Travail spontané

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess the effect of a modified definition of dystocia and of a different timing of interventions during spontaneous labor on the rate of oxytocin use and on its consequences on labor outcome.
    We compared oxytocin use and labor outcome before and after the introduction of a new protocol for the management of spontaneous labor. By protocol, oxytocin use and/or artificial rupture of the membranes was restricted to cases without progress in cervical dilatation for≥1h and/or no progress of fetal descent for≥1h at full dilatation. The main outcome measure was the rate of oxytocin use. Secondary outcome criteria were the consequences on labor (duration of labor, tachysystole and uterine hyperstimulation, abnormal fetal heart rate, cesarean delivery rate) and neonatal outcome.
    Oxytocin use was strongly reduced from 2015 (69.2%) to 2016 (39.8%; P<0.01) and 2017 (31.9%; P<0.01). Abnormal FHR rates decreased simultaneously (respectively 52%, 37% et 29%, P<0.05), as well as uterine hyperstimulation (respectively 33.6%, 21.3% et 23.0%; P<0.05). The cesarean delivery rate did not vary significantly from 2015 (11.5%) to 2016 (8.4%; NS) but it decreased from 2015 to 2017 (11.5% to 2.6%, respectively; P<0.05). No difference was found in postpartum hemorrhage rates or in neonatal outcome. The duration of labor was significantly longer for women who delivered in 2017, compared with 2015 (372 minutes versus 306 minutes, respectively; P<0.05). After multivariate analysis, FHR abnormalities were reduced (aOR 0.65 IC 95% [0.49-0.86]) as well as cesarean deliveries during labor (aOR 0.5 IC 95% [0.26-0.97]) in 2017 only, compared with the reference year 2015.
    A simple and easy-to-use definition of dystocia and of interventions required during labor allowed a strong reduction of oxytocin use during labor with subsequent benefits such as reduced rates of FHR abnormalities, uterine hyperstimulations and cesarean deliveries, at the cost of a limited prolongation of labor, mainly in nulliparous women.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Delivery mode in breech presentation (BP) is often controversial. Spontaneous labor, when vaginal birth seems safe, allows to better estimate uterus contractility, fetus\' accommodation to maternal pelvis and optimize monitoring with a partograph. Induced labor in BP was usually contra-indicated. Lack of strong scientific evidence on this matter has permitted a progressive and careful evolution in obstetrical management, with the introduction of induced labor in BP. The aim of our study is to compare vaginal birth rates when labor is induced versus when spontaneous in BP. Maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality parameters were also evaluated.
    In this retrospective study were included 206 patients carrying fetuses in BP, between June 2012 and June 2017. 182 of them had spontaneous labor and 24 experienced induced labor. Inclusion criteria were singleton pregnancy, BP after 34 weeks of gestation and vaginal delivery authorized by a senior obstetrician. Multiple pregnancy, birth before 34 weeks of gestation, uterine scar, planned caesarian section for BP, intra-uterine fetal death and medical termination of pregnancy were excluded. Induction of labor was performed for medical reason on a favorable cervix.
    There was no significant difference in cesarean section rates between the two \"induced\" and \"spontaneous\" labor groups in BP (OR=1.69 [CI95%: 0.71-4.04]). We observed no difference between the two groups in neither perineum trauma nor post-partum hemorrhage. No difference was found between the two groups in rates of Apgar score<7 5minutes after birth, neonatal transfer, fetal trauma and pH at birth.
    Despite our small population, it seems acceptable to propose induced labor for medical reason if cervix is favorable in BP if a protocol is available stating acceptability criteria for vaginal birth. It can avoid unnecessary caesarian section and allow better obstetrical outcome. It would be interesting to study fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality criteria in induced labor versus planned cesarean section when patients could be eligible for induced labor in BP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To define the different stages of spontaneous labour. To determine the indications, modalities of use and the effects of administering synthetic oxytocin. And to describe undesirable maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with the use of synthetic oxytocin.
    METHODS: A systematic review was carried out by searching Medline database and websites of obstetrics learned societies until March 2016.
    RESULTS: The 1st stage of labor is divided in a latence phase and an active phase, which switch at 5cm of cervical dilatation. Rate of cervical dilatation is considered as abnormal below 1cm per 4hour during the first part of the active phase, and below 1cm per 2hours above 7cm of dilatation. During the latent phase of the first stage of labor, i.e. before 5cm of cervical dilatation, it is recommended that an amniotomy not be performed routinely and not to use oxytocin systematically. It is not recommended to expect the active phase of labor to start the epidural analgesia if patient requires it. If early epidural analgesia was performed, the administration of oxytocin must not be systematic. If dystocia during the active phase, an amniotomy is recommended in first-line treatment. In the absence of an improvement within an hour, oxytocin should be administrated. However, in the case of an extension of the second stage beyond 2hours, it is recommended to administer oxytocin to correct a lack of progress of the presentation. If dynamic dystocia, it is recommended to start initial doses of oxytocin at 2mUI/min, to respect at least 30min intervals between increases in oxytocin doses delivered, and to increase oxytocin doses by 2mUI/min intervals without surpassing a maximum IV flow rate of 20mUI/min. The reported maternal adverse effects concern uterine hyperstimulation, uterine rupture and post-partum haemorrhage, and those of neonatal adverse effects concern foetal heart rate anomalies associated with uterine hyperstimulation, neonatal morbidity and mortality, neonatal jaundice, weak suck/poor breastfeeding latch and autism.
    CONCLUSIONS: The widespread use of oxytocin during spontaneous labour must not be considered as simply another inoffensive prescription without any possible deleterious consequences for mother or foetus. Conditions for administering the oxytocin must therefore respect medical protocols. Indications and patient consent have to be report in the medical file.





