
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple mutations in the Rhodopsin gene cause sector retinitis pigmentosa in humans and a corresponding light-exacerbated retinal degeneration (RD) in animal models. Previously we have shown that T4K rhodopsin requires photoactivation to exert its toxic effect. Here we further investigated the mechanisms involved in rod cell death caused by T4K rhodopsin in mixed male and female Xenopus laevis In this model, RD was prevented by rearing animals in constant darkness but surprisingly also in constant light. RD was maximized by light cycles containing at least 1 h of darkness and 20 min of light exposure, light intensities >750 lux, and by a sudden light onset. Under conditions of frequent light cycling, RD occurred rapidly and synchronously, with massive shedding of ROS fragments into the RPE initiated within hours and subsequent death and phagocytosis of rod cell bodies. RD was minimized by reduced light levels, pretreatment with constant light, and gradual light onset. RD was prevented by genetic ablation of the retinal isomerohydrolase RPE65 and exacerbated by ablation of phototransduction components GNAT1, SAG, and GRK1. Our results indicate that photoactivated T4K rhodopsin is toxic, that cell death requires synchronized photoactivation of T4K rhodopsin, and that toxicity is mitigated by interaction with other rod outer segment proteins regardless of whether they participate in activation or shutoff of phototransduction. In contrast, RD caused by P23H rhodopsin does not require photoactivation of the mutant protein, as it was exacerbated by RPE65 ablation, suggesting that these phenotypically similar disorders may require different treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The X and Y chromosomes play important roles outside of human reproduction; namely, their potential contribution to human sex biases in physiology and disease. While sex biases are often thought to be an effect of hormones and environmental exposures, genes encoded on the sex chromosomes also play a role. Seventeen homologous gene pairs exist on the X and Y chromosomes whose proteins have critical functions in biology, from direct regulation of transcription and translation to intercellular signaling and formation of extracellular structures. In this review, we cover the current understanding of several of these sex chromosome-encoded protein homologs that are involved in transcription and chromatin regulation: SRY/SOX3, ZFX/ZFY, KDM5C/KDM5D, UTX/UTY, and TBL1X/TBL1Y. Their mechanisms of gene regulation are discussed, including any redundancies or divergent roles of the X- and Y-chromosome homologs. Additionally, we discuss associated diseases related to these proteins and any sex biases that exist therein in an effort to drive further research into how these pairs contribute to sexually dimorphic gene regulation in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bitter taste receptors, particularly TAS2R14, play central roles in discerning a wide array of bitter substances, ranging from dietary components to pharmaceutical agents1,2. TAS2R14 is also widely expressed in extragustatory tissues, suggesting its extra roles in diverse physiological processes and potential therapeutic applications3. Here we present cryogenic electron microscopy structures of TAS2R14 in complex with aristolochic acid, flufenamic acid and compound 28.1, coupling with different G-protein subtypes. Uniquely, a cholesterol molecule is observed occupying what is typically an orthosteric site in class A G-protein-coupled receptors. The three potent agonists bind, individually, to the intracellular pockets, suggesting a distinct activation mechanism for this receptor. Comprehensive structural analysis, combined with mutagenesis and molecular dynamic simulation studies, elucidate the broad-spectrum ligand recognition and activation of the receptor by means of intricate multiple ligand-binding sites. Our study also uncovers the specific coupling modes of TAS2R14 with gustducin and Gi1 proteins. These findings should be instrumental in advancing knowledge of bitter taste perception and its broader implications in sensory biology and drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is an inherited retinal disease that causes a profound loss of rod sensitivity without severe retinal degeneration. One well-studied rhodopsin point mutant, G90D-Rho, is thought to cause CSNB because of its constitutive activity in darkness causing rod desensitization. However, the nature of this constitutive activity and its precise molecular source have not been resolved for almost 30 y. In this study, we made a knock-in (KI) mouse line with a very low expression of G90D-Rho (equal in amount to ~0.1% of normal rhodopsin, WT-Rho, in WT rods), with the remaining WT-Rho replaced by REY-Rho, a mutant with a very low efficiency of activating transducin due to a charge reversal of the highly conserved ERY motif to REY. We observed two kinds of constitutive noise: one being spontaneous isomerization (R*) of G90D-Rho at a molecular rate (R* s-1) 175-fold higher than WT-Rho and the other being G90D-Rho-generated dark continuous noise comprising low-amplitude unitary events occurring at a very high molecular rate equivalent in effect to ~40,000-fold of R* s-1 from WT-Rho. Neither noise type originated from G90D-Opsin because exogenous 11-cis-retinal had no effect. Extrapolating the above observations at low (0.1%) expression of G90D-Rho to normal disease exhibited by a KI mouse model with RhoG90D/WTand RhoG90D/G90D genotypes predicts the disease condition very well quantitatively. Overall, the continuous noise from G90D-Rho therefore predominates, constituting the major equivalent background light causing rod desensitization in CSNB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Doxorubicin (DOX) is a widely used anthracycline anticancer agent; however, its irreversible effects on the heart can result in DOX-induced cardiotoxicity (DICT) after cancer treatment. Unfortunately, the pathophysiology of DICT has not yet been fully elucidated, and there are no effective strategies for its prevention or treatment. In this investigation, the novel role of transducin beta-like protein 1 (TBL1) in developing and regulating DICT was explored.
    RESULTS: We observed a reduction in TBL1 protein expression levels as well as cleavage events in the transplanted cardiac tissues of patients diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and DICT. It was revealed that DOX selectively induces TBL1 cleavage at caspase-3 preferred sites-D125, D136, and D215. Interestingly, overexpression of the uncleaved TBL1 mutant (TBL1uclv) variant reduced apoptosis, effectively preventing DOX-induced cell death. We confirmed that cleaved TBL1 cannot form a complex with β-catenin. As a result, Wnt reporter activity and Wnt target gene expression collectively indicate a decrease in Wnt/β-catenin signalling, leading to DICT progression. Furthermore, the cleaved TBL1 triggered DOX-induced abnormal electrophysiological features and disrupted calcium homeostasis. However, these effects were improved in TBL1uclv-overexpressing human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Finally, in a DICT mouse model, TBL1uclv overexpression inhibited the DICT-induced reduction of cardiac contractility and collagen accumulation, ultimately protecting cardiomyocytes from cell death.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings reveal that the inhibition of TBL1 cleavage not only mitigates apoptosis but also enhances cardiomyocyte function, even in the context of DOX administration. Consequently, this study\'s results suggest that inhibiting TBL1 cleavage may be a novel strategy to ameliorate DICT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Though rod and cone photoreceptors use similar phototransduction mechanisms, previous model calculations have indicated that the most important differences in their light responses are likely to be differences in amplification of the G-protein cascade, different decay rates of phosphodiesterase (PDE) and pigment phosphorylation, and different rates of turnover of cGMP in darkness. To test this hypothesis, we constructed TrUx;GapOx rods by crossing mice with decreased transduction gain from decreased transducin expression, with mice displaying an increased rate of PDE decay from increased expression of GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). These two manipulations brought the sensitivity of TrUx;GapOx rods to within a factor of 2 of WT cone sensitivity, after correcting for outer-segment dimensions. These alterations did not, however, change photoreceptor adaptation: rods continued to show increment saturation though at a higher background intensity. These experiments confirm model calculations that rod responses can mimic some (though not all) of the features of cone responses after only a few changes in the properties of transduction proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells expressing taste signaling elements in non-gustatory tissues have been described as solitary chemosensory cells (SCCs) or tuft cells. These \"taste-like\" cells play a critical role in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Although the expression of SCC markers and taste signaling constituents has been identified in mouse gingivae, their role in periodontal homeostasis is still unclear.
    Public RNA sequencing datasets were re-analyzed and further validated with RT-PCR/qRT-PCR and immunofluorescent staining to explore the expression of TAS2Rs and downstream signaling constituents in mouse gingival fibroblasts (MGFs). The specific action of salicin on MGFs via Tas2r143 was validated with RNA silence, heterologous expression of taste receptor/Gα-gustducin and calcium imaging. The anti-inflammatory effects of salicin against LPS-induced MGFs were investigated in cell cultures, and were further validated with a ligature-induced periodontitis mouse model using Ga-gustducin-null (Gnat3-/-) mice.
    The expression of Tas2r143, Gnat3, Plcb2, and TrpM5 was detected in MGFs. Moreover, salicin could activate Tas2r143, elicited taste signaling and thus inhibited LPS-induced chemokines expression (CXCL1, CXCL2, and CXCL5) in MGFs. Consistently, salicin-treatment inhibited periodontal bone loss, inflammatory/chemotactic factors expression, and neutrophil infiltration in periodontitis mice, while these effects were abolished in Gnat3-/- mice.
    Gingival fibroblasts play a critical role in the maintenance of periodontal homeostasis via \"SCC-like\" activity. Salicin can activate Tas2r143-mediated bitter taste signaling and thus alleviate periodontitis in mouse, indicating a promising approach to the resolution of periodontal inflammation via stimulating the \"SCC-like\" function of gingival fibroblasts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bitter taste sensing is mediated by type 2 taste receptors (TAS2Rs (also known as T2Rs)), which represent a distinct class of G-protein-coupled receptors1. Among the 26 members of the TAS2Rs, TAS2R14 is highly expressed in extraoral tissues and mediates the responses to more than 100 structurally diverse tastants2-6, although the molecular mechanisms for recognizing diverse chemicals and initiating cellular signalling are still poorly understood. Here we report two cryo-electron microscopy structures for TAS2R14 complexed with Ggust (also known as gustducin) and Gi1. Both structures have an orthosteric binding pocket occupied by endogenous cholesterol as well as an intracellular allosteric site bound by the bitter tastant cmpd28.1, including a direct interaction with the α5 helix of Ggust and Gi1. Computational and biochemical studies validate both ligand interactions. Our functional analysis identified cholesterol as an orthosteric agonist and the bitter tastant cmpd28.1 as a positive allosteric modulator with direct agonist activity at TAS2R14. Moreover, the orthosteric pocket is connected to the allosteric site via an elongated cavity, which has a hydrophobic core rich in aromatic residues. Our findings provide insights into the ligand recognition of bitter taste receptors and suggest activities of TAS2R14 beyond bitter taste perception via intracellular allosteric tastants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Central congenital hypothyroidism (CH) can occur as an isolated deficiency or as part of combined pituitary hormone deficiency. Unlike primary CH, central CH cannot be detected by newborn screening (NBS) using dry filter paper blood TSH levels, and early diagnosis remains challenging. In this study, the clinical and genetic backgrounds of patients with isolated central CH were determined through a questionnaire-based survey among members of the Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology. The known causes of isolated central CH were studied in 14 patients, including six with previously reported patient data. The results revealed IGSF1 and TBL1X pathogenic variants in nine and one patient, respectively. All six patients with low free thyroxine (FT4) levels detected in NBS carried IGSF1 pathogenic variants. Five patients with isolated central CH diagnosed after 3 months of age were variant-negative, except for one female patient with a heterozygous IGSF1 variant. Two of the four variant-negative patients and a variant-positive patient were diagnosed with pituitary hypoplasia. One and two patients with IGSF1 variant had obesity and intellectual disability, respectively. Left amblyopia was identified in the patient with a TBL1X variant. The study revalidated that IGSF1 variants comprise the most frequent pathogenic variant in patients with isolated central CH in Japan. The neonatal period is the optimal time for the diagnosis of central CH, particularly IGSF1 abnormalities, and the introduction of T4 screening should be considered in the future, taking cost-effectiveness into consideration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans with the mutation Y509C in transducin beta like 1 X-linked (TBL1X HGNC ID HGNC:11585) have been reported to present with the combination of central congenital hypothyroidism and impaired hearing. TBL1X belongs to the WD40 repeat-containing protein family, is part of NCoR and SMRT corepressor complexes, and thereby involved in thyroid hormone signaling. In order to investigate the effects of the Y509C mutation in TBL1X on cellular thyroid hormone action, we aimed to generate a hemizygous male mouse cohort carrying the Tbl1x Y459C mutation which is equivalent to the human TBL1X Y509C mutation using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Hemizygous male mice were small at birth and inactive. Their life span (median life span 93 days) was very short compared with heterozygous female mice (survived to >200 days with no welfare issues). About 52% of mice did not survive to weaning (133 mice). Of the remaining 118 mice, only 8 were hemizygous males who were unable to mate whereby it was impossible to generate homozygous female mice. In conclusion, the Tbl1x Y459C mutation in male mice has a marked negative effect on birth weight, survival, and fertility of male mice. The present findings are unexpected as they are in contrast to the mild phenotype in human males carrying the equivalent TBL1X Y509C mutation.





