Trapezoid Body

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cholinergic signaling is essential to mediate the auditory prepulse inhibition (PPI), an operational measure of sensorimotor gating, that refers to the reduction of the acoustic startle reflex (ASR) when a low-intensity, non-startling acoustic stimulus (the prepulse) is presented just before the onset of the acoustic startle stimulus. The cochlear root neurons (CRNs) are the first cells of the ASR circuit to receive cholinergic inputs from non-olivocochlear neurons of the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body (VNTB) and subsequently decrease their neuronal activity in response to auditory prepulses. Yet, the contribution of the VNTB-CRNs pathway to the mediation of PPI has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we used the immunotoxin anti-choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-saporin as well as electrolytic lesions of the medial olivocochlear bundle to selectively eliminate cholinergic VNTB neurons, and then assessed the ASR and PPI paradigms. Retrograde track-tracing experiments were conducted to precisely determine the site of lesioning VNTB neurons projecting to the CRNs. Additionally, the effects of VNTB lesions and the integrity of the auditory pathway were evaluated via auditory brain responses tests, ChAT- and FOS-immunohistochemistry. Consequently, we established three experimental groups: 1) intact control rats (non-lesioned), 2) rats with bilateral lesions of the olivocochlear bundle (OCB-lesioned), and 3) rats with bilateral immunolesions affecting both the olivocochlear bundle and the VNTB (OCB/VNTB-lesioned). All experimental groups underwent ASR and PPI tests at several interstimulus intervals before the lesion and 7, 14, and 21 days after it. Our results show that the ASR amplitude remained unaffected both before and after the lesion across all experimental groups, suggesting that the VNTB does not contribute to the ASR. The%PPI increased across the time points of evaluation in the control and OCB-lesioned groups but not in the OCB/VNTB-lesioned group. At the ISI of 50 ms, the OCB-lesioned group exhibited a significant increase in%PPI (p < 0.01), which did not occur in the OCB/VNTB-lesioned group. Therefore, the ablation of cholinergic non-olivocochlear neurons in the OCB/VNTB-lesioned group suggests that these neurons contribute to the mediation of auditory PPI at the 50 ms ISI through their cholinergic projections to CRNs. Our study strongly reinforces the notion that auditory PPI encompasses a complex mechanism of top-down cholinergic modulation, effectively attenuating the ASR across different interstimulus intervals within multiple pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurexins play diverse functions as presynaptic organizers in various glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. However, it remains unknown whether and how neurexins are involved in shaping functional properties of the glycinergic synapses, which mediate prominent inhibition in the brainstem and spinal cord. To address these issues, we examined the role of neurexins in a model glycinergic synapse between the principal neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) and the principal neuron in the lateral superior olive (LSO) in the auditory brainstem. Combining RNAscope with stereotactic injection of AAV-Cre in the MNTB of neurexin1/2/3 conditional triple knockout mice, we showed that MNTB neurons highly express all isoforms of neurexins although their expression levels vary remarkably. Selective ablation of all neurexins in MNTB neurons not only reduced the amplitude but also altered the kinetics of the glycinergic synaptic transmission at LSO neurons. The synaptic dysfunctions primarily resulted from an impaired Ca2+ sensitivity of release and a loosened coupling between voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and synaptic vesicles. Together, our current findings demonstrate that neurexins are essential in controlling the strength and temporal precision of the glycinergic synapse, which therefore corroborates the role of neurexins as key presynaptic organizers in all major types of fast chemical synapses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons exhibit a high energetic need, and the question arises as how they metabolically adapt to changing activity states. This is relevant for interpreting functional neuroimaging in different brain areas. Particularly, neurons with a broad firing range might exhibit metabolic adaptations. Therefore, we studied MNTB (medial nucleus of the trapezoid body) principal neurons, which generate action potentials (APs) at frequencies up to several hundred hertz. We performed the experiments in acute brainstem slices of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) at 22.5-24.5°C. Upon electrical stimulation of afferent MNTB fibres with 400 stimuli at varying frequencies, we monitored autofluorescence levels of NAD(P)H and FAD and determined the extremum amplitudes of their biphasic response. Additionally, we compared these data with alterations in O2 concentrations measured with an electrochemical sensor. These O2 changes are prominent since MNTB neurons rely on oxidative phosphorylation as shown by our pharmacological experiments. We calculated the O2 consumption rate as change in O2 concentration divided by stimulus durations, because these periods varied inversely with stimulus frequency as a result of the constant number of 400 stimuli applied. The O2 consumption rate increased with stimulation frequency up to a constant value at 600 Hz; that is, energy demand depends on temporal characteristics of activity despite the same number of stimuli. The rates showed no correlation with peak amplitudes of NAD(P)H or FAD, whilst the values of the two molecules were linearly correlated. This points at the complexity of analysing autofluorescence imaging for quantitative metabolic studies, because these values report only relative net changes of many superimposed oxidative and reductive processes. Monitoring O2 concentration rates is, thus, an important tool to improve the interpretation of NAD(P)H/FAD autofluorescence data, as they do not under all conditions and in all systems appropriately reflect the metabolic activity or energy demand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) has been intensively investigated as a primary source of inhibition in brainstem auditory circuitry. MNTB-derived inhibition plays a critical role in the computation of sound location, as temporal features of sounds are precisely conveyed through the calyx of Held/MNTB synapse. In adult gerbils, cholinergic signaling influences sound-evoked responses of MNTB neurons via nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs; Zhang et al., 2021) establishing a modulatory role for cholinergic input to this nucleus. However, the cellular mechanisms through which acetylcholine (ACh) mediates this modulation in the MNTB remain obscure. To investigate these mechanisms, we used whole-cell current and voltage-clamp recordings to examine cholinergic physiology in MNTB neurons from Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) of both sexes. Membrane excitability was assessed in brain slices, in pre-hearing (postnatal days 9-13) and post-hearing onset (P18-20) MNTB neurons during bath application of agonists and antagonists of nicotinic (nAChRs) and muscarinic receptors (mAChRs). Muscarinic activation induced a potent increase in excitability most prominently prior to hearing onset with nAChR modulation emerging at later time points. Pharmacological manipulations further demonstrated that the voltage-gated K+ channel KCNQ (Kv7) is the downstream effector of mAChR activation that impacts excitability early in development. Cholinergic modulation of Kv7 reduces outward K+ conductance and depolarizes resting membrane potential. Immunolabeling revealed expression of Kv7 channels as well as mAChRs containing M1 and M3 subunits. Together, our results suggest that mAChR modulation is prominent but transient in the developing MNTB and that cholinergic modulation functions to shape auditory circuit development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) in the auditory brainstem is the principal source of synaptic inhibition to several functionally distinct auditory nuclei. Prominent projections of individual MNTB neurons comprise the major binaural nuclei that are involved in the early processing stages of sound localization as well as the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPON), which contains monaural neurons that extract rapid changes in sound intensity to detect sound gaps and rhythmic oscillations that commonly occur in animal calls and human speech. While the processes that guide the development and refinement of MNTB axon collaterals to the binaural nuclei have become increasingly understood, little is known about the development of MNTB collaterals to the monaural SPON. In this study, we investigated the development of MNTB-SPON connections in mice of both sexes from shortly after birth to three weeks of age, which encompasses the time before and after hearing onset. Individual axon reconstructions and electrophysiological analysis of MNTB-SPON connectivity demonstrate a dramatic increase in the number of MNTB axonal boutons in the SPON before hearing onset. However, this proliferation was not accompanied by changes in the strength of MNTB-SPON connections or by changes in the structural or functional topographic precision. However, following hearing onset, the spread of single-axon boutons along the tonotopic axis increased, indicating an unexpected decrease in the tonotopic precision of the MNTB-SPON pathway. These results provide new insight into the development and organization of inhibition to SPON neurons and the regulation of developmental plasticity in diverging inhibitory pathways.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The superior paraolivary nucleus (SPON) is a prominent auditory brainstem nucleus involved in the early detection of sound gaps and rhythmic oscillations. The ability of SPON neurons to fire at the offset of sound depends on strong and precise synaptic inhibition provided by glycinergic neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Here, we investigated the anatomic and physiological maturation of MNTB-LSO connectivity in mice before and after the onset of hearing. We observed a period of bouton proliferation without accompanying changes in topographic precision before hearing onset. This was followed by bouton elimination and an unexpected decrease in the tonotopic precision after hearing onset. These results provide new insight into the development of inhibition to the SPON.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The trapezoid body (TB) contains axons of neurons residing in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) that provide excitatory and inhibitory inputs to the main monaural and binaural nuclei in the superior olivary complex (SOC). To understand the monaural and binaural response properties of neurons in the medial and lateral superior olive (MSO and LSO), it is important to characterize the temporal firing properties of these inputs. Because of its exceptional low-frequency hearing, the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) is one of the widely used small animal models for studies of hearing. However, the characterization of the output of its ventral cochlear nucleus to the nuclei of the SOC is fragmentary. We obtained responses of TB axons to stimuli typically used in binaural studies and compared these responses to those of auditory nerve (AN) fibers, with a focus on temporal coding. We found enhancement of phase-locking and entrainment, i.e., the ability of a neuron to fire action potentials at a certain stimulus phase for nearly every stimulus period, in TB axons relative to AN fibers. Enhancement in phase-locking and entrainment are quantitatively more modest than in the cat but greater than in the gerbil. As in these species, these phenomena occur not only in low-frequency neurons stimulated at their characteristic frequency but also in neurons tuned to higher frequencies when stimulated with low-frequency tones, to which complex phase-locking behavior with multiple modes of firing per stimulus cycle is frequently observed.NEW & NOTEWORTHY The sensitivity of neurons to small time differences in sustained sounds to both ears is important for binaural hearing, and this sensitivity is critically dependent on phase-locking in the monaural pathways. Although studies in cat showed a marked improvement in phase-locking from the peripheral to the central auditory nervous system, the evidence in rodents is mixed. Here, we recorded from AN and TB of chinchilla and found temporal enhancement, though more limited than in cat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhythmic action potentials (AP) are generated via intrinsic ionic mechanisms in pacemaking neurons, producing synaptic responses of regular inter-event intervals (IEIs) in their targets. In auditory processing, evoked temporally patterned activities are induced when neural responses timely lock to a certain phase of the sound stimuli. Spontaneous spike activity, however, is a stochastic process, rendering the prediction of the exact timing of the next event completely based on probability. Furthermore, neuromodulation mediated by metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) is not commonly associated with patterned neural activities. Here, we report an intriguing phenomenon. In a subpopulation of medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) neurons recorded under whole-cell voltage-clamp mode in acute mouse brain slices, temporally patterned AP-dependent glycinergic sIPSCs and glutamatergic sEPSCs were elicited by activation of group I mGluRs with 3,5-DHPG (200 µM). Auto-correlation analyses revealed rhythmogenesis in these synaptic responses. Knockout of mGluR5 largely eliminated the effects of 3,5-DHPG. Cell-attached recordings showed temporally patterned spikes evoked by 3,5-DHPG in potential presynaptic VNTB cells for synaptic inhibition onto MNTB. The amplitudes of sEPSCs enhanced by 3,5-DHPG were larger than quantal size but smaller than spike-driven calyceal inputs, suggesting that non-calyceal inputs to MNTB might be responsible for the temporally patterned sEPSCs. Finally, immunocytochemical studies identified expression and localization of mGluR5 and mGluR1 in the VNTB-MNTB inhibitory pathway. Our results imply a potential central mechanism underlying the generation of patterned spontaneous spike activity in the brainstem sound localization circuit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparative analysis of evolutionarily conserved neuronal circuits between phylogenetically distant mammals highlights the relevant mechanisms and specific adaptations to information processing. The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) is a conserved mammalian auditory brainstem nucleus relevant for temporal processing. While MNTB neurons have been extensively investigated, a comparative analysis of phylogenetically distant mammals and the spike generation is missing. To understand the suprathreshold precision and firing rate, we examined the membrane, voltage-gated ion channel and synaptic properties in Phyllostomus discolor (bat) and in Meriones unguiculatus (rodent) of either sex. Between the two species, the membrane properties of MNTB neurons were similar at rest with only minor differences, while larger dendrotoxin (DTX)-sensitive potassium currents were found in gerbils. Calyx of Held-mediated EPSCs were smaller and frequency dependence of short-term plasticity (STP) less pronounced in bats. Simulating synaptic train stimulations in dynamic clamp revealed that MNTB neurons fired with decreasing success rate near conductance threshold and at increasing stimulation frequency. Driven by STP-dependent conductance decrease, the latency of evoked action potentials increased during train stimulations. The spike generator showed a temporal adaptation at the beginning of train stimulations that can be explained by sodium current inactivation. Compared with gerbils, the spike generator of bats sustained higher frequency input-output functions and upheld the same temporal precision. Our data mechanistically support that MNTB input-output functions in bats are suited to sustain precise high-frequency rates, while for gerbils, temporal precision appears more relevant and an adaptation to high output-rates can be spared.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neurons in the mammalian medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) convey precise, faithful inhibition vital for binaural hearing and gap detection. The MNTB\'s structure and function appear evolutionarily well conserved. We compared the cellular physiology of MNTB neurons in bat and gerbil. Because of their adaptations to echolocation or low frequency hearing both species are model systems for hearing research, yet with largely overlapping hearing ranges. We find that bat neurons sustain information transfer with higher ongoing rates and precision based on synaptic and biophysical differences in comparison to gerbils. Thus, even in evolutionarily conserved circuits species-specific adaptations prevail, highlighting the importance for comparative research to differentiate general circuit functions and their specific adaptations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Specialized sound localization circuit development requires synapse strengthening, refinement, and pruning. Many of these functions are carried out by microglia, immune cells that aid in regulating neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, apoptosis, and synaptic removal. We previously showed that postnatal treatment with BLZ945 (BLZ), an inhibitor of colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R), eliminates microglia in the brainstem and disables calyceal pruning and maturation of astrocytes in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). BLZ treatment results in elevated hearing thresholds and delayed signal propagation as measured by auditory brainstem responses (ABR). However, when microglia repopulate the brain following the cessation of BLZ, most of the deficits are repaired. It is unknown whether this recovery is achievable without the return of microglia. Here, we induced sustained microglial elimination with a two-drug approach using BLZ and PLX5622 (PLX). We found that BLZ/PLX treated mice had impaired calyceal pruning, diminished astrocytic GFAP in the lateral, low frequency, region of MNTB, and elevated glycine transporter 2 (GLYT2) levels. BLZ/PLX treated mice had elevated hearing thresholds, diminished peak amplitudes, and altered latencies and inter-peak latencies. These findings suggest that microglia are required to repopulate the brain in order to rectify deficits from their ablation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efferent neurons are believed to play essential roles in maintaining auditory function. The lateral olivocochlear (LOC) neurons-which project from the brainstem to the inner ear, where they release multiple transmitters including peptides, catecholamines, and acetylcholine-are the most numerous yet least understood elements of efferent control of the cochlea. Using in vitro calcium imaging and patch-clamp recordings, we found that LOC neurons in juvenile and young adult mice exhibited extremely slow waves of activity (∼0.1 Hz). These seconds-long bursts of Na+ spikes were driven by an intrinsic oscillator dependent on L-type Ca2+ channels and were not observed in prehearing mice, suggesting an age-dependent mechanism underlying the intrinsic oscillator. Using optogenetic approaches, we identified both ascending (T-stellate cells of the cochlear nucleus) and descending (auditory cortex) sources of synaptic excitation, as well as the synaptic receptors used for such excitation. Additionally, we identified potent inhibition originating in the glycinergic medial nucleus of trapezoid body (MNTB). Conductance-clamp experiments revealed an unusual mechanism of electrical signaling in LOC neurons, in which synaptic excitation and inhibition served to switch on and off the intrinsically generated spike burst mechanism, allowing for prolonged periods of activity or silence controlled by brief synaptic events. Protracted bursts of action potentials may be essential for effective exocytosis of the diverse transmitters released by LOC fibers in the cochlea.





