taking place in the rhizosphere along with the development of the plants. This study aimed to determine the diversity (taxonomic and functional) of the rhizosphere fungal communities of Norway spruce growing in one of four developmental stages. Our research was based on the ITS region using Illumina system sequencing. Saprotrophs dominated in the studied rhizospheres, but their percentage share decreased with the age of the development group (for 51.91 from 43.13%). However, in the case of mycorrhizal fungi, an opposite trend was observed (16.96-26.75%). The most numerous genera were: saprotrophic Aspergillus (2.54-3.83%), Penicillium (6.47-12.86%), Pyrenochaeta (1.39-11.78%), pathogenic Curvularia (0.53-4.39%), and mycorrhizal Cortinarius (1.80-5.46%), Pseudotomentella (2.94-5.64%) and Tomentella (4.54-15.94%). The species composition of rhizosphere fungal communities was favorable for the regeneration of natural spruce and the development of multi-generational Norway spruce stands. The ratio of the abundance of saprotrophic and mycorrhizal fungi to the abundance of pathogens was high and promising for the durability of the large proportion of spruce in the Wigry National Park and for forest ecosystems in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tropical Andes are a species-rich and nitrogen-limited system, susceptible to increased nitrogen (N) inputs from the atmosphere. However, our understanding of the impacts of increased N input on belowground systems, in particular on protists and their role in nutrient cycling, remains limited. We explored how increased N affects protists in tropical montane rainforests in Ecuador using high-throughput sequencing (HTS) of environmental DNA from two litter layers. In addition, we manipulated the amount of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and mesofauna, both playing a significant role in N cycling and interacting in complex ways with protist communities. We found that N strongly affected protist community composition in both layers, while mesofauna reduction had a stronger effect on the lower layer. Changes in concentration of the AMF marker lipid had little effect on protists. In both layers, the addition of N increased phagotrophs and animal parasites and decreased plant parasites, while mixotrophs decreased in the upper layer but increased in the lower layer. In the upper layer with higher AMF concentration, mixotrophs decreased, while in the lower layer, photoautotrophs increased and plant parasites decreased. With reduced mesofauna, phagotrophs increased and animal parasites decreased in both layers, while plant parasites increased only in the upper layer. The findings indicate that to understand the intricate response of protist communities to environmental changes, it is critical to thoroughly analyze these communities across litter and soil layers, and to include HTS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine the effects of seasons on the diversity and dynamics of insects associated with pig carrion in Gampela, Plateau Central Region, Burkina Faso, West Africa. Pig carcasses (Sus scrofa domesticus L.) were exposed in an open area to monitor their decomposition process and their colonization by insects during a warm and dry period (March-April 2015), a warm and wet period (August-September 2015) and a cool and dry period (December 2015-January 2016). Monitoring and entomological data collection occurred for 60 days for each study period. The decomposition process always included five stages (fresh, bloating, putrefaction, postputrefaction, and skeletal), which varied in duration depending on the study period. In sum, 118,761 insects belonging to 4 orders, 12 families, 17 genera, and 21 species were collected during the three study periods, with approximately 61% of the individuals collected during the warm and wet period. The dynamics of insect populations associated with the pig carcasses included two peaks at each study period. Formicidae was the most abundant insect family in each study period, but Musca domestica was the most abundant species. The listed species were found to belong to four trophic groups with a predominance of predators/carnivores followed by necrophagous insects. The orders, families, and trophic groups reported in this study were significantly more abundant during the warm and wet period. The results show prospects for the use of Calliphoridae, Muscidae, and Dermestidae in criminal investigations, depending on seasonal variations in Sudano-Sahelian areas.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Excess nitrogen is a pollutant and global problem that harms ecosystems and can severely affect human health. Pollutant nitrogen is becoming more widespread and intensifying in the tropics. There is thus a requirement to develop nitrogen biomonitoring for spatial mapping and trend analysis of tropical biodiversity and ecosystems. In temperate and boreal zones, multiple bioindicators for nitrogen pollution have been developed, with lichen epiphytes among the most sensitive and widely applied. However, the state of our current knowledge on bioindicators is geographically biased, with extensive research effort focused on bioindicators in the temperate and boreal zones. The development of lichen bioindicators in the tropics is further weakened by incomplete taxonomic and ecological knowledge. In this study we performed a literature review and meta-analysis, attempting to identify characteristics of lichens that offer transferability of bioindication into tropical regions. This transferability must overcome the different species pools between source information - drawing on extensive research effort in the temperate and boreal zone - and tropical ecosystems. Focussing on ammonia concentration as the nitrogen pollutant, we identify a set of morphological traits and taxonomic relationships that cause lichen epiphytes to be more sensitive, or more resistant to this excess nitrogen. We perform an independent test of our bioindicator scheme and offer recommendations for its application and future research in the tropics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The structure and diversity of small mammal (SM) communities over the long term may show the influences of climate change, landscape changes and local disturbances. We review published data regarding SM trapping and owl pellet analysis from Lithuania (the most southerly of the three Baltic States, Northern Europe), covering the period 1975-2021. Over decades, we analysed trends in the diversity of SM communities and the proportions of species and proportions of trophic groups. The large increase in granivores, from 6.9% in 1975-1980 to 45.4% in 2011-2020 and 54.7% in 2021, coincided with a decrease in omnivores and insectivores. The proportion of herbivores increased less notably. At the species level, significant decreases in the proportions of M. arvalis, C. glareolus and S. araneus were accompanied by notable increases in the proportions of A. flavicollis and A. agrarius, the latter from 1.0% in 1975-1980 to 25.3% in 2021. Concluding, two periods were identified, specifically before the 1990s and subsequently. In the second period, in the aftermath of land-use changes within the country in 1990, diversity increased, and dominance decreased, a situation that has not subsequently changed. Not excluding the concomitant effects of climate change, we relate these patterns to the alterations in habitat and anthropogenic impact.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To clarify the impacts of long-term alfalfa plantation on the soil nematode community, soil samples were collected from different alfalfa growing ages (2 a, 9 a, 18 a) in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau in Central Gansu by Illumina Miseq sequencing technology. The main controlling factors affecting its community change were also explored. The results showed that soil nematode belongs to 2 classes, 7 orders, 16 families and 21 genera. Among them, Chromadorea was the dominant group (44.6%-81.4%), the relative abundance of which decreased with alfalfa growing ages. Paratylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Xiphinema, Pristionchus, Ditylenchus, Panagrolaimus, Longidorus, Aprutides, Isolaimium and Aglenchus were the special nematode species of alfalfa, among which Paratylenchus (54.1%), Helicotylenchus (23.9%) and Xiphinema (21.9%) were the dominant nematodes in 2 a, 9 a and 18 a alfalfa soil respectively. Plant-parasitic nematode was the dominant group in alfalfa soil (31.8%-67.1%), and its relative abundance decreased at first and then increased with alfalfa growing ages. Results of redundancy analysis showed that soil available phosphorus and total nitrogen were the dominant environmental factors affecting community structure of soil nematodes in the region.
    为明确长期种植紫花苜蓿对土壤线虫群落演变的影响,以不同种植年限紫花苜蓿为研究对象(2 a、9 a、18 a),并以农田为对照,采用 Illumina MiSeq测序技术研究了陇中黄土高原半干旱区紫花苜蓿土壤线虫群落结构及其多样性,探讨影响其群落变化的主控因子。结果表明: 所获土壤样品线虫种群隶属于2纲7目16科21属,其中,色矛纲为黄绵土优势线虫类群(44.6%~81.4%),相对丰度随苜蓿种植年限延长而降低。针线属、螺旋属、剑线属、Pristionchus、茎属、盆咽属、长针属、艾普鲁斯属、Isolaimium和野外垫刃属为苜蓿地特有线虫,其中,针线属(54.1%)、螺旋属(23.9%)、剑线属(21.9%)分别为2 a、9 a、18 a苜蓿地优势线虫属。紫花苜蓿土壤均以植物寄生线虫为优势类群(31.8%~67.1%),其相对丰度随苜蓿年限延长先降后升。冗余分析显示,土壤速效磷和全氮含量是影响紫花苜蓿土壤线虫群落结构的主导环境因子。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic land use is threatening global biodiversity. As one of the most abundant animals on Earth, nematodes occupy several key positions in belowground food webs and contribute to many ecosystem functions and services. However, the effects of land use on nematode abundance and its determinants remain poorly understood at a global scale. To characterize nematodes\' responses to land use across trophic groups, we used a dataset of 6,825 soil samples globally to assess how nematode abundance varies among regional land-use types (i.e. primary vegetation, secondary vegetation, pasture, cropland and urban) and local land-use intensities (i.e. human-managed or not). We also quantified the interactive effects of land use and environmental predictors (i.e. mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, soil organic carbon, soil pH, global vegetation biomass and global vegetation productivity) on nematode abundance. We found that total nematode abundance and the abundance of bacterivores, fungivores, herbivores, omnivores and predators generally increased or were not affected under management across land-use types. Specifically, the most numerically abundant bacterivores were higher in managed than in unmanaged secondary vegetation habitats and urban areas, and herbivores were more abundant in managed than in unmanaged primary and secondary vegetation habitats. Furthermore, the numbers of significant environmental predictors of nematode abundance were reduced and the magnitude and the direction of the predictors were changed under management. We also found that nematode abundance was more variable and less determined by environmental factors in urban than in other land-use types. These findings challenge the view that human land use decreases animal abundance across trophic groups, but highlight that land use is altering the trophic composition of soil nematodes and its relationships with the environment at the global scale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the most prominent features of life on Earth is the uneven number of species across large spatial scales. Despite being inherently linked to energetic constraints, these gradients in species richness distribution have rarely been examined from a trophic perspective. Here we dissect the global diversity of over 3,600 coral reef fishes to reveal patterns across major trophic groups. By analyzing multiple nested spatial scales, we show that planktivores contribute disproportionally to the formation of the Indo-Australian Archipelago (IAA) marine biodiversity hotspot. Besides being \"hotter\" at the hotspot, planktivorous fishes display the steepest decline in species numbers with distance from the IAA when compared to other trophic groups. Surprisingly, we did not detect differences in diversification, transition, and dispersal rates in extant species phylogenies that would explain this remarkable gradient in planktivorous fish richness. Thus, we identify two potential complementary drivers for this pattern. First, exceptional levels of partitioning among planktivorous coral reef fishes were driven by temporally stable oceanographic conditions and abundant planktonic resources in the IAA. Second, extinctions of planktivores outside the IAA have been particularly pronounced during Quaternary climate fluctuations. Overall, our results highlight trophic ecology as an important component of global species richness gradients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At local spatial scales, loss of genetic diversity within species can lead to species loss. Few studies, however, have examined plant genotypic diversity effects across trophic levels. We investigated genotypic diversity effects of Phragmites australis on belowground biomass and soil nematode communities. Our results revealed that belowground plant biomass and nematode abundance responses to plant genotypic diversity were uncoupled. Decreasing plant genotypic diversity decreased the abundance of lower, but not higher trophic level nematodes. Low plant genotypic diversity also decreased the structural footprint and functional indices of nematodes, indicating lowered metabolic functioning of higher trophic level nematodes and decreased soil food web stability. Our study suggests that plant genotypic diversity effects differ across trophic levels, taxonomic groups and ecosystem functions and that decreasing plant genotypic diversity could destabilise belowground food webs. This highlights the importance of conserving intraspecific plant diversity.





