Translational readthrough

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The PTEN tumor suppressor is frequently targeted in tumors and patients with PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) through nonsense mutations generating premature termination codons (PTC) that may cause the translation of truncated non-functional PTEN proteins. We have previously described a global analysis of the readthrough reconstitution of the protein translation and function of the human canonical PTEN isoform by aminoglycosides. Here, we report the efficient functional readthrough reconstitution of the PTEN translational isoform PTEN-L, which displays a minimal number of PTC in its specific N-terminal extension in association with disease. We illustrate the importance of the specific PTC and its nucleotide proximal sequence for optimal readthrough and show that the more frequent human PTEN PTC variants and their mouse PTEN PTC equivalents display similar patterns of readthrough efficiency. The heterogeneous readthrough response of the different PTEN PTC variants was independent of the length of the PTEN protein being reconstituted, and we found a correlation between the amount of PTEN protein being synthesized and the PTEN readthrough efficiency. Furthermore, combination of aminoglycosides and protein synthesis inducers increased the readthrough response of specific PTEN PTC. Our results provide insights with which to improve the functional reconstitution of human-disease-related PTC pathogenic variants from PTEN isoforms by increasing protein synthesis coupled to translational readthrough.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FEM1B is a substrate-recognition component of the CRL2 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. This multi-protein complex targets specific proteins for ubiquitylation, which leads to their degradation. Here, we demonstrate the regulation of FEM1B expression by stop codon readthrough (SCR). In this process, translating ribosomes readthrough the stop codon of FEM1B to generate a C-terminally extended isoform that is highly unstable. A total of 81 nucleotides in the proximal 3\'UTR of FEM1B constitute the necessary and sufficient cis-signal for SCR. Also, they encode the amino acid sequence responsible for the degradation of the SCR product. CRISPR-edited cells lacking this region, and therefore SCR of FEM1B, showed increased FEM1B expression. This in turn resulted in reduced expression of SLBP (a target of FEM1B-mediated degradation) and replication-dependent histones (target of SLBP for mRNA stability), causing cell cycle delay. Evolutionary analysis revealed that this phenomenon is specific to the genus Pan and Homo (Hominini). Overall, we show a relatively recently evolved SCR process that relieves the cell cycle from the negative regulation by FEM1B.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in the TP53 tumor suppressor gene occur with high prevalence in a wide range of human tumors. A significant fraction of these mutations (around 10%) are nonsense mutations, creating a premature termination codon (PTC) that leads to the expression of truncated inactive p53 protein. Induction of translational readthrough across a PTC in nonsense mutant TP53 allows the production of full-length protein and potentially restoration of normal p53 function. Aminoglycoside antibiotics and a number of novel compounds have been shown to induce full-length p53 in tumor cells carrying various TP53 nonsense mutations. Full-length p53 protein generated by translational readthrough retains the capacity to transactivate p53 target genes and trigger tumor cell death. These findings raise hopes for efficient therapy of TP53 nonsense mutant tumors in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stop codon readthrough (SCR) is the process where translation continues beyond a stop codon on an mRNA. Here, we describe a strategy to enhance or induce SCR in a transcript-selective manner using a CRISPR-dCas13 system. Using specific guide RNAs, we target dCas13 to the region downstream of canonical stop codons of mammalian AGO1 and VEGFA mRNAs, known to exhibit natural SCR. Readthrough assays reveal enhanced SCR of these mRNAs (both exogenous and endogenous) caused by the dCas13-gRNA complexes. This effect is associated with ribosomal pausing, which has been reported for several SCR events. Our data show that CRISPR-dCas13 can also induce SCR across premature termination codons (PTCs) in the mRNAs of green fluorescent protein and TP53. We demonstrate the utility of this strategy in the induction of readthrough across the thalassemia-causing PTC in HBB mRNA and hereditary spherocytosis-causing PTC in SPTA1 mRNA. Thus, CRISPR-dCas13 can be programmed to enhance or induce SCR in a transcript-selective and stop codon-specific manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rett syndrome (RTT) is a neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from genetic mutations in the methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) gene. Specifically, around 35% of RTT patients harbor premature termination codons (PTCs) within the MeCP2 gene due to nonsense mutations. A promising therapeutic avenue for these individuals involves the use of aminoglycosides, which stimulate translational readthrough (TR) by causing stop codons to be interpreted as sense codons. However, the effectiveness of this treatment depends on several factors, including the type of stop codon and the surrounding nucleotides, collectively referred to as the stop codon context (SCC). Here, we develop a high-content reporter system to precisely measure TR efficiency at different SCCs, assess the recovery of the full-length MeCP2 protein, and evaluate its subcellular localization. We have conducted a comprehensive investigation into the intricate relationship between SCC characteristics and TR induction, examining a total of 14 pathogenic MeCP2 nonsense mutations with the aim to advance the prospects of personalized therapy for individuals with RTT. Our results demonstrate that TR induction can successfully restore full-length MeCP2 protein, albeit to varying degrees, contingent upon the SCC and the specific position of the PTC within the MeCP2 mRNA. TR induction can lead to the re-establishment of nuclear localization of MeCP2, indicating the potential restoration of protein functionality. In summary, our findings underscore the significance of SCC-specific approaches in the development of tailored therapies for RTT. By unraveling the relationship between SCC and TR therapy, we pave the way for personalized, individualized treatment strategies that hold promise for improving the lives of individuals affected by this debilitating neurodevelopmental disorder. KEY MESSAGES: The efficiency of readthrough induction at MeCP2 premature termination codons strongly depends on the stop codon context. The position of the premature termination codon on the transcript influences the readthrough inducibility. A new high-content dual reporter assay facilitates the measurement and prediction of readthrough efficiency of specific nucleotide stop contexts. Readthrough induction results in the recovery of full-length MeCP2 and its re-localization to the nucleus. MeCP2 requires only one of its annotated nuclear localization signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense mutations generating premature termination codons (PTCs) in various genes are frequently associated with somatic cancer and hereditary human diseases since PTCs commonly generate truncated proteins with defective or altered function. Induced translational readthrough during protein biosynthesis facilitates the incorporation of an amino acid at the position of a PTC, allowing the synthesis of a complete protein. This may evade the pathological effect of the PTC mutation and provide new therapeutic opportunities. Several protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) genes are targeted by PTC in human disease, the tumor suppressor PTEN being the more prominent paradigm. Here, using PTEN and laforin as examples, two PTPs from the dual-specificity phosphatase subfamily, we describe methodologies to analyze in silico the distribution and frequency of pathogenic PTC in PTP genes. We also summarize laboratory protocols and technical notes to study the induced translational readthrough reconstitution of the synthesis of PTP targeted by PTC in association with disease in cellular models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nonsense mutations cause several genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, β-thalassemia, and Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. These mutations induce the formation of a premature termination codon (PTC) inside the mRNA sequence, resulting in the synthesis of truncated polypeptides. Nonsense suppression therapy mediated by translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs) is a promising approach to correct these genetic defects. TRIDs generate a ribosome miscoding of the PTC named \"translational readthrough\" and restore the synthesis of full-length and potentially functional proteins. The new oxadiazole-core TRIDs NV848, NV914, and NV930 (NV) showed translational readthrough activity in nonsense-related in vitro systems. In this work, the possible off-target effect of NV molecules on natural termination codons (NTCs) was investigated. Two different in vitro approaches were used to assess if the NV molecule treatment induces NTC readthrough: (1) a study of the translational-induced p53 molecular weight and functionality; (2) the evaluation of two housekeeping proteins\' (Cys-C and β2M) molecular weights. Our results showed that the treatment with NV848, NV914, or NV930 did not induce any translation alterations in both experimental systems. The data suggested that NV molecules have a specific action for the PTCs and an undetectable effect on the NTCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Coagulation factor V (FV) deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder that is usually managed with fresh-frozen plasma. Patients with nonsense mutations may respond to treatment with readthrough agents.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the F5 p.Arg1161Ter mutation, causing severe FV deficiency in several patients, would be amenable to readthrough therapy.
    METHODS: F5 mRNA and protein expression were evaluated in a F5 p.Arg1161Ter-homozygous patient. Five readthrough agents with different mechanisms of action, i.e. G418, ELX-02, PTC-124, 2,6-diaminopurine (2,6-DAP), and Amlexanox, were tested in in vitro and ex vivo models of the mutation.
    RESULTS: The F5 p.Arg1161Ter-homozygous patient showed residual F5 mRNA and functional platelet FV, indicating detectable levels of natural readthrough. COS-1 cells transfected with the FV-Arg1161Ter cDNA expressed 0.7% FV activity compared to wild-type. Treatment with 0-500 μM G418, ELX-02, and 2,6-DAP dose-dependently increased FV activity up to 7.0-fold, 3.1-fold, and 10.8-fold, respectively, whereas PTC-124 and Amlexanox (alone or in combination) were ineffective. These findings were confirmed by thrombin generation assays in FV-depleted plasma reconstituted with conditioned media of treated cells. All compounds except ELX-02 showed some degree of cytotoxicity. Ex vivo differentiated megakaryocytes of the F5 p.Arg1161Ter-homozygous patient, which were negative at FV immunostaining, turned positive after treatment with all 5 readthrough agents. Notably, they were also able to internalize mutant FV rescued with G418 or 2,6-DAP, which would be required to maintain the crucial platelet FV pool in vivo.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide in vitro and ex vivo proof-of-principle for readthrough-mediated rescue of the F5 p.Arg1161Ter mutation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus, transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes. The CHIKV single-stranded positive-sense RNA genome contains two open reading frames, coding for the non-structural (nsP) and structural proteins of the virus. The non-structural polyprotein precursor is proteolytically cleaved to generate nsP1-4. Intriguingly, most isolates of CHIKV (and other alphaviruses) possess an opal stop codon close to the 3\' end of the nsP3 coding sequence and translational readthrough is necessary to produce full-length nsP3 and the nsP4 RNA polymerase. Here we investigate the role of this stop codon by replacing the arginine codon with each of the three stop codons in the context of both a subgenomic replicon and infectious CHIKV. Both opal and amber stop codons were tolerated in mammalian cells, but the ochre was not. In mosquito cells all three stop codons were tolerated. Using SHAPE analysis we interrogated the structure of a putative stem loop 3\' of the stop codon and used mutagenesis to probe the importance of a short base-paired region at the base of this structure. Our data reveal that this stem is not required for stop codon translational readthrough, and we conclude that other factors must facilitate this process to permit productive CHIKV replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During translation, a stop codon on the mRNA signals the ribosomes to terminate the process. In certain mRNAs, the termination fails due to the recoding of the canonical stop codon, and ribosomes continue translation to generate C-terminally extended protein. This process, termed stop codon readthrough (SCR), regulates several cellular functions. SCR is driven by elements/factors that act immediately downstream of the stop codon. Here, we have analysed the process of SCR using a simple mathematical model to investigate how the kinetics of translating ribosomes influences the efficiency of SCR. Surprisingly, the analysis revealed that the rate of translation inversely regulates the efficiency of SCR. We tested this prediction experimentally in mammalian AGO1 and MTCH2 mRNAs. Reduction in translation either globally by harringtonine or locally by rare codons caused an increase in the efficiency of SCR. Thus, our study has revealed a hitherto unknown mode of regulation of SCR.





