
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal morphology is influenced by several factors, including gonadal development and gametogenesis. Although their effects are well documented in male/female differentiation, much less is known about same-sex effects, such as those caused by their mode of reproduction. Here, using geometric morphometric analyses, we compare two groups of all-female triploid hybrid fish Chrosomus eos × eos-neogaeus, that differ only by their sexual and asexual reproductive strategies. We demonstrate that morphological differences arise from factors inherently associated with their mode of reproduction, with results replicated in two distinct lineages and in natural and common garden environments. Such differences provide additional insight about the costs and benefits of both reproductive strategies, which have mostly been of a demographic, population genetic, or genetic nature. In particular, these findings have important implications for the ecology of asexual organisms and contribute to the study of sex evolution by adding complexity to the paradox of sex theory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polyploidy occurs naturally across eukaryotic lineages and has been harnessed in the domestication of many crops and vertebrates. In aquaculture, triploidy can be induced as a biocontainment strategy, as it creates a reproductive barrier preventing farm-to-wild introgression, which is currently a major conservation issue for the industry. However, recent work suggests that triploidisation protocols may, on occasion, produce \'failed triploids\' displaying diploidy, aneuploidy and aberrant inheritance. The potentially negative consequences for conservation and animal welfare motivate the need for methods to evaluate the success of ploidy-manipulation protocols early in the production process. We developed a semi-automated version of the MAC-PR (microsatellite DNA allele counting - peak ratios) method to resolve the allelic configuration of large numbers of individuals across a panel of microsatellite markers that can be used to infer ploidy, pedigree and inheritance aberrations. We demonstrate an application of the approach using material from a series of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) breeding experiments where ploidy was manipulated using a hydrostatic pressure treatment. We validated the approach to infer ploidy against blood smears, finding a > 99% agreement between these methods, and demonstrate its potential utility to infer ploidy as early as the embryonic stage. Furthermore, we present tools to assign diploid and triploid progeny to families and to detect aberrant inheritance, which may be useful for breeding programmes that utilise ploidy manipulation techniques. The approach adds to the ploidy verification toolbox. The increased precision in detecting ploidy and inheritance aberrations will facilitate the ability of triploidisation programmes to prevent farm-to-wild introgression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosomal abnormalities are a common cause of human miscarriage but rarely reported in any other species. As a result, there are currently inadequate animal models available to study this condition. Horses present one potential model since mares receive intense gynecological care. This allowed us to investigate the prevalence of chromosomal copy number aberrations in 256 products of conception (POC) in a naturally occurring model of pregnancy loss (PL). Triploidy (three haploid sets of chromosomes) was the most common aberration, found in 42% of POCs following PL over the embryonic period. Over the same period, trisomies and monosomies were identified in 11.6% of POCs and subchromosomal aberrations in 4.2%. Whole and subchromosomal aberrations involved 17 autosomes, with chromosomes 3, 4, and 20 having the highest number of aberrations. Triploid fetuses had clear gross developmental anomalies of the brain. Collectively, data demonstrate that alterations in chromosome number contribute to PL similarly in women and mares, with triploidy the dominant ploidy type over the key period of organogenesis. These findings, along with highly conserved synteny between human and horse chromosomes, similar gestation lengths, and the shared single greatest risk for PL being advancing maternal age, provide strong evidence for the first animal model to truly recapitulate many key features of human miscarriage arising due to chromosomal aberrations, with shared benefits for humans and equids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcriptome data are frequently used to investigate coral bleaching; however, the factors controlling gene expression in natural populations of these species are poorly understood. We studied two corals, Montipora capitata and Pocillopora acuta, that inhabit the sheltered Kāne\'ohe Bay, Hawai\'i. M. capitata colonies in the bay are outbreeding diploids, whereas P. acuta is a mixture of clonal diploids and triploids. Populations were sampled from six reefs and subjected to either control (no stress), thermal stress, pH stress, or combined pH and thermal stress treatments. RNA-seq data were generated to test two competing hypotheses: (1) gene expression is largely independent of genotype, reflecting a shared treatment-driven response (TDE) or, (2) genotype dominates gene expression, regardless of treatment (GDE). Our results strongly support the GDE model, even under severe stress. We suggest that post-transcriptional processes (e.g., control of translation, protein turnover) modify the signal from the transcriptome, and may underlie the observed differences in coral bleaching sensitivity via the downstream proteome and metabolome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In aquaculture, sterile triploids are commonly used for production as sterility gives them potential gains in growth, yields, and quality. However, they cannot be reproduced, and DNA parentage assignment to their diploid or tetraploid parents is required to estimate breeding values for triploid phenotypes. No publicly available software has the ability to assign triploids to their parents. Here, we updated the R package APIS to support triploids induced from diploid parents. First, we created new exclusion and likelihood tables that account for the double allelic contribution of the dam and the recombination that can occur during female meiosis. As the effective recombination rate of each marker with the centromere is usually unknown, we set it at 0.5 and found that this value maximizes the assignment rate even for markers with high or low recombination rates. The number of markers needed for a high true assignment rate did not strongly depend on the proportion of missing parental genotypes. The assignment power was however affected by the quality of the markers (minor allele frequency, call rate). Altogether, 96-192 SNPs were required to have a high parentage assignment rate in a real rainbow trout dataset of 1,232 triploid progenies from 288 parents. The likelihood approach was more efficient than exclusion when the power of the marker set was limiting. When more markers were used, exclusion was more advantageous, with sensitivity reaching unity, very low false discovery rate (<0.01), and excellent specificity (0.96-0.99). Thus, APIS provides an efficient solution to assign triploids to their diploid parents.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetraploid oysters are artificially produced oysters that do not exist in nature. The successful breeding of 100% triploid oysters resolved the difficulties of traditional drug-induced triploids, such as the presence of drug residues and a low triploid induction rate. However, little is known concerning the biochemical composition and nutrient contents of such tetraploids. Therefore, we investigated compositional differences among diploid, triploid, and tetraploid Crassostrea gigas as well as between males and females of diploids and tetraploids. The findings indicated that glycogen, EPA, ∑PUFA, and omega-3 contents were significantly higher in triploid oysters than in diploids or tetraploids; tetraploid oysters had a significantly higher protein content, C14:0, essential amino acid, and flavor-presenting amino acid contents than diploids or triploids. For both diploid and tetraploids, females had significantly higher levels of glutamate, methionine, and phenylalanine than males but lower levels of glycine and alanine. In addition, female oysters had significantly more EPA, DHA, omega-3, and total fatty acids, a result that may be due to the fact that gonadal development in male oysters requires more energy to sustain growth, consumes greater amounts of nutrients, and accumulates more proteins. With these results, important information is provided on the production of C. gigas, as well as on the basis and backing for the genetic breeding of oysters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xenogenesis has been recognized as a prospective method for producing channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus ♀ × blue catfish, I. furcatus ♂ hybrids. The xenogenesis procedure can be achieved by transplanting undifferentiated stem cells derived from a donor fish into a sterile recipient. Xenogenesis for hybrid catfish embryo production has been accomplished using triploid channel catfish as a surrogate. However, having a surrogate species with a shorter maturation period, like white catfish (Ameiurus catus), would result in reduced feed costs, labor costs, and smaller body size requirements, making it a more suitable species for commercial applications where space is limited, and as a model species. Hence, the present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of triploid white catfish as a surrogate species to transplant blue catfish stem cells (BSCs) and channel catfish stem cells (CSCs). Triploid white catfish fry were injected with either BSCs or CSCs labeled with PKH 26 fluorescence dye from 0 to 12 days post hatch (DPH). No significant differences in weight and length of fry were detected among BSCs and CSCs injection times (0 to 12 DPH) when fry were sampled at 45 and 90 DPH (P > 0.05). The highest survival was reported when fry were injected between 4.0 to 5.5 DPH (≥ 81.2%). At 45 and 90 DPH, cell and cluster area increased for recipients injected from 0 to 5.2 DPH, and the highest cluster area values were reported between 4.0 to 5.2 DPH. Thereafter, fluorescent cell and cluster area in the host declined with no further decrease after 10 DPH. At 45 DPH, the highest percentage of xenogens were detected when fry were injected with BSCs between 4.0 to 5.0 and CSCs between 3.0 to 5.0 DPH. At 90 DPH, the highest number of xenogens were detected from 4.0 to 6.0 DPH when injected with either BSCs or CSCs. The current study demonstrated the suitability of white catfish as a surrogate species when BSCs and CSCs were transplanted into triploid white catfish between 4.0 to 6.0 DPH (27.4 ± 0.4°C). Overall, these findings allow enhanced efficiency of commercializing xenogenic catfish carrying gametes of either blue catfish or channel catfish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquaculturists use polyploid fish to maximize production albeit with some unintended consequences including compromised behaviors and physiological function. Given benefits of probiotic therapies (e.g., improved immune response, growth, and metabolism), we explored probiotic supplementation (mixture of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Lactococcus), to overcome drawbacks. We first examined fish gut bacterial community composition using 16S metabarcoding (via principal coordinate analyses and PERMANOVA) and determined probiotics significantly impacted gut bacteria composition (p = 0.001). Secondly, we examined how a genomic disruptor (triploidy) and diet supplements (probiotics) impact gene transcription and behavioral profiles of hatchery-reared Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Juveniles from four treatment groups (diploid-regular feed, diploid-probiotic feed, triploid-regular feed, and triploid-probiotic feed; n = 360) underwent behavioral assays to test activity, exploration, neophobia, predator evasion, aggression/sociality, behavioral sensitivity, and flexibility. In these fish, transcriptional profiles for genes associated with neural functions (neurogenesis/synaptic plasticity) and biomarkers for stress response and development (growth/appetite) were (i) examined across treatments and (ii) used to describe behavioral phenotypes via principal component analyses and general linear mixed models. Triploids exhibited a more active behavioral profile (p = 0.002), and those on a regular diet had greater Neuropeptide Y transcription (p = 0.02). A growth gene (early growth response protein 1, p = 0.02) and long-term neural development genes (neurogenic differentiation factor, p = 0.003 and synaptysomal-associated protein 25-a, p = 0.005) impacted activity and reactionary profiles, respectively. Overall, our probiotic treatment did not compensate for triploidy. Our research highlights novel applications of behavioral transcriptomics for identifying candidate genes and dynamic, mechanistic associations with complex behavioral repertoires.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In plants, small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) mediate epigenetic silencing via the RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway, which is particularly prominent during reproduction and seed development. However, there is limited understanding of the origins and dynamics of reproductive siRNAs acting in different cellular and developmental contexts. Here, we used the RNaseIII-like protein RTL1 to suppress siRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis pollen, and found distinct siRNA subsets produced during pollen development. We demonstrate that RTL1 expression in the late microspore and vegetative cell strongly impairs epigenetic silencing, and resembles RdDM mutants in their ability to bypass interploidy hybridization barriers in the seed. However, germline-specific RTL1 expression did not impact transgenerational inheritance of triploid seed lethality. These results reveal the existence of multiple siRNA subsets accumulated in mature pollen, and suggest that mobile siRNAs involved in the triploid block are produced in germline precursor cells after meiosis, or in the vegetative cell during pollen mitosis.





