Transcranial drug delivery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal of this study was to test different combinations of acoustic pressure and doses of quinolinic acid (QA) for producing a focal neuronal lesion in the murine hippocampus without causing unwanted damage to adjacent brain structures. Sixty male CD-1 mice were divided into 12 groups that underwent magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound at high (0.67 MPa), medium (0.5 MPa) and low (0.33 MPa) acoustic peak negative pressures and received QA at high (0.012 mmol), medium (0.006 mmol) and low (0.003 mmol) dosages. Neuronal loss occurred only when magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound with adequate acoustic power (0.67 or 0.5 MPa) was combined with QA. The animals subjected to the highest acoustic power had larger lesions than those treated with medium acoustic power, but two mice had evidence of bleeding. When the intermediate acoustic power was used, medium and high dosages of QA produced lesions larger than those produced by the low dosage.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disturbances in the function of neuronal circuitry contribute to most neurologic disorders. As knowledge of the brain\'s connectome continues to improve, a more refined understanding of the role of specific circuits in pathologic states will also evolve. Tools capable of manipulating identified circuits in a targeted and restricted manner will be essential not only to expand our understanding of the functional roles of such circuits, but also to therapeutically disconnect critical pathways contributing to neurologic disease. This study took advantage of the ability of low-intensity focused ultrasound (FUS) to transiently disrupt the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to deliver a neurotoxin with poor BBB permeability (quinolinic acid [QA]) in a guided manner to a target region in the brain parenchyma. Ten male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups receiving the following treatments: (i) magnetic resonance-guided FUS + microbubbles + saline (n = 5), or (ii) magnetic resonance-guided FUS + microbubbles + QA (n = 5). Systemic administration of QA was well tolerated. However, when QA and microbubbles were systemically administered in conjunction with magnetic resonance-guided FUS, the BBB was disrupted and primary neurons were destroyed in the targeted subregion of the hippocampus in all QA-treated animals. Administration of vehicle (saline) together with microbubbles and FUS also disrupted the BBB but did not produce neuronal injury. These findings indicate the feasibility of non-invasively destroying a targeted region of the brain parenchyma using low-intensity FUS together with systemic administration of microbubbles and a neurotoxin. This approach could be of therapeutic value in various disorders in which disturbances of neural circuitry contribute to neurologic disease.





