Treatment seeking

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Diarrhea is considered to be one of the major public health concerns in developing countries. It has a detrimental impact, reflecting one of the highest child mortality rates globally, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 2 out of every 10 children in Uganda under the age of five die. The objective of this study was to investigate the factors associated with time to treatment seeking by caretakers of children under-five with Diarrhea in Uganda.
    METHODS: DOVE dataset of 745 caretakers in a prospective and retrospective incidence-based study using multi-stage sampling design was used in the assessment. The analysis was done using a time-to-event approach using life tables, Kaplan Meier survival analysis and multilevel proportional hazards model.
    RESULTS: Kaplan-Meier survival analysis indicated the median time to seeking treatment among 745 caretakers of children under-Five after onset of diarrhea was 2 days. The multi-level proportional hazards model of a Weibull distribution showed that the estimated frailty variance was 0.13, indicating heterogeneity of treatment seeking time by caretakers of under-five children with diarrhea across regions in Uganda. Significant factors found to influence time to treatment-seeking by caretakers of children under-five with diarrhea were, male children (HR = 0.82; 95% CI = 0.71-0.95, p = 0.010), belonging to richest wealth quintile (HR = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.05-1.78, p = 0.022), and residing more than 5 km away from a health facility (HR = 0.68; 95% CI = 0.56-0.84, p = 0.000).
    CONCLUSIONS: There are delays in seeking diarrhea treatment in Uganda because two days are enough to claim a life after dehydration.The policymakers should pay attention to formulate effective intervention to sensitize caregivers on the importance of early treatment-seeking behavior to avoid severe malnutrition caused by diarrhea. Community awareness program should also be encouraged particularly in areas of more than 5 km from the health facility to make people aware of the necessity to take prompt action to seek care in the early stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is among the most prevalent substance use disorders in the USA. Despite availability of effective interventions, treatment initiation and engagement remain low. Existing interventions target motivation and practical barriers to accessing treatment among individuals established within treatment systems. In contrast, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treatment-Seeking (CBT-TS) aims to elicit and modify treatment-seeking beliefs to increase treatment-seeking behaviors among treatment-naïve samples. We aim to understand which beliefs were endorsed by those who did/did not initiate treatment, including changes in number of drinking days.
    METHODS: We examined treatment seeking beliefs elicited during CBT-TS among community-based adults with moderate-severe AUD with no treatment history. In this study, we discuss which beliefs were modifiable (i.e. those discussed during the intervention among individuals who subsequently attended treatment and may be associated with treatment-seeking behaviors).
    RESULTS: Of the 194 participants who received the intervention, 16 categories of beliefs were endorsed. Of the 38 participants (19.6%) who attended treatment, the most frequently endorsed belief was \'Not wanting specific types of substance use treatment or supports\' (50%), a belief that may inhibit treatment seeking. The idea \'Treatment is positive\' (47%) was also frequently cited, a belief that may facilitate treatment seeking.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the beliefs that were more frequently endorsed among adults with moderate-severe, but untreated AUD who reported attending treatment following CBT-TS. Findings point to the potential of discussing and modifying treatment-seeking beliefs among treatment-naïve adults with severe AUD to increase treatment-seeking behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) commonly cooccurs with social anxiety disorder (SAD). With changes to diagnostic criteria of psychiatric disorders in the DSM-5, the present study sought to observe the associations between daily alcohol use, AUD, and social anxiety in a large sample of individuals with lifetime (N = 1255) and past-year (N = 908) SAD. The sample was derived from a large nationally representative study of adults in the United States. Of note, we found that at the symptom level, daily alcohol use and AUD were significantly related to panic attacks due to social anxiety, subjective distress, and impairment in relationships. Daily alcohol use and AUD were significantly associated with lifetime SAD severity; however, only past-year daily alcohol use was significantly related to past-year SAD severity. We also found that AUD was significantly related to greater treatment-seeking for SAD, and both AUD and daily alcohol use were significantly associated with lifetime history of suicide attempts even after covarying for SAD severity. The present study provides an updated investigation of alcohol use in individuals with DSM-5 SAD, and it underscores the significance of daily alcohol use as an important factor to consider in individuals with SAD.






  • 患有阿片类药物使用障碍(OUD)的女性很少寻求成瘾的帮助。我们介绍了一系列7名患有OUD的女性,她们在2022年12月至2023年8月期间在阿萨姆邦接受三级护理成瘾治疗。大多数病人都是初等教育的,年轻人,家庭主妇,从较低到中等社会经济阶层,是农村或半城市地区的居民。都结了婚,大约一半的人被分开了。所有患者均依赖海洛因和烟草。其中五人在为配偶建模时开始使用海洛因。三个病人在注射海洛因,其中一人同时感染HCV和HIV。5例患者接受舌下丁丙诺啡-纳洛酮治疗,其中三人随后跟进。财政困难,可怜的家庭支持,亲密伴侣暴力是寻求治疗和定期随访的主要挑战。此案例系列强调了对阿萨姆邦OUD女性进行系统研究和性别敏感护理的必要性。
    Females with opioid use disorder (OUD) rarely seek help for addiction. We present a series of seven females with OUD attending a tertiary care addiction treatment setting in Assam between December 2022 to August 2023. Most of the patients were primary-educated, young adults, housewives, from lower to middle socioeconomic strata, and were residents of rural or semi-urban areas. All were married, and around half of them were separated. All the patients were dependent on heroin and tobacco. Five of them initiated heroin use while modeling their spouse. Three patients were injecting heroin, and one was seropositive with both HCV and HIV. Five patients received sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone, and three of them followed up subsequently. Financial difficulty, poor family support, and intimate partner violence were major challenges for treatment-seeking and regular follow-up. This case series highlights the need for systematic study and gender-responsive care of females with OUD in Assam.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early and prompt treatment-seeking for malaria is necessary to reduce the progression of the disease to its severe forms and the associated mortality. Various studies have indicated that treatments sought for malaria were not always within the recommended timeframe. Therefore, this study aims to assess factors influencing delay in malaria treatment seeking at public health facilities in South Gonder, Ethiopia. An unmatched case-control study was conducted among 322 individuals, comprising 161 cases and 161 controls, who were randomly selected malaria patients visiting public health facilities in South Gonder District, Ethiopia, from May 20/2022 to June 25/2022. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data, which were subsequently cleaned and entered into Epi data. Descriptive statistics were performed, and variables with a p-value of ≤ 0.25 from the bivariate analysis were included in a multivariable logistic regression model. Significant variables with a p-value of < 0.05 were retained in the multivariable model. Patients who were unable to read and write [AOR = 3.47 (1.01-11.9)], fear of side effects of malaria treatment drugs [AOR = 1.89 (1.04-3.42)], lack of access to health education malaria disease and its treatment [AOR = 1.93 (1.02-3.65)], lack of transportation access [AOR = 4.70 (1.73-12.7)], not membership of community-based health insurance [AOR = 2.5 (1.3-4.82)] and lack of confidence on malaria care health facility providing [AOR = 2.14 (1.06-4.29)], were found to be determinants of treatment-seeking delay among malaria patients. In Summary, this study revealed significant associations between delays in seeking malaria treatment and factors such as educational status (those who were unable to read and write), malaria drug side effects, health education on malaria, transportation access, CBHI membership, and confidence in health malaria care. it is recommended that targeted interventions and awareness campaigns be implemented to address these determinants, promoting prompt and effective malaria treatment-seeking behavior in the studied population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prior works note that identifying problematic play is a leading barrier to treatment seeking, contributing to low treatment rates in those with gambling problems (e.g., Bijker et al., 2022; Suurvali et al., 2012a). While research has looked at treatment seekers\' motives for treatment (Gainsbury et al., 2014; Suurvali et al., 2012b), the situations or signs (anticipated motives) individuals look for that suggest they would need treatment in the future remains unknown. Participants were gamblers (N = 1,791) from a census-matched U.S. sample of adults who reported no concerns about their gambling. Participants completed questions assessing how much money they would have to lose while gambling to think they might have a problem and what factors might motivate them to pursue treatment for gambling problems in the future. Participants reported a wide range of financial loss that would suggest they had a problem, and higher income men who gambled more frequently reported higher necessary losses. There was little variation in endorsement (40-60%) of 14 situations that may lead them to seek treatment in the future (e.g., felt guilty). However, income, gender identity, and problem gambling behavior were linked to the endorsement of some of these anticipated motives, with some differences in endorsement between those engaging in high- and low-level problem gambling. Collectively, results are consistent with the inference that many individuals may not be aware of what problematic gambling would look like for them, though income, gender identity, and problem gambling behavior may impact their consideration of anticipated motives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A significant number of people with bulimia nervosa (BN) or binge-eating disorder (BED) do not seek professional help. Important reasons include limited knowledge of eating disorders (EDs), feelings of shame, treatment costs, and restricted access to specialized healthcare. In this study, we explored if a novel therapy delivered in a primary care setting could overcome these barriers. We investigated factors such as motivation and expectations and included the patients\' and newly trained therapists\' perspectives.
    METHODS: We interviewed 10 women with BN (n = 2) or BED (n = 8), enrolled in the Physical Exercise and Dietary therapy (PED-t) program, in a Healthy Life Center (HLC) located in a primary healthcare facility. Interview topics discussed were motivations for and expectations of therapy, and the treatment location. In addition, 10 therapists from HLC\'s were interviewed on their experiences with the PED-t training program and expectations of running PED-t within their service. The semi-structured interviews were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Most patients had limited knowledge about EDs and first realized the need for professional help after learning about PED-t. Patients exhibited strong motivations for treatment and a positive perception of both the PED-t, the new treatment setting, and the therapists\' competencies. The therapists, following a brief training program, felt confident in their abilities to treat EDs and provide PED-t. With minor operational adjustments, PED-t can seamlessly be integrated into national HLC service locations.
    CONCLUSIONS: PED-t is an accessible therapeutic service that can be delivered in a primary care environment in a stepped-care therapy model.
    UNASSIGNED: This study investigates the views and experiences of patients and newly trained therapists of PED-t (Physical Exercise and Dietary therapy), a new program-led primary care therapy for binge-eating spectrum eating disorders. The treatment and the locations for the intervention, that is, local health care centers, were found to be highly acceptable to both patients and therapists, thus PED-t could easily be integrated as a first step into a step-care delivery model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent evidence suggests that multiple emotional disorders may be better assessed using dimensional models of psychopathology. The current study utilized a cross-sectional population survey of college students (N = 8613 participants) to examine the extent to which broad psychopathology factors accounted for specific associations between emotional problems and clinical and behavioral validators: suicidality, dysfunctional attitudes, and treatment seeking.
    METHODS: Confirmatory factor models were estimated to identify the best structure of psychopathology. Models were then estimated to examine the broad and specific associations between each psychopathology indicator and the clinical and behavioral validators.
    RESULTS: The hierarchical model of psychopathology with internalizing problems at the top, fear, and distress at the second level, and five specific symptom dimensions at the third level evidenced the best fit. The associations between symptom indicators of psychopathology and clinical and behavioral validators were relatively small and inconsistent. Instead, much of the association between clinical and behavioral validators and emotional problems operated at a higher-order level.
    CONCLUSIONS: The cross-sectional nature of the survey precludes the ability to make conclusions regarding causality.
    CONCLUSIONS: Researchers should focus on investigating the shared or common components across emotional disorders, particularly concerning individuals presenting with higher rates of suicidal ideation dysfunctional attitudes, and help-seeking behavior. Using higher-order dimensions of psychopathology could simplify the complex presentation of multiple co-occurring disorders and suggest valid constructs for future investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating disorders (EDs) are serious psychiatric illnesses that typically develop during adolescence and emerging adulthood. Early intervention is important for improved outcomes for young people with EDs, yet help-seeking is low and individuals often have a significantly protracted start to treatment, suggesting that early intervention is not well established in the ED field. Previous reviews on facilitators and barriers to early intervention for EDs largely cover perceived barriers related to patient variables and perspectives, whereas clinician-, service-, and healthcare system-related facilitators and barriers are less frequently reviewed. The aim of this review is to synthesize the literature on barriers to and facilitators of early intervention for EDs, regarding patient-, clinician-, service-, and healthcare system-related factors. A narrative review was conducted by searching for relevant peer-reviewed, English-language articles published up until July 2023 on PubMed and PsychINFO. The search was conducted in two steps. First, key search terms were used to identify existing reviews and meta-analyses on facilitators and barriers to early intervention for EDs. Then, additional search terms were added to search for primary and secondary research on patient/family, clinician, service, and healthcare system-related barriers and facilitators. The identified literature shows that, after overcoming intrinsic, motivational barriers (such as self-stigma, denial, and ambivalence), help-seeking individuals may be met with long service waiting lists and limited treatment options. Despite these barriers, there is ongoing research into early intervention in practice, which aims to reach underserved populations and facilitate early intervention despite high service demands and shortages of trained healthcare professionals. Funding for ED research and services has historically been low, and there is also a research-practice gap. This highlights the need for increased consideration of, and funding for early intervention for EDs, to remove barriers as well as facilitate discussions around how to make early intervention programs scalable and sustainable.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is one of the most stigmatized diagnosis, and stigma imposes a major barrier to treatment seeking. There is a need to develop interventions that can reduce stigma and increase treatment seeking. Little is known about the effects of video materials. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of different videos. The primary outcome was public stigma, and secondary outcomes were: self-stigma, and motivation to change own alcohol use; talking to someone else about their alcohol use; seeking information about AUD treatment or seeking AUD treatment.
    This is a three-armed double blind randomized controlled study. The study included 655 Danish adults. Data was collected at a study webpage, and the survey could be completed anywhere with Internet access. After informed consent and completing baseline measures, participants were randomized, 1:1:1 ratio, to a video (video 1 n = 228; video 2 n = 198; video 3 n = 229). Video 1 and 2 have been used in a national mass media campaign and video 3 was recorded for use in the present study. Immediately after exposure, follow-up measures were completed. Outcomes were analyzed with mixed effects linear regression.
    In total n = 616 completed follow-up (video 1 n = 215; video 2 n = 192; video 3 n = 209). Randomization to video 1 and 3 decreased public stigma measured with \"Difference, Disdain & Blame Scales\", while video 2 increased stigma. Video 2 compared to 1: 2.262 (95% CI 1.155; 3.369) p < 0.001. Video 3 compared to 1: -0.082 (95% CI -1.170; 1.006) p = 0.882. Video 3 compared to 2: -2.344 (95% CI -3.455; -1.233) p = 0.882. All videos reduced motivation to change own alcohol use. Participants with hazardous alcohol use, were more sensitive to the different videos, compared to low-risk alcohol use. Video 2 decreased motivation to seek information about treatment. No effects were seen on motivation to seek treatment, motivation to talk to someone else or self-stigma.
    Videos can have an immediate effect on level of public stigma. Other types of interventions are needed to increase motivation and reduce self-stigma. To avoid adverse effects in future interventions, the use of theoretical frameworks and stakeholder involvement is emphasized.





