Trastorno por estrés postraumático

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human trafficking or contemporary slavery is the recruitment and transfer of people by force or deception for sexual, labour or other types of exploitation. Although the violence, abuse and deprivation that trafficking entails are a threat to the health of its victims, in Spain the clinical or forensic data available in this regard is scarce. At the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Catalonia (IMLCFC), a unit specialized in the forensic assessment of these victims was created. The objective of this work was to describe a series of forensic cases of trafficking victims.
    Retrospective study of victims in judicial cases opened for an alleged crime of human trafficking registered in the IMLCFC until 06/30/2023.
    57 different victims were registered. The majority were women (71.9%). The average age was 30.5 years (s.d. 10.31). All the victims were foreigners, mostly from Latin America (45.5%). The exploitation was mainly sexual (61.4%). There were some sociodemographic differences and in the conditions and consequences of trafficking between victims of sexual exploitation and the rest. Mental health problems were very common in all victims at the time of the assessment (87.5%).
    The consequences of trafficking on health, especially mental health, are notable and the forensic assessment of victims is valuable in judicial proceedings. It is necessary to deepen our knowledge of the phenomenon in our environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Women are more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than men. Recent research suggests an impact of oral contraceptive (OC) intake on PTSD and intrusive memories, a hallmark symptom of PTSD. Although a majority of women use OCs at some point in their lives, the effects on PTSD pathogenesis are only poorly understood.Objective: In the current paper, we aimed to investigate the impact of OC intake on the acquisition and consolidation of intrusive memories in healthy women after watching a trauma film paradigm.Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of a pooled dataset (N = 437) of two previously conducted and published studies investigating the effect of oxytocin on the development of intrusive memories.Results: Women taking OCs showed an attenuated decline of intrusive memories over time after having watched the trauma film compared to naturally cycling women (F(2.75, 1167) = 3.79, p = .03, ηp2 = .01).Conclusion: These findings indicate that the intake of OCs is associated with the development of intrusive memories after a trauma film paradigm. This indication emphasizes the need to further investigate the complex impact of OCs and gonadal hormones on fear learning processes and PTSD.
    The objective of the current study was to analyze the effect of oral contraceptives on the development of intrusive memories after a trauma film paradigm by conducting a secondary analysis of previously published data.Women taking oral contraceptives show an attenuated decline of intrusive memories after watching a trauma film paradigm compared to naturally cycling women in the luteal phase.Women using oral contraceptives show higher basal saliva cortisol levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined relationship satisfaction and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among spouse caregivers assisting service members and veterans (SMV) with comorbid uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Spouse caregivers (N = 205) completed the Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI), 12 HRQOL measures, and the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory 4th Edition (MPAI-4). T-scores were classified as \"clinically elevated\" using a cutoff of ≥60T. The sample was also classified into \"Satisfied\" (≥13.5, n = 113, 55.0%) or \"Dissatisfied\" (<13.5, n = 92, 44.0%) relationship categories. Using stepwise regression analysis, Anxiety, Family Disruption, Vigilance, Emotional Support, Feeling Trapped, and MPAI-4 Adjustment were identified as the strongest predictors of CSI total scores (p < 0.001), accounting for 41.6% of the variance. Squared semi-partial correlations revealed that 18.1% of the variance was shared across all six measures, with 7.8% to 1.5% of unique variance accounted for by each measure separately. When comparing the number of clinically elevated measures simultaneously, the Dissatisfied group consistently had a higher number of clinically elevated scores compared to the Satisfied group (e.g., 3-or-more clinically elevated scores: Dissatisfied = 40.2%, Satisfied = 8.8%, OR = 6.93, H = 0.76). Caring for a SMV with comorbid TBI and PTSD can have a profound impact on the spouse caregiver\'s HRQOL, relationship satisfaction, and family functioning. The findings from the current study continue to support the need for family involvement in the SMV\'s treatment plan, but more effort is needed to integrate behavioral health treatment that focuses on the family member\'s own issues into military TBI and PTSD systems of care.
    En este estudio se analizó la satisfacción con la relación y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud entre cónyuges cuidadores que asisten a miembros del servicio militar y veteranos con lesión cerebral traumática leve sin complicaciones concomitante con trastorno por estrés postraumático. Los cónyuges cuidadores (N=205) completaron el Índice de satisfacción de las parejas (Couples Satisfaction Index, CSI), la Encuesta de 12 ítems sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (12 HRQQL) y la Encuesta de Adaptabilidad Mayo-Portland 4.ª edición (Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory 4th Edition, MPAI-4). Los puntajes T se clasificaron en “clínicamente elevados” usando un valor de corte de ≥60T. La muestra también se clasificó en categorías de relaciones “satisfechas” (>13.5, n=113, 55.0%) o “insatisfechas” (<13.5, n=92, 44.0%). Utilizando un análisis de regresión paso a paso, se identificaron la ansiedad, la interrupción familiar, la vigilancia, el apoyo emocional, la sensación de estar atrapado y la adaptación de la MPAI-4 como los factores pronósticos más fuertes de los puntajes totales del CSI (p<.001), que representaron el 41.6% de la varianza. Las correlaciones semiparciales al cuadrado revelaron que el 18.1% de la varianza se compartió entre las seis medidas, con una varianza única de 7.8% a 1.5% representada por cada medida separadamente. Cuando se comparó el número de medidas clínicamente elevadas de manera simultánea, el grupo insatisfecho tuvo sistemáticamente un número más alto de puntajes clínicamente elevados en comparación con el grupo satisfecho (p. ej.: 3 o más puntajes clínicamente elevados: insatisfecho=40.2%, satisfecho=8.8%, OR=6.93, H=.76). cuidar a un miembro del servicio militar o a un veterano con lesión cerebral traumática leve y trastorno por estrés postraumático concomitantes puede afectar enormemente la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud del cónyuge cuidador, la satisfacción con la relación y el funcionamiento familiar. Los resultados del presente estudio continúan respaldando la necesidad de la participación familiar en el plan de tratamiento del miembro del servicio militar o veterano, pero se necesita más esfuerzo para integrar un tratamiento de salud conductual que se centre en los problemas propios del familiar en los sistemas de atención de militares con lesión cerebral traumática leve y trastorno por estrés postraumático.
    本研究考察了协助共病无并发症的轻度创伤性脑损伤 (MTBI) 和创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 的军人和退伍军人 (SMV) 其配偶照顾者的关系满意度和健康相关生活质量 (HRQOL) 。配偶照顾者 (N=205) 完成了夫妻满意度指数 (CSI) 、12项HRQOL测量, 以及MAYO-PORTLAND适应性问卷第四版 (MPAI-4) 。TSCORES以≥60T为分界点被分为 \"临床升高\"。样本还被分为 \"满意\" (>13.5, N=113, 55.0%) 或 \"不满意\" (<13.5, N=92, 44.0%) 关系类别。通过逐步回归分析, 焦虑、家庭干扰、警惕性、情感支持、被困感和MPAI-4适应被确定为CSI总分的最强的预测因素 (p<0.001), 占总方差的41.6%。平方半偏相关显示, 18.1%的方差在所有六项测量中共享, 7.8%至1.5%的独特方差由每项测量单独解释。当同时比较临床升高的次数时, 不满意组的临床升高评分始终高于满意组(例如, 3分或3分以上的临床升高评分:不满意=40.2%, 满意=8.8%, OR=6.93, H=.76)。照顾患有创伤性脑损伤和创伤后应激障碍的SMV对配偶照顾者的HRQOL、关系满意度和家庭功能有深远的影响。目前的研究结果继续支持家庭参与SMV治疗计划的必要性, 但需要更多的努力, 将关注家庭成员自身问题的行为健康治疗整合到军事创伤性脑损伤和创伤后应激障碍的护理系统中。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a need for effective, low-cost, readily available measures for reducing trauma symptoms so that people exposed to potentially traumatic events can receive help more quickly. A previous study reported that performing an intervention including a visuospatial task shortly after a reminder of a series of unpleasant film clips seen 24 hours earlier reduced the number of intrusive memories over the following week.
    This study reports a follow-up and extension of the earlier promising finding. The prediction was that participants performing the visuospatial task immediately after the reminder would report fewer intrusions compared to three other groups who 1) performed no task, and novel conditions who 2) performed the task before the reminder, and 3) performed the task 90 minutes after the reminder.
    A trauma-analogue method was used, where students (N = 200) watched a series of short films with unpleasant material. Over the following week, they were asked to write down any intrusive memories they experienced in a diary. On the second day they returned to the lab and saw static reminders of the films. They were then randomly allocated to condition, recorded intrusive memories over the following days and returned to the lab for final testing on Day 8.
    A total of 49 participants did not report any intrusions and were excluded from the analyses. Two more participants were excluded as outliers, leaving a final sample of n = 149. Despite using largely the same materials as the original study there were no significant differences in the number of intrusive memories between the four groups post intervention.
    Possible explanations include the effect not being as robust as expected, a low number of intrusions across groups, baseline differences in attention, and minor but potentially important differences in procedure between this and the original study.
    Antecedentes: Existe la necesidad de medidas efectivas de bajo costo y fácilmente disponibles para reducir los síntomas del trauma, de modo que las personas expuestas a eventos potencialmente traumáticos puedan recibir ayuda más rápidamente. James y cols. (2015) reportaron que realizar una intervención que incluye una tarea viso-espacial poco después de un recordatorio consistente en una serie de clips de películas desagradables vistos 24 horas antes, redujo el número de recuerdos intrusivos durante la semana siguiente.Objetivo: Este estudio reporta un seguimiento y extensión del prometedor hallazgo de James y cols. La predicción fue que los participantes que realizaran la tarea viso-espacial inmediatamente después del recordatorio reportarían menos intrusiones en comparación con otros tres grupos que: 1) no realizaron ninguna tarea, y en condiciones novedosas que 2) realizaron la tarea antes del recordatorio y 3) realizaron la tarea 90 minutos después del recordatorio.Método: Se utilizó un método analógico de trauma, donde los estudiantes (N = 200) vieron una serie de cortometrajes con material desagradable. Durante la semana siguiente, se les pidió que escribieran cualquier recuerdo intrusivo que experimentaran en un diario. El segundo día regresaron al laboratorio y vieron recordatorios estáticos de las películas. Luego fueron asignados aleatoriamente a la condición, registraron recuerdos intrusivos durante los días siguientes y regresaron al laboratorio para la prueba final el día 8.Resultados: Un total de 49 participantes no reportó ninguna intrusión y fueron excluidos de los análisis. Se excluyeron dos participantes adicionales como valores atípicos, dejando una muestra final de n = 149. A pesar de utilizar en gran parte los mismos materiales que el estudio original, no hubo diferencias significativas en el número de recuerdos intrusivos entre los cuatro grupos después de la intervención.Conclusiones: Las posibles explicaciones incluyen que el efecto no es tan robusto como se esperaba, un número bajo de intrusiones entre los grupos, diferencias basales de atención y diferencias menores pero potencialmente importantes en el procedimiento entre éste y el estudio original.
    背景: 需要有效的低成本, 现成的测量来减少创伤症状, 以便暴露于潜在创伤事件的人能够更快地获得帮助。詹姆斯等人 (2015) 报告说, 24 小时前看到的一系列令人不快的电影片段提示物后不久进行包括视觉空间任务在内的干预, 会减少下一周闯入性记忆次数。目的: 本研究报告了 James 等人可观发现的后续和扩展。预测是, 在提示物后立即进行视觉空间任务的参与者报告的闯入相较于以下其他三个组更少:1) 不进行任务,2) 在提示物之前进行任务的新条件, 以及3) 在提示物后90分组进行任务。方法: 使用创伤模拟方法, 200名学生观看一系列包含令人不快材料的短片。在接下来的一周里, 他们被要求在日记中写下他们所经历的任何闯入性记忆。第二天, 他们回到实验室, 看到了电影的静态提示物。然后他们被随机分配到条件, 在接下来的几天里记录闯入性记忆, 并在第 8 天返回实验室进行最终测试。结果: 共有 49 名参与者没有报告任何闯入, 从分析中剔除。另外两名参与者作为异常值被剔除, 留下 最终n=149 的样本。尽管使用与原始研究大致相同的材料, 但干预后四组之间的闯入性记忆次数没有显著差异。结论: 可能的解释包括效应不如预期的那么稳健, 闯入次数跨组都很少, 注意力的基线差异以及本研究与原始研究之间在程序上的微小但可能重要的差异。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition that affects a subgroup of individuals that have suffered a previous traumatic event capable of generating changes at a psychological and behavioural level. These changes affect the personal, family, and social environment of those who suffer from this condition. Different genes have been identified as risk markers for development of this disorder. The population heterogeneity and individual differences (genetic and environmental) of each subject have made it difficult to identify valid markers in previous studies. For this reason, studies of Gene x Environment (G×E) have gathered importance in the last two decades, with the aim of identifying of the phenotypes of a particular disease. These studies have included genes such as SLC64A, FKBP5, and ADCYAP1R1, among others. Little is known about the interaction between the genes, pathways, and the molecular and neural circuitry that underlie PTSD. However their identification and association with stimuli and specific environments that stimulate the development of PTSD makes it focus of interest for identify genomic variations in this disorder. In turn, the epigenetic modifications that regulate the expression of genes involved in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the amygdala- hippocampal-medial prefrontal cortex circuits play a role in the identification of biomarkers and endophenotypes in PTSD. In this review, the advances in genetic and epigenetic that have occurred in the genomic era in PTSD are presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the within-family and between-family associations between fathers\' military-related PTSD symptoms and parent ratings of children\'s behavioral and emotional problems. The sample included married couples (N = 419) with children composed of a civilian wife and an active-duty husband serving in the U.S. Army. Results indicate that changes in fathers\' PTSD symptoms over time were associated with corresponding changes in both mothers\' and fathers\' reports of child behavioral and emotional problems. These within-family findings were independent from between-family effects, which showed that higher average PTSD symptomatology was associated with more overall behavioral and emotional problems for children. This study uses advances in statistical methodologies to increase knowledge about how PTSD symptoms and child problems are related, both across different families and over time within families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a relatively new psychotherapy that has gradually gained popularity for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. In the present work, the standardised EMDR protocol is introduced, along with current hypotheses of its mechanism of action, as well as a critical review of the available literature on its clinical effectiveness in adult post-traumatic stress disorder. A systematic review of the published literature was performed using PubMed and PsycINFO databases with the keywords «eye movement desensitization and reprocessing» and «post-traumatic stress disorder» and its abbreviations «EMDR» and «PTSD». Fifteen randomised controlled trials of good methodological quality were selected. These studies compared EMDR with unspecific interventions, waiting lists, or specific therapies. Overall, the results of these studies suggest that EMDR is a useful, evidence-based tool for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, in line with recent recommendations from different international health organisations.





